Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 61: All crackdowns




When the breaths of the nine extreme extreme powers who entered the sanctuary merged into one, it broke out completely.

Although they are relatively low in the rankings of the Shangyuan Heaven and Earth, at this moment, when they completely broke out and merged with each other, they became extremely terrible, far better than Tian Jianzi.

This kind of strength, even if it is the top one on the top of the Tianyuan list, is probably not its opponent. Because of this, Tianlingzi has such confidence and grasp to deal with Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong defeated Tian Jianzi, and his fame was unquestionable.

The ten unifying breath directly impacted Chen Zong, like an ancient mountain from ancient times. He was suppressed by volleys. He wanted to suppress Chen Zong on the spot, making him unable to move.

This pressure really caused Chen Zong to face great pressure. If he had faced this pressure before entering the Tomb of Gutian Sword, it would be difficult to resist, but now, although it feels difficult, he can still resist it. .

The faces of the ten strong men were instantly dignified.

Using the secret treasure cast by the spirit that day, the breath of ten people was connected to form a whole, and there was an unprecedented powerful feeling, as if everyone's power had been strengthened ten times in an instant.

This enhancement is amazing.

The other party, however, can still resist the pressure emanating from themselves and others, and it doesn't seem to be difficult to look at it.

Facing this extreme pressure, Chen Zong was a little dignified, and at the same time, a little more excited.

Strong opponents are hard to find.


Suddenly, the ten strong men made shots at the same time. Despite the different tricks, they all exploded in an instant. Not only did they not interfere with each other, they even had a feeling of interconnectedness, blocking all the void around them. All blasted to Chen Zong, saying that Chen Zong could not dodge but could only resist.

Shen Yejian came out of the sheath, and the dark sword light glided across the sky. The astonishing sharpness burst out in an instant, as if splitting the heavens and the earth. He immediately cut the astonishing pressure, and Chen Zong's figure was also in an instant. Flashing, turned into a ray of invisible and colorless sky, passing by the pressure gap instantly.

That sword suddenly turned into a blackness across the void, killing one of the strong.

The power of this sword is astonishing, enough to kill the extraordinary Nine-Strength Extremes in the Holy Land. Any one of the ten strong can't resist one-on-one. But at this moment, they are using ten People's breath and strength are connected, so that everyone can increase their power in an instant.

Swept across the body.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's sword not only did not work, but fell into the attack of ten people again. At the same time, facing the attack of ten people, Chen Zong was under great pressure.

Tian Lingzi stood in front of the palace with a sneer, he was very confident in the secret treasure he forged, but it was a pity that the secret treasure was disposable and forging was not easy. After using it this time, can he Recasting is unknown, after all, it was coined by chance.

However, as long as the opponent can be defeated to conquer, that secret treasure is valuable.

Yes, the ultimate purpose of Tian Lingzi is to subdue the sword emperor for his own use.

Sword Emperor!

What kind of talents, if it is for their own use, Tianling Mountain will have a real strongman in the future.

What's more, Tian Lingzi is not satisfied with the status quo. He still wants to go further, but his strength is insufficient, and he needs to be backed by someone who trusts him 100%.


Extremely intense.

Chen Zong's pair of ten, ten temporarily connected the strength of the people with the power of the secret treasure, the strength soared, even if the sky sword is not its opponent, it will be suppressed in it.

Chen Zong's strength is much stronger than ever, and he can resist for a while and think about cracking methods.

Chen Zong is not clear about the effect of that secret treasure. Rather than try his luck, it is better to find a way to crack it.

How to crack!

Crack with tricks!

Crack with brute force!


For a time, Jianguang repeatedly overlapped, dissolving the tyrannical offensive, but the endless attacks of ten people generally continued to kill, trying to break the serial Jianguang.

A series of moves, mysterious and profound, but also unable to withstand such a dense and arrogant attack, for a time Chen Zong seemed to be in a terrible storm, the whole person seemed to be crushed and torn into powder.

At the moment of the dangerous danger, Chen Zong was not in danger.

A sword is lifted and cut off from it. The light fluttering seems to have no strength. It is light and agile like smoke, and the light of black and white also diffuses and divides the two sides.

Suddenly, it was like the heavens and the earth were divided into two, the yin and yang stood up, and they were rotated again. The black and white color surrounded the whole body, and a mysterious atmosphere of its own form also spread.

Liangyi sword world!

This is one of the most powerful defense tricks that Chen Zong has, and none of them.

The overwhelming attacks bombarded the Liangyi Sword Realm, but were directly blocked, as if the power was constantly consumed in penetrating the void, which could not cause Chen Zong any damage.

Attacks, uninterrupted attacks, endless attacks, but always help Chen Zong.

No matter how intensive the attack is, there is a time delay. Chen Zong is waiting for this time, and that is the time for him to fight back.

