Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1920: Wait for the rabbit

In order to keep it secret, Ji Tianxing and Taoist Huanglong used invisibility and secretly entered Laifeng City.

Moreover, in order not to reveal their whereabouts and news, the two did not go to the City Lord's Mansion.

The two shuttled through the city, releasing their spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

Taoist Huanglong introduced to Ji Tianxing as he walked: "Master, the city that was attacked last night was Fengcheng. Several elders and dozens of disciples of the Xihe Sect also died here.

According to the news reported by the Xihe faction, more than 80,000 people were killed last night and thousands of city guards died in battle.

The number of murderers was small, but they acted quickly, and the battle lasted only an hour before it was over.

So far, five cities have been attacked, with casualties ranging from 60,000 to 100,000...

The West River faction is completely helpless, almost no one is available, and can only ask for help. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, looked around fiercely, and covered the entire city with his spiritual consciousness, screening and investigating in secret.

"Able to kill more than 80,000 people and thousands of city guards in one hour, the strength of the opponent cannot be underestimated, at least all of them are powerful men who cross the tribulation realm.

In addition, in the ruins of the battle, there are still fragments of corpses that have not been cleaned up.

There is still some demon energy hidden in those corpses, which shows that the culprit is indeed the demon race.

I just don't know where those demons are hiding now, and whether they will reappear. "

Taoist Huanglong nodded his head again and again, his face showed a deep admiration: "There are several ruins in the city, scattered in all directions.

Can the master feel the aura of the demons without going to the ruins to investigate?

How sensitive are you to the breath of the demons? "

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "This is nothing. If you have been entangled with the demons for many years and slaughtered a million demons with your own hands, you can feel it."

Taoist Huanglong heard it secretly, and thought to himself: "When did the master fight against the demons and slaughtered a million demons?

With one's own power, slaughter millions of demons...

Wouldn't it be the nemesis of the demons, making the demons frightened and hated?

No wonder Beimingshan deliberately dealt with Master! "

Ji Tianxing no longer said much, and continued to wander in Laifeng City, releasing his spiritual sense to search for clues and traces.

In the whole three hours, he did find many clues.

Through those clues and traces, he was able to restore the scene of the fight last night, infer the realm of the power of the demon clan, and the secret method used.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing didn't find the lurking Mozu powerhouse, nor did he know where he was going.

Even with the help of the power of the Sky Bead, he did not sense the existence of the strong demon clan.

He had to stop searching until the evening.

"I have searched for three times in Laifeng City, and I haven't found the lurking Demon Race powerhouse.

All the demons retreated, leaving no eyeliner or spies in the city. "

Taoist Huanglong was full of anxiety and asked, "Master, what shall we do?

Or, we squatted in Laifeng City, waiting for the demons to come back, and then kill them? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and analyzed in a calm tone: "The demons attacked several cities separately, and they all escaped with one blow and did not launch a second attack.

This shows that the demons did not do this to slaughter the city, but to create chaos and deliberately lead me to appear.

Therefore, the demons attacked Fengcheng last night and should not come again. "

After a pause, he continued: "However, Laifengcheng is the largest city in the West River Valley.

Just in case, Huanglong, you stay here to prevent the demons from coming back.

Once the demons show up, you will send a message to the teacher..."

Taoist Huanglong asked quickly: "Master, where are you going?"

Ji Tianxing looked at the setting sun in the west, and said solemnly: "Go to the Xihe faction."

Daoist Huanglong was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

"The disciple understands! What you mean is that all five cities have been attacked. Next, the target of the Mozu must be the Xihe Sect!

If we rush now, we will be able to stand still! "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Yes, this place is not far from the Xihe School. I can rush to it before dark. I must rush right away."

Taoist Huanglong quickly discouraged: "Master, since the demons are likely to attack the Xihe faction tonight, you can't go.

The target of the Mozu is you. You go alone, don't you throw yourself into the net?

Even if you insist on going, the disciple must accompany you to protect you! "

Although, Huanglong Taoist's attitude is very firm.

However, Ji Tianxing's tone was solemn, and he ordered in disbelief: "Huanglong, you have a sense of measure for your teacher, you don't need to say much.

You stay behind to come to Fengcheng, waiting for the command of your teacher at any time.

As a teacher, go to the Xihe faction now. If you find the movement of the demons, I will send you a message to inform you. "

After speaking, he added, "This is an order, you must not disobey!"

"This..." Daoist Huang Long was suddenly in trouble and hesitated.

He was silent, with the heavens fighting in his heart, and after a while he nodded in agreement.

"The disciples obeyed, but please respect your master to act carefully and put your own safety first."

Ji Tianxing nodded, then turned and left.

He flew out of Fengcheng silently and flew towards the west.

Daoist Huanglong stayed in the city, still remained invisible, and did not show up.

He hid on the tallest tower in the city, overlooking the city, monitoring the movement of the north and south gates.


The mountain gate of the Xihe School is 30,000 miles west of Laifeng City.

It was a thousand-zhang peak and a treasured land of spiritual veins, one of the 108 peaks.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at the Xihe faction, it happened to be dusk, and night was about to fall.

He stayed invisible and landed on the top of the mountain to observe the situation of the Xihe faction in secret.

I saw that the West River faction was silent, there were few signs of movement, and there was only one patrol guard.

It can be seen that many elders, deacons, and disciples of the Xihe faction have been sent out to guard the city.

Today's Xihe faction is just short of manpower and defense against emptiness.

Fortunately, the Xihe faction has a large mountain guard formation, a holy formation that has lasted for thousands of years, protecting the entire faction.

Ji Tianxing hid outside the big formation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sat on a large stone in the forest, waiting quietly.

Time passed quietly, and two hours passed quickly.

It was late at night, and the night sky was as dark as ink, and the cold wind howled like a knife.

There were scattered lights in the West River Pie, which seemed particularly deserted and quiet.

Ji Tianxing was still sitting on the stone millpan, using the Secret Art of the Heaven and Earth to fuse with Thousand Miles of Heaven and Earth, sensing the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, he sensed a strong breath and quietly approached from the east.

That breath is a little mixed, it is obviously the breath of multiple strong people mixed together.

He performed the secret technique and took a closer look, only to find that it was a black cloud with a radius of ten miles, flying silently into the sky, and sent straight to Xihe.

The fifth more to. This chapter adds more, as a reward for the ten thousand book coins of [Crazy Winter Melon^], thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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