Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1673: Little Shadow War Blood Lord

Ling Tian's figure was bathed in this blood-colored light beam, his eyes instantly revealed endless shock!

Under the nourishment of this blood crystal, his physical body has actually improved by more than 20%! !

Power, a feeling of omnipotent power filled my heart, making Ling Tian almost intoxicated. He could sense that this power was emitted from this blood crystal and temporarily integrated into his body, causing his physical body to skyrocket, so what if there were a few more blood crystals?

Ling Tian slowly closed his eyes, sensing the new power in his body, as if he could smash all the shackles of the seabed with his hands and feet.

Although Ling Tian's physical body is not yet soaring to a level at this time, although the difference between the front and the back is only 20%, the real strength gap is huge.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian took a step forward, soaring several times faster than before and then whistling away.

Now that he knew the horror of the blood crystal, he naturally wanted to use the means to get the other four into his hands as soon as possible. If Ling Tian's guess is right, every time he has one more piece in his hand, his physical body will experience a surge, but when it comes to perfection with the power of the flesh and blood, it will never be a problem.

Therefore, Ling Tian kept going all the way, with Tao Yaoyao guiding the direction of the five sea-covering formations, Ling Tian destroyed three blood towers one after another.

And within each blood tower, there is a blood crystal.

The first blood crystal had not been completely refined, so Ling Tian went straight to the last blood tower without stopping.

Ran Hongfu and Lin Yanyan above didn't know if there was any danger, and he was also very anxious.

An hour later, the core of the sea of ​​blood.

In front of an extremely magnificent blood-colored hall, Ling Tian rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

This blood palace is thousands of feet tall, like a blood god's residence, but the whole body is bloody, implying killing.

It just stood on the surface of the sea, exuding a **** breath, as if it had existed long ago, and it will stay here until the world is destroyed and it will never disappear.

A coercion radiated from this hall, although dim, it was enough to make many strong people stop in amazement.

This is the place where the breath of Ran Hongfu and Lin Yanyan finally disappeared, thinking about it, the so-called Blood Lord was hiding in this hall.

Looking at the hall in front of him, feeling the terrifying coercion in it, Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes full of firmness, without the slightest retreat.

He raised his hand, surrounded by three blood essences.

Within the five blood towers, there are a total of five blood crystals.

Now, Ling Tian has all been held in his hands, and two of them have been taken into his body by Ling Tian.

The second blood crystal is still being refined, but Ling Tian has no time to wait any longer.

Moreover, under the blessing of the two blood crystals, his bloodline power has soared by about 40%, enough to fight the blood master.

In the vast sea of ​​blood, Ling Tian came all the way through the **** storm. The palace on the sea is a hundred li around, like the palace of the blood god, with great power.

Ling Tian, ​​who was naked and covered with golden light, was covered by a white dress. After a while, Ling Tian took a step.

Into the hall.


"Ha ha ha ha, ants, just ants!"

"In front of the blood master, no matter how tyrannical the blood you are waiting for, it will be in vain!

In the depths of the Scarlet Hall, Luan Yunxiao, the holy son of the Qingluan tribe, was suspended in the air. He suddenly hummed and stretched out his big hand and fell from the sky.

And under that palm print, the blood-stained Ran Hongfu was lying in the deep pit, the Scarlet War Halberd scattered on the side, and had already let go.

Seeing that blood-colored giant palm fell, Ran Hongfu was full of unwillingness, but the blood master in front of him occupied Luan Yunxiao's body, and his fighting power was terrifying!

She couldn't resist it with just one move.

"Huh, disgusting thing, get out of here!"

At this moment, from the corner of the main hall, Lin Yanyan waved the long whip, which turned into a flame of red glow, and fell suddenly.


But the big hand of the Blood Lord was really fierce, and Lin Yanyan almost hit with all his strength, and he didn't even get rid of that big hand.

"Damn it! Xiaoying, it's your turn!"

Seeing that Ran Hongfu was about to be bombarded and killed by that big **** hand, Lin Yanyan yelled and raised the sign in his hand.

"Stop hurting my mistress!"

In an instant, the void in the hall was torn apart, and a figure appeared out of thin air from under the **** hands, and one of them was dressed in gold, and when he raised his hand, he tore away with a claw.


The blood master's tyrannical attack comparable to the perfect state of Sanxian was actually caught under the general golden claws that tore the earth and the earth was directly caught into debris, and the sky was filled with blood mist. This killer move was dispelled.

"Mother, let's go to the side to heal, I will fight him!"

Xiaoying's sleeves stirred and lifted Ran Hong from below.

"Okay, Xiaoying, be careful!"

Ran Hongfu knew that she couldn't help at this time, so she could only fly to the side and leaned against the wall of the hall to heal her injuries.


"I really didn't expect that besides the descendants of the Dragon Race that ruined my great formation, there is actually a monster like you planted here."

"Tsk tsk, the mixture of bloodlines is just what I have never seen before, but I sensed the breath of the sky-covering flame sparrow, this is a quasi-immortal bloodline!"

"The thief, God really treats me well!"

The big hand of the blood master was dispelled, but there was no trace of anger. Instead, he looked at the little shadow, and the blood-red eyes were full of excitement and fire.

However, Xiaoying has always been indifferent and unspoken, he sneered, the golden palm of the light shining, a set of golden hooks appeared.

This is the quasi-immortal soldier Ling Tian built for Xiaoying.

Although Xiaoying's physical claws were already comparable to weapons, the blessing of quasi-celestial soldiers was equivalent to an extra method.

The next moment this weapon became apparent, Xiaoying's figure disappeared again.


Above the blood master’s head, the space was torn silently again, and the invisible shadow body had not yet manifested, and the golden hook traversed the void, slashing out.

At the end of the hook is a sharp blade, which is unusually sharp.

"The vulture subtotal!"

However, the Blood Lord sneered, but it seemed that he had known the location of Xiaoying, and without raising his head, the figure disappeared into the blood mist.

Gou Suo Zhan Zhan Kong, Xiao Ying's face changed, and then the figure moved suddenly.

And at this moment, the figure of the Blood Lord suddenly appeared in front of him, blasted out with a punch, right on the chest of Xiao Ying, who could not be avoided.


A mouthful of golden blood splashed down the main hall, and the punch that could destroy the mountains and the earth was like a thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-junk.

Although Xiaoying can now tear apart the tyrannical power of the late Sanxian Dacheng with his bare hands, the real combat power is only in a realm comparable to Sanxian's Consummation, and there is still a gap between the Blood Lord in front of him.


With a cold snort, Xiaoying threw the hook in his hand directly.

Without matching martial arts blessings, this weapon is of no use.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Xiaoying's arms trembled, and golden sharp blades appeared on her ten fingers.

This is his physical golden claw, very tyrannical.

"Come again!"

Ignoring the scar on his chest, Xiaoying crossed the void, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the blood master, and the sharp claws shrouded the blood master like thunder and fire.

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