Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 63: 1 King 2 Jun 5 Hou

The ice emperor's secret place, ice and snow, do not know how many miles.

In the corner of the ice emperor's secret realm, an ice spirit walked in the ice stone forest, seemingly walking aimlessly.

Suddenly, the ice spirit seemed to feel something, his body flickered, and he flew across hundreds of meters like an aurora, and his body was frozen. A pair of scarlet eyes flickered coldly, sweeping slowly, as if looking for what.

Suddenly, the metamorphosis is abrupt, a sharp buzzing sounds, and the spirit of the ghost is too late to react, as if there is an invisible blade to cut off, directly splitting the forceful body of the ghost of the spirit from head to toe. Divided into two.

At the next hundredth percentile, the crack quickly opened to the left and right, crushing both sides of the evil spirit.

A three-meter-high and two-meter-wide door to space appeared, and the black light waved like water.

After three breaths, the door of the space was stabilized. Immediately, a figure emerged from the radiance of the black paint, stepping out, and the arrogant breath permeated the whole body, making it agitated.



Third way!

One figure after another quickly came out of the door of space to visit the Ice Queen's secret place.

When the eighth figure walked out of the gate of space with a terrifying might, the gate of space shook with it, slowly closed, and completely disappeared after three breaths, as if it never appeared.

Each of the eight figures emits a breathtaking atmosphere, which constantly impacts in all directions, causing the surrounding air to tremble, spreading like a water wave.

This is only caused by the breath leaked by the eight people. The breath emitted by the headed person is the most arrogant, accounting for almost half, and two people are more than ten percent weak. Although the other five have strong or weak points, but not much differences.

"Brother Yuwen, are we joining forces or ..." the weakest figure asked.

"Separate, act independently, maximize the benefits." The head, who exudes the strongest breath, said with his hands on his hands, his voice was indifferent, as if he were the gods above him, as if to dominate the world.

"Brother Yuwen, if you act separately, you will meet the genius of Qingtian heaven ..." The weakest breath spoke again.

"Silver Sword, what genius does Optimus Heaven Realm have?"

"Yes, Yin Daohou, you are here to grow their prestige and destroy your ambition."

"Silver sword, I think the more you practice, the more you go back."

The weakest person was immediately robbed by others, and he couldn't say a word.

"Well, there is a bit of reason for Yin Daohou's concerns, but you have to remember that in front of our one king, two kings and five princes, there is no genius in Qingtian. The last time was, this time also." Said.

"Go, don't waste time." The third strong breath also spoke, and his body flickered, turning into a streamer quickly away.

"Silver Sword Hou, if you are worried, follow me." Jin Qiao Hou laughed and turned into a golden lance.

"Huh." Silver Knife Heng Leng hummed, and chose a different direction from the Golden Gun Hou, turning into a silver knife that quickly swept across the sky, disappearing after a while.

Bingshilin once again returned to peace.

However, the people in Qingtian Realm did not know that some people in Tianyuan Sanctuary had entered the ice emperor's secret territory, and their strength was still very strong.


"There is a sword mark here."

The three Chen Zong stopped and stared straight ahead. There was a piece of ice stone that was five or six meters high, leaving a sword mark about three meters long on the ice stone.

"Sister Chen, sister Yu, practice swords, you might as well see it." Fu Yunxiao said, "I protect the law for you."

Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin nodded, and walked before the sword mark, ditching all distractions and staring.

Both of them practiced swords, and they all had good accomplishments on one of the swords, especially Chen Zong's sword realm reached the third level of perfection and was more intelligent.

With one breath, two breaths and three breaths, Chen Zong's breathing calmed down and became extremely long. The whole person seemed to emit a hint of tranquility and emptiness.

"So fast." Fu Yunxiao was startled.

Chen Zong entered the enlightenment too quickly, at this time Yu Nianxin was still adjusting.

Entering the state of enlightenment, Chen Zong only felt that there was an invisible figure across time and space, holding a sharp sword to cut to the ground, and the extremely sharp light split the heavens and the earth, and one sword was out of sight, tearing the darkness.

Sharp, sharp and indestructible.


With no fear, Chen Zong killed with one sword, and the dark sword light tore through the sky, as if blending into that darkness and killing.

Sword masters in two different eras seem to use this sword mark to confront each other.

You are strong, I am not weak.

Yu Nianxin also entered the state of enlightenment and confronted the ancient sword masters from the air.

I don't know how long in the past, the more Chen Zong felt that he was tapping the potential of the third-strength Yujian sword, all of a sudden, the light of that sword shattered, and disappeared into the dark world as if he had exhausted his strength.

In the next breath, Chen Zong and Yu Nian were sober together, and the extreme brilliance was also restrained.

From the beginning of enlightenment to the end, the time is actually not long, less than half a quarter.

But Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin's gains were not small.

