Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 64: Bloodline Power

The roar continued, the snow waves were fierce and violent, and dozens of ice spirits came at an alarming speed and menacing. If they retreated, they might not be faster than ice spirits, and they would weaken their momentum. Once they were iced, After the evil spirits catch up, the consequences will be more serious.

After all, the three are not comparable to ordinary practitioners. Even in the face of such a crisis of life and death despair, they did not panic, but became calmer.

Dozens of tyrannical ice spirits are constantly approaching, but the distance is no more than ten thousand meters. In fact, ten thousand meters are very short and can quickly cross.

Therefore, if you stay in place to call the Yu Baiyun, in accordance with the rules of the ice emperor's secret realm, it should be about ten breaths, ten breaths, enough for the spirits of the ice soul to leap to the front.

At this moment, it is the right principle to retreat first, while retreating as far as possible to maintain the distance from the evil spirits of the ice soul, at the same time calling out the blank space.

The three responded extremely quickly, and flew away like three streamers, condensing against white clouds.

If you are outside, you can condense the Yu Baiyun in less than a breath, but it is very limited here and requires ten breaths.

Clouds dazzled and gradually gathered and intertwined under one's feet, while dozens of ice spirits were getting closer and closer, and the terrible chill and evil spirits came like a torrent of torrents pouring into the sky, making the three feel numb.

At the moment when dozens of ice spirits rushed down, the three blank clouds of the three also successfully condensed, and the sky quickly rushed upwards and quickly separated from the ground. However, some of the ice spirits reacted extremely Quickly and suddenly, the force of force broke the ice, the terrible body soared into the sky with amazing power, the claws tore through the sky, and the cold light ran across the sky.


The three immediately drove the Yu Baiyun to dodge smartly in mid-air, and at the same time chopped out swords to resist, avoiding the assassination and killing of the evil spirits.

Rush Rush!

The three of them rushed upwards as much as possible, but the more they felt the pressure, until they were hundreds of meters high, they could no longer rush up, and the pressure was too strong and extremely cold, which would threaten the three. life.

Dozens of ice spirits roared and roared on the ice surface hundreds of meters below the surface, anger and bloodthirsty.

One after another, the spirits of the Phantom erupted with an astonishing force that suddenly rushed up, as fast as a meteor, and instantly jumped hundreds of meters into the air to launch an amazing attack.

But the distance of hundreds of meters is enough for Chen Zong to react to avoid the assassination of the evil spirits.

"Go." Chen Zong said immediately, staying here, will only continue to be attacked by the evil spirits, in case more evil spirits are attracted, the trouble is even greater.

Seeing that the three of them were flying away at a height of hundreds of meters, the dozens of ice spirits below were extremely furious. Immediately, they saw one ice spirit demons straddling their bodies, and the back shoulders were up. Arched, two scapulas protruding continuously.

Click! Click!

The tingling sound of the scalp kept ringing, and the scapula of an evil spirit was protruding more and more, and it was constantly expanding.

Immediately, the most violent sound sounded, and the scapula appeared as if it was broken. It suddenly stretched out instantly, forming a pair of ice-blue ice-bone wings.

That bone wing is a pair of two, each of which is formed by three curved bone claws more than two meters long, and each bone claw is about as wide as a palm.

Immediately, the icy spirits who had stimulated the ice-bone wing burst out into a mighty force. They slammed the ground with their feet and returned to the altitude of hundreds of meters. The bone wings behind them suddenly shook, and the ice was blooming. Going, the gorgeous light swayed the sky, making the bodies of the demons and spirits fly like three-pointed arrows toward Chen Zong.


The ghosts of the ice spirits even flew, and the three of Chen Zong's faces changed for a while.

If the Hidden Spirits ca n’t fly, then the three of them can use the blank cloud to deal with it, and then get rid of the pursuit of these dozens of Hidden Spirits, but now the Hidden Spirits will all fly, everyone ’s advantage All of a sudden.

"Mr. Fu, Sister Yu, please be careful, if you're gone, remember to live." Chen Zong took a deep breath and said, while beheading a mighty sword, the dark sword light tore every inch of the void, severely beheaded. An approaching Bingao evil spirit approaching.

The arrogant sword light was broken, and the ice spirit was split and flying, but did not receive much damage. After a pause in the air, the body uttered an extremely angry roar, and the bone wings behind it suddenly shocked, sending out an astonishment. His own sharp roar, and then his body turned into a crossbow-like shot.

Both Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin were also attacked by the evil spirits of Bingmo. In the middle of the air, the three were even more difficult to join together. Especially, there were more than dozens of Bingmo evil spirits.

"Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong!"

"Ling Xiao Jin!"

Fu Yunxiao immediately urged Baiyun Lingxiao Gong of the top grade of Chinese products. After six months of hard work, this method has not reached the fifth level, it is still the fourth level, but it has reached the peak of the fourth level and is more skilled.

Under the show, Fu Yunxiao's strength suddenly increased greatly.

