Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 66: Tiger and Wolf

Wanling Pavilion is a great force in the Upper Yuan Realm, but it has always been neutral, and its nature is business, so it has not been listed in the ranks of the sects. Most people often do n’t know much, but there are people who have status or origin. But they all understand that there are many powerful people in the Wanling Pavilion, so don't provoke them.

Neutrality and neutrality do not mean that you will remain indifferent after being provoked.

If it strikes back, even some powerful sects in the Upper Yuan Realm can't bear it.

But for Wanling Pavilion, the Yizongmen and the strong still maintained a trusting attitude, especially the news they pushed out.


"Mystery or mystery?"

As the news storm swept through, all the gates received the news, and the strong men also got the news, and they all moved heartily.

If it is possible to use an avatar, an avatar that is not weak, and an avatar that is no less inferior to the avatar of the deity, what a huge temptation, everyone will be tempted.

"Sword Emperor!"

"Exactly, go and see the ability of the so-called sword emperor."

"Are you invincible in the sacred realm, then what about the half-step grand sacred level, can you resist it?"

On Tianjian Mountain, Tianjianzi and Xiaotianjian naturally got the news too, suddenly suddenly.

"It turns out he still has a hole card." Tian Jianzi and Xiao Tianjian smiled secretly, thinking that they already knew the strength of the sword emperor, but unexpectedly, the sword emperor even had a rare hole card such as a clone.

"Master, as soon as this news comes out, I'm afraid I'll be restless." Xiao Tianjian sighed. After seeing Chen Zong's ability, he suddenly grew a lot.

"Yeah, with the strength of the sword emperor, don't be afraid to enter into the holy realm, but the Secret of Secrets and Secrets is also very attractive to the half-step sacred powers, enough to find them by themselves." Tian Jianzi whispered. Anxious.

In this case, I ca n’t help myself. After all, if it ’s just a sacred realm, Tian Jianzi believes that no matter how many, there is no way to be a sword emperor. It ’s the same if you do n’t help yourself.

But if the half-step holy level shots, even if you give your life to give your life, it will not help. After all, your strength is really strong in the sanctuary. Compared with the half-step holy level, there is extremely Big gap.

This is a calamity, only to see the sword emperor himself.

What is certain is that if the sword emperor can survive this calamity, his momentum will be even stronger, and maybe his strength will become more powerful.

Miguang City is located next to the Miguang Sea, but it is only ten miles away from the Miguang Sea. This city was originally created for the Miguang Sea, so it was directly named Miguang City, which is closely related.

Miguang City is just a small city with almost no ordinary people. After all, the environment here is a bit harsh. For ordinary people, it is not suitable for living. Only qualified people are suitable for it.

Therefore, not only are there no ordinary people in the Miguang City, but even the practitioners who build the base are very few, most of them are transcendental and sanctified.

Chen Zong was among them, and he looked up, just a practitioner who waited like the others to wait for the ship.

To ride the Miguang Henghai, you need to buy a ticket first.

The price of each ticket is not low.

One hundred days Yuandan!

Chen Zong remembers very clearly that when he was abducted and brought into the heavenly sanctuary, the price of the Ming Daozi who had been rebuilt in the sacred realm to sell himself was just a yuan of heaven.

It is undeniable that Ming Dao Zi is relatively poor. Although it is a nine-fold practice of entering the sacred realm, it is also more general. Moreover, he is returning to the heavenly sanctuary, and he has no financial resources, so he can get as much as he can get.

However, the price of a one-hundred-day Yuandan is indeed very high.

For Chen Zong, one hundred days of Yuandan is not much. He killed so many enemies and got a lot of spoils. Not to mention one hundred days of Yuandan, one thousand days of Yuandan is not much to Chen Zong. .

Of course, for many entering the sacred realm, one hundred days of Yuandan is still a great wealth, but those who want to cross the Miguang Sea to and from the Upper Yuan Realm and the Tai Xuan Realm are generally not bad in strength and financial resources.

After buying the ticket, all Chen Zong had to do was wait until the Miguang Henghai ship arrived, and naturally someone would come to notify the ship, as soon as the time was up, the ship would sail immediately, often not waiting out of date.

As time went by, half a month later, Chen Zong continued to cultivate, and Chen Xiu ’s strength was fully restored, but it has not yet broken through, but with Chen Xiu ’s cultivation in the ninth stage of the Holy Land, the level of cultivation and exercises and swordsmanship and Taoism Italy, etc., the strength is stronger than the deity.

In the past few days, Chen Zong felt a gloomy feeling unconsciously, as if something bad was going to happen, just like the kind of dark depression before the storm.

Whatever comes is always coming, and I can't avoid it myself.

If you leave this way, you can no longer go to the Tai Xuan Realm. After all, there is only one way to go to the Tai Xuan Realm, which is to ride the Miguang Henghai Ship.

Therefore, if Chen Zong does not leave, no matter what danger comes, confronting him directly is nothing more than fighting.

