Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 584: The world is shaking

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Kill ..." Chen Jiu didn't show mercy anymore. With a big wave of his hands, the fallen giant spirits in the sky rushed to the tomb and returned to the city.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The flesh and blood of the stump, splashing everywhere, a real inhumane massacre began, even though there were more Longgu legions that were torn and killed, some of them could not stand the scene.

The devil is bloodthirsty, their attacks are extremely powerful, and hundreds of thousands of believers are completely harvested!

Blood flowed into the river, and resentment covered the sky. This place truly became a land of undead souls. Xuan Ling saw frowns and looked pale.

"Chen Jiu, if you kill so many humans, you are destined to fall into a demon!" Unbearable, Xuan Ling persuaded kindly.

"Is it a demon? What about it? The gods spurned me and harmed me, even if they were a demon, I was forced by them!" Chen Jiu grinned, pointing slightly at the front, and said, "Xuanling, you might as well change Look at it, you see, that beautiful picture of the blood, the minced meat, they interweave! "

"Gee ... Chen Jiu, don't disgusted me there, I can't stand it!" Xuan Ling nauseated and turned around.

"Xuanling, now that the popes of the temples are dead, it is the best time to punish and suppress them. Don't you have a heartbeat?" Chen Jiu went up and suggested again.

"What do you mean? Do you want my Xuanhuang gods to kill the temples of the gods?" Xuan Ling stared at Chen Jiu with vigilance, very dissatisfied.

"I just make a suggestion. If you don't want to do this, I won't force you!" Chen Jiu said with a slight smile: "The temples of the gods are aloof, they think they believe in the glory of the gods, and look down on any force. Don't you want to show them some colors? "

"Huh, you know you have no peace of mind, Chen Jiu, I'm gone!" Xuan Lingqi stared, and was ready to leave immediately.

"Okay, think about it. This is our human world. The gods want to be arrogant. Isn't it that we despise our humans too much?" Chen Jiu didn't stay, but sent away Xuan Ling friendly.

The Eighth Pope is dead. With such a huge incident, Xuan Ling will naturally return to China to discuss it!

Mu Xing Kingdom of God, even counting Chen Jiu's defeat, but on the contrary, he lost his soldiers and defeated the soldiers, and the indecent Mu Daiyu, recently finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, come toast, then Chen Jiu is looking for his own way, and the days of arrogance are finally coming to an end!" Mu Daiyu feasted his fellow ministers with a drink, and solved the recent worries!

"Shenmi, you can only be mine in the end!" When Mu Daiyuzhi was satisfied, thinking about beautiful things again and again, a soldier rushed in, disturbing the dreams of the officials.

"Bold, so eager to get to the top? What's the matter, speak slowly!" Mu Daiyu scolded and stared, very angry.

"Your Majesty, something bad is not good!" Said the soldier blushing. Anxiously: "Chen Jiu is crazy, he wants to kill God!"

"What? It really is a madman, you say quickly, is it that the popes have dispatched and killed this child?" Mu Daiyu asked immediately looking forward.

"Your Majesty, the Pope was dispatched, but they were killed by Chen Jiu ..." The soldier then looked terrified and explained the news to Mu Daiyu in detail.

"It's ... this is impossible!" Mu Daiyu was shocked immediately, and she struck back a few steps, scared to sit on the ground. "He not only killed the eight popes, but also summoned the devil ... You are sure of yourself Are you kidding me? "

"Your Majesty, this matter has been confirmed by many parties, and it is absolutely correct!" The soldier affirmed.

"No, why did he become so powerful? This is not true!" Mu Daiyu changed from great joy to great sadness, and she was in a depressed mood. She squirted a spit of blood against her and became extremely resentful and worried!

In just a few months, he was left behind by Chen Jiuyuan. That was because he couldn't catch up with him. Now let alone Chen Jiu be in trouble. His devil can come here casually and can kill him. Mu Daiyu.

"Why didn't he come to kill himself? He wouldn't let himself go. When will he come?" Mu Daiyu was caught in endless fear, and even the surrounding ministers could not hear him. !!

The Kingdom of Heavenly Son of God also shocked and dumbfounded the emperor who was the emperor.

'boom! 'Sheng, Tianzi heard this for the first time, and that was a shattered treasure table on the spot, horrible. "Chen Jiu, you devil, you even want to rebel against God, it is a sin that deserves to die. The eight popes are too good, right? They can't beat you up! "

There was scolding in his mouth, but Tianzi knew that he was not Chen Jiu's opponent now!

"How can a little ant figure become a mighty giant, I hate that I hate myself for not killing you sooner!" Tianzi resentfully hated and scolded: "Chen Jiu, you wait, the magic cave of death will definitely make you You killed! "

The same shocking and terrifying voices were heard in the Imperial Palace, such as the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God. Many emperors were shocked and overshadowed by Chen Jiu's horror and deeply sweated.

The myth of God's kingdom, Shenmi's brow can't help stretching again.

"Look, I know that there is something wrong with Chen Jiu, and you will not find death for no reason. Elders, what else do you have to say now?" Shen Mi looked at the elders with great pride and was very happy.

"I never thought that Chen Jiu's growth was so rapid, I can't wait for it!" The old myths and elders also had to be convinced.

"Hey, I have a suggestion, I don't know if everyone agrees?" Shen Mi went on to say, "Chen Jiu Shi overwhelms the temples, and wants to achieve the absolute unification of the forces. Do you say that our mythical kingdom of God can follow suit? He? "

"What? Your Majesty, do you have to overpower the temples of the gods and work against Chen Jiu together? This is absolutely impossible!" The old patriarch Shenshi immediately objected and said: "The temples of the gods have lived forever, Naturally, there is a reason for their existence. It is not possible to slaughter casually. Besides, if the wrath of the gods is attracted, we in the continent may not survive! "

"It's true to say so, but the glory of the gods hasn't appeared for many years?" Shendian at this time said with a pout: "The temple halls of the gods have always been arrogant and arrogant, and don't put anyone in their eyes. Death is the perfect time to suppress them! "

"Divine scriptures, don't talk nonsense, if you bring disaster to our mythical family, can you afford to guilty?"

"I think this matter needs to be slowed down a bit. Chen Jiu is powerful. When he can really fight back all the hostile forces, we will not be too late!" Shendian finally suggested to preach.

This proposal, after a while of hesitation, finally won everyone's approval. After all, no one wants to rule on their own. There is another supreme power!

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