Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 80: Do everything possible

Wudoutai, crowds of people, mixed atmosphere.

The fierce wolf is extremely murderous, and walks forward as if the wolf is attacking, making everyone feel cold.

Chen Zong's pace is light, and the wind is like a cloud.

On the battle table, the fierce wolf looked at Chen Zong coldly, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if to pierce and tear Chen Zong, the amazing murderousness permeated it, and it was even more terrible.

Chen Zong was smiling, and didn't care about Li Xielang's amazing killing.

Over the perimeter of Wudoutai, every figure stood out of nowhere, exuding breathtaking breath fluctuations, and it was a respected strong man.

The life-and-death battles of these gangs have aroused their thoughts and interests.

The supreme master of wine sat on the giant gourd of ancient jade, holding the jar of wine, a drunk look, but his eyes were gazing at Chen Zong, as if he wanted to see through.

"It is still the mid-level and semi-holy breath fluctuation." The wine respecter secretly said, for a while, he could not see the depth of Chen Zong.

Previously, he could see that Chen Zong's true cultivation was a transcendental limit rather than a disguised mid-level semi-sacred level. It was also because of the fierce relationship between Chen Zong and the fierce wolf.

Now that the battle between Chen Zong and Li Xielang has not yet begun, the Supreme Master of Wine can't see it.

However, after drinking a hundred years of Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine, Chen Zong must have made a lot of gains, otherwise he would not have the confidence to fight the fierce wolf in a decisive battle.

So now, just take a good look, but you still have to wait for Chen Zong to pretend to be his own disciple, and compete against his old opponent's disciple.

"I originally wanted to think about what method can be used to get rid of you, but I did not expect you to find your own way to death, so I will give you a death." Li Xielang looked colder.

"Dead souls under the sword." Chen Zong's answer was very simple and direct, which made the face of Li Xielang change greatly.

"Everyone can talk about it, and die." As soon as Li Xielang's voice fell, it suddenly broke out, and it broke out in an instant with an extremely fast speed, which was a little faster than when in the Qiankun Garden.

It looked like a fierce black wolf smashed like lightning.

Suddenly, a faint light of darkness tears the sky with amazing sharpness and murderous intention, killing Chen Zong.

It's absolutely empty, and it's incomparable.

The evil wolf sword shows its sharp edge.

Zhan Yuejian emerged from the sheath, and gave out an astonishing power in an instant, as if a huge mountain came down with a terrible weight, and then filled with amazing sharpness.


At the moment of the sword fighting, Li Xielang's face changed suddenly, because he felt that the power contained in Chen Zong's sword was very arrogant, much more arrogant than when he was in Qiankun Garden.

Suddenly caught off guard, Li Xie Wolf's long sword was broken open, and he almost flew out of his hands. The huge power came even more, leaving Li Xie Wolf in a shape and unable to stop.

When Chen Zong ’s Taiyuan Mo Yungong broke through to the ninth floor, Chen Zong ’s super-spiritual strength was enough to rival the power of the fierce wolf. After breaking through to the low-level semi-holy level, he further enhanced, To a certain extent, it is better than the evil wolf.

Li Xielang was shocked. Chen Zong's strength has been so greatly improved. He has been inferior to himself from now on, but now he is faintly better than himself.

"Is this your dependence?" Li Xielang shouted, "You are too self-righteous."

The words sounded, and the stronger horizontal breath wave exploded from the body. The long knife showed an astonishing black luster, and the howling sounds rang out in all directions.

Immediately, I saw the wicked wolf slashing out, as if swept away by thousands of troops, and the dark sword light turned into a black giant wolf one after another. Each giant wolf was amazing. Cold chilling killer, each giant wolf has the powerful power of the ordinary high-grade semi-holy.

There were more than a dozen black giant wolves rushing out and killing them, as if they were surrounded by wolves, which made people scared.

For a time, Chen Zong was also surprised. This trick was in Qiankun Garden, and the evil wolf never performed it.

In other words, at that time, the evil wolf still had reservations, or in a short period of time, the evil wolf improved and became more horizontal.

Fortunately, the improvement of his own strength is not a little bit. Otherwise, this time he really has to expose the power of Shura ’s avatar. So many people enter the eyes of the Holy Realm and use the power of Shura ’s avatar. Is not good for yourself.

But now, with the strength of his deity, it is enough to deal with the evil wolf.

Cut Yue Jian to kill, ten blades cut extremely.

Ten swords were shot out of the air.

The power of each sword light of Ten Blades is not strong, and it is not as strong as the ordinary sage-grade inferior products, but it is much weaker, but under the strength of Chen Zong's arrogance, every sword light is against the ordinary There is a great threat to the semi-holy level.

Jianguang is extremely sharp, and the black giant wolf is killed and defeated directly. A sword sweeps across, and the army of thousands splits easily.

Immediately, Chen Zong rushed forward, and Zhan Yuejian stretched to tear the sky like a lingering moon.

Zhan Yuejian has a weight of more than 100,000 kilograms, which is astonishing. Under the command of Chen Zong, the power of its weight is fully evoked, and it is becoming more and more scary.

