Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 583: Announced

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Your Majesty, I'm useless, I can't overcome this city, but I also ask you to drop the penalty!" Chen Jiuyi arrived, Long Gu's army immediately gave him a gift, and asked for his crime.

"Well, please hurry up, you have worked hard, and the next battle, then let me!" Chen Jiuyi was in a dragon robe, and Hua Yao came to the sky in the sky, the sound shook the sky, and the domineering echoed. "Tomb believers of the gods in the city, I urge you to surrender immediately to the city and convert to the sect, otherwise, you will be killed!"

"Ah, that's Chen Jiu, the dragon-blooded emperor!" With a sound of exclamation, one of the powerful old men flew up and growled: "Chen Jiu, you deceive people too much. Our temples are beyond the world and do not participate in any You have to fight against us in a fierce battle. This is really a rebellion and a shame to the dignity of the gods. We swear to die! "

"Yes, we believers of the gods, swear to fight you to the end!" Another middle-aged man stood up and shouted with anger.

"The gods will not abandon us, Chen Jiu, you are waiting for our Pope's sanctions!" In the Octagon camp, all the resistance was fierce.

"Huh, it's really stubborn!" Chen Jiu sneered, swiping out with one hand, eight holy soldiers shining across the sky, blinding everyone's eyes, making them stare, unbelievable!

"No ... this is not true. How could you have the supreme holy soldier of our pope, which is a gift of God, how could it be in your hands?" Countless horrified voices rang out in the believers' mouths.

"I Chen Jiu has never been a bloodthirsty man. The temples of your gods are aloof, and I don't bother to ignore you, but have you seen them? The eight popes have united and wanted to kill me, but fortunately, they were taken by me. Anti-kill! "Chen Jiu recounted, crossing his eyebrows coldly:" Since the temples of your gods have attacked me, then why can I let you go? "

"This ... it turned out to be like this, how could this happen?" Many believers, obviously unable to understand, the Eighth Pope was aloof and never angered people. How could they jointly attack Chen Jiu.

"This is not true, clever words, Chen Jiu, this must be a lie that you murdered the Pope and the holy soldiers, and deliberately fabricated it!" In the end, many believers pushed everything onto Chen Jiu, right He was more resentful.

"Is it a lie? Everyone knows at a glance. Moreover, I dare to swear in the name of my dragon blood family. If there is a bit of falsehood, let us not die!" Chen Jiu said, he took out a three-dimensional memory crystal, inside After a short battle, the fact that many popes jointly besieged Chen Jiu is undoubted!

"This ... why do our supreme, dear and pope pope become so fierce and cruel?" Many believers did not understand.

Originally, there was a blood in order to protect the temples of the gods, but now it is their own mistakes that have weakened their vitality!

"Chen Jiu, even if the Pope is at fault, it is also their own fault. Why do you involve our believers in the gods?" Immediately, a questioning voice sounded again.

"I didn't want to involve you. As long as you actively withdraw from the temples of the gods, I should give you a way of life!" Chen Jiu preached: "If you are unconscious, don't blame me for being cruel, since your pope has already Standing at my opposite, naturally I will not allow you believers to survive in the empire! "

"You are unreasonable. Why do you link us?" The voice of dissatisfaction sounded again.

"Why a good one? Since everyone wants to know, then I will expose the ugly faces of the gods to you today!" Chen Jiu simply let go, and he boldly said: "The reason why the Eighth Pope this time The decision was made, but I was guided by the gods and wanted to get rid of me, the gods!

"The gods have abandoned their sons and spurned people since ancient times. Actually, it is not that they are not good, but the gods do not like them, so they must be suppressed and maimed. You can talk about it. Since the gods want to remediate me, how can I allow Will his sect survive again? "Chen Jiu trembled arrogantly, leaving no one shocked and dumbfounded.

"What? That's the way ..." Countless people finally understood over the moment. It turned out that Chen Jiu hated the temples of gods so much for a whole reason.

"Chen Jiu, are you fighting the gods, aren't you afraid that the gods will punish them?" Another old man shouted dissatisfaction.

"Gods, I am, what punishment? I am going to die, what fear do I have!" Chen Jiu fearlessly said: "I am barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, the gods want to kill me, then I went against the gods. Even if I die, it is also the glory of our human beings. What terrible do I have? "

"You ... you are really hopeless. People like you are destined to be punished by the gods!" Countless people yelled and scolded again.

"Oh? It seems that some people are preparing to swear to safeguard the dignity of the gods? Even if they know that they have made mistakes before, they must be obsessed and defend them?" Chen Jiu sneered immediately: "I give you a quarter of an hour Time, those who are willing to give up the beliefs of the gods, leave the city at once. I will keep you okay. Those who are unwilling to come out will all die! "

"Too arrogant, isn't it possible that you are going to really kill the million believers here?" Xuan Ling stared at him, deterred by Chen Jiu's spirit.

'Booming ...' More overbearing things, Chen Jiu directly sacrificed the Devil's Gate, three thousand fallen giant spirits appeared, bloodthirsty 狰. 狰, cruelly surrounded the tomb and returned to the city, and countless believers inside Scared and frightened!

"Devil, that is the devil recorded in the battle of the gods, my God, so much, we have to be swallowed by them!" The will of countless believers shook.

"I'm going out, I'm going to live, I give up my faith!" With the howl of one of the timid, everyone can't hold back, a large group of people, whether they are afraid or really understand Chen Jiu, little Said that more than half of the believers came out of the tomb and returned to the city.

"Abominable, you come back, how can you give up your faith so easily, do you not want the blessings of the gods?" Several old men, that was annoyed.

"Is no one coming out? The last ten breaths out, and no one comes out again, so I'm not polite!" Chen Jiu looked pale, detached from the cold eyes, and no more feelings were just revealed.

Earlier, he was a weak man who painfully resorted to God's crimes. Now, he has become a hangman.

"Chen Jiu, you are a devil transformed, destined to be punished by the gods!" A group of temple leaders took the lead and said, "Be loyal to the gods and swear to death!"

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