Then, Qi Xiao's secret performance of Ling Xiao's vigorous performance also made Fu Yun Xiao's strength even further.

The force that is overwhelming and violent has fluctuated around. This strength, which originated from the fourth layer of Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong, is more introverted than half a year ago. The load of Yunxiao performing Baiyun Lingxiao is even smaller.

With the fourth-level peak Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong and reaching Xiao Cheng's Ling Xiao Jin, Fu Yunxiao's strength reached the extreme.


Snow-white sword light tore through the sky, merged with the power of the ninth heavy cloud and the power of the ninth heavy ice, split an ice spirit, and the mighty sword light immediately split the ice spirit, and also the ice spirit One arm of the evil spirit was severed.

If before, Fu Yunxiao's knife was at most leaving a not deep and shallow knife mark on the spirits of Bingguai. It can be seen that after the full force erupted, the power increase was very obvious.

Among the three, Yu Nianxin has the weakest basic strength. Jianguang burst and was killed, and dozens of swords hit an ice spirit in an instant, but he couldn't cause any damage to the ice spirit, but just knocked it back. It was just that, at the same time, a terrible counter-shock force made Yu Nianxin retreat and her arm numb.

Another spirit of ice spirit crossed the mysterious trajectory, raised the claws from the side, Han Guang across the sky with the ultimate killing power to kill Yu Nianxin, Yu Nianxin's body will be torn in the next breath.

On the brink of danger, a beam of black sword light penetrated through the sky and came to death. It was extremely fast, weird and simple, but extremely mysterious and extremely difficult to find.

This sword is extremely ingenious, as if the spirit of the ice spirit slammed into itself. It was suddenly hit and flew backwards for dozens of meters. The terrible sword light was broken, but it also penetrated the sharp claws of the ice spirit. , Leaving a sword hole.

Fu Yunxiao was shocked, and Chen Zong's attack was so terrible.

However, Fu Yunxiao knew that Chen Zong had chosen Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong, and so far, Chen Zong has not performed Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong, which shows that his strength is still reserved and not the strongest.

If you divide your strength into two parts, one is the strength in the normal state, which is regarded as the basic strength, and the second is the strength of the burst of powerful exercises and secret methods and other external force means, which can be called the burst strength.

Well, Fu Yunxiao is now almost 50% of the strength of the outbreak, and the remaining 50% is naturally the seal of Han Yunzhao Xuedao. Once unsealed, there will be semi-holy power.

"Thank you, Master." Yu Nianxin said quickly, knowing that with his current basic strength, it was still not enough to fight against the evil spirits of the Boom and could only explode.

Suddenly, a mysterious breath permeated from Yu Nianxin's body, and the blue light was rippling like water. Yu Nianxin's black long hair fluttered gently, as if diffused in the water waves, with a bright green rendering Out of layers halo.

Along with this, Yu Nianxin's beautiful eyes also rendered a trace of blue light. The blue light was like the wind, calm and changing.

Chen Zong and Fu Yunxiao were shocked.

Bloodline Power!

Yu Nianxin had the power of blood.

Seven months ago, Yu Nianxin didn't stimulate the bloodline. Was she hiding at that time?

Or does it mean that Yu Nianxin's blood was awakened within these seven months?

The blue light spread, like a bluish flame burning, but not fiery, but fluctuating like wind and water, indescribable.

Yu Nianxin's breath became more and more arrogant, and he strengthened twice.

"Twice, did Sister Yu awaken to high-end bloodlines?" Chen Zong was more shocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only after the high-end bloodlines were stimulated could he double his strength.

Anyway, Yu Nianxin has high-end blood, and Chen Zong is happy for her.

High-level blood means that Yu Nianxin's talent has also been greatly improved, and the strength after being stimulated is also doubled and strengthened.

Yu Nianxin, who inspires the power of high-level blood, has a sword in his hand, and his anger is extremely violent.


A sword broke through, the sword light was almost to the limit, and it was almost indescribable. It instantly penetrated the sky, and pierced the body of an ice spirit, and Jian Guang did not kill the second ice spirit. The Boomling Evil Spirit repelled, leaving a perforated sword hole on his body.

"Good strong!" Yu Yunxin, Fu Yunxiao's pupils contracting and inspiring blood, is stronger than she is now, unless she unblocked Han Yunzhao Xuedao.

"Don't fight in love," Chen Zongshen said, "go all out."

After all, there are dozens of ice spirits, and it is difficult to kill them. Even if Chen Zong bursts out of power and uses the Red Flame Streaming Sword, he will not be able to cut them off in a short period of time, and even bring more ice. Evil spirit.

So breakout is the best choice.

Chen Zong has found that these ghosts do not really fly, they only fly for a short time.

Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin also knew this very well. The three of them joined forces to fight against the siege of dozens of ice spirits and rushed out.

However, the plan is good, but it may not keep up with the changes.

An astonishing growl sounded, and then, the terrible cold light rushed from below with an astonishing evil spirit, like a giant crossbow, to smash the sky, and the extreme murderousness made the three of Zong Zong's faces greatly changed.

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