Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2063: Murong Ziyan's chance?


Ling Tian snorted coldly. He wanted to see what was hidden in this ancient ruin.

When the voice fell, Ling Tian jumped and jumped into the pool.


But at this moment, there was a silver icy flame above the water pool, suddenly bursting out, the flames condensed into a series of barren ancient totems, like a formation, the giant force condensed a frost barrier, and even blocked Ling Tian outside.


With a loud explosion, Ling Tian gathered Jun Lei's giant palm and slapped it on the barrier, but what made everyone exclaimed was that the barrier did not even understand and was not shattered.

This has to make everyone wonder.

You know, how tyrannical Ling Tian's palm is! ?

Even the golden sky forbidden can't take it down.

How tyrannical is this formation, it doesn't even move?

"Haha, interesting!"

Ling Tian didn't believe it, and stepped forward again, pressing his big hand on the frost barrier and a hundred thousand sword shadows burst out, wanting to break the formation.

However, after half a cup of tea time passed, Ling Tian's face changed suddenly and he retracted his palm.

At this time, the frost barrier was still there, but above Ling Tian's big hands, ice crystals had already condensed.

"No way!?"

Huangfu and Zhao Min frowned.

A formation that even Ling Tian couldn't break was really rare.

"Ling Tian, ​​no, this formation was transformed by Jin Xian's life before his death. It is an absolute formation. Without his permission, the formation cannot be broken."

In Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao said.

"There is no unbreakable formation."

Ling Tian shook his head, and immediately raised the Long Yuan sword in his hand.

"I don't believe it, this formation can stop me Long Yuan Fengrui!"

He wants the sword to slash the big formation.

But waiting for Ling Tian's Long Yuan sword to condense the sword light, the huge pool suddenly rippled with frost and storm.

A powerful force burst out from the pool.

In a short moment, the temperature dropped sharply within a thousand miles, and everyone looked in the direction of the water pool in horror.

There seemed to be flames burning.

The flames were icy and cold, slowly condensing the sound of the city's stalwart.

"Go, the ancient golden fairy is not dead!?"

Li Wuyou swallowed fiercely and murmured.

If they were really undead ancient golden immortals, they had spared others' Dongfu, fearing that it would be impossible to escape death today.

The powerful existence of the Golden Immortal ranks, or the younger generations now dare not provoke them.

Even if Ling Tian is already quite powerful now, it doesn't work.

"Stay back!"

Huangfu suddenly turned around and retreated the warriors of Yutiancheng.

In the end, within a hundred miles of the pool, only Ling Tian remained.

Ling Tian held the sword, raising his eyes to look at the figure that gradually condensed into one.

"Ancient Golden Immortal, Immortal Monarch Cold Flame?"

"It's the old man!" The figure leaned over and looked over.

His whole body was shrouded in silver frost flames. Although he couldn't see his appearance, his voice was similar.

"No, you have fallen."

Ling Tian frowned.

"Hehe, if you don't become a great emperor, you will die, sir, isn't it the same?"

That Guangying suddenly smiled.

"Me? I'm not dead in Ling Tian."

Ling Tian wondered, can this guy speak?

"Haha, okay, so your name is Ling Tian."

"Today, why are you waiting to offend my Dongfu?"

That Xianjun didn't answer, and even asked with a smile.

"Since you have fallen, and the ruins here are passed on, why not pass it on to the descendants of the human race? What does it mean to stop me?"

Ling Tian stepped forward.

"No, no, you stay, this is not because the old man is stingy, but only for those who are destined!"

"People who are destined can enter my cave without problems, and I have to inherit. I know that with your ten thousand swords in your heart, it is enough to break my formation, but when the formation is broken, it is the time when the old man's inheritance is extinct. A chance for someone who is destined."

"Can it?"

The figure looked at Ling Tian.

The latter looked at the figure for a long time, and finally put away the Long Yuan sword.

"You better not lie to me."

After that, Ling Tian turned around and shattered the ice crystals on his arms.

"Huangfu, drive over Yutian City and drain the resources here!"

"Everyone else, without my luck, can't get close to the cave mansion for half a step!"


The huge imperial city descended, and tens of thousands of warriors continued to mine ores and transport them into it.

Ling Tian stood on the wall of the Imperial City, his expression not very good.

Obviously, the ancient ruins have been obtained, but they cannot go deep into them.

This relic is extraordinary, not all golden immortals exist, who dare to claim to be the fairy king, and the fairy king is the existence under the fairy king, which proves that the old man just now was absolutely extraordinary.

The inheritance in the ruins is definitely far better than the one he encountered before in the first half of Shengxian Road.

And even that ancient relic has allowed Ling Tian's sword world power to rise from intermediate to advanced.

So this one is really a pity.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you seen Ziyan?"

At this moment, Murong Zining flew over.

"He? I didn't see it, what's the matter?"

Ling Tian frowned, his expression suddenly moved, and when he looked down, he saw that there was a figure descending upon the pool that was burning with frost flames.

That's not Murong Ziyan, who else can it be?

"Murong Ziyan, be careful!"

Ling Tian whispered.

The frost flame above the water pool was so strong that even his horned dragon body couldn't resist it. Ordinary Tianjiao leaned on, let alone broke the formation, the frost flame on it was enough to smash everything.

"younger brother!"

Murong Zining also exclaimed, and was about to rush down.

But Ling Tian grabbed his arm tightly.

"you will die."

"He is my brother! I can't watch him die!" Murong Zining yelled, his pretty face looked hideous.

"He chose it himself. Perhaps, we saved him in the first place, but we were actually harming him."

"We, no one has ever asked him what he wants."

Ling Tian looked into Murong Zining's eyes, "Zining, this is Murong Ziyan's own choice."

"We can't stop him."

"Even if he will die."

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Murong Ziyan had already landed on the pool, the frost flame engulfed him, and a shrill roar resounded through the ancient ruins.

In Yutian City, all the warriors couldn't help shaking as they watched this scene.

The pain of frost and raging fire, not everyone can bear.

Is this Murong Ziyan begging for death, or what is he doing?

"This guy is such a lunatic!"

Zhao Min shook his head.

How dazzling is this Tianjiao who was once the number one in Haoran City.

Now, it has become like this.

"No, he didn't give up, he was trying."

"Xianyan Han Yan didn't kill him either, it was a test."

But suddenly, Ling Tian frowned suddenly.

In the flames of the water pool, Murong Ziyan's screaming and screaming kept on, but it lingered.

This is weird.

If Hanyan Xianjun wanted to kill him, this Murong Ziyan would have died the moment he touched the fairy fire.


In Ling Tian's hands, a ray of light flashed, and the halberd of Heaven's Sin, like a star, shining in the void

"You are still a man."

Ling Tian looked at the figure looming in the frosty fairy fire, and even threw down the Heaven Sin War Halberd in his hand.

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