Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1713: Mysterious spar

The tall blood skull sits upright on the bone throne.

   Several sturdy bronze chains fastened its hands, feet and waist firmly, binding it to the throne.

   Such a peculiar scene made Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao look at each other, revealing a thick look of doubt.

   "There is also a skull troll here? It's still blood red?

   Is it the companion of Ten Thousand Bone Demon? Like Bingdi Flower Monster? "

   "No, it shouldn't be that simple!

  If this Skull Demon is an accomplice with the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, why is it imprisoned on the throne? "

   The two looked at each other and exchanged a few words secretly.

   But at this moment, in the colorful light ball above the altar, a dark red air flow flew out and got into the blood skull's head.

   Suddenly, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both sensed that the dark red air current was strengthening the blood skeleton, making its breath stronger.

   The blood skull seemed to sense the breath of the two, and a scarlet fire suddenly lit up in the dark and hollow eye sockets.

  The fiercely beating flame is its eyes, staring at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Its original breath is silent, as if in a deep sleep.

   At this moment, it has regained consciousness, exuding a powerful and evil aura, releasing unparalleled invisible pressure.

   "Not good! It's awake!"

   Ji Tianxing immediately noticed something wrong, and pulled Yun Yao back quickly, leaving the evil altar.

   At the same time, rows of gem lights suddenly lit up on the walls around the main hall.

   The scarlet light immediately illuminated the entire hall.

   The huge stone passage outside the main hall also shined with two hundred scarlet lights.

   But it was not a gem lamp, but a pair of skull eyes, shining with scarlet blood.

   The crisp sound of "click, click, click" came from the passage, dense like raindrops, very quickly.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao looked at the passage outside the hall, and saw the skulls inlaid on the wall, all ‘alive’.

   Every skull was squirming, coming out of the wall.

   Behind the skull is one after another thin and short skeletons.

  Although the skeletons remain in human form, they are only half a person tall, and they are very uncoordinated against a normal-sized head.

   When the skeletons crawled out of the wall, there was only one black hole left on the wall.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao realized that those skulls were not embedded in the wall.

   They are just hiding their bodies in the wall with their heads exposed, and they have been sleeping all the time.

   Now, the bones and skeletons were all awakened, gathered in the huge stone passage, and rushed to the hall mightily.

   Two hundred skeletons gathered together, like a grey-white torrent, shining with red light.

   They are murderous, brave and brave, rushing into the hall, Chao Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

  Even in every corner of the main hall, the four skeletons of the powerful transgressors emerged from the walls.

   The bodies of these four skulls are all silver-white skeletons, with dark red blood surging all over, and their aura and strength are more powerful.

   "Crack, click!"

   With a crisp sound, four silver skulls also fell in the hall.

   They stood around Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, staring at them, and slowly approaching them.

   Two hundred small skeletons also rushed to the middle of the main hall, surrounding Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, and the surrounding water could not leak.

   Seeing, the two of them are trapped, they are about to be torn to pieces by more than two hundred skeletons.

   At this extremely dangerous moment, the blood skull, one hundred feet high, suddenly opened his big mouth and let out a low roar of anger and majesty.


   The shriveled and hoarse growl, like the roar of a savage behemoth, but contains powerful majesty.

   The many skeletons in the hall, hearing the roar of the blood skeletons, suddenly frightened their bodies and moved back.

  Especially the two hundred little skeletons, exiting the hall like a tide, all slipped into the passage outside the hall.

   There were only four skeletons crossing the Tribulation Realm, and they retreated to the corner of the hall with fear, not daring to act rashly.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, the swords in their hands have been raised to their chests, ready to go, they can fight back at any time.

   Seeing this scene, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly lowered the sword in their hands.

   "Yaoyao, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave quickly."

   Ji Tianxing pulled Yun Yao, turned around and walked outside the hall.

   He had guessed before that this might be the nest of Ten Thousand Bone Demon.

   Even if you can't kill Ten Thousand Bone Demon, if you can destroy its lair, you can still breathe out a bad breath.

   But he didn't expect that this place is not only the lair of ten thousand bone demons, there are more than two hundred skeletons lurking, and there is a mysterious and powerful blood skeleton.

  The matter has come to an end, he can only give up his previous plan and escape from here as soon as possible.

   However, Yun Yao stood still and said to him, "Tian Xing, wait a minute... I think that blood skull seems a bit weird.

   The look in its eyes and its breath does not seem to kill us. "

   Ji Tianxing turned his head when he heard the sound, looked at the eyes of the blood skull, and stared at the two beating blood fires.

   I saw that the two blood fires were beating rhythmically, as if they contained a certain meaning, conveying some ideas.

   The big mouth of the blood skull also opened and closed gently up and down, as if talking, but unable to pronounce normal syllables.

   Ji Tianxing observed it for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ carefully felt the changes in its breath, and suddenly frowned.

   "Strange, it doesn't seem to be hostile to us, and it tries very hard to communicate with us, seems to have something to say to us?"

   Yunyao quickly nodded in agreement, "Yes, I also felt it! The skeletons were besieging us just now, and it was also the one who drew back out loud to resolve our crisis."

   Ji Tianxing became more and more puzzled, and only felt that he could not understand, "But this shouldn't be! The skeleton army is afraid of it, and obviously has to obey its orders.

   In that case, it must be the leader of the skeleton army, just like the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, why would it let us go? "

   Yunyao shook her head gently, and the voice transmission said: "I don't know what's going on, but my instinct tells me that this blood skull is different from the Ten Thousand Bone Demon. It might have a story..."

   Just as the two were talking and talking, the blood skull slowly turned his left hand, and a dark red blood glowed in his palm.

   Originally, it had palms down and arms flat on the bone throne.

   At this moment, it turned its arm, palm facing up, and stretched out towards Ji Tianxing little by little.

   In the heart of its white bones, there is a cloud of scarlet blood floating, and a dark red spar is wrapped in the light.

   It's a pity that its wrist is tied by a bronze chain, so it can only stretch out a little, and it can't move anymore.

   It gently moved its mouth bone, as if it was telling Ji Tianxing something.

   But it can neither make a sound nor release spiritual communication.

   Ji Tianxing can only guess its intention from its demeanor and actions.

   He hesitated, then flew to the left hand of the blood skull and reached out to grab the mysterious scarlet spar.

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