Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 81: No amnesty

A pair of gloves was as dark and sharp as dew claws, tearing the sky, as if everything between the heavens and the earth had been torn into countless fragments, completely torn apart.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong was surrounded by countless dark claws, as if swallowed and torn. The power contained in wolf claws is indeed more terrible than the power of the sword.

"Sir Lord's Siren's Claw has taken it a step further." The quadruple strongman who entered the sacred realm secretly said that this might be enough to kill the opponent.

Chen Zong's eyes gazed, a gleam of brilliance flashed, and immediately saw through the claws of the fierce wolf.

Ascending to the lower rank of semi-holy level is not only the enhancement of strength, but also other aspects.

Zhan Yuejian swung in the air, as if he was locked in front of him across the river like a chain of iron locks. The breath of breath swelled away, and he suddenly resisted the opponent's claws.

Chen Zong stood on the Wudou platform with his two feet, as if he had taken root on the ground.

"Appeared, the unshakable swordsmanship." Someone was immediately excited.

When Chen Zong defeated Lin Heming at the beginning, what he played was the undefeated defensive swordsmanship, which left Lin Heming helpless.

Now, Chen Zong is exhibiting again.

Lin Heming's mood was a little complicated.

Li Xielang's body seemed to be spread out, and it was full of surroundings, completely surrounding Chen Zong, and constantly attacking. On that day, the wolf claws were extremely sharp, and each claw could tear and tear the ordinary high-order semi-holy level.

But each claw was blocked by Chen Zong's sword. Even, Zong Zong did not use his realm of heart.

"Sirius is empty!"

The tricks were unfolded, and the dark wolf claws were overlaid with brilliance in an instant. The brilliance was extremely sharp and the power soared, as if to smash the void.

A series of dark cracks appeared, as if the space was fragmented, with a breathtaking breath.

Of course, the strength of the evil wolf is not enough to break through the space, but the crack is indeed filled with terrible breath, which is very amazing.

Such a trick is horrifying. Li Xielang's ranking on the bottom line should be higher.

The fierce wolf looked extremely cold, his eyes were killing, as if he was going to pierce Chen Zong's body, and exerted his strength to display the wolf's broken claws, to tear Chen Zong completely.

Chen Zong's expression was astonished, his strength was fully lifted, the speed of the nine spiritual wheels reached the limit, and all the semi-holy power surged out.

Five-foot sword circle!

Open all!

Countless sword lights pervade the surroundings, as silk as mist and smoke, each strand contains terrible power, seemingly light, but it seems to break the mountains.

When each claw fell on the sword-like qi, it was resisted one after another, without breaking.

The evil wolf's face changed greatly, his eyes were full of horror.

The quartet powerful men under Wudoutai were also shocked.


It completely blocked the trick of Sirius' broken claws.

"This is what you forced me to." Li Xielang ruthlessly took out a capsule of elixir and imported it. Suddenly, a terrible black spirit burst out and soared into the sky.

"Furious Rage," Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The same was true of the Sirius Gates that I encountered last time. If I couldn't beat myself, I took Rage Dan to improve my strength.

Under the power of the violent Dan, Li Xiewol ’s strength suddenly increased by several tens, even more terrible, and loomingly threatened Chen Zong.

Kill kill!

The fierce wolf has become extremely violent and shot wildly. He will not stop smashing Chen Zong.

Field of Hearts!

The five-meter circle is completely shrouded, and the trajectory of each claw of the evil evil wolf becomes extremely clear. With a sword in hand, all attacks are resisted by Chen Zong.

The strength of the fierce wolf taking Rage Dan is even more powerful. Without exerting the realm of heart, Chen Zong has no absolute control to block all his attacks.

"Hunyuan sword, as it is called."

"It's amazing to be so defensive."

One by one, the strong men who have entered the sacred realm are impressed. When they think of them in the semi-holy level, they are far worse than Li Xielang and Chen Zong.

"It's very difficult to break through such defense." Zheng Tuo, who ranked 80th on the bottom of the list, looked dignified.

"Huh." Nan Wukong, who was eighty-fourth in the Mingbang, snorted coldly, seemingly disdainful, and seemingly disdainful.

The fierce wolf taking Rage Dan's strength is not inferior to Nan Wukong, so it is nothing more than Chen Zong's defensive swordsmanship. Nan Wukong has his own shot. It is also difficult to break Chen Zong's mixed Yuan swordsmanship. defense.

Nan Zongkong looked down on Chen Zong before, but now he has a feeling that he can't help the other side with his own shot. This change is naturally very unpleasant, but at the same time, he also has a bit of jealousy against Chen Zong.

No matter how fierce wolves attacked and attacked fiercely, Chen Zong's feet remained motionless. With the sword in his hand, he could completely resist all his attacks.

Sooner or later, the power of Rage Dan will be exhausted, and then the evil wolf will become weak.

However, Chen Zong did not plan to wait until then.

Resist and fight back!

A mighty sword, as if Jianshan was suppressed in the air, the strength of the sword is erupting instantly.

The fierce wolf under the fury had no intention of dodging halfway, and his two claws shook, exuding an astonishing breath, and immediately blasted out.

The cut-off sword and Sirius Claw collided instantly, and the terrible vitality was overflowing, turning into a hurricane howling and destroying everything.

