Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2064: Deep Space Forbidden Land Cinder Extinguish Fire

"Ling Tian..."

Murong Zining looked at Ling Tian, ​​but stopped talking.

"I can think of him, this day the halberd of sin is his. I hope this time, he will not insult this Celestial Immortal Soldier."


The Heavenly Sin Halberd fell into the pool, and disappeared suddenly with the boiling frost flame.

The calm water pool became calm again.

Even the archway that was a hundred meters high has disappeared.

And Murong Ziyan's figure disappeared, and many people felt that Murong Ziyan was dead.

Two days later, the imperial sky city looted all the mineral resources in the ancient ruins, and the imperial sky city also smoothly upgraded to a radius of five hundred miles.

This level of city can already be tied with the twelve generals in Qizhou.

And when the imperial city flew from the ancient ruins, the huge Qizhou city fleet finally arrived.

"Ancient ruins, gone!?"

Ye Mingxiao and Gu Lingxi looked at the huge Imperial City, their faces gloomy.

The cities of the six descendants of Tianjiao slowly flew towards the main city, but from the size, it was already possible to see the winner of this competition.

The imperial city with a radius of five hundred li, rides the dust.

"Hehe, wonderful! I really didn't expect that it will be your kid who will win in the end!"

Above Qizhou City, the lord Li Wen couldn't help laughing while looking at the crowd of arrogant figures on the Yutian City.

On the imperial city, Ling Tian and others stood proudly.

All this glory is what they deserve.

"City Lord, the first is Yutian City, can you give it a reward?"

Tianhu Su Jiu'er smiled.

"Hehe, nature!"

With a big wave of Li Wen's hand, a ring flew down.

"Here is the Void Giant Cannon. The power of one cannon is enough to kill the existence of the four-tier top combat power of Tianxian."

"There are ten gates in total. I hope you can continue to hunt and kill insects and beasts after entering the deepest space, and pave the way for Qizhou City."

Ling Tian took the ring in his hand and thanked him.

"Well, following the main city, prepare to enter the deepest space, where is the real hunting ground!"

Li Wen nodded and flew back to Qizhou City.

The huge main city roared, and with hundreds of cities, it flew to the dark void gate in the distance.

"younger brother."

The Imperial City also slowly flew away from the ancient ruins.

Murong Zining looked at the ancient ruins gradually disappearing from his eyes on the wall, tears could not help but welled up.

Until now, Murong Ziyan had not walked out of Xianjun Dongfu, but Yutian City could no longer wait.


Ling Tian retracted his eyes and didn't look back anymore.

The fleet flew to the black fairy gate in the void.

The distance is getting closer, and everyone can thoroughly feel the hugeness of this fairy gate.

Although it was only the entrance to the darkest and deep space, this immortal gate was still huge, and it was thousands of miles away.

Especially the younger generation Tianjiao who flew here for the first time, they could shove a few eggs in their mouths.

"All the city formations are open, ready to enter the darkest space!"

"The big formation opens and enters the deepest space!"

With an order from Li Wen, hundreds of cities and their defensive formations opened up, entering from Xianmen in file.

Yutian City was also in the fleet, and all the warriors on the city wall were standing there, waiting for the moment when they entered the void.

They don't know whether they can come back if they go.


At the moment of hiding into the fairy gate, the void was completely darkened.

Even if you can't distinguish between the top and the bottom, there is no sense of direction, and the four directions are like chaos.

Fortunately, in the fleet, all the formations on the city are equipped with light sources.

And the light on the main city of Qizhou is enough to illuminate the deep space of thousands of miles.

"Extinguish the formation, withdraw the light source!"

But at this moment, the light on the main city of Qizhou faded abruptly. From a distance, it looked like a floating black mountain peak, somewhat terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of cities also wiped out the light sources on the cities one by one, and the entire fleet seemed to float in the void.

"It's too dark, why do you do this?"

Zuo Xiao scratched his head.

"The darkest space is a hunting place. If it is discovered, it means that it will be wiped out."

"Hiding yourself is the safest way."

Huangfu said with a grim face.

"Dark Forest."

Ling Tian also took a deep breath, the boundless darkness gave people an inexplicable fear.

And this dark and deep space is very similar to a movie scene he once saw on earth.

"The darkest and deep space today is like a dark forest. Every city is a hunter, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pulling away the branches blocking the road, trying to keep the footsteps from making any noise. , Even breathing must be careful: we must be careful, because there are hunters sneaking like us everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do: destroy it. In this forest, Others are hell, an eternal threat."

"This is too exciting." Zuo Xiao and others looked out of the fleet, into the dark and deep space, there was darkness everywhere, not even a single star.

"Where do we go hunting?"

"That is, I don't even know the direction, so how can I talk about finding the land of a thousand cities!"

Li Wuyou and others are puzzled.


At this time, a trumpet sounded in Qizhou City in the distance, and Ling Tian got up and flew out.

