Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 67: Desperate

(Updated earlier today)

In a small place, there are four strong men on the list of Yuan Da Sheng. One is more powerful than the other and terrible. The amazing breath envelopes Chen Zong, and he is suddenly called Chen Zong to be suppressed to ice and fire. The feeling of suffering.

Not afraid to move, Chen Zong knew that at this time if he showed signs of getting away, he was afraid that he would be suppressed immediately, while standing still, while thinking like lightning fast, thinking about the way to get out.

The four half-step holy-level strong men who are more powerful than Tian Mingzi are waiting around, and the pressure is extremely great. Even if Chen Xiu shots, he can't help the other side with all his strength to cast out the evil eyes, no matter how cautious.

Of course, when the power gap is too large, caution also becomes optional, just a habit.

The appearance of the Diyin King made the surrounding atmosphere cold, and even the Iron King was very dignified and very afraid.

"I'll take it away, you ..." The terrible gloomy eyes of the King of Diyin first fell on Tu Lao Gui's face, as if to pierce it, making De Tu Lao's look greatly changed, then Looking at Wuzhu again, he saw that his face changed a lot, and finally fell on the face of Tieyao King. The look of Tieyao King remained the same, but his pupils shrank slightly: "... who has any opinion?"

Tu Laogui is silent, without bamboo, the iron king looks slightly changed, and seems to be struggling inside.

The Diyin King ranks higher than him, and his strength is stronger than him, but that ranking was decades ago or even a hundred years ago. Today, the Iron King feels that his strength has improved a lot and has become more powerful. .

But then again, the strength of the Yin King in that place can't stand still and can't regress, it will only become stronger.

Whether or not he is confident of confronting or even defeating the opponent is unknown.

Don't look at the big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big-hearted, big-hearted minds, but the mind is very delicate, and has a lot of thoughts.

"Why, King Tiehou, do you want to try your King's ability?" The Diyin snorted suddenly, his eyes flashed coldly, his eyes flashed through the dark and deep brilliance, as if there was an extremely cold and cloudy air flowing out instantly. Enveloping the iron king, the iron king trembled unconsciously, and the breathtaking coldness invaded the body.

The Tieyu King was shocked by instinct before realizing that the strength of the Yin King in this place was afraid to be more arbitrary than he had speculated.

Subconsciously, the iron queen stepped back a small step. The distance of this small step was nothing at all, but it represented the iron queen's attitude.

In this scene, the Emperor of Diyin suddenly showed a sneer, and immediately glanced down on Chen Zong, making Chen Zong's subconscious body tight, a chill permeating from the depths of his soul, and the soul's fire was in the moment Fluctuations.

"Do you follow me obediently, or do you want me to shoot?" Diyin Wang seems to be asking Chen Zong's opinion, but it is actually an oppression. The intangible threat suddenly called Chen Zongmei's heart burst, and the sense of crisis was extremely strong.

Chen Zong is very clear that no matter what choice he makes, in the end there is no good result.

Diyin King!

This is a strong man who can't compete with his own efforts, even if Chen Xiu burst out with all his power to exert the evil eye, it can't resist the confrontation.


This is desperate!

How to break it?

In danger ... but not panicked, but the speed of thinking beyond the limit, constantly thinking of ways to break the situation.

However, I feel that my thinking is about to collapse, but I still can't find how to crack it.

After all, it is strength.

If you have enough strength, when you can get out of the opponent's eyelids, but when the difference in strength is too big, everything becomes futile and futile.

The Diyin King did not intend to give Chen Zong much time to think. He directly reached out and grabbed his fingers, like the claws of the earth dragon, spreading cold and cold in an instant, and directly grasped Chen Zong.

This claw looks simple, but it gives Chen Zong a sense of unavoidability. No matter how he acts, he cannot escape the capture of this claw, and can only sit still.

Sitting still, Chen Zong's style has not always been, but Chen Zong's heart has a strong sense of weakness.

Can't dodge!

No way to dodge!

There is no chance at all.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's shoulders were clasped by the claws of the Diyin King. The astonishing chill struck the whole body in an instant, making his body feel as if frozen, his limbs were stiff and cold, it seemed that he had to think. Frozen and frozen.

I felt like I had become a puppet, and let it be taken away by the King of Diyin.

Even though Tu Laogui and Wuzhu and the Iron King were dissatisfied, they did not dare to intercept it because they were very afraid of the King of Yin.

With Chen Zong, the Emperor of Diyin had a smile on his face, and he was about to leave quickly. He had to quickly return to his own place, and find out the secret method or secret treasure of Chen Zong from Chen Zong.

"The King of the Yin Yin is slow." Suddenly, a voice sounded, as if coming from nine days, the voice was clear, but with a grand and magnificent momentum.

"Who?" Diyin's pupils contracted slightly, and the power contained in that voice made him feel daunted.

The words fell, and when the sky seemed to be swept up by the sky, immediately, a cyan figure fell with the light of God.

As if the wind **** came to the world.

