
Chapter 16 Huanglin Mountain Temple

"But, this kid actually went to Huanglin Mountain?"

"What, is there any problem in Huanglin Mountain?" Jiang Yuanchen asked while teasing the koi.

"This matter seems to have something to do with you." Chen Hao chuckled.

Has something to do with me? Jiang Yuanchen's heart moved: "Could it be related to the two people in Shuiyuedongtian?"

"You actually thought of it?" Chen Hao immediately guessed it when he saw Jiang Yuanchen, and he lost most of his temper.

"Brother Zhang Miao thinks we are fools. Shuiyue Dongtian came to the land of Chenchu ​​for no reason. What kind of traveling and practice? If people from Shuiyue Dongtian really want to travel around the world, then the Sixteen Kingdoms of Yizhou and the land of Yunzhou will always It’s better than our Lingzhou. After all, they are traveling to our Taixu Dao Sect’s place to cause trouble for us, but we just don’t know what they are planning.”

Although the world of mortals is helpful for the practice of illusion, the land of Lingzhou is religiously oriented to Taixu Tao, which is not suitable for Zhang Miao's practice compared with the chaotic Yunzhou and Yizhou.

It's just that Jiang Yuanchen doesn't know much about the world of cultivation after all. Although he can tell that there is something wrong with those two people, the specific reason is not something that Jiang Yuanchen at his level can understand.

"Since Zhang Miao and the two are walking on the ancient Chen-Chu Road, their intention is to be in the land of Chen-Chu, right? Zhang Miao asked for orders to travel in the Chu State on his own initiative. If it was a cover-up he set up, the object he was plotting should be in the Chen State. Of course. Maybe the thing is in Chu State, and he deliberately moved under the nose of Uncle Master." Jiang Yuanchen drove the koi back to the water and said to Chen Hao: "Uncle Master, may I ask what those two people are planning?"

"I don't know! After I sent the news back, there were elders who specialized in deducing the secrets. Just as you thought, their purpose was locked in the land of Chen Chu. Lin Zixuan's name was to slay demons, but perhaps his real intention was to come to the Chen Kingdom Test it out.”

"You have been here for more than two months, and your relationship with Jinshaxi has ended. You should also go to Huanglin Mountain for a trip." Chen Hao suddenly said: "Then Lin Zixuan is not a master of illusion. If it is really related to Shuiyuedongtian, you Being proficient in illusion can also help the leader break through the confusion."


"Yes, your flying speed is not as fast as Lin Zixuan. How can you catch up with him if you don't set off quickly?" Chen Hao said: "You taught this koi how to practice breathing, which can be regarded as passing on the cause and effect of Jinsha Creek to it. In the future, it will As the Water God in charge of Jinshaxi, you can leave early."

Jiang Yuanchen nodded and returned to the white jade altar to arrange many things. He suppressed the water god's magic conch on the white jade altar to temporarily adjust the water channel, and then painted a water god's seal on the koi's forehead to leave it with the power to protect itself. After leaving Jinshaxi for several months, he hurried to the land of Huanglin Mountain.

At dusk, Jiang Yuanchen, dressed in Qingyun Taoist robes and carrying a mahogany sword on his back, finally arrived at the foot of Huanglin Mountain under the last glow of dusk.

"Well, the speed of using the magic talisman is quite fast. It only took four hours." Standing on a hillside and looking around: "It's not easy to stay here with no village or shop, so it's better to stay here. Let’s move forward!”

After walking for a while, I finally saw the outline of a building in the distance. Jiang Yuanchen was overjoyed and quickly ran over. When I walked in, I discovered that the building turned out to be a "mountain temple."

Jiang Yuanchen frowned. The temple in this mountain temple was in dilapidated condition. The front door was covered with weeds. The wooden door at the entrance of the temple was also rotten. Only half of the door was left shaking in the wind.