Li Xielang's complexion suddenly changed, and his body retreated sharply. He found that in strength, he couldn't hit Chen Zong at all.

After all, Chen Zong ’s cultivation practice has also reached a very powerful level. His physical strength is amazing. Even if he does not urge the strength of the cultivation body to confront the enemy, he still needs physical strength to swing the sword.


The fierce wolf flew back, and his blood was boiling.

Chop Chop!

Chen Zong did not use any special swordsmanship, but simply applied his own power to cast ordinary swordsmanship, but each sword was exquisite and flawless.

"This man's swordsmanship is so brilliant."

"Kendo genius."

"This kind of swordsmanship is back to true, I don't know how it compares to that Sword King."

"It should be worse than the Sword King. The Sword King is a top-level genius, a kendo genius who is hard to find for a thousand years."

These sacred sword kings who are in the mouth of the Holy Realm are not the king-level strong, but a king-level genius and the top ten super genius at the same time.


The evil wolf's face became more ugly.

In Qiankun Garden that day, he was suppressing Chen Zong. At that time, he did not burst out of full force, but still had reservations. But now, he has no reservations in the sword technique, and he cannot suppress Chen Zong. Instead, he is constantly repelled by the opponent .

The kind of power that the opponent uttered was simply terrible, very arrogant, very strong, and very subtle.

"Young Master." The quadruple strong man who had entered the sacred realm was secretly shocked, and his inner worry was even worse.

Chen Zong was hearty.

Xiu was able to break through the strength and become more powerful, but when he cultivated by himself, there was no battle to be fun, and each sword released his own cultivation as strength and became more and more arrogant.

The sword is endless.

With each sword cut off, Li Xie Wolf felt like he was going to be split and shattered.

"Isn't the hybrid sword best at defense?"

All the people were stunned.

The current Chen Zong did not use defensive swordsmanship to resist the attack of the evil wolf. Instead, the sword attacked and killed, and the power of each sword was extremely powerful.

Ten Shadows and Ten Blades Kill!

Ten shadows emerged, and ten swords lights up in a series.

The wicked wolf was shocked, and the dark long sword turned into countless knife lights pervading his body, protecting himself firmly. This is the most direct and rude method.

The ten sword lights are extremely delicate. Under the slash, the fierce wolf can feel the terrible power through the blade straight into the palm of his arm.

Three consecutive swords, the tiger's mouth cracked the long knife and flew out, shooting a dazzling black luster in the air.

The body flickered repeatedly, and the fierce wolf burst out faster. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a giant wolf, extremely flexible.

With a snoring sound, it was extremely jarring, and the long knife fell into the distance, colliding with Wudoutai and producing countless sparkles.

"The sword is out of hand, the evil wolf is in danger."

"Fighting for life and death, it's doomed."

Each one looked dignified.

Li Xielang is known as the evil wolf sword, indicating that his strength is on the knife. Now the knife is split and flying, and his strength is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

The long knife is not an enemy of Chen Zong. Now that the long knife is off, isn't it more an opponent?

But looking at the evil wolf's look, he didn't panic, but showed an inscrutable smile.

"Do you think I'm the best at swordsmanship?" Li Xielang sneered suddenly, seemingly asking Chen Zong and others: "Wrong, everything is wrong, today I will let you See what is my strongest. "

When the voice fell, the terrible breath suddenly rose from the body of the evil wolf. As black smoke rolled out, it turned into a phantom of a black giant wolf. Combine two into one.

The sound like the sound of the empty valley Xiaoyue sounded high, sharp and distant, as if a Sirius Xiaoyue.

The gale screamed, and the black storm swept away, as if to annihilate everything.

The evil wolf's arms stretched forward, his fingers spread out, the astonishing dark light diffused, and his sharpness seemed to be able to tear everything in the world.

Sirius Claw!

The complete Sirius Claw is a top-grade martial arts study. As the Sirius Master, the evil wolf can naturally cultivate the complete Sirius Claw.

As soon as Sirius's claws were cast, the terrible breath spread out instantly.

The evil wolf appeared as a black wolf raging out.

"Hidden well."

"This fierce wolf shouldn't be called a wolf sword, it should be called a wolf claw."

The experts knew if they reached out.

As soon as the evil wolf exhibited Sirius Claws, his momentum was different from the previous method of casting the sword, and it was more arrogant.

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly frozen, and she was also surprised by the hiding and methods of Li Xielang.

For a long time, Li Xielang showed all the swordsmanship, so he was called Xie Langdao. I didn't expect that he was best at Sirius Claw.

The Sirius Gatemen who had been beheaded by themselves seemed to be the same. Could it be said that Sirius Gatemen were all like this, hiding their true means and showing them to others by another means.

Only when real danger is revealed will real means be revealed. People who may have known in the past have been killed by fierce wolves.

Facing the powerful Chen Zong today, Li Xielang can no longer hide his reservations and can only be exposed to the public.

"Even if you are not good at swordsmanship but claws at all, what about Chen Zong?" Chen Zong sneered, but his strength was not fully realized.

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