Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3271: Avenue Life and Death

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The ancient people ’s palace, the ancient moon did not return for seven days, it really hurt the old ancient people. When he saw the ancient moon again, he could n’t help but hurriedly said, “Yueer, why did you come back so long?”

"Hey, am I not worried about Chen Jiu's death but not stiff?" Gu Yue could not help but feel aggrieved. Read the latest chapters in full

"How? You saw Chen Jiu's death with your own eyes?" The ancient asked in surprise. As long as Chen Jiu died, then he could overpower the orcs, how could he not be concerned?

"I don't know, anyway, I waited there for seven days and never saw the shadow of Chen Jiu. Bacheng didn't know where he died. In fact, this is also good, and it saves us from being implicated!" Gu Yue sighed.

"Really? He really ran away? Didn't you take advantage of him?" The ancients suspected that according to Gu Yue's urine, she was not good to men for a few days? Can I stand this loneliness?

"Of course not, then Chen Jiu took the demon. I hid. The little woman's body was afraid that she could not bear that Chen Jiu. I think they might become a pair of despair!" Gu Yue shook her head, Little envy preached.

"Oh, anyway, as long as they're all dead!" The ancients promised, and wouldn't ask any more.

"Yeah, I hope so!" Gu Yue faintly felt sad, she did not enjoy such a powerful man, of course it would be extremely regrettable.

"Yueer, this time you designed to kill Chen Jiu, and you have done such a great job for me, I can reward you for it!" The ancient eyes continued to look evil.

"Husband, then how do you plan to reward others?" Gu Yue said immediately. [舞 舞 eBook]

"Uh, let you play for a day in life and death!" The ancients said with a hesitation of Kaien.

"Yeah, husband, are you serious? You are so kind to others!" Gu Yue was ecstatic all of a sudden, holding the ancients in a kiss.

"Okay, okay, as long as you perform well, you still have to play in the future!" The ancients could not help but look forward to it.

Avenue life and death robbery, this is Gu Yue's unique trick. Once this trick is used, it will bring great enjoyment to men!

Of course, as a generation of prophets, the ancients were also able to clearly perceive that the method used in this ancient moon was to pick the yang and fill the yin.

This exercise method seems to be more vicious. However, this little fairy is too hooked. People are reluctant to leave, so the ancients were married to her, fortunately, she did not take the initiative to her, The harm can still be tolerated, otherwise the ancients would not dare to marry such a scourge home!

Let men give themselves a reason to indulge. This is actually the strength of Gu Yue. Although men sometimes know that she is harmful, they still cannot get rid of her, and from time to time, they must actively take the initiative. Practicing exercises is also the real reason for her so rapid improvement.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ It started from the beginning, and I saw Gu Yue incarnation becoming a boulevard ghostly, blossoming like a flower, that stretched in the air and devoured everything.

"Ancient stone avenue!" The ancients' avenue is a special stone road. This stone road has the same color as his body and is made of bronze, strong, hard and strong.

‘Boom! ’Once ​​the ancient stone avenue was attacked, I saw that it turned into a Tianzhu-like, straight toward the Yin magnetic heaven, and the two became instantaneously merged into one.

‘Rumble…’ The collision of the avenue, where is this love, it is clear that all battles are almost the same!

However, on the surface it looks very exciting. If you look closely, you will find that the expressions of the ancient moon and the ancients are not the same, but they are caught in some indescribable situation.

‘Zizi ...’ As you can see with the naked eye, the Yin magnetic heavenly road has a strong corrosiveness, and it is actually engulfing the ancient stone avenue.

After such a flash of time, I saw Gu Shi Avenue can not help but feel sad for a while, Tao heart is weak!

"Yue, beauty is beautiful, but I ca n’t hold it for too long, Yueer, you are getting stronger and stronger!" The ancients took a long breath and couldn't help feeling a little bit nervous .

"Husband, thank you so much!" Gu Yue didn't say much, avoiding this problem, the real person rushed to the ancients, and was entangled with his affection, but the ancients were defeated after a while.

This woman is really terrific. In this way, she has to be sucked by her sooner or later. Death, at this moment, there is nothing like the ancients thinking like the old fox who just woke up.

Driven by curiosity, Lao Tianhu Duan tried some ancient moon requirements, but after fighting, his beauty was very beautiful, but his physical avenue was rapidly declining a lot.

"Ah, I don't know what happened to Chen Jiu? How about they leave?" God Fox looked around and wasn't his own place after all, and couldn't help rushing away.

Numerous avenues are intertwined in the nothingness world, and it is their existence that supports the whole world and operates in harmony and orderly.

‘咚咚…’ Among the many avenues, there is a fiery red avenue. The heart of the road is beating rapidly, countless pure energy is running, but it is very conspicuous among the roads.

"Master, you must be fine!" From a distance, I saw that there was a beautiful woman manifesting on this avenue, and it was very weird.

Asian boy, Happy Avenue was born together. Now she has formed the Tao heart. She tolerates Chen Jiu and uses her purest Tao power to nourish and reward him!

At this moment, as if heaven and earth opened a valve to the human body, the innumerable pure energy was directly poured into the body, so that the soul could nourish and grow up unimaginably.

The gap between the false **** and the main god, the distance between the prophet and the false prophet, and the difference between the patriarch and the false patriarch are all such a difference between Taoism and heart. How important it will be!

Human beings are born from eating grains. Even if cultivation is successful, they can reliably absorb the energy of heaven and earth to survive, but they are still limited after all.

However, if the Taoism is cultivated, everything will be different. At this time, it is equivalent to the true connection between man and nature. With such a Taoism, people can live with heaven and earth for a long time, and have local influence. The operation of heaven and earth is not difficult at all!

Shengxian was desperate, and the loss caused by the past was under the blessings of Daoxin and heaven and earth. Chen Jiu quickly recovered.

The body was full. The skin that had fallen off grew up again. Chen Jiu's whole body was not only completely restored, but also his strength had reached a leap forward at this moment!

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