With continuous attacks, the sky seemed to be shattered. The endless storm was raging away, as if the Tianling Mountain was to be broken down. The Tianlingzi was shocked underneath. This power was approaching with his strength, and there was only a dead end. .

Fortunately, he was willing to come up with that secret treasure and promise the ten people, otherwise he could not do anything with his angry sword emperor.

Tian Lingzi has always known that strength is the most important thing, and everything else is incidental.

Without strong strength, no matter how high the status, if people want to kill, they can kill directly.

But if it is strong enough, no one dares to deal with itself.

As long as the sword emperor is surrendered and cultivated for a period of time, its strength is greatly increased, then you can gain opportunities for yourself and make yourself truly transform.

Thinking of this, the spirit of Tian Lingzi suddenly felt fiery.

The attack of ten people was extremely crazy, but they couldn't help the Liangyi sword world. At the moment, the ten people made a slight meal. After all, they were people rather than gods, and they couldn't attack all the time.

Just a slight meal, but told Chen Zong to seize the momentary opportunity.

In the moment of the Liangyi sword world, the black and white colors became clear. Immediately, countless sword qi, sword light, and sword awns emerged, spreading all over the body, and each one burst out with an incredible breath of sharpness. The body is cold.

The Tianlingzi below felt only an unconscious tremor, and seemed to be swept by the extremely cold current, and his hair was upright.

Heaven and earth line!

Suddenly, with the sword raised by Chen Zong as the center, it was dimly spreading. The sky above the entire Tianling Mountain seemed to fall into the twilight moment. The sunset was just like a mountain, and it was gradually going to night.

The original dark Shen Yejian was in an instant, condensing a ray of light, just like the dark light on the edge of the eclipse, making people sink forever.


Suddenly, endless sword energy and sword light and sword awns poured into Shen Yejian, followed by one of the swords, and turned into a ray of dark sword light condensed like hair. The sword light was extremely dark, as if Let everything in this world sink.

The power on this frontier of heaven and earth has been further enhanced after the enlightenment of Gu Tianjian's tomb and Chen Zong's retreat for several months.


Compared to the entrance to the ancient sword tomb, the power is doubled.

Blood Thunder Burst!

A sword was cut, but there was no sound, but the sky seemed to be split in an instant, divided into two.

Seeing the black sword-like ray of black hair, the sword light seemed to be glowing with blood, and Tian Lingzi felt a sense of soullessness.

The ten-person team was cut off instantly.

There seemed to be a rattling sound, what was the sound of something cracking, and then the breath of ten people fell quickly, and the breath of ten people also became disordered, as if the clear water became turbid.

Chen Zong waved his sword relentlessly.

Shen Yejian slashed in an instant, as if a lingering moon hovered around the body, cut the void, and at the same time cut the bodies of the ten powerful men who entered the holy realm.

One move, two swordsmen to resist any attack.

One move world and one line split all defenses.

One attack and one defense called Chen Zongli invincible.

Ten corpses that were cut off from the waist fell, and Tian Lingzi's complexion suddenly changed. He was pale and his eyes were shocked.

Chen Zong's body dropped rapidly and fell in front of Tian Lingzi.

"Give up the soul-melting stone." Chen Zong stared at Tian Lingzi, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if the sharp sword sky burst out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to pierce the soul of Tian Lingzi.

"Impossible!" Although Tian Lingzi was terrified, he still had no intention of giving in: "You don't think that you can get the soul melting stone from this master by beheading those ten wastes. I tell you, my brother is I'm telling you to leave in this half-step grand holy class at Wanling Pavilion, and I can also promise that I will no longer target you. "

"You hand over the soul melting stone, or I found it from your body." Chen Zong was unmoved.

The half-step saint-class powerhouse is indeed very threatening, but what about it? This time, the Son of Spirit has targeted himself repeatedly and repeatedly.

The strong were furious, and the corpse was thousands of miles away.

Since Tian Lingzi is aiming at himself, he must be prepared to withstand his anger.

"Okay, I'll give you the soul melting stone." Tian Lingzi said resentfully. Immediately he waved his hand, and a black ball appeared in his hand and was thrown at Chen Zong.

A horrible crisis burst instantly, sweeping Chen Zong's body.

Magical Power!

Liangyi sword world!

Don't break the golden body!

Suddenly, Chen Zong burst out of all power to defend himself.


The sky exploded like a blast, and the entire Tianling Mountain was oscillating in an instant. It seemed like it was about to collapse. The palace on the top of the mountain was shattered by horrible forces and broke apart instantly.

The dust billowed, a strong rush straight up, and continuously rushed to the high altitude, gradually diffused away, like a huge and incomparable mushroom suddenly growing on the top of Tianling Mountain.

Suddenly, many practitioners around Tianling Mountain were frightened. Looking up, they didn't know what was going on, but through the amazing fluctuations, they could know what amazing thing happened on the top of Tianling Mountain.

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