Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 68: 5 stray light kings

The fog is diffused, wafting and spreading, and the glare flashes. At a glance, it makes people feel a sense of dizziness. It seems that they will be completely lost inadvertently. They ca n’t find the way to leave. .

A huge ship moored in it, looming in the mist and glare, but it gave people a very clear feeling.

At this moment, many people are boarding the ship.

"Go up!" Seized Chen Zong's arm, a half-step grand saint, shook his arm suddenly. Suddenly, he sent out an overwhelming force and flew Chen Zong out. That power passed Chen Zong's whole body up and down. At the same time, Chen Zong could not resist the slightest, and the whole person was like a speedy arrow.

Suddenly, Chen Zong leapt out of the Upper Yuan Realm, rushed into the sea of ​​lost light, broke through the heavy fog and glare, and rushed to the lost light hurdle.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong appeared over the huge ship and quickly fell. Only then could Chen Zong be able to control his body and fall lightly.

When his feet fell, Chen Zong felt safe.

Get out!

Finally escaped from the service of a group of terrible strong men.

The next step is to cross the Miguang Sea with the Miguang Henghai Ship and enter the Taixuan Realm.

However, while feeling safe, Chen Zong did not feel half-relaxed, because the news is likely to spread to the Taixuan Realm. At that time, in the Taixuan Realm, he will encounter similar things.




I want more strength!

Chen Zong's heart is extremely eager for strength.

However, I am also very clear that powerful strength is not obtained in a vacuum, but is continuously cultivated through my own efforts, and finally obtained, which requires great energy and time.

Compared with the strong, their advantages are young, but their disadvantages are also young, because young, they still have great potential that they have not tapped, and their future strength may be beyond them.

But also because of his youth, his cultivation time is too short compared with them, and there is no comparison at all.


Now that his enemies are too high, he surpassed the level of entering the sacred realm and rose to a level of half a step, but his growth seemed to be unable to keep up.

Although it is temporarily secure at this moment, it is not truly secure, only temporary.

Once you step into the Taixuan Realm, you may encounter the chase and pursuit of other powerful men, but now, you ca n’t think of any way to break the situation, because whether you go to the Taixuan Realm or stay in the Upper Yuan Realm, you ca n’t hide from the strong enemies. Awkward situation.

The most direct and effective way to break the game is strength.

As for the consequences of surrendering the Secret Method of Separation, I certainly will not end it well.

What else is available?

Lost Shura as Chen Xi?

If this is the case, Chen Xiu is willing to pay, but it is really a pity.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly, and finally came up with a method, but whether this method can be successful, but not very sure, after all, the cooperation of foreign objects is still needed.

The implementation of this method can only be handled by Chen Xiu, the avatar.

Ignoring the eyes of others, Chen Zong put down all his worries for a while, his gaze gazed ahead, his eyes twinkling a dim and deep glory, which was the most important thing for the black pupils of the hallucination, faintly seeing that a war was going on the shore.

The two sides of the war are the five half-step holy-class powerhouses and the King of the Yin Yin and the King of the Heavenly Wind.

Without scruples, it's terrible to open up one by one.

Each claw of the Diyin King glowed with an astonishingly cold atmosphere, as if it could tear and freeze everything, penetrate and erode the flesh of the soul, and exterminate all vitality.

The endless coldness was inspired, and they diffused from the ground, covering all directions, as if forming an independent space. The terrible pressure hits and suppresses the Five Kings from all directions.

Under the anger of the Tianfeng King, it seemed that the hurricane howled and destroyed all directions. The terrible power shattered everything. The hurricane swept across and shrouded in all directions, as if forming a small space.

This is a kind of ability that can only be mastered by the more powerful half-step saints, and can suppress the target.

Under the one-on-one against the five kings of light, none of them are opponents of the Diyin King, not even Tianfeng King, let alone Diyin King and Tianfeng King join forces.

However, the best known and best at Miguang Five Kings is the technique of combined attack. Once the five men form an array, their strength will increase more than ten times and become extremely tyrannical.

For a time, the formation of the five kings of the formation turned out to suppress the King of the Wind and the King of the Yin.

While watching, Chen Zong thought again.

The five kings of Miguang shot too abruptly, and they did not have any friendship with each other, but the other party helped him so much, is it really just because he bought the tickets for the Miguang wanghai ship, are the guests of the five king of lights?

This reason seems to be too far-fetched.

Then, there is only one possibility left, which is the greatest possibility.

The five kings of the light also blame the so-called avatar secret method or avatar secret treasure, which is the biggest reason for their shot.

There is no love or hate for no reason, everything is driven by interests, it's that simple.

The moment Chen Zong thought about it, the battle ended abruptly, because the Five Kings of Light didn't plan to fight with the King of Diyin and the King of Heavenly Wind at all, and their purpose was only Chen Zong.

