Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2996: Blood-Blood Capital

Ji Tianxing's answer made Bai Long a little regretful.

"Although, there are as many as one hundred and ninety laws mastered by Master.

It is estimated that in the entire Blood Flame Kingdom, there is no second person who can be as strong as you.

However, after all, you are still a lower god, and you have not been able to break through to the middle position.

Entering the royal capital this time, you will face the top powerhouse in the kingdom of God.

Moreover, the various forces are likely to join forces against you.

If you can break through the four levels, we will sit back and relax. "

Bai Long sighed with regret, and whispered: "No matter how bad it is, don't pity the jade. If you can keep that blood knife, we have a much better chance of winning."

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and asked with a smile but a smile: "Do you think that you returned the blood knife to Lin Xue for your teacher because you pity and cherish jade?"

"Ahem..." Bailong coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and chuckled: "No, Master, you are a strong man, and you disdain to take advantage of others."

Ji Tianxing gave him a blank look, "I'm too lazy to tell you, let Funeral Tian explain it."

The deep and majestic voice of Funeral Sky immediately rang in Bai Long's mind.

"Lin Xue's blood knife was originally a monarch-level supreme artifact of the Demon Race. It was transformed by the sharp teeth of the ancient Sky Demon King, and the demon energy was too heavy.

After thousands of years of killing and blood infiltration, the Demon Sword has long been turned into a killing blade, and its blood is too heavy.

Even Lin Xue was infested by the killing air of the blood knife, and his spirit became mixed and disordered.

Therefore, her character will be erratic and elusive.

Moreover, that blood knife is destined not to become a king-level artifact.

If I refine it and integrate it completely, it will affect my quality and strength.

In the future, it will be even more difficult to restore to a king-level artifact. "

After listening to Funian's explanation, Bai Long suddenly realized that he nodded and said, "You mean, that blood knife has caused Lin Xue to split his personality?

The material and power of the blood knife are special, and it is destined not to be a king-level artifact, so you look down on it? "

Funeral said in a low tone: "You can say so."

Bai Long quickly looked at Ji Tianxing and asked, "Master, that demon girl is really schizophrenic?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said calmly: "Well, but it's not too serious at the moment."

"Then you still return the blood knife to her? She will definitely get worse in the future." Bai Long asked puzzled.

Ji Tianxing frowned and said, "Fang Tian can't swallow the blood knife, so what can I do with the blood knife for the teacher? Of course, I have to return it to her!

The Blood Sword Sect's affairs are not over yet, if she loses the blood knife, how can she protect herself among the many powerful?

As for the future, will her schizophrenia be more serious, and what does it have to do with being a teacher? "

Bai Long rubbed his chin, and said with a smile: "Master, with the understanding of my disciples, you are not such a ruthless person.

That demon girl is obviously interesting to you, don't you plan to help her? "

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly: "What then?"

Bai Long smiled and narrowed his eyes, and said in a more weird tone: "Then, if you show kindness to her again, she definitely can't help but promise you.

The red flag at home won’t fall, the colorful flags are fluttering outside, hehehe..."

Ji Tianxing frowned, squinted, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and wanted to attack him.

At this time, a cold, contemptuous voice suddenly sounded.

"Haha, scumbag!"

The cold voice that suddenly appeared came from Qianyue, full of contempt and contempt.

Ji Tianxing's brows stretched out, and he looked at Bai Long with a joking smile, "Have you heard?"

Bai Long didn't dare to talk back to his master, and scolded Qianyue in an annoyed manner: "Well, you little fox! Don't practice in retreat and eavesdrop on the exchanges between our master and apprentice. You disappointed me!"

Qianyue still had a cold voice, and said very contemptuously: "You like to be a scumbag, don't take Laoji down.

And, where are you so disappointed all day? "

"Hey! You stinky fox..." Bailong rolled up his sleeves and swooped into the tower, looking for Qianyue Theory.

Ji Tianxing smiled and ignored their squabbles, and continued to meditate and adjust their breath.

time flies.

One day, two days, three days...

Soon, four days passed.

In the early morning of the fifth day, Ji Tianxing finally arrived in the royal capital.

When he was still thousands of miles away from the king's capital, he put away the black dragon and walked alone.


He galloped past the sky, looking at the royal city thousands of miles away.

The weather is fine and the sun rises.

The royal city under the golden morning sun shows an ancient grandeur.

It is an ancient city with a history of 10,000 years and located in the Changfeng Mountains.

The Changfeng Mountain Range stretches from north to south and stretches for nearly tens of millions of miles. It is one of the best divine veins in the kingdom of God.

The area where the royal capital is located is the most majestic and majestic area of ​​the mountain, and it is also the area with the most divine power.

This majestic city is on the majestic mountains of thousands of miles.

The big mountain is like an ancient dragon, lying prone on the ground.

Xiongcheng is like on the back of a dragon, calling the wind and calling the rain, looking down on all living beings.

Different from other counties and cities, it has a square pattern.

This male city is built along the ridge and has a long strip shape.

The width is between fifty and a hundred miles, but the length has reached more than five hundred miles!

Such a majestic city is large enough to accommodate eight million people and gods.

The ancient city wall is as high as a hundred meters high, glowing with black and red luster, and the mottled traces etched by the years are clearly visible.

There are many tall buildings and palaces in the city, and countless houses and buildings are scattered around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the rising sun, the glazed gold tiles of many palaces refract glare, which is very eye-catching.

When Ji Tianxing released his divine sense to investigate, he saw that in the surrounding sky, there were many gods and strong men who, like him, flew towards the capital.

Those gods and strong men come from all sides of the kingdom of God, with different races and costumes.

There are blood flame gods, rage flame gods, scarlet blood gods, and three-eyed, purple, and sky jade races.

Most powerhouses ride on mighty beasts, or ride in expensive chariots, pulled by exotic animals.

A small number of masters and ordinary people, on the other hand, took the divine ship or traveled in the sky.

Ji Tianxing knows that the flow of people in the royal capital is huge on weekdays.

The Divine Blood Ceremony is about to be held recently, and countless gods will come to watch the ceremony.

Therefore, the number of people entering and leaving the capital is several times higher than usual.

Originally, he was still considering whether to disguise and dress up before entering the royal capital.

But he changed his mind, only a few strong men and sects knew his identity and details.

Most people don't know him, and even if they pass him by, they won't look at him again.

Even if he disguised himself, he still couldn't hide from those who wanted to find him.

Naturally, there is no need to dissolve.

So, he landed openly outside the North City Gate, waiting in line to enter the city.

The gate of the huge stone city that is as high as one hundred meters has just opened, and a long line of hundred people has lined up under the gate.

Many gods and strong men honestly took out their identity cards and waited in line to enter the city.

No matter where the strong came from, they did not dare to make trouble in front of the Imperial Guard.

Just as Ji Tianxing lined up for a while, four silver armor guards suddenly walked out of the city gate and came straight to him and stopped him.


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