This is the city lord Li Wen, calling.

Entering Qizhou City, the lord of hundreds of cities has arrived.

They watched Ling Tian fly in from outside the city gate, and all their eyes fell on him involuntarily.

Who would have thought that this Human Race youth turned out to be the strongest among the Tianjiao on the Road to Ascend to Immortality. Even Jin Tianban was defeated by three tricks. Seven Nights City, even more so, lost two Celestial Immortal soldiers!

"Hehe, everyone, please sit down."

When Ling Tian came to Su Jiu'er's side, Li Wen appeared in the hall.

A group of strong people are seated.

"City Lord Li Wen, why this time, we have to enter the deep space half a month in advance. Wasn't it originally planned?"

Jin Tianji asked suddenly.

"Leaving early is because I received the news that the other eight states have already entered the deep space before us. This time, the other cities have changed. I think it must be what happened in this deep space."

Li Wen brushed his beard and said solemnly.

"Could it be because of the land of a thousand cities?"

Gu Lingxi frowned.

"Perhaps, but no matter what, I Qizhou City, there is no reason to fall behind. Now, I will give you the map."

As he said, City Lord Li Wen waved his big sleeve, and hundreds of rays of light scattered.

Ling Tian used the light to find that it was a scroll.

The scroll opens, and on it is an extremely simple map.

It can be said that it is pitch black, but there are some flickering light spots on it.

"The light spot on this is the place we want to explore this time."

Li Wen said: "I will divide the twelve generals into twelve groups, and each will lead the fleet to investigate near these light spots. If it is a nest of insects and beasts, it will be destroyed directly. If nothing is found, I will return to the fleet immediately. "

"Our journey this time is extremely remote, and we must not make unnecessary sacrifices."

"City Lord Li Wen, I would like to ask, how did you learn about the news that other Bazhou cities entered into the dark and deep space in advance, and how did you discover the light spots on these maps in advance?" At that time, Ling Tian, ​​who was holding the scroll below, suddenly asked.

"Ling Tian, ​​presumptuous! What qualifications do you have to question the city lord!?"

Ye Mingxiao said coldly.

The other generals also looked over at the same time, and their expressions were not good.

In Qizhou, Ling Tian didn't have any backers, and all the generals didn't have any good expressions on him.

"Hehe, this is confidential, you don't need to know."

"If you are scared, you can follow my Qizhou City." Li Wen smiled.


Ling Tian pursed his lips and did not ask any more.

He was just out of worry.

Such a dark, deep sky is really suitable for ambushes. If the intelligence is wrong, it is likely to be a disaster.

"I hope I'm worrying too much."

Ling Tian continued to look at the scroll, and found that apart from some light spots, there were a few particularly conspicuous red dots on the map.

"What is this place?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Seeing these light spots, he suddenly felt a sense of palpitations.

"That is the forbidden land in the darkest deep sky in the legend."

Su Jiu'er looked over and whispered to Ling Tian's side.

"Forbidden area? Haha, in such a dangerous place, is there a forbidden area?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows: "Is it terrible?"

"Well, there are three places in the forbidden area, the Fallen Abyss, the Sirius Death Star, and the Zerg Eye."

Su Jiu'er nodded.

"What? Fallen Abyss, is the forbidden land?"

Ling Tian suddenly whispered.

He had heard this name from Yu Xuanji's mouth.

According to her, the abyss is a way back to the chaotic battlefield.

"Well, why, do you know this place?"

Su Jiu'er curled his lips, "It is said that the Fallen Abyss is terrifying. He is hidden in the deep space and does not know the boundary, but if he falls into it, he will undoubtedly die."

"Usually, within a radius of the Degenerate Abyss, there will be no cities close to it."

"That's it, that sounds really scary enough."

Ling Tian nodded.

I'm afraid that few people here know the secret of the Fallen Abyss, right?

"Actually, there are even more terrifying things!" Seeing Ling Tian's tight face, Su Jiu'er suddenly felt very interesting, "City Lord Li Wen told me that these forbidden lands are actually not terrible, their positions are fixed. , As long as you walk around, there will be no problem. The most terrifying thing is the Cinder Extinguishing Fire wandering in the deep sky."

"The fire of Ember Destruction? What is that thing, kind of fire?"

Ling Tian came to be interested.

"No, it is said that they are not fires. They wander in deep space, large and small. Even small, they are enough to burn a city of three hundred miles."

"Large, in the legend, someone once saw the land of tens of thousands of miles in the area of ​​Cinder Destruction. There are such terrifying flames everywhere. It is more forbidden than the forbidden land. Basically, it is just close, like our main city of Qizhou , They will all be burned out."

Su Jiu'er shook his head: "This is a kind of existence that makes Kyushu warriors talk about it. It is a forbidden place in the forbidden area. I hope we will not encounter it this time."

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