Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 60: Anger starts from my heart

Tianling Mountain quickly turned away behind him. Chen Zong kept moving forward. There was a city hundreds of miles away from Tianling Mountain. Chen Zong planned to enter the city to explore the news and see if he could find the soul melting stone.

In order to cast the imperial soldier, the soul-melting stone must be found. That is one of the main materials for casting the imperial soldier. Its role is to melt the imperial soldier and make the imperial soldier more compatible with the divine thought. Really use the divine thoughts to make envoys, and exert their due power.

It can be said that if there is a lack of such treasures as the soul-melting stone, the weapon of God-mind will not be complete.

Regardless of whether Tian Lingzi is willing to forge an imperial soldier for himself, the soul melting stone must be found, sooner or later.

It is not easy to find the soul-melting stone in the Taixuan Realm. Chen Zong is not clear. Therefore, it is best to start from the Upper Yuan Realm. If you can find it, it is the best. .

Although Ronghunshi is a rare treasure, it still exists.

This city is called Fei Ling City, and has nothing to do with Tian Ling Zi.

The largest shop in Flying Spirit City is called Wanling Pavilion, which is a well-known firm in the Upper Yuan. It sells all kinds of exotic treasures. There is a saying in Wanling Pavilion that you can't buy it in Wanling Pavilion. Treasures, if any, will not be available in the entire Upper Yuan.

Because Wanling Pavilion not only sells all kinds of exotic treasures, it also sells all kinds of news. Even if there is no certain treasure for a while, they will find the news of the treasure through all channels.

Most people don't know Chen Zong's identity. People in Wanling Pavilion are well informed. When Chen Zong stepped into Wanling Pavilion, he immediately started to work and learned Chen Zong's identity.

Sword Emperor!

A strong man with a lot of weight, naturally, there are enough people to come to receive.

"The Sword Emperor is here, and the Wanling Pavilion is awe-inspiring." The man who received Chen Zong was a small, middle-aged man with a thin body, and said with a sincere smile: "I am Zhao Feng, the principal of Wanling Pavilion, but I don't know Why is the sword emperor coming? "

Sword Emperor!

Although it is amazing, its potential and talent are extremely contemporary, but Wanling Pavilion is not simple. It has not stood for many years in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Among them, there are many strong men in the half-step sacred class, and there are countless strong men who have entered the sacred realm. The deep financial resources are amazing, even the Great Holy Realm is the backer, even the top half-step Great Holy Power, they are not afraid, naturally they will not be afraid of Chen Zong.

Unless Chen Zong becomes the Great Sacred Realm, the talents of Wanlingge will be truly respectful. As of now, there is still a lot to be desired.

"Mr. Zhao is polite." Chen Zong smiled, and immediately said, "I don't know if there is a soul melting stone in the Wanling Pavilion, or the news of the soul melting stone."

"Soul melting stone!" Zhao Feng flashed a strange color under his eyes, then shook his head with some regrets: "As far as I know, there is indeed a soul melting stone in Wanling Pavilion."

"So where is it now? Can you tell." Chen Zong's eyes flashed with excitement.

Soul melting stone is a rare treasure. Although it exists, it is not easy to obtain it. Sometimes it is a coincidence.

"Not long ago, the only soul-melting stone kept in the Wanling Pavilion has been bought." Zhao Feng shook his head and said with a pity: "The one who bought it is Tian Lingzi."

Tian Lingzi!

As soon as the three words came out, Chen Zong knew that Lingzi began to take action against himself that day.

Forging Royal God Soldiers requires soul melting stones, which are the most precious of all materials and the hardest to find.

Tian Jianzi said that that day, not only was the weird temperament of that day, but also the heart was narrow, moody, and even stubborn, and it seemed that I really hated myself.

"But I don't know if Wanling Pavilion can find other news of soul melting stones?" Chen Zong asked.

"The soul-smelting stone is extremely precious. The one that was saved before was also obtained at a great price. It is too difficult to find the second one, and I guess it is hopeless in a short time." Zhao Feng said immediately One turn: "But if the sword emperor needs it, I can pass it on and let the whole Lingyuan Pavilion in the whole Upper Yuan search for other news of soul melting stones. Once the news is found, the sword emperor will be notified as soon as possible."

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded. For now, that's all.

Next, Chen Zong stayed in the Fei Ling City and planned to stay for a while to see if he could get the news of the soul melting stone. The shorter the time, the better, but Chen Zong also knew that this matter could not be anxious.

Since Lingzi deliberately aimed at himself that day, and took away that soul-melting stone, Chen Zong did not have the idea of ​​finding the other party for a while, unless it was absolutely necessary.

Waiting does not mean that Chen Zong has nothing to do, cultivation is a must, and enlightenment is also a must.

Regardless of practicing qi or refining, it is more difficult to improve as you progress to the later stages, while the ideology is important, but it is too difficult and difficult to break through to the extreme. Relatively speaking, the improvement of cultivation is easier. .

As a result, Chen Zong paid a lot of money to buy some elixir from Wanling Pavilion to assist in training and refining.

In Tianling Mountain, Tian Lingzi got relevant news, and suddenly sneered.