If it were a real temple of a mountain god, how could it be so dilapidated? In other words, like the previous generation of Jinshaxi Water God, has this mountain god also died? In that demonic catastrophe, Lingzhou was really seriously damaged. Did a large number of landscape gods actually die?

Jiang Yuanchen held the door and walked into the mountain temple. He saw that the inside was overgrown with weeds and desolate. The courtyard is not big, there is only a closed hall standing in the middle, with a faint light of fire coming out of it.

Anyone? Before Jiang Yuanchen could think about it carefully, the people inside took action.

"Who! I don't know if it's a friend on that road, but Li Tianhao of the Golden Blade Sect is here to learn from me!" Then there was a shouting sound coming from the main hall, followed by the sound of a knife.

Jiang Yuanchen was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the noise caused when he entered the door just now made the people inside alert. However, it looks like he is a martial artist, so he is not afraid of him, but it is better to be careful.

While Jiang Yuanchen was stunned, the people inside had already come out. There were three people in total, all of them were big men with dark skin and sharp eyes. They were wearing black clothes and carrying big swords. It completely conforms to Jiang Yuanchen's imagination of martial arts people, and of course they are all supporting roles.

The leader was a man with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, bright and energetic. It was he who discovered Jiang Yuanchen's existence just now.

This Tianmen has not been opened yet, so he is just an acquired warrior and is not something to be afraid of. However, it is not ruled out that they are innate warriors who have hidden their cultivation, so be on guard! The other two were obviously not as good as him in cultivation, but looking at the blood-evil aura surrounding them, they didn't seem to be good people. I have no real combat experience, but I must not be defeated by a few acquired warriors. It will be a huge loss of face. How can I not be laughed at by Master Chen Hao in the future?

Jiang Yuanchen's mind changed and he casually made up: "Gu Yuezi, a poor man, comes from Baiyang Mountain. He was ordered by his master to go to Wucheng County to perform a ritual. Because it was getting late, he came here to find a place to stay. So. Please forgive me for disturbing all heroes!"

"My lord, Li Tianhao, we are destined to meet each other. Please help yourself, little brother." Li Tianhao gave Jiang Yuanchen a strange look. If a kid who looks fourteen or fifteen years old carries a wooden sword and pretends to be a Taoist priest, no one will believe him.

Chen Guonai is the hinterland of Taixu Taoist sect, which worships Taoism and immortals. It has become a fashion to wear Taoist robes and carry wooden swords. In particular, the princes and nobles would go to the nearby Taixu Taoist Temple to register their Taoist certificates and become registered lay disciples in order to keep up with the trend.

Taoist priests are proficient in fortune-telling, chess, calligraphy, painting, and archery. Their status in the surrounding countries is extremely high. Especially if you get the chance to become a disciple of the Taixu Taoist Sect, you are more likely to become an immortal immortal. Many of the princes and nobles of the Chu State worshiped the outer sect of the Taixu Taoist Sect in order to seek a chance of immortality.

So it is not surprising at all that a young man is dressed like a Taoist. And what he said, with a childish voice but pretending to be mature, didn't sound convincing at all.

When Li Tianhao thought about it, this young man had no calluses in his hands, his shoulders could not resist, and his hands could not lift him. He looked like a noble man with fair complexion and fine skin and tender flesh. It's just for fun watching the Taoist priests, or to hide themselves.

After all, a young man is alone, and if he wears noble clothes, he will be a "real fat sheep". And if he dressed up as a commoner, he would be sold to a "boyfriend house" just because of his appearance, and would be played by those with special preferences. Therefore, using the identity of a Taoist priest to hide one's identity will prevent people from deliberately looking for trouble with a "Taoist priest" without knowing the root cause.

You can't blame Jiang Yuanchen. I have said before that the initial stage of refining and refining qi is the process of cultivating inner qi to nourish the essence and refining the essence into true qi. There are two ways to practice this step. One is "external supplementation", which means supplementing food and elixirs from the outside world to nourish the essence and refine the true energy. If you eat well in this way and use your energy to keep fit, you will look slightly older than your actual age.

