Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3270: Asian Male Savior

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Of course, the Prophet Tianhu has gratitude to others, and they must do everything in their power to repay your kindness, and the demon. You are your daughter. How could they watch her play by someone else and kill her?" Gu Yue explained that there is a kind of righteousness for the Buddha to feed the tiger. Read the full text of the latest chapter.

"Yueer, I'm sorry, I blame you. I didn't expect you to be so affectionate to me. Why did you marry that old ancient man!" Lao Tianhu sighed, and even believed in Gu Yue completely.

"Prophet, although they are married to the ancients, but their hearts are all with you, are you going to abandon them?" Gu Yue was serene and self-pitying again.

"Disgusting?" Laotianhu looked at it. The beauty of this wonderful person's jade bone and ice muscle is just like the more fun and fun it is, how could it be disgusting?

"Benefactor, what are you doing looking at people like this?" Gu Yue was very shy for a while.

"Yueer, I want you!" Lao Tianhu couldn't help it anymore, and immediately enjoyed the ancient moon, it was beautiful.

"Er, benefactor!" Gu Yueman. In the foot, there is inevitably some small resentment, and the biggest purpose of her coming here is to hook Chen Jiu, but not to mess with Lao Tianhu here!

"What's wrong, Yueer, am I stronger than your fingers?" God Fox was arrogant for a while.

"Benefactor, it's not here!" Gu Yue refused, because now she really has no intention to entangle with Lao Tianhu. Chen Jiu's medicinal effect is also limited!

"Why not? Could you still be thinking that Chen Jiu wouldn't work!" Laotianhu suddenly exasperated.

"Of course not. This is the place where the monsters are scumming. Now that she has no idea of ​​life or death, shall we not do this first?" Gu Yue quickly explained. 800

"Hey, that child's life is suffering. Let her take the opportunity to recognize Chen Jiu's person. Let's not worry about them. Let's live well for ourselves!" God sighed, no matter what The daughter's was all fascinated by the woman in front of her.

"This ..." Gu Yue said dumbly, looking at the persuasion without success, she could not help but be ruthless, let the old guy see his own power, and ended sooner, maybe there was a chance to have fun with Chen Jiu.

"Ouch, Yueer, don't you want to say that it's so violent in nature so soon. Is it exposed?" Lao Tianhu was even more surprised then, and Gu Yue was crazy together.

In Happy Avenue, Chen Jiuqi meets his opponents and has to meet the Asian male. He keeps fighting, and this is nothing to him!

However, due to drinking Shengxian Jueye, Chen Jiu will be hundreds of times happier than usual, and at the same time, his life essence will also flow away a hundred times and thousand times.

‘咻咻…’ The wonderful place, although invisible, the sound of the shooting was audible, it was really appalling and rare!

The powerful essence of life has passed away, and Chen Jiu's whole body is also vacant. Fortunately, fortunately, his knowledge in all aspects is too strong, and he insisted on nothing for a few days.

In this case, if you change to a man, I'm afraid I can't persist for a day, and I will finish it myself!

"Ah, I'm tired, but I can't stop!" Chen Jiu, who was consciously aware of his crisis, but couldn't stop at all.

"Master, you must be fine!" Asian man looked at Chen Jiu anxiously, but he was also frequently brought into the land of bliss.

On the fifth day, Chen Jiu was sweating and kept flowing, which was a kind of extremely false performance, which proved the precursor of a man being hollowed out.

On the sixth day, Chen Jiu's legs trembled, and she was somewhat unstable.

On the seventh day, Chen Jiu's whole body turned white, giving a papery feeling. It seemed to be a slight poke, and he would break down!

"Master, are you okay?" Anan, she is fortunately not a real person, otherwise Chen Jiu could not bear such demands and gifts at all.

Slightly conscious, although not complete, but the Asian man also extended his jade hand to Chen Jiufu very caring, but that's how he stroked, Chen Jiu's cheek fell off!

"Ah, master, you ..." A Nan was frightened immediately. She didn't expect that she would have no face when she touched Chen Jiu lightly.

"I'm okay, roar ..." Unfortunately, at this time, Chen Jiu was ignorant, and continued to attack, screaming angrily, and the whole person fell down completely.

"Master, you must be fine!" Anan, who was so afraid to move at this moment, just let him press, and she burst into tears.

"Are you going to die? The body seems completely empty ..." Chen Jiu couldn't help but sighed, grinned fortunately, and just passed out.

Infinite weakness, but at the last moment Chen Jiu was able to feel that the medicinal effect that burned himself was finally lifted!

Alive, nothing is happier than this. Although the vitality is greatly damaged at this time, Chen Jiu knows that he still survives after all.

"Master, I don't want you to be okay, don't ..." Asian male looked at Chen Jiu with excitement, and she suddenly blasted.

‘Booming…’ As the Asian man exploded, the surrounding air flow surged and became extremely intense.

‘Zizi ...’ The magical thing, when the sky happened, it was like lightning, but it lasted forever!

This is not lightning. If you look closely, you will find that they are strips of veins and veins. Numerous veins and veins are breeding and intertwining, and they form a magical form.

‘咚…’ Suddenly, a sound of beating that was still immature finally called out its true face. This is actually a heart that breeds in the avenue, and it is naturally Taoism.

Chen Jiu was in a coma, and he was in a coma. I'm afraid he could never think of it. He walked around the gate of the ghost door, and the exciting avenue of joy condensed the truth!

"Master, thank you, I will definitely save you!" Daoxinchengcheng finally saw that a vague virtual image was manifested on him, and it was undoubtedly Anan.

Lightly, Daoxin carefully took Chen Jiu into it, raising him with the purest Tao power!

At this moment, it seemed as if he had returned to his mother's arms, more like the mother's pregnant womb. Chen Jiuyi felt extremely warm for a moment.

"Are you going to die? How do you feel so good?" Chen Jiu briefly developed a sense of consciousness, silently glanced at the red light around him, wrapped in blood, wrapped herself, and soon fell asleep again.

In the hall, the prophet Tianhu lay down like a paralyzed mud, his side is the ancient moon that hates his teeth!

"This old thing has been sleeping for two days. Chen Jiu hasn't appeared yet, but seven days have passed. Is he dead?" Gu Yue gritted her teeth and was unwilling, but she knew that the hope was already low, and she stood up. Body, don't plan to wait any longer.

"Dead is dead, but it's a pity that his life is fine and angry!" Gu Yue left with regret.

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