Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1919: Timing of the shot

The sudden drastic change made the black robe man's heart startled and his eyes were full of horror.

For fear of Master Ye's accident, he hurriedly flew towards the Sky Burial Sword, trying to stop it.

However, he only has the ability to cross the Tribulation Realm, how can he stop the Heaven Burying Sword?


A stream of light brought by the Heaven Burial Sword hit the man in the black robe, and there was a dull loud noise.

He was swept out immediately, vomiting blood and fell onto the dojo.

At the same time, Master Ye had already recovered, punched out two groups of golden flames, and blasted towards the Heaven Burial Sword.


Two more muffled noises erupted, and the golden flame exploded, illuminating half of the dojo.

The Heaven Burial Sword was also repulsed and flew back humming.

Lord Ye's strength has obviously reached the Martial Saint Realm, and he is the best among the Martial Saints!

The Heaven Burial Sword was fighting head-on with him, and it might not be able to take advantage.

However, Lord Ye didn't mean anything to fight.

After blasting the burial sword with a punch, his figure flashed to the man in the black robe and flew down the mountain with him.

He resorted to a secret technique to collect the black robe man into his robe sleeve.

Then, he personally held the token of the man in the black robe, ‘swish’ through the sky and escaped from Tianzhu Mountain.

The Heaven Burial Sword chased to the edge of the sky, and did not pursue it any further.

After a few breaths, it flew back to the middle of the dojo, got into the sword monument, and fell silent immediately.

At the same time, several teams of patrolling guards and two elders rushed over quickly.

Immediately afterwards, many deacons and disciples also rushed to the temple to check the situation.

The previous fight was too loud, not only there were loud noises, but also dazzling firelight, which has already awakened countless people.

But after everyone arrived at the dojo, no one was seen.

Except for the remaining mana fluctuations in the air, there are no traces of fighting on the ground.

Many elders and deacons were full of doubts, not knowing what was going on.


After escaping from Tianzhu Mountain, Master Ye returned to the valley eight hundred miles away within a hundred breaths of time.


He landed on the boulder at the bottom of the valley and threw the black robe man out with a flick of his robe sleeve.

The black-robed man fell on the boulder in embarrassment, and quickly got up, disregarding his own injuries, and bowed in fear and respect.

"Master Ye, subordinates damn!

It was the subordinates who failed to investigate the situation clearly that allowed the adults to be attacked..."

Master Ye threw the identity token to him casually, and said coldly: "In the sword monument, there is a mysterious black sword hidden, most of which is the legendary burial sword!

You didn't investigate such a huge news, so you rushed to send it to the emperor!

If the emperor hadn't escaped in time, you and I would all reveal your identity!

Once your identity is revealed, the emperor has carefully prepared a plan for hundreds of years, and it will be destroyed on the spot! "

Master Ye's tone was very sharp, and his whole body exuded thick anger.

The black-robed man was suppressed by the terrifying aura, only feeling cold all over, as if he felt the chill of death.

He shivered with fear and knelt on the ground repeatedly begging for mercy.

"My lord, please calm down! Subordinates **** it, they are negligent!

However, his subordinates have neither seen the Sky Burial Sword nor seen it used by Ji Tianxing, so they couldn't think of it..."

Master Ye didn't scold him any more, and shouted in a gloomy voice: "For nearly a thousand years, the powerhouses of the entire continent have been looking for the Heaven Burial Sword, but they have never found it.

Many powerful people have speculated that the mystery of the sword god's ascension is probably hidden in the Heaven Burial Sword!

As long as you can find the Sky Burial Sword, you can ascend like a sword **** and leave this decadent world!

But who would have thought that the Heaven Burial Sword, which had never appeared in the ages, was hidden in the sword monument? ! "

The black-robed man thought for a while, and quickly explained: "Master Ye, in the past several hundred years, his subordinates have also inspected the sword monument countless times, and have not noticed anything unusual.

The subordinates are sure that the Heaven Burial Sword only appeared after Ji Tianxing returned to Tianzhu Mountain! "

Master Ye frowned slightly and said in a harsh tone: "No matter how the Heaven Burial Sword appeared, it is now in the sword monument. This news must be kept secret.

With the protection of the big sky formation, the Heaven Burial Sword possesses infinite power and is almost invincible, even the Emperor cannot defeat it.

In any case, this emperor must get the Heaven Burial Sword and kill Ji Tianxing!

However, the emperor had to report the news before making a decision. "

Having said this, Master Ye secretly clenched his fists, his eyes filled with icy cold light.

The black-robed man thought for a while, and quickly reminded: "Now that Ji Tianxing and Huanglong have gone to the West River Valley together, it is the perfect time for you to take action!"

Master Ye was noncommittal about his proposal, and said in a majestic tone: "The movement of the emperor's fight with the Heaven Burial Sword was so loud that it has already disturbed the disciples of Tianzhu Mountain.

Now Tianzhu Mountain is in chaos, you must hurry back immediately, otherwise it will arouse suspicion from others.

Remember, you must keep it confidential anyway, let alone reveal your identity! "

The black-robed man hurriedly bowed and said, "Subordinates obey orders!"

"Go." Master Ye waved his hand.

The black-robed man stopped hesitating, released the two black-robed guards from the flying boat, and then turned and flew towards Tianzhu Mountain.

He flew silently into the night sky, passed through the large formation behind Tianzhu Mountain, and quietly returned to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

Sure enough, there was some confusion on Tianzhu Mountain.

Countless disciples of the disciples gathered around the dojo, searching for the traces of the ‘Assassin’ everywhere.

Master Ye stood still in the valley for a while before leaving with two black guards and quickly disappeared into the night.


Unconsciously, another three hours passed.

When the sun was three poles, Ji Tianxing and Huanglong had flown over 100,000 miles and reached the West River Valley area.

This area has a radius of tens of thousands of miles and is a vast river valley.

There are many towering mountains in all directions, and there are several rushing rivers passing through.

After tens of thousands of years of scouring, a lot of fertile land was left around the river.

People of all ethnic groups rested in this area and built five cities, dozens of villages and tribes.

After thousands of years of multiplication, the number of people in the West River Valley has now reached more than five million.

After Ji Tianxing and Huanglong entered the West River Valley, they first entered Laifeng City.

This is an ancient city with a history of two thousand years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the largest city in the West River Valley.

The towering and tall boulder walls are covered with mottled traces etched by the years, and the rocks have also been weathered to brown.

Looking down from the sky, there are row upon row of houses and bustling streets and lanes in the square ancient city.

It's just that the two city gates are tightly closed, and there are soldiers guarding them inside and outside the walls.

There are not many people moving in the city, and there is a panic and heavy atmosphere.

There are still many dilapidated ruins, still with black smoke, and some light or dark flames remain.

Dark red blood still remained on the ground near the ruins.

?? Chapter 4 is here, and another chapter will be added in the afternoon.



(End of this chapter)

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