Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2623: The Lair of the God King

The buried sky sword is cast by the source stone.

In terms of material and grade, it is comparable to a **** artifact.

The true god-level earth heart and flames couldn't hurt it at all.

After just two hours, it dived for 30,000 miles and landed on a dark disk.

There is also a disc made of source stone in the abyss of 120,000 li underground!

"It's another transit station, connected to the cave houses of many gods?"

This idea flashed through the minds of the three Ji Tianxing.


White light flashed.

Ji Tianxing left the world in the sword and landed on the disc, watching carefully.

The power of the Divine Flame at the heart of the earth here has been increased several times, comparable to the power of the Sixth Layer of the True God.

Even Ji Tianxing had to do his best to resist the burning of Shenyan.

He cannot stay here for long.

Even standing on the disc and doing nothing is equivalent to fighting with the powerhouse of the Sixth Layer of True God, and the divine power is fading quickly.

He didn't waste time, and quickly released the divine power of the stars and injected it into the disk.


The disc lit up with stars, and the ancient **** array was quickly activated.


As a burst of brilliant starlight flashed by, seventy-three dazzling light gates appeared on the disk.

Among them, there are 72 light gates, only three feet high, distributed on the edge of the disc, forming a circle.

In the middle of the disc, there was a light gate as high as ten feet, standing alone.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"In this transit station, there are seventy-three portals?

According to previous experience, the seventy-two light gates around should be connected to seventy-two temples of gods.

There are 18 halls of gods in the 30,000 li underground, and 36 halls of the gods in the 90,000 li underground. There are seventy-two...

How many gods are there under this **** king?

Exaggerated, right? "

He was the king of the gods, the peak god, and one of the strongest in the gods.

Even so, there are only thirty or fifty gods under his command.

And this ancient **** king's subordinates have found out more than a hundred gods!

Why isn't this shocking Ji Tianxing?

He couldn't help but wonder, how powerful is that ancient **** king?

At this moment, Yun Yao's voice transmission reminded: "Heaven goes, this place is dangerous, don't stay for long."

Ji Tianxing quickly condensed his thoughts, and the sound transmission replied: "I understand! The seventy-two light gates, I won't waste time exploring.

On the contrary, the light gate in the middle of the disc is bigger than the other light gates. Obviously it is a bit special. I have to check it out! "

While talking, he held the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand and flew towards the tall light gate.


When he came to the light gate ten feet high, he stepped into it without hesitation.

With a flash of silver light, he and Heaven Burying Sword were swallowed.

In the next instant, he crossed tens of thousands of miles and appeared in a sea of ​​magma.


The endless flames of the earth's heart and spirit instantly drowned Ji Tianxing.

The power of the Divine Flame here is more than ten times more powerful than before, and the color has also changed from red to purple to purple fire!

"Kacha Kacha..."

Ji Tianxing's divine light shield was burned by the purple divine flame, and it burst and quickly melted and dissipated.

"Oops! It's a Celestial God Flame!"

He screamed badly, and the thought flashed through his mind.

Seeing, his divine light shield was about to dissipate, and the divine body was about to be destroyed by the earth center divine flame.

At the critical moment, he did not hesitate to get into the Heaven Burying Sword.


After entering the world of swords, he escaped a catastrophe, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke hurriedly flew in, asking about the situation with concern.

"Tianxing, are you not hurt?"

"Brother Tianxing, what's the situation outside?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, indicating that the two of them don't have to worry, and then explained: "Unexpectedly, the Earth Heart and Shenyan here has reached the level of a god!

According to my estimation, it is at least 150,000 miles from the ground!

With our strength, if there is no protection from the heavenly artifact, we can't move here at all, and will soon be burned to ashes. "

Yun Yao and Ji Ke were shocked, and said in disbelief: "There is such a terrifying place in the world of five elements?"

"It's completely certain now, the Five Elements World is definitely the former main world!"

At this moment, the funeral voice sounded in Ji Tianxing's mind.

"This place should be 180,000 li underground, and the bottomless pit has come to an end.

Further down is the true center of the earth.

There are no rocks here, all are magma. "

"Finally reached the bottom of the abyss?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and used his spiritual knowledge to merge with the Heaven Burying Sword, using the Heaven Burying Sword as his eye to observe the surrounding situation.

I saw that below was a dark source rock mine with a radius of nine hundred miles.

Surrounding the source stone mine is an endless ocean of magma, rising into the sky with purple flames.

In the entire magma ocean, there is nothing else except this source rock mine.

And above the source stone mine is a hole with a radius of hundreds of miles.

It is the mysterious bottomless pit.

"Sure enough, it's over."

Ji Tianxing murmured, searching the source stone mine with his spiritual consciousness.

Soon, he discovered that in the middle of the source rock mine, on the highest hillside, stood a majestic and ancient temple.

"Another temple?"

Ji Tianxing's eyes lit up, revealing a look of anticipation.

Controlling the Heaven Burying Sword, he quickly flew toward the temple.

"call out!"

The Heaven Burial Sword passed through the sky full of purple flames, and soon flew to the gate of the ancient temple.

The ancient temple, which is thousands of feet high, occupies an area of ​​thirty li and is extremely magnificent.

The two black stone gates with a height of one hundred feet exude a vigorous aura of suppressing the world, ancient and mysterious.

Ji Tianxing thought secretly, judging from the scale and momentum of this temple, it should be a temple of the gods.

Moreover, it is more sacred and solemn than the temple of the gods three thousand miles underground!

"If we say that the palace of the **** king we first found is only the palace and other courtyard of the king of the gods.

The temple in front of you must be the cave mansion and lair of the king of the world! "

Ji Tianxing murmured secretly, his heart full of expectation and excitement.

However, when he saw the seal formation on the Blackstone gate, he suddenly wilted.

It was like being poured with cold water.

The excitement and expectation disappeared.

"The Great Seal of the God King?

Haha... I guessed right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the lair of the **** king! "

Ji Tianxing gave a wry smile, somewhat helpless.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke also frowned, a strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Even if it is a broken god-level formation, the three of them must work together to crack it.

As for the great formation of the King of Gods...Don't even think about it, there is no possibility of cracking it!

"What to do? We finally find the source, can't we return without success?"

"Wang-level sacred formation! Unless Brother Tianxing recovers to the peak, he can be sure to crack it."

Yun Yao and Ji Ke are discussing, both helpless and unwilling.

Ji Tianxing refused to give up, but still used the mystical pupil technique, carefully observing the king-level **** formation on the stone gate.

The three were silent for a long time.

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