Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2995: Storm is coming

The Blood Illusory God Monarch has followed Lin Xue for nearly a thousand years.

He was the first friend that Lin Xue made after entering the Great Yan Empire.

Is also the most loyal supporter.

But until now, he sometimes couldn't see through Lin Xue.

Based on her experience, strength and age, she should be a high-ranking, decisive witch and demon.

Her performance most of the time is true.

But for some reason, she occasionally shows some traits that don't match her age.

Such as innocence, arrogant and unruly.

For the Blood Illusory God Lord, it is harder to fully understand Lin Xue's mind than to break through the God King Realm.

But today, he is an eye-opener.

Lin Xue and Ji Tianxing only met once, and they knew each other so well.

As if the heart is full of energy.

The Blood Illusory God Lord couldn't help muttering, could it be that the two of them have had a long-term relationship?

Or is there a special relationship between the two?

After being silent for a while, he cleared these unrealistic ideas from his mind.

He continued to ask: "Sect Master, Lin Shan's Godhead has fallen into your hands, don't you hate him the most?

Why hasn't he been dealt with until now, and he has been put aside? "

Speaking of Lin Shan, Lin Xue's eyes immediately turned cold and sharp.

She sneered and said in a harsh tone: "That beast is the person I hate the most in my life, how can he deal with him so hastily?

If you don't bring him back to the Sky Demon Empire and deal with him in front of my father's tomb, how can I dispel the hatred in my heart?

How can I comfort my father's spirit in heaven? "

The Blood Illusory God Lord silently nodded and said nothing more.


at the same time.

Within Blood Flame County, another direction.

Ji Tianxing was sitting on the back of the black dragon, flying towards the capital.

Since he left the Dragon Blood Forbidden Land, he has been on his way for nearly ten days, spanning two counties.

He estimated that in about four days, he would reach the capital.

And the ceremony of the blood of God, will be held in six days, can still catch up.

It is worth mentioning that he was attacked three times during his journey in the past few days.

The first attack was when he left the border of Sanyang County.

Nine middle-ranked gods, leading hundreds of **** masters, besieged him viciously.

The two sides fought fiercely for two quarters of an hour, and Ji Tianxing killed each other.

The results are remarkable.

Not only obtained a large number of godhead fragments, but also billions of resources and treasures.

However, no identity signs were found from those people.

Nevertheless, Ji Tianxing can guess without checking.

Those people should be the remnants of the Blood Sword Sect.

The rudder of the Blood Sword Sect was destroyed, and 80% of the elite and strong were killed.

But the blood sword sect has a wide range of influence.

Under his command, there are various rudders, and there are many worshippers and gods and powerful people who roam the kingdom of God.

It is understandable that those remnants who learned that the Dragon Blood Forbidden Land was destroyed, ambush him in agitation.

Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared, and he was not surprised at all.

Four days ago, he was attacked a second time in Guoyu County.

There were only four gods who attacked him this time.

Three middle-ranked gods, and a high-ranked **** of the seventh realm.

The four gods have different styles and come from different races, and their supernatural powers are rare.

Even, these four gods may not be citizens of the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

Ji Tianxing guessed that most of them were worshippers and thugs raised by a certain power or a nobleman.

After a fierce battle, he successfully killed three middle-ranked gods.

As for that high-ranking god, he has a space artifact.

After being severely injured by Ji Tianxing, he ran away after seeing a bad chance.

Early yesterday morning, Ji Tianxing had just entered the Bloody Flame County.

When passing a certain mountain range on the border, he was attacked for the third time.

The person who attacked him this time looked even stranger.

Three gods and powerhouses appeared at the same time.

The leader is a shady, ugly silver-haired old man, possessing the strength of the Sixth Realm of God Sovereign.

After the two sides fought a few moves, the silver-haired old man and the two gods were both injured.

They actually stopped attacking, threatening Ji Tianxing not to enter the royal capital, otherwise they would definitely die.

After letting go of a few harsh words, the three gods were about to leave.

But Ji Tianxing was even more ruthless, and did not hesitate to use the Fengtian Sword Formation, leaving the three gods behind.

After a fierce fight, the three gods were all beheaded by Ji Tianxing, and the gods were blasted to pieces.

Next, he let the black dragon continue on his way.

And he entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, in the twisted time and space, refining the fragments of the three gods.

Ten new rules have been added, and the strength has also increased a bit. These are second to none.

Most importantly, Ji Tianxing discovered that these three gods were actually from the Blood Fiend Palace.

All three of them are Zixing assassins, and the silver-haired old man has the strongest strength and ranks very high.

He was in Tianxue County before, when Ji Tianxing was still in Ningfu.

Duan Muxiong once spent tens of billions of sacred stones to invite two purple star assassins from the Blood Fiend Palace to ambush Ji Tianxing in Fenglin Manor.

The two purple star assassins are called Qianxingjie and Qianxingjie.

At that time, Ji Tianxing killed Qianxing Killer, but he spared Qianxing Killing.

Qianxing Destroyed his body was poisoned, and fled back to the Blood Fiend Palace under severe injuries.

At that time, Ji Tianxing asked Qian Xing Mie to bring words to the Blood Fiend Palace, so don't provoke him anymore, otherwise he will kill him.

Unexpectedly, after the Blood Fiend Palace was settled for less than a month, three Purple Star Assassins were sent to deal with him.

Of course, the mission of these three purple star assassins was not to intercept Ji Tianxing.

They just came to beat Ji Tianxing and bring him a word.

But they didn't expect that Ji Tianxing fulfilled his original promise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and killed them directly.

Can be considered dead and aggrieved.

"The Blood Fiend Palace should be the power of the second prince.

At the beginning, I let Thousand Stars Annihilate away and asked him to speak to the Blood Fiend Palace.

I thought that the Blood Fiend Palace would retreat when it was difficult, and would not dare to deal with me again.

Now, the Blood Fiend Palace obviously didn't take my words to heart.

Could it be that the second prince is also going to the muddy water, wanting to get rid of me? "

Ji Tianxing's grudge with the second prince began with Castle Lord Qingshan.

Those 50,000 sets of heavenly **** equipment were prepared for the second prince, but he was cut off.

Later, it involved Princess Tianfeng, who was one of the two prince's henchmen, and was killed by Ji Tianxing.

Thinking back to those things, Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared.

"To enter the royal capital this time, not only must the little prince's revenge, but also the second prince's targeting.

Even the people of Hetianzong are likely to attack me.

The capital must be very lively, right? "

Ji Tianxing sat on the back of the black dragon, looking at the southern sky, muttering to himself.

At this time.

The white dragon standing behind him asked, "Master, the black dragon has been on the way these days. You have been practicing in the sacred tower for a long time.

The fragments of the godhead of those gods have been refined by you.

How many laws do you master now? Quickly break through the four realms, and are promoted to the mid-level god? "

When Ji Tianxing retreats in the sacred tower, the white dragon takes care of the sacred tower, and the black dragon carries him on his way.

Ji Tianxing only left the customs half an hour ago.

Hearing Bailong's question, Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "After refining three sets of divine character fragments, the number of laws has reached one hundred and nine, which is comparable to the nine-level divine prince.

As for the four levels, it will not be reached in the short term. "


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