Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1903: Star Slash

Ni Wuya held a green jade flute and stood indifferently in the sky.

The bitter cold wind blew and stroked his long gray hair, making his temperament even colder and bleak.

Eleven sect masters and heads are all around him, and more than 20 guardians and elders are also clustered around.

Everyone looked down at the top of Tianzhu Mountain, showing their faces full of doubts, searching around with keen eyes.

"Hey, didn't it mean that the three Eastern Sects have already launched an offensive?"

"It's weird, what about those three sects and six sects? Why can't you even see a ghost shadow?"

"What the **** is that guy Tang Zhanlong doing? Could it be that the three sects and six factions have already captured Tianzhu Mountain?"

The powerhouses were full of doubts and whispered.

Ni Wuya didn't speak, and secretly released his divine sense to explore the surroundings, and suddenly noticed something strange, his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He raised his left hand, ‘bang’ a giant colorful palm, towards the top of Tianzhu Mountain below.

Halfway through the flight of the giant colorful palm, it was blocked by an invisible shield.


With a deafening muffled sound, the colorful giant palm collapsed on the spot, exploding into light fragments overwhelming the sky.

In the empty sky, a mask of several hundred li appeared out of thin air, covering the entire Tianzhu Mountain.

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses were all surprised, and there was another tumultuous discussion.

"That's the guardian formation? When did Tianzhushan have a guardian formation?"

"Weird! I heard that the guarding formation of Tianzhu Mountain was closed hundreds of years ago?"

"It is said that it was a large formation under the sky of the Sword God, which can protect Tianzhu Mountain for thousands of years and possesses extremely powerful power."

"How can the big formation that has been closed for hundreds of years be restarted? Who can turn it on?"

Some people have heard of the origin of the big sky formation, and know the power of this **** formation.

And some strong people didn't know the legends thousands of years ago, and didn't take that big formation into heart.

Ni Wuya and the heads of the various factions, but knowing the power of the sky formation, immediately turned ugly.

Sect Master Feihe frowned, and tried to say: "Sect Master Wuya, if Tianzhu Mountain could open the celestial formation hundreds of years ago, why wait until now?

So I guess that might be a good thing for the Eastern Sanzong! "

Sect Master Chiyun glanced at him and said in disbelief: "You mean, the three eastern sects have already occupied Tianzhu Mountain?"

Sect Master Ziji nodded solemnly and said: "It's very possible! When we got the news, the Eastern Three Sects had already been dispatched.

Counting the time, they arrived at Tianzhu Mountain yesterday, and perhaps they had breached Tianzhu Mountain within a few hours~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Upon hearing these words, many heads and guardians all showed expressions of righteous indignation.

"Then what are we waiting for? Take the opportunity to break through the mountain protection formation and **** Tianzhu Mountain over!"

"The Eastern Three Sects are so despicable, they even grabbed Tianzhu Mountain in front of us. This is a tiger's mouth for food!"

"They must not be allowed to stand firm, we must attack immediately!"

"Our four sects and eight factions have just arrived. It is just when the morale is like a rainbow. Now is the best time to attack!"

The opinions and ideas of everyone are surprisingly consistent.

Ni Wuya raised his hand and calmed everyone down.

Holding the jade flute in his right hand, pointing at the top of Tianzhu Mountain, he ordered in a majestic tone: "Four sects and eight factions disciples will immediately form a battle formation and join forces to attack the mountain protection formation!

Who can be the first to rush in, this seat will reward him with millions of resources! "

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