Of course, the best thing is that the Miguang Henghai ship arrives as soon as possible, so that you can board it. According to the rules of the Miguang Henghai ship, if you are on the board, the above people must not attack each other, and the outside people cannot attack. Will provoke Fang Henghai ship owner Fang.

According to everyone's knowledge, among the owners of Miguang Henghai Ship, there are five half-step holy-class strong men, and each time they will be escorted by these five half-step holy-class strong men. The Holy One is a five-born brother, and his strength is even more terrible under the union of hearts and minds.

This is why the price of riding the Miguang Henghai is so high.

This is more or less pinned on the hope of others, but the timing is so, and I am not sure to face many half-step great sacred powerhouses.

At the sky, all the figures flew across the sky, the speed was amazing, and they all sent out terrible breath fluctuations.

All of them are moving in the direction of the sea of ​​light.

These people, one by one with ardent ambitious eyes, did not come with good intentions, but instead came at the so-called Secret Secret and Secret Secret of Chen Zong.

The Miguang Henghai ship has not yet resisted, but the half-step big holy class strong arrived in Miguang City first, and quickly found the location of Chen Zong.

"Little friend is the contemporary sword emperor, it really is extraordinary." This is an old man with a kind face and a smile with a goodwill on his face. People who do n’t know will think he is a very friendly and kind old man, but understand him However, the person is very clear, this person's heart is brutal and his hands are bloody: "The old man always liked to discuss with the peerless Tianjiao. This time he specially came to invite my friend to live in my small building for a while to discuss with the old man. "

On the surface, it is an invitation to talk, but what will actually happen when we go, the consequences are unexpected.

Naturally, Chen Zong would not agree, because the old man seemed kind, but Chen Zong felt deep maliciousness from him.

"Tu Lao Gui, don't deceive a young man with your disgusting kindness." A middle-aged man said expressionlessly, and then his eyes swept towards Chen Zong with a trace of sharp coldness, as if to wear it Thoroughly: "Sword Emperor Chen Zong, I am a half-step sage without bamboo, my purpose, you should be very clear, hand it over, I will spare you my life."


Very direct threat!

"What are you two doing, that mystery or mystery belongs to me." A mighty man like a tower sneered sneer, the breath permeating his body was extremely heavy, and a kind of metallic chill appeared.

"Iron King, although your ranking on the Dasheng list is higher than mine, it is just a ranking of a hundred years ago. Now, it may not be able to beat me." Wuzhu frowned slightly, and then angrily.

"Oh, then you can try it and see if it will be blasted by the King." Iron Tie Wang's eyes showed a splatter of iron and blood glory, extremely horrifying, a strong force, directly impacted away, Chen Zong secretly shocked Endlessly.

The iron king's breath is more arrogant than the elder of the Wanling Pavilion who chased himself before.

As for what they call the Great Holy List, the full name Shangyuan Great Holy List is the highest-level list in the upper world. Of course, what is listed above is not the Great Holy Realm.

In fact, there are very few Great Holy Realms Xeons, and they almost never do anything with each other. Therefore, almost no one knows the strengths and weaknesses of the Great Holy Realms before, and naturally there will be no rankings.

The rankings on the Shangyuan Grand Sacred List are all half-step Great Saints. The reason why the word "Sheng" is used as the name of the list is nothing more than an incentive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Buddhism-level strong can break through and become a great sacred realm, although the probability is extremely low and very low.

There are only ninety-nine places on the list of the Great Saints of the Yuan Dynasty, representing the most powerful ninety-nine and half-step Great Saints in the Upper Yuan.

The strength of Mingzi that day was really good, but in fact, he has not yet been listed on the Yuanda Shengbang. The three people in front of him are all listed on the Yuanda Shenglun, but they are all lower.

Obviously, this iron king's ranking is above the other two.

"Iron King, then let me try it." A deep voice suddenly sounded, and then a cold and gloomy atmosphere came out from outside, and Chen Zong shivered unconsciously, along with his soul. There was a cold feeling, and it seemed to be frozen.


Another terrible strong man came. It can be speculated that this person was also listed on the Yuanda Shengzhang, and he ranked better than the iron king, otherwise he would not say such a thing.

"The King of Diyin!" Whether it was the old ghost, no bamboo, or the iron king, when he saw the people, his face changed, and there was an indescribable dignity.

The half-step grand sacred level is just a title, but among them, there are three, six, nine, and other differences. The gap between strong and weak strength is obvious.

There is no doubt that the Diyin King is one of them, and its strength is terrible.

What Chen Zong didn't know was that the Diyin King ’s ranking on the Shang Yuan Da Sheng Bang was higher than that of the Iron King, and was much higher, even in the middle position of the Shang Yuan Da Sheng Bang. Can be regarded as the top half step big holy class strong.

When the four strong men came, the pressure on Chen Zong was greatly increased, especially when the eyes of the local Yin Wang stared. Chen Zong's heart jumped unconsciously, and the chill grew from his heart.

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