"Soul melting stone, don't even think about it, there will be news of soul melting stone in Wanling Pavilion, give me the first time." Tian Lingzi issued a sharp command.

The soul-melting stone preserved by the Wanling Pavilion was taken away by him. The purpose was naturally to make it difficult to deal with Chen Zong.

I dare not agree with his conditions, then nothing can be done.

The reason why Wanling Pavilion sold Tianlingzi was not only Tianlingzi's identity, but also because he had a good relationship with a senior of Wanling Pavilion.

Chen Zong didn't know this.


Month after month.

For three months, Chen Zong was practicing while watching the news from Wanling Pavilion.

After half a year in the Flying Spirit City for half a year, Chen Zongfang just got the news from Wanling Pavilion and immediately rushed to Wanling Pavilion to see the principal Zhao Feng.

"Our Wanling Pavilion launched the efforts of the whole cabinet. It took six months to finally find the whereabouts of a soul-melting stone, but unfortunately, it was still slow." Zhao Feng grinned.

"Why?" Chen Zong sank slightly.

Waiting for half a year, but still these results, Rao is unhappy with Chen Zong's heart.

"Tian Lingzi has a good relationship with one of our elders in Wanling Pavilion." Zhao Feng only said that he did not mention any more. Chen Zong was not a fool.

"Tian Lingzi!" Chen Zong frowned, apparently, the first soul melting stone was taken away by Tian Lingzi, and this second soul melting stone fell into Tian Lingzi's hands again.

Obviously, Tian Lingzi fell into death with himself.

"Thank you for telling me." After Chen Zong arched his hand to Zhao Feng, he turned and left immediately.

Zhao Feng did not stay or say anything, but just sighed at the back of Chen Zong's departure. It is estimated that something was going to happen.

Chen Zong's expression was calm and his eyes were calm, but a trace of anger gradually gathered in his heart.

Everything must not be over and over again, this day the Son of God made it clear that he would die with himself.

After all, once and again for the second time, then there will be a third, that is, if Chen Zong finds the news of the soul-melting stone in the Upper Yuan Realm again, that day, Lingzi will intervene again.

Unless, I left Shangyuanjie and went to Taixuanjie to find it, but it was a bit dingy.

"Exactly, since the soul-melting stone is in your hands, I can't get it better." Chen Zong said secretly, immediately after leaving the city, he rose up into the sky, and instantly turned into a mighty sky wind at Tianling Mountain at an amazing speed. go with.

On the top of Tianling Mountain, in front of Tianlingzi, there are ten figures, each of which emits a breathtaking atmosphere.

"You, as long as you get things done, this guru will forge a secret for you." Tian Lingzi said very directly.

The conditions have already been negotiated, and now, waiting for Yuer to take the initiative to enter the net.

Presumably, the fish will soon enter the net.

After a while, Tian Lingzi's expression moved slightly, his eyes flickered with a touch of faintness, faintly brought a touch of color.

"You, it's time for your shot." Tian Lingzi laughed, as if in control of everything.

"A junior, catch it."

"Even if he is more powerful, I can't match him when I wait for ten people to join forces."

Ten people moved one after another, and the leaked breath seemed to stir up the situation and shake all directions.

Tianling Mountain, a figure came quickly, this time, Chen Zongke climbed from the foot of the mountain without observing any rules.

Suddenly, Chen Zong drove to the top of the Tianling Mountain, and his arrogant breath filled with it, filled with endless sharpness, as if cutting and tearing everything between heaven and earth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ strong!

Very domineering!

Amazingly overbearing!

At the same time, ten tenacious breaths erupted instantly, soaring into the sky, then Chen Zong's breath that was astonishing and extremely sharp was crushed.

As soon as Chen Zong's eyes were frozen, he saw ten powerful figures flying up from the palace below, directly surrounding himself.

All of these ten figures are strong men who have entered the nine limits of the sacred realm, one by one with extraordinary breath and powerful arrogance.

"Tian Lingzi, do you think they can stop me with ten of them?" Chen Zong stared at him, locking the figure standing at the gate of the palace, his voice cold.

"You can beat Tian Jianzi really strong, ten of them may not be your opponents, but with the secret treasure cast by this master, you are definitely not an opponent." Tian Lingzi sneered confidently, sharp eyes. Eyes gazed at Chen Zong: "My conditions are still valid. As long as you promise, this master not only makes the Imperial Soldiers for you, but also gives you the Soul Rush Stone."

"Then look at why you stop me." Chen Zong's eyes glowed with cold light, as if sharpened by a sword, suddenly causing Tian Lingzi's heart to jump unconsciously, there was a feeling of piercing, faint I feel scalp tingling.

But that day the spirit son seemed very confident in the secret treasure he had cast.


Suddenly, the breath of the ten strong men seemed to be dragged by some invisible force, and they blended together as if they were one, becoming harmonious and natural.

Chen Zong suddenly felt that the siege he had received had been strengthened more than ten times, and the coercion he had endured had also increased many times, becoming more powerful, and much stronger than the coercion that Tian Jianzi burst out.

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