The fierce wolf stunned his arms, his body couldn't help his back, and the violent impact of the shock also caused Chen Zong's body to shake. Immediately, he bounced out like a bamboo in the wind, faster, and a sword. Horizontally.

This sword not only has unparalleled strength, but also has a faster speed like a blast. It slays like a thunderous anger on the fierce wolf. The fierce wolf has no time to wave his claws to resist, the whole person will be repelled, and a blood can't help spit Out.

"One sword soars blood!" In a secret voice, Chen Zong's eyes shot a ray of extreme cold,

The fierce wolf must die.


The blood flashed, as if a blood-colored blood bloomed in the void, and the flower spit out, like a ray of blood-colored thunder, so indescribable that Nan Tiankong and Zheng Tuo, who are not so low on the rankings, are also pupils. Shrink like a needle.

The fierce wolf seemed to explode, and a chill invaded every part of the body, and his eyes shot out with terrifying light, thriller, and the feeling of death swept across.

He couldn't stop the sword.

Too fast!

Too strong!

Too fierce!

Li Xielang doesn't want to die, but he is a genius on the bottom list, has extraordinary talents and potential, and has a great future. But in the future, he will take charge of Sirius Gate and lead Siren Gate to a higher level.

How can I die here.

"Small Master." The face of the four strong men who entered the sacred realm of Sirius Gate changed greatly, anxious, and burst out with a scream of amazing power, turning into a black streamer that swept out like lightning. Wudoutai.

One claw grabbed, and the huge wolf claws tore up the sky, mercilessly grabbing Chen Zong.

Not only did he have to rescue the evil wolf, but he also planned to kill Chen Zong, killing two birds with one stone.

This person is a quadruple person who enters the sacred realm, suddenly violently fired and shot with all his strength.

The terrible killings swept the whole body, and Chen Zong was slightly numb. This power, even if Chen Xiu appeared by himself, could not be blocked, but with Chen Xiu's repair and the power of Qingshuanghansha sword, he could barely block it. Without dying.

"Dead!" A anger rang out, and then, a terrible blue light penetrated the sky, dazzling, and a scent of wine filled.

Sovereign shot.

The Supreme Master of Wine pays great attention to Chen Zong, and attaches great importance to it. He will not intervene in a fair showdown, but now some people are delusional about breaking the rules and will never allow it.

The strength of entering the peak of the holy realm, I don't know how many times stronger than the quadruple of entering the holy realm. The difference between the two is like the difference between the heavens, not to mention that the Supreme Master of Wine is not usually compared with the peak of the holy realm.

The huge black wolf paw was instantly broken through the hole, and the blue light was sharp like a sword. It penetrated the eyebrows of Sirius Gate into the sacred quadruple strong soul, and the spirit flew away.

Chen Zong responded extremely quickly, and the sword was still shot.

Sword of blood!

The fierce wolf was completely unable to deal with it. One sword was hit in the neck, one sword was decapitated, and the head full of horror and fright was flying high, spinning endlessly in midair.


"Mixed Yuan sword Chen Zong is so strong."

"Awesome strength."

"Did he fight with Lin Heming before and did not show his full strength?"

Surprised one by one, they speculated endlessly.

Otherwise, how could there be such a big gap before and after the strength.

Nan Wukong's look was a little gloomy, and Chen Zong's displayed strength had already threatened his qualifications.

Zheng Tuo also looked dignified.

The ranking on the bottom list also means the strength of the strength, but in fact for relatively low ranking people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the gap between several rankings, the strength is not so obvious.

For example, Zheng Tuo's ranking is four places higher than Nan Wukong, but if he wants to defeat Nan Wukong, he must put all his efforts into it.

The fierce wolf taking Rage Dan, the terrible Sirius claw, is enough for them to pay attention, and Chen Zong who can defeat the fierce wolf in that state already has a lot of threats.

Defeating and beating Li Xie Wolf, Chen Zong will also replace Li Xie Wolf in the rankings, ranking 93.

It has been less than a month since the previous one hundred and fifty-nine and ninety-three. The ranking has increased so much, it is shocking and makes the name Chen Zong resound through the mystery again. Underworld.

After slaying the evil wolf, Chen Zong's appetite was taken away by the strong wolf, and Chen Zong's appetite for the four strongest men who had entered the sacred realm was also taken away by the master of wine. After all, this person was wine. His Holiness shot and killed.

After the battle, the powerful men left, and everyone left in the discussion.

"Little friend, your strength has improved a lot." The respected drinker laughed.

"Thanks to the predecessor's century-old sun and moon wine," Chen Zong bowed in salute.

"Foreign objects are auxiliary, after all, if they don't have enough talents and potential, thousands of years of Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine will not play much role." The wine respecter laughed.

The words made by the respected wine are naturally very reasonable, but it is undeniable that they can improve this way, and they are indeed inseparable from the opposite party ’s Qiankun Sun and Moon wine. If not, at least they have to cultivate for months or even a year. Only then can oneself rise to the present level, and maybe even longer.

Chen Zong gave the appellation of the four strongest men who entered the sacred realm to the wine lord, but the wine lord did not accept it, which was not attractive to him. In the end, he became the trophy of Chen Zong.

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