In the realm of Kendo, Chen Zong did not improve at all. After all, he is now the third-level consummation, and then there is a breakthrough, that is, the fourth-level. The breakthrough of this great realm is not so easy.

Even so, Chen Zong digs deeper into the potential of the third emphasis on the sword, and only by fully tapping its potential can he be qualified to break through to the fourth.

Yu Nianxin ’s Kendo realm is the third entry. After this enlightenment, he is closer to Xiaocheng. If he has a chance to enlighten again, he may really break through to Xiaocheng.

This time, although the strength has not been directly improved, the potential has been enhanced and the foundation is more ambitious.

The three Chen Zongs joined together and continued to reap the benefits. The same is true of the other sectarian forces in Qingtian Kingdom. Finding the elixir and the traces left by the strong will naturally inevitably fight fierce spirits.

"Yes, although this ice emperor's secret place is a bit dangerous, it has greater benefits. Haha, as long as I leave here to retreat for a while, my strength will definitely be stronger."

After many people have been harvested, they are very happy.

The three months is too short to get good things, and I ca n’t retreat to refining and absorbing it. I can only take it with me. After I leave here, I return to the Zongmen family. Bring great benefits to yourself.


The reason why all geniuses have not pursued the breakthrough to the semi-holy level as soon as possible is to further solidify the foundation. Only after the foundation is consolidated to the extreme can there be no trace of improvement before breaking through to the semi-holy level. In this way, it can fly into the sky.

The three Chen Zong teamed up and beheaded two ice spirits after a fierce battle, but this time there was no gain.

But not long after, the three found another trace, the traces left by the powerful men in the ancient war.

Not a sword mark, but a knife mark.

The knife marks are naturally more suitable for Fu Yunxiao to participate in enlightenment, and Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin protected it.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the knife marks shattered, and Fu Yunxiao was awake from the enlightenment. A sharp blade of light flashed in his eyes, as if terrifying the void.

After some enlightenment, Fu Yunxiao's potential has been further enhanced.

Although I encountered many dangers, I still managed to get along with the strength of the three, and I also gained a lot of benefits. If the three were separated and walked alone, I would encounter such a danger and it would be very difficult to pass. .

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, five days had passed since everyone entered the ice emperor's secret place.

The Ice Emperor's secret territory is very large, and the disciples from the various sectarian forces in Qingtian Kingdom did not encounter each other apart from traveling together.

During these five days, hundreds of evil spirits were killed.

Located in the central part of the front of the Ice Emperor's Secret, there is a thousand-meter iceberg standing, and the whole body of ice-blue brilliance is diffused in all directions.

Suddenly, a rattling sound sounded, and cracks also appeared on the kilometer iceberg, spreading quickly, and the next breath, the iceberg collapsed and shattered.


Figures burst out from the broken iceberg, and the terrifying roar accompanied by the terrible Morin killings swept away like a hurricane and shattered all directions.

Ice Spirit!

What appeared after the iceberg was broken was a huge group of ice spirits, and there were thousands of them in number.

The strength of each of the ghosts is very tyrannical, and the appearance of thousands of them together is definitely a great disaster. The direction in which these thousands of ghosts of spirits run away is truly thirty-six people in Optima. The direction you entered.

In addition, there are thousands of ice ghosts with different directions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they are rushing towards the direction of Bingshilin, which is the direction that the eight geniuses of Tianyuan Sanyu entered.

His body-building method flew quickly, Chen Zong suddenly stopped his body, his eyes twinkling and staring at the front, as if he wanted to see through the front.

Observing Chen Zong's actions and seeing Chen Zong's solemn complexion, Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin also quickly stopped.

"Master, what's wrong?" They asked in unison.

"Dangerous," Chen Zong said solemnly.

Chen Zong felt that the danger was approaching, and soon, the feeling of danger was getting stronger and stronger.

"Dangerous!" The faces of Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin changed slightly. They knew that Chen Zong was very strong and stronger than both of them, so that Chen Zong could feel danger. To them, Absolutely dangerous.

At this moment, a small roar sounded, and the mountains and the sea rushed forward, becoming more and more intense, and the ground was shaking.

Tens of thousands of meters away, heavy waves of snow and ice are constantly rushing, as if the tsunami, the kind of ice-cold atmosphere freezes the world and extinct vitality, and immediately makes the three of Zong Zong's faces look very ugly.

"It's an ice spirit, a lot of ice spirits!" Fu Yunxiao exclaimed, terrified.

Dozens of heads, at least saw dozens of ice spirits rushing forward.

They are all aware of the mighty spirits of Bingmo. They are very profound. If you want to kill one-on-one, you can, but it is not easy. If it is one-two, it is more difficult. If it is one-to-three. I'm afraid it's not an opponent, and now dozens of ice spirits are coming.

"Retreat!" Fu Yunxiao shouted immediately.

"Call back the blank cloud while retreating!" Chen Zong sighed.

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