"The King of the Wind!" Those who recognized the Diyin King, their eye pupils shrank like needles at once, showing obvious fear.

In the Shangyuan list, the Diyin King is ranked 49th, which is at the middle level, higher than the Iron King and others, but the Tianfeng King in front is ranked 36th, ranking higher than himself. A lot higher.

If there is only a gap of several places, the King of Diyin should be fearless, because the gap in strength will not be obvious, but the gap of more than a dozen ranks will be different.

Tianfeng Wang is wearing a blue robe with his hands on his hands and feet three feet above the ground. There is a slight breeze around his body. The whole person has a feeling of lightness and flow, as if he could soar the sky at any time.

As soon as King Tianfeng's gaze fell on Chen Zong, he smiled immediately: "This is the contemporary sword emperor Chen Zong, you, Diyin King, aren't you letting go?"

It seems to ask, but it seems to be overbearing.

"Tianfeng King, this son has already fallen into my hands, you still don't want to intervene arbitrarily." Diyin Wang's words were low, with a strong threat.

"The words of the Diyin King are bad. Chen Zongxiaoyou is a contemporary sword emperor. His kendo talents are outstanding. His kendo accomplishments are extraordinary. I just tried to practice swords recently, but there are many puzzles. I need someone to verify. Tianfeng Wang smiled slightly and immediately looked at Chen Zong, grabbing directly: "Little friend, let me go to Changfengju."

This day's King of Wind seems to be kind, but Chen Zong will not be blinded, because this person has the same purpose as everyone else, but it is just a different statement.

Secret of avatar!

Secret Secret!

Since Mingzi escaped that day, Chen Zong knew that this trouble was inevitable.

How to break the game!

Chen Zong has been thinking, but has not thought of it yet.

It's hard!

There is almost no hope.

At this time, the King of the Wind took the shot. If the King of the Diyin fought, he might hope to get away, even if there was only a chance, Chen Zong would try.

Facing an underplayed blow from Tianfeng Wang, the Diyin King did not answer, but grabbed Chen Zong's shoulders, dragging Chen Zong's body back quickly, trying to get away.

However, the speed of Tianfeng King is extremely fast, and the figure is extremely subtle. At the moment, dozens of figures appear around him, completely blocking off, and blocking the retreat of Diyin King.

In desperation, the Diyin King could only loosen and grab Chen Zong's hand, and burst out with all his strength. At the same time, he should also be careful not to reach Chen Zong. Otherwise, if Chen Zong is killed, everything will be futile.

The battle between the Tianfeng King and the Diyin King began. Although the difference between the ranks and the strength was different, the victory and defeat could not be separated in a short time. The second, after all, both people should care about Chen Zong's life and death. Dare to burst out full shot.

Rao is so, Chen Zong also feels like a flat boat on a stormy sea, which will be destroyed at any time.

At this time, a giant palm condensed in the air, as if it contained wind and thunder, rolling and pulsating, and it was instantly snapped off, as if a wind, thunder, water, earth, and mountains were boundless, suppressing everything, and each finger on that giant palm was condensing a kind of power.

Under this palm, both the King of the Diyin and the King of the Wind of the Heavens looked terrified and did not dare to hesitate. Even Chen Zong ignored it and retreated.

That palm fell, and Chen Zong looked like an ant waiting for death to come.


It's terrible.

This kind of mighty power is overwhelming, as if it can break up the world.

The moment when the falling giant palm was near Chen Zong, it was a meal, and it became soft ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Swipe gently, grab Chen Zong and go away quickly.


"Leave me!"

The Diyin King and the Tianfeng King drank together, and immediately chased away, and they saw the five figures in the distance taking Chen Zong to the distance and heading towards the direction of the Miguang Sea.

"Chen Zong has bought the ticket for the Miguang Henghai ship, and now, when he gets on the ship." The voice of one of the five figures sounded and passed into the ears of the King of Heaven and the King of Yin.

These five people are impressively the five and a half-step great saints who escorted a mysterious cross-sea ship this time. In the case of one-to-one, none of the five of them is an opponent of the King of the Earth, let alone heaven The wind king.

But with the five men working together, even the Tianfeng King was difficult to confront, and the power of that palm was enough to explain it.

The change came too fast. Rao was the speed of thinking of Chen Zong.

From their words, we can infer the identity of the five people, which is directly related to the Miguang Henghai ship.

Then ...

Chen Zong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Does this mean that you can get away?

Just board the Miguang Henghai ship.

For a while, Chen Zong was sorting out his thoughts, because things happened too quickly and urgently.

At first, it was stared at Tu Laogui and Wuzhu, and then by the Iron King. The Diyin King appeared and changed again. He wanted to take himself away, but was intercepted by the Tianfeng King who came to fight.

Now, it is the man who lost the light to cross the sea.

Chen Zong knew that if it were a bit slower, maybe there would be more strong men on the Yuan Da Sheng Bang, and then the situation would become more complicated.


From the beginning, he has been passive because he is too weak.

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