Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3056: It must be luck!

Although, Ji Tianxing inferred the truth from the clues.

But he still hasn't figured out what impact the black, death, and flame magical powers the first three have displayed on him?

"Could it be that they struggled to get seriously injured and used the three different attributes of supernatural powers just to let me be exposed to different powers?

When Shi Yunxiao uses the magical power of soul to attack and kill me, he can detonate four powers and instantly kill me? "

This was Ji Tianxing's first reaction.

At this time, the blood and fire dragon had already volleyed down and came to his head.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he could only sacrifice the Heaven Burying Sword and perform supernatural powers.

"The sword breaks nine days!"

With a wave of the Heaven Burial Sword, it pierced a colorful and brilliant light.

A huge sword that was hundreds of feet long appeared, dispelling the boundless blood, like a ray of light in the dark night.


There was a loud and deafening noise.

The sacred and violent giant sword smashed the blood fire dragon, bursting out blood and fire.

Seeing this scene, the people on the square, the dignitaries and the powerful on the viewing platform all showed regret.

Countless people thought that Shi Yunxiao's supernatural skill, which he sacrificed his life, was defeated by Ji Tianxing.

Even the two princes on the ceremony stage breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ye Ning died on the observatory on the east side, and Prince Lien beside him sneered.

The eyes of the two men became cold and joking, full of murderous intent.

Because they knew that what Ji Tianxing defeated was only the blood fire dragon.

That's just the appearance of great momentum.

The real murderous opportunity is the fire of the soul hidden in the blood fire dragon!

Ji Tianxing's death date has arrived!

Even the prince and Ye Ning died with a cruel grin.

They are extremely expecting that the next moment Ji Tianxing exploded and died, his godhead collapsed, and his soul was destroyed!

as predicted.

When the overwhelming blood and fire scattered, the purple soul fire was also divided into thousands of threads.


In an instant, countless subtle soul fires flooded Ji Tianxing like a downpour.


Then, his whole person was wrapped in the purple soul fire.

It turned into a huge purple ball of fire, tumbling in the blood.

The purple fire was surging and rising fiercely.

Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared.

The sudden change made millions of people stunned.

Countless people were shocked, and they couldn't help but open their mouths and let out a cry of exclamation.

No one thought that Shi Yunxiao's magical powers and secret skills could hide their murderous intent, so strange!

At this time, Ji Tianxing finally understood everything.

When the inexhaustible purple soul fire struck, his heart suddenly trembled, and his soul was also cold, foreseeing a death crisis.

In the divine body, countless meridians and divine blood, there are invisible forces rioting.

Those are three invisible forces with different attributes, which have long been lurking in him.

When the purple soul fire approaches, they become extremely active and violent.

The four forces attract and resonate with each other, and the most violent explosion will happen immediately!

"That's it!

The three guys before, really got me tainted with three powers.

When the soul fire struck, the four powers detonated at the same time, and the power increased ten times.

If there is an explosion in my body, the body, flesh and blood, and godhead will collapse and completely die! "

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized that he finally understood Prince Lien's conspiracy.

"Even the prince, even the prince, the city mansion and scheming are so deep!

Let the four inconspicuous cannon fodder, respectively display the magical powers of different attributes, and finally unite to become a killer technique.

These methods are incredibly insidious, and I am afraid no one can detect them except me.

This person is extremely sinister! "

This thought flashed through his mind, and Ji Tianxing had no time to delay.

The purple soul fire has wrapped him.

In the next instant, the four forces will unite to form the ultimate death stunt.

He didn't have more time to think about how to get out of danger.

At the moment of life and death, he instinctively urged the Dzi Bead in the sea of ​​knowledge, releasing endless white light.


Suddenly, the sacred white light burst out from his body and enveloped his whole body.

The inexhaustible purple soul fire was imprisoned by the powerful and unmatched devouring power, and could no longer riot.

Those purple soul fire seemed to have life, feeling the crisis approaching, they all struggled violently to flee.

However, how could they escape the swallowing of the Mending Dzi Bead?

"His hiss..."

With a soft sound, thousands of purple soul fires were swallowed by Dzi Filling Beads and disappeared.

Without the resonance of the purple soul fire, the three powers of black, death, and flame cannot be completely detonated.

Although, those three forces are still in Ji Tianxing's body, working hard to riot.

However, they are destined to be futile.

Ji Tianxing was out of danger.

He was wrapped in sacred white light, like a white silkworm cocoon, suspended quietly on the arena full of blood and fire.

First, he manipulated the Sky Pearl, swallowed the purple soul fire, and suppressed it in the God Pearl.

Then, he used the power of the dzi to eliminate the blackness, death, and inflammation in the body one by one.

Those three powers are invisible and are mixed in his body and blood.

For a while, it was difficult for him to clean up.


The "silkworm cocoon" formed by the holy light was suspended in the air and remained silent for a long time.

The entire arena is also exceptionally quiet, only boundless blood flames are surging.

The millions of Protoss in the square stared at the ring with wide-eyed eyes without blinking.

Everyone couldn't understand what Ji Tianxing was doing, or what he was going through.

Everyone's hearts are hanging, looking forward to the final result.

However, even the expressions of Prince and Ye Ning's death changed drastically on the spot!

The sneers on their faces solidified, and the joking murderous intent in their eyes faded.

Seeing the purple soul fire disappear, they realized that something was wrong and guessed that the plan had failed.

as predicted.

They waited for ten breaths, but Ji Tianxing did not explode to death.

The expected earth-shattering explosion, the purple fire all over the sky and Ji Tianxing's broken bones, none of them appeared!

Both of them were stiff, staring at Ji Tianxing resentfully, and roaring unwillingly in their hearts.

"Why? Why didn't he explode and die?

The Lord’s plan failed?

The power of the Black Death Flame Soul has not exploded?

how can that be? We have obviously succeeded! "

"Damn it! What the **** is that kid?

The king carefully planned and implemented a four-step plan, but he failed to kill him?

Had he been aware of this king's conspiracy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and knew the power of black, death, and inflammation in advance? "

Prince Lian stared at the white cocoon with gloomy eyes, his face was gloomy as ice, and his heart was roaring angrily.

"This is impossible!

If he had such terrifying wisdom, wouldn't he be an unknown prophet?

He must have been lucky and had a magical weapon to protect him, and he was lucky enough to save his life!

It must be so! "

Even the prince would never admit that Ji Tianxing's wisdom is above him.

He found the reason, and decided that Ji Tianxing was just a fluke and had a magical weapon to protect him.

Otherwise, he lost so badly, how can he explain it?

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