The other type is "internal nourishment" where one's own essence is transformed into true energy, and then the true energy nourishes the physical body and feeds back the essence. It is based on the principle that "the human body forms its own heaven and earth, and is a perfect whole". In this way, most of the essence is used to transform the true energy, nourish the physical body, slow down the aging of the physical body, and naturally look younger than the actual appearance.

Although the outer sect of Taixu Dao Sect uses both methods, because Jiang Yuanchen was raised internally, this eighteen-year-old boy only looks like he is fourteen or fifteen years old.

After thinking about it, Li Tianhao motioned to the two people behind him to leave the door and let Jiang Yuanchen in.

According to the common sense of people in the world, try not to provoke Taoist priests, women, children, and the elderly if they act alone. Especially Jiang Yuanchen had just reported that his family was from Baiyang Mountain, and Baiyang Mountain was the territory of Taixu Taoist Sect. Even if this young man was just a noble son who ran away from home, using the name of Taixu Taoist Sect was not something they could do casually. People to mess with. Let him rest here for one day and he will leave naturally tomorrow.

"Didn't take action? It seems that these people are not as reckless as they appear." Jiang Yuanchen thought that his identity as Taixu Dao Sect had played a role and walked towards the main hall. But I didn't expect that people simply regarded him as a child and thought he didn't have fighting ability. They were cautious and didn't care about him.

Because the group of big men didn't close the door when they came out. So Jiang Yuanchen could easily see what was going on inside. The lobby is extremely spacious, with a statue of a mountain god placed in the middle. The incense table in front of the statue has been overturned, and there are many cobwebs on it.

There was a blazing bonfire burning in the middle of the lobby. Next to the pillar on the left side of the lobby, there was a man in black leaning there. His left arm was completely broken, and his face was pale, as if he had lost too much blood. There is a person beside you to take care of you. Just from the wary eyes of the two people and the sword in their right hands, we knew that these two people were also wary of their uninvited guest.

"There are five people in total. Except for the man at the head who has reached the peak of acquired warriors, the other four are not of concern. There is also a seriously injured person who only needs a thunder spell to fix it." Thinking of this, Jiang Yuanchen felt determined and went directly to the statue. Go.

The three people behind him walked in, walked to their companions, and looked at Jiang Yuanchen's movements with cold eyes. Suddenly one of the scarred-faced men stepped forward and said, "Since the little Taoist leader calls himself Baiyang Mountain, is he a member of the Taixu Taoist Sect?"

Jiang Yuanchen stopped and said, "Pindao is indeed from the Taixu Taoist Sect. This is of course true. We are the only Taixu family in Baiyang Mountain!"

Scarface smiled strangely: "We admire Taixu's Taoism very much! I wonder if the Taoist Master can subdue demons and catch ghosts. I think the Taoist Master should be quite good at it since he comes from a famous family." Taixu Taoism The Xu Dao Sect sits in the center of all countries, subdues demons and ghosts, cultivates immortals and eliminates demons, and protects the country, so even ordinary people know the existence of those cultivators.

Jiang Yuanchen frowned and showed off his power! When speaking, the pronunciation of the word "小道长" was emphasized. Anyone can hear the irony in it. It was clearly to look down on the person, or to test his identity.

This was Jiang Yuanchen's first time going out alone, and he knew nothing about catching ghosts and subduing demons. He looked at a few people again, and when he saw the man with a broken arm, Jiang Yuanchen had something to think about: "I, the Taixu Taoist Sect, have profound Taoist methods, while the poor Taoist only has a superficial knowledge, and I also know a little bit about subduing demons and catching ghosts." . But Xiaodao thinks, shouldn’t you ask me if you can save someone now? I’m afraid the brother with the broken arm won’t be able to hold on for long, right?”