Nowadays, Chen Zong is already on the Miguang Henghai ship. Since it succeeds, why fight again.

Suddenly, the five kings of Miguang sent a strong strike, overwhelming, and five different attributes of thought and power came out to kill, but condensed into one, the power of the outbreak was extremely horrible, and the Tianfeng King did not dare to take it. Can only avoid its edge.

Under the evasion, the five kings of Miguang immediately backed off, pulling each other under the joint formula, and the speed of the instant burst out was extremely amazing, but they broke away from the battlefield instantly, shuttled into the mist and glare, and quickly went to the Miguang Henghai ship.

At the same time, the Miguang Henghai ship moved and quickly moved away.

At the same time as the five kings of the retreat retreat, they continued to shoot and kill the amazing power to disrupt the fog and glare, and intercept the pursuit of the king of heaven and earth.

Long ago, the Miguang Henghai ship has been in the open state, so when it moves, the speed quickly reaches an astonishing extreme, and it does not have to be half a step slower.

With such careful cooperation, the Diyin King and Tianfeng King could only watch the Miguang Five King fall into the Miguang Henghai ship and leave quickly.


But they are blocked. The deeper they go into the Sea of ​​Light, the more fearful the King of the Yin and the Sky King is, the more likely they are to get lost.

They didn't have a lost ship.

The special ability of the Miguang Henghai ship can ignore the environment of the Miguang sea to a certain extent and successfully shuttle between the Upper Yuan Realm and the Tai Xuan Realm.

But the half-step grand saint-class powerhouse does not have this ability, once it is deep into the sea of ​​light, in all likelihood it will be lost.

Today, the whereabouts of some of the Great Saints in Shangyuan are unknown. It is rumored that they have entered the Miguanghai for various reasons. So far, hundreds of years have passed, and no trace has been found in Taixuan Realm.

That means that they are either stuck in the sea of ​​lost light, or they have fallen into the sea of ​​lost light.

The King of Skywind and the King of Diyin have no reason not to be afraid.

They stopped chasing, and the two returned to the shore with anger. Immediately, Tianfeng Wang made a mighty attack, as if destroying the storm and blasting to the King of Earth.

If the Diyin King blocked himself, Chen Zong would have been taken away by himself, and the Five Kings of Miguang had no time to intervene.

The Diyin King was caught off guard and was suddenly bombarded, but reacted in an instant, resisting this blow, and the blood was surging.

"What are you doing!" Diyin roared.

The King of Skywind did not speak, and the second shot came out again.

Although the Diyin King was extremely annoyed, he did not intend to fight with the Tianfeng King, but retreated while resisting.

On the one hand, he could not beat the King of the Wind, on the other, there was no need to fight.

After all, Chen Zong has been robbed by the five kings of Miguang.

I did not expect to compete, and finally the five kings of light was the biggest winner.

This news will soon be spread out, and will be known by other powerful men. The consequence is that the five kings of light will become the target of public criticism, but I believe that the five kings of light have already known the consequences and will bear the consequences.

In fact, anyone who wants to start with Chen Zong has long been mentally prepared to face other strong players.

Their idea is very simple. As long as they can get the Secret Secret Method or Secret Secret Treasure, they can hide and repair it. Those who have the Miguang Cross Sea Ship can completely hide in the Miguang Sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Until the demise is completed, they are not weak. Reappear at your own strength.

By then, their deities and avatars will be terrified together.

Think about it, the five brothers joined forces, and the strength can already surpass the strong men such as Tianfeng King. If you add five avatars together, it will be enough to suppress the strong forces such as Tianfeng King.

At that time, they will not be afraid even if they are in the top ten of the Holy Land of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Little friend, please come to the room to tell." One of the five kings of Miguang said to Chen Zong with a smile.

The other four half-step grand saints also stared at Chen Zong, each with a different look.

Chen Zong's perception is very sharp, and he can feel a kind of malice from the five kings of Miguang.

Only this time, I couldn't hide it, then face it calmly.

There is no such thing as a ban in the room, perhaps because of the relationship between the five kings of the self-confidence in their own strength. They are determined that under the siege of five people, no matter how excellent one can be in the sanctuary, they cannot escape.

What's more, it is now in the Miguang Sea. If you leave the Miguang Henghai ship, you will be lost in it, you will not be able to go out, and you will sink here all your life.

Therefore, they are not afraid, and they have completely settled Chen Zong.

"Little friend, the five of us can be regarded as having a life-saving grace for you, and can be regarded as your life-saving benefactor." One of the five kings of Miguang laughed.

"The junior thanked the five seniors for their help." Chen Zong immediately saluted with fists: "Unexpectedly, the junior just wanted to go to the Taixuan Realm with the Misty Henghai ship, but the five seniors were so laborious and grateful."

"Second Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, really when we are so leisurely." One middle-aged man with a cold look among the five kings of the light suddenly said sharply, the breath of breath covering Chen Zong.

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