Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1904: Impersonate?


Biqing's jade flute was waved, sending out hundreds of streams, forming a mysterious seal.

After just two breaths, the seal was successfully condensed, like a huge golden seal.

When the Fayin released its invisible power, dense silver light spots descended from the sky, converging in the talisman seal.

That was the stellar power drawn by the Fayin, which quickly made Fu Zhuan silvery, majestic and majestic.


Ni Wuya pinched Fa Jue with his left hand, waved the jade flute with his right hand, and gave a cold shout in his mouth.

The silver talisman seal, which was more than ten feet high, suddenly turned into a thirty-foot-long silver giant sword, slashing fiercely towards the mountain protection formation.

Such a powerful and terrifying star sword light drew everyone's cheers, and many disciples showed their faces full of worship.


In the next instant, the huge sword light of the stars fell from the sky, slashing the colorful mask fiercely, and there was a loud noise like nine days of thunder.

Suddenly, the star lightsaber broke apart, shattered into a sky full of silver light, spreading in all directions.

The violent energy exploded, like a silver wave sweeping the sky.

The colorful mask trembled violently for a few times, and a gap of more than three feet was opened on the spot, forming a narrow gap.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the gap did not close.

Seeing this, Ni Wuya's mouth evoked a smile of relief.

The many sect masters, heads and guardian elders behind him all showed smiles, and Qi Qihuan called out.

As for the more than a thousand elite disciples, they raised their arms in excitement.

"Sect Master Wuya is mighty! Breaking through the mountain protection formation in one fell swoop, Tianzhu Mountain is doomed to escape!"

"Sure enough to be a martial expert, this sword is so powerful!"

"Even if the Tianzhu Mountain's guarding formation is strong? After all, it can't stop the sword of Sect Master Wuya!"

"It's too ironic! The big sky formation that the Sword God personally laid was cut through by his own unique star!"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kill the three eastern sects. Tianzhu Mountain is ours!"

Ni Wuya knew very well that he didn't really break the sky formation, just temporarily broke a gap.

After a while, the gap will automatically heal.

So, he rushed to the gap of the big formation without hesitation, his body turned into a streamer, and he got in.

A dozen sect masters and heads hurriedly followed, all used secret methods to reduce their size, passed through the narrow gap, and got into the mountain protection formation.

Next, more than 20 guardians and elders also entered the gap in turn.

After more than 30 strong men entered, the elite disciples of various sects also flew toward the gap.

However, before they got close, the gap healed quickly.

More than a thousand elite disciples were blocked outside the big formation, and could only return to the battleship and flying boat to stay.

Ni Wuya had anticipated this result a long time ago, and was not surprised, so he ordered the suzerain and headmaster: "Let the disciples wait outside the formation, ready to attack at any time.

Let's go to Tianzhu Mountain to see what is going on. "

Sect masters and heads of various factions hurriedly conveyed the order.

In a moment, Ni Wuya brought more than thirty powerful men and landed on the dojo.

Everyone wielded swords and magic weapons, looked around vigilantly, and could launch attacks at any time.

When everyone walked under the sword monument a thousand meters high, a dazzling brilliance suddenly flashed across the open space a hundred meters away in front.


The colorful brilliance flashed, and more than twenty figures of various shapes appeared on the dojo immediately.

The sudden change shocked the strong men of the four sects and eight factions.

Everyone immediately stopped, holding swords and pointing at each other, their nerves tightened.

Ni Wuya also frowned, looked sharply at the group of people, and immediately saw many familiar faces.

Huanglong Taoist, Wu Sheng Tang Zhanlong, the suzerain and head of the three sects and six factions, and more than twenty guardians and elders...

Seeing this scene, Ni Wuya suddenly felt a "puff" in his heart and frowned fiercely.

"How can people from Tianzhu Mountain mix with people from three schools and six schools?!"

The more than 30 strong men behind him also found clues and realized that the situation was not good.

"No! Didn't the three sects and six factions occupy Tianzhu Mountain? How could this be?"

"Has Tianzhu Mountain surrendered and surrendered to Tang Zhanlong?"

"No...Look at that young man in white robe, he seems to be a leader?"

"Taoist Huanglong and Tang Zhanlong are both standing behind him, who is this person?"

Anyone who is not a fool understands that something is wrong.

Many people's attention is focused on Ji Tianxing, looking at him suspiciously.

Ni Wuya and several sect masters also stared sharply at Ji Tianxing, looking up and down.

After seeing Ji Tianxing's appearance clearly, Ni Wuya and the heads of the sect masters immediately changed their expressions, stiffly frozen in place.

Everyone's eyes widened, their expressions and eyes were full of horror, as if they had seen the most terrifying and incredible things!

Especially the several sect masters and heads, their hearts are full of horror and fear, and their bodies are trembling!

After a long while, all the people came back to their senses and uttered low growls and roars.

"How can this young man in white robe look like that person?"

"It can't be him! He has fallen for a thousand years, and it is absolutely impossible to resurrect!"

"How can there be such a similar person in the world? Not only the appearance and body, but also the eyes and temperament are exactly the same!!"

"It's not him! It can never be him!"

Ni Wuya and several sect masters and heads had all seen the true face of the sword **** back then, and they had a deep memory of the sword god's mighty power and would never forget.

Even after a thousand years, the deep memory of the soul will not be blurred.

Now that I see the "Sword God" in person again, everyone's hearts are lifted, and they feel awe from their souls.

At this moment, Taoist Huanglong and Tang Zhanlong spoke at the same time, and shouted in a solemn tone: "Bold rebels, Lord Sword God is here, don't you kneel and confess your sins?!"

The voices of the two of them were mixed with powerful soul-stuning power, which shook the souls of many powerful people, becoming more and more frightened.

Those unknowing law protectors and elders suddenly realized that the young man in white robe was the legendary sword god!


Didn't the sword **** fall a thousand years ago?

How could he live to the present?

Still appearing in front of everyone alive?

Many protectors and elders reacted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this thought came to mind.

Doubts, anxiety, worry and awe, all kinds of emotions filled the hearts of the powerful.

At this time, Ni Wuya stared at Ji Tianxing with stern eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Boy, who are you? Why do you pretend to be a sword god?!"

Taoist Huanglong and Tang Zhanlong frowned immediately, with a playful sneer on their faces.

"Pretend? Ni Wuya, your imagination is really rich."

"Pity you, this fellow has no eyes, I have to explain this today."

The elders of the Three Sects, Six Sects and Tianzhu Mountain, after a moment of stunned, all laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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