Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1714: Believe it 1 time

The blood-red spar was as big as Ji Tianxing's fist.

  The shape of spar is irregular, the surface is uneven, and there are many sharp edges and corners.

   When Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to hold the spar, he felt the spar exuding hot heat, which contained extremely terrifying power.

   He held the red spar and looked at it for a moment, but he didn't see any clues.

   So, he looked up at the blood skull and tentatively asked: "Are you going to give this spar to me?"

   The blood skull looked down at him slightly, and the scarlet flames in his eye sockets became softer.

   It even nodded slightly and responded to Ji Tianxing's question.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a touch of joy, and said to Yun Yao: "Yaoyao, it can understand me!"

   Yunyao also showed a relieved expression, hurriedly urged: "Then you quickly ask about its identity and intentions to see what it wants to do?"

   Ji Tianxing looked up at the blood skull and asked, "You are trapped here. Actually, you and that ten thousand corpse bone demon are not accomplices, right?"

   The blood skull looked down at him still, the flame in his eye sockets beating faster, as if thinking about his problem.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both held their breath, staring at it quietly, waiting for its answer.

   But at this moment, there was a dull loud noise in the passage outside the hall, and there was a sound of bone rubbing.

   Blood Skull, Ji Tianxing, and Yun Yao were all awakened, and at the same time they looked up at the passage outside the hall.

   Ji Tianxing is not unfamiliar with that kind of friction sound, and immediately realizes that it is not good, "No, Ten Thousand Bone Demon is back!"

   Yunyao also nodded, and said solemnly: "I have sensed its aura, it's just thirty miles away, and it's coming quickly."

   "Let's go!" Ji Tianxing decisively put away the scarlet spar, pulling Yun Yao to fly out.

   Yunyao turned her head and glanced at the blood skull, but found that the blood skull had raised her right palm, stretched out two fingers, and pointed to the northeast corner of the hall.

   She was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of the blood skull.

   "Going to heaven, if you can't go back the same way, you will be caught by the Ten Thousand Bone Demon!

   The blood skull pointed a way, and we escaped from there! "

   While talking, she took Ji Tianxing and flew to the northeast corner of the hall.

   In the blink of an eye, the two came to the dark corner.

   I saw a huge pattern of ghosts and gods carved on the pitch-black wall.

   In the middle of the pattern, there is a mysterious and complicated pattern pattern, which is shining with a dark red brilliance.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the formation pattern, quickly thinking about the opening and cracking methods.

   At this time, the right hand of the blood skull burst out with a dark red blood light, slamming into the ghost and **** pattern.

   The pattern of the formation immediately began to revolve, as if dark red blood was flowing.


   After two breaths, the formation pattern opened smoothly, and a **** vortex as large as a water tank appeared.

   The vortex is as black as ink, empty, and nothing can be seen.

   But both Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao know that this is a space teleportation formation.

   The two of them hesitated for a while, instead of stepping into the whirlpool, they both turned their heads to look at the blood skull.

   The blood skull nodded slightly to them, and waved his right hand, beckoning them to stop hesitating and leave immediately.

   "Forget it, if you stay here, you will be caught by the Ten Thousand Bone Demon. We believe it once!"

   Ji Tianxing considered for a moment, and made up his mind on gritted teeth.

   He pulled Yun Yao into the vortex of blood light, and the figure ‘huh’ disappeared.

   After the two of them disappeared, the blood vortex quickly dissipated.

   The formation pattern on the wall has also become dull and unremarkable.

   Everything seems to have never happened.


   A few hundred miles away from the ruins of Baihua Valley, in a dark green mountain range.


   A red light suddenly appeared in the sky, forming a dark red halo.

   Two figures burst out of the aperture and appeared above the mountains out of thin air.

   This man and woman are Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   The two stood still in the sky, and when they looked back, the dark red light circle had disappeared.

   "Huh... finally escaped!"

   "The blood skull really didn't lie to us, it pointed us a shortcut to escape!"

   The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and they were discussing as they looked around.

   Soon, Ji Tianxing saw the surrounding environment clearly and identified the location.

   "We are in the northeast of Baihua Valley, about five hundred miles away, and the Ten Thousand Bone Demon certainly cannot sense our breath and position.

   However, we still have to leave the Phantom Mountains as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams. "

   After that, he took Yun Yao to the sky and left as quickly as lightning.

   The two dared not take it lightly, nor stopped to heal and rest.

   After two days and two nights of continuous flight, they finally flew out of the Phantom Mountains.

  Leaving the perilous Phantom Mountains, the couple really relax.

   Ji Tianxing summoned Qianyue, and let it rush back to Luoshen Mountain.

   The husband and wife sat on Qianyue's back, and then took out all kinds of medicinal pills, and silently exercised energy to heal the injury and adjust the breath.


   After half a month, Qianyue carried Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao back to Luoshen Mountain.

   When the two returned to Luoshen Mountain, they still looked tired and in the dust.

   Qianyue's injuries have not healed, and his mana and soul are somewhat empty, and he looks bad.

   After returning to Luoshen Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing took it into the world of swords and let it go into retreat for healing.

   When he returned to the Yunshui Palace, he let the Golden Dragon and Black Eagle leave the world of swords and went back to their respective secret rooms to heal their injuries.

   However, he and Yun Yao were about to enter the secret room to heal their wounds, but the voice of Granny Long came from outside the room.

   "Yun Yao, Ji Tianxing... The old man just got the news and heard that you are back, so I came to see the situation."

   When this voice fell, Long Po Po had already stepped into the room.

   After Grandma Long entered the room, her eyes fell on Yun Yao.

   Seeing Yun Yao's scumbag, a little embarrassed, she suddenly showed a worried expression on her face.

   "Yun Yao, are you okay? Are you injured? What danger are you encountering?"

   Yunyao hurriedly saluted Long Po Po and said hello.

   "I have seen Long Po Po! I did get hurt, but it didn't matter.

  This trip to Hundred Flowers Valley was a bit tortuous, please let me talk slowly. "

   Long Po Po hurriedly pulled Yun Yao down and listened to her telling the cause of the incident.

   Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to retreat, so he sat down beside Yun Yao.

   A full quarter of an hour later, Yun Yao finished the story.

   The twists and turns of the experience and the treacherousness made Long Po Po very worried and worried for them.

   Fortunately, in the end Yun Yao successfully obtained the Divine Orb and escaped from the devil's den, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Unexpectedly, the Phantom Mountains and Hundred Flowers Valley are more dangerous and terrifying than the legend!

   It is fortunate that you two can come back safely! "

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