Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3055: Ultimate skill

After shouting to admit defeat in the voice of the soul, Zuo Tian was relieved.

The tight soul finally relaxed.

He thought to himself: "Damn bastard, the strength is so powerful!

Fortunately, only the rules of the Ring Tournament restrict him, so I can keep this life.

Now I have completed the task and successfully carved the imprint of the word ‘death’ on him.

The rest is up to Yunxiao. "

Thinking of this, he looked towards the east observatory and glanced at Shi Yunxiao.

Then, he could no longer sustain the injury and fell into a coma.

The three princes announced the result loudly, and Ji Tianxing won six consecutive victories.

Shi Yunxiao flew up to the ring with no expression on his face, cleaned up the two halves of Zuo Tianqi's remains and godhead, and sent him back to the viewing platform.

When the corpse and godhead were handed over to the guards to look after, he stared at Zuo Tianqi's godhead and whispered to himself: "Brother Tianqi, your mission has been completed, and you will leave it to me next!"

After that, he turned and flew to the ring.

The look is neither sad nor happy, the eyes are not waved, but the heart is full of tragic and strong.

At this moment, he regarded death as home, exuding a special and powerful aura.

When he stood still on the ring, Ji Tianxing frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"The breath of this kid... His state at the moment is that he has a clear will to die, and he is determined to die?"

Ji Tianxing observed Shi Yunxiao carefully, and thought to himself: "It's just a competition in the arena. He knows that I will not kill him, at most I will destroy his body, and beat him to a coma.

Why does he hold the determination to die? So calm?

Could it be... What kind of tricks did the prince use that required him to complete the final blow? "

Three of the four young geniuses under the Prince's command have been defeated by Ji Tianxing.

Shi Yunxiao was the last one, and the ending was undoubtedly defeated.

After he was defeated, even if the prince had any conspiracy and tactics, it would be difficult to use it.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing is sure.

If even the prince wants to play tricks, Shi Yunxiao is the most critical figure.

As for the previous Ye Ning's death, Zi Manluo and Zuo Tianqi, they should all be foreshadowing.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing flashed a flash of light in his mind, and suddenly thought of something.


Seeing that he was silent, Shi Yunxiao seemed to be aware of the clues, so he stopped delaying time and immediately took action.


He didn't use the magic weapon, suddenly spread his palms, and roared to the sky.

He ignited his life's blood, burned his soul, and released a violent and unparalleled momentum.


Suddenly, Shi Yunxiao burst into flames of blood all over his body, like a torch a hundred feet high, illuminating the entire square.

His divine body and flesh and blood are burning and decomposing rapidly.

Transformed into the purest divine power, the blood-red torch grew taller and stronger, and its power became more and more turbulent.

In the middle of the scarlet torch, there was a dark purple flame hidden.

That is the fire of the soul of Shi Yunxiao.

At the same time, he is also the killer for his final lore!

"The soul of war is coming back, the past and the present!

Black Death Flame Soul, please go to reincarnation! "

Amidst the blood-colored torch that covered the sky and the sun, there was an ancient and vast low roar, full of tragic and heroic spirit.

At this moment, nearly a million people on the square were all infected by the invisible aura.

Everyone stopped talking and shouting, and kept staring at the ring silently, their expressions became solemn and their hearts were extremely heavy.

Although, many people's strength is low and they don't understand what Shi Yunxiao is doing.

But everyone can feel that Shi Yunxiao is about to die!

He used some ancient secret technique and dedicated his life, just to complete the most gorgeous and powerful blow!

After all, his divine body was quickly disappearing, and ashes scattered on the ground.

Above the ring, only Ji Tianxing and the torch were left.

Nearly a million people of the Protoss, and the powerful and powerful on the viewing platform.

While the heart was heavy and shocking, there were thick questions.

"What does Shi Yunxiao want to do?"

"It's just a competition in the arena. Tianxing will never kill him. Why does he sacrifice his life?"

"Uses ancient secret techniques at the cost of life, does he want to kill Tianxing?"

These thoughts flashed through everyone's minds at the same time.

The faces of the two princes on the ceremony stage also changed abruptly, and their eyes showed horror.

"It's over! Shi Yunxiao is performing nirvana!

He would rather sacrifice his life than kill Tianxing! "

The third prince was shocked and filled with anxiety.

"This must be the conspiracy of Prince Lien!

Even if he sacrificed Shi Yunxiao this genius, he would kill Tianxing on the spot, what a ruthless method! "

The second prince also glared at him, staring at Ji Tianxing anxiously, showing a deep worried expression.

Although, he and Ji Tianxing did not form an alliance.

But at this moment, he never wants Ji Tianxing to be killed!

The eyes of everyone in the audience were on the bodies of Shocking Blood and Fire and Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Ji Tianxing observed the scarlet torch for a moment, and finally saw the clue, his eyes lit up.

"Shi Yunxiao burned flesh and blood and ignited the fire of the soul.

The blood and fire are on the outside, and the fire of the soul is hidden inside.

This is his ultimate skill at the cost of life, and the fire of the soul is the killer!

But Shi Yunxiao should be very clear that with his realm of strength, even if he performs this trick, he cannot kill me!

Therefore, before this trick must kill, there must be premeditated and foreshadowing! "

Ji Tianxing stared at the torch, but his brain was running at high speed, analyzing the truth at the fastest speed.

"Since this is a plot by Prince Lien, he planned it early in the morning.

Ye Ning's death, Zi Manluo and Zuo Tianqi must have all given his secret order to do something to me in advance.

Otherwise, they would not make senseless sacrifices and be severely injured by me after being on stage.

But what did they do? "

Ji Tianxing frowned solemnly, and went all out to explore the truth.

Seeing, the blood-colored torch as high as more than one hundred feet released endless blood and fire, filling the entire arena.

Ten li has become a **** flame world.

Ji Tianxing was in it, and he was in a precarious situation under the blood and fire.

But he didn't seem to feel pain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and still didn't fight back.

He was full of golden light, protecting his divine body, still frowning and thinking.

Next moment.

Shi Yunxiao's body completely disappeared, completely turning into blood flame and soul fire.

The one-hundred-zhang high torch turned into a huge fire dragon, with a stunned dragon roar, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

At this critical moment, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized the truth and guessed the truth!

He opened his eyes violently, looked straight at the fire dragon with sharp, sword-like eyes, and whispered: "Black, death, flame, soul, please go to reincarnation!

Sure enough, the prince was insidious enough to let the four of them perform magical skills with different attributes.

The first three people displayed blackness, death and flame, and then Shi Yunxiao paid the price of his life, displayed the magical powers of "soul", and completed the lore of the black death flame soul! "

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