Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2622: Kingdom of Gods

The bottomless pit with a radius of a hundred miles is really bottomless.

The three of Ji Tianxing spent a few hours exploring the bottom of the abyss for more than 20,000 miles.

As they guessed, this straight bottomless pit really leads to the center of the earth.

As the three of them approached the center of the earth, the pressure they were under increased.

The power of the Earth's Heart and Divine Flame is also constantly increasing.

The trio's divine power shield was quickly melted by the divine flame.

They had to consume a lot of divine power to resist the erosion of the earth's heart and the flames and protect their own safety.

Finally, they dived for a full 30,000 miles!

It's at least 90,000 miles from the ground!

Since ancient times, this is an area that no one can touch, mysterious and dangerous.

Another dark source stone disc appeared in front of the three, quietly suspended in the flames of the gods.


The three of Ji Tianxing landed on a disk with a radius of ten miles and looked around.

The surroundings were still full of dark red earth-centered flames, and the dark walls of the cave were flat and smooth, and traces of excavation were vaguely visible.

"Three thousand miles underground, there are ancient temples, and thirty thousand miles underground, there are Shenjun Dongfu.

There is a bottomless cave underground 60,000 li, and a source stone disc.

There is also a similar disc in the depths of ninety thousand miles underground..."

Ji Tianxing said a few words to himself, frowning in thought.

Yun Yao observed for a moment, and said, "This disk is no different from the 60,000-li underground disk.

The difference between the two is that the Earth Heart and God Flame here is more violent and more powerful. "

Ji Ke hesitated for a moment, and proposed: "Big Brother Tianxing and Sister Sister, let's not go deep into the ground. Let's study these two discs first."

Yun Yao nodded in agreement.

Ji Tianxing was also a little curious, so he waved his palm and shot the majestic star power into the disc under his feet.


The divine power of dark silver stars, flowing in the formation gully, spread rapidly.

In a short while, the disk within a radius of ten miles was filled.

The ancient divine formation also started, shining brilliantly.


A dazzling star flashed.

Thirty-six silver light gates appeared on the disc out of thin air, forming a circle on the edge of the disc.

"Sure enough, there is a mystery!"

Ji Tianxing's eyes lit up, revealing a touch of joy.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke were also quite excited, looking at the 36 light gates with burning eyes.

"These light gates seem to be space portals."

"I don't know, where do these portals lead?"

The two were talking, showing curious eyes.

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, and walked towards a light gate.

"You are waiting for me here, I will go and see for myself.

If there is any accident, I will use the source stone jade slip to contact you. "

Yun Yao and Ji Ke were not relieved, they wanted to explore with him.

But he insisted so, and the two women could only agree.


Ji Tianxing stepped into the three-foot-high light gate, and his figure immediately disappeared.

Yunyao and Ji Ke stood on the disc, waiting patiently while working to resist the erosion of the earth's heart and flames.

Time passed quietly.

The two of them were full of worries and felt that time flies slowly.

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing still did not appear, nor did he send a subpoena.

Yunyao and Ji Ke gradually couldn't restrain their worries, and wanted to send a message to Ji Tianxing to inquire about the situation.

Just when the two of them were worried and hesitant, the light gate suddenly lit up.


With a flash of silver light, Ji Tianxing passed through the light gate and returned to the disc.

Seeing him return safely, Yun Yao and Ji Ke breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly greeted them and asked about the result.

"Tianxing, are you not hurt?"

"Big Brother Tianxing, are you okay? Have you found the result?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled and said: "This light gate is indeed a portal, and it passed me to an ancient temple.

That ancient temple is also the cave house of a certain god.

They are on the same level as us, and they are all ninety thousand miles underground. "

Yun Yao and Ji Ke nodded again and again, revealing the same expressions as they were.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed."

"Brother Tianxing, have you found any clues in the temple?"

"No!" Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said with some disappointment: "The temple is too old, and there are only ashes and dust left in it, as well as some gravel and scum."

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing stepped into the second light gate.

This time, he disappeared for another hour before returning.

When he returned to the disk, before Yun Yao and Ji Ke inquired, he took the initiative to say: "This light gate also leads to an ancient temple, or the cave of a certain god, which is also ninety thousand miles underground.

If I am not mistaken, this disk is equivalent to a transit station.

The thirty-six light gates are connected to the cave houses of thirty-six gods. "

Yun Yao's eyes lit up and she answered, "So, the disk that is 60,000 li underground is also a transit station, connecting many gods and monarchs' cave houses?"

Ji Ke frowned and said with a weird expression: "The gods of ancient times burrow in the ground like a mouse and are connected to each other. This is a gregarious life.

Brother Tianxing, did we break into the mouse den...No, we broke into the palace of the gods!

There are so many gods and caves here!

In the God Realm, the gods and the powers of the gods are not easy to see. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said in a solemn tone: "The God Realm is vast and vast, with hundreds of domains, and each domain has hundreds of God Kingdoms.

Each kingdom of God governs billions of gods, and only the strong in the kingdom of God can control a kingdom of God.

However, there are only a few strong people in the Divine King Realm in each domain.

It can be seen how rare the gods and kings are strong. "

He pointed to the thirty-six light gates on the disc and frowned: "But here, when we found a palace of the gods, we found dozens of palaces of the gods.

It is conceivable that this area should be the territory of the **** king.

If the world of the Five Elements was the same as the God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it was the main world that existed forever.

Then, there must be countless ancient temples hidden beneath the Five Elements World..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Yao couldn't help but ask: "Tian Xing, shall we continue to explore downward?"

Ji Tianxing nodded without hesitation: "Of course! I would like to see, how many gods are there under the power of the **** king?"

Ji Ke frowned and said, "But, Big Brother Tianxing...This is ninety thousand li underground, and the power of the Earth's Heart and Divine Flame is already comparable to the True God Realm triple.

If you continue downward, the power of the Earth Heart and Divine Flame will be stronger! "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with comfort: "It's okay, we can't resist, but the Heaven Burying Sword is not afraid of the burning of the gods."

While talking, he sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword and took Yun Yao and Ji Ke into the sword world.

Then, the Heaven Burial Sword passed through the turbulent divine flame and continued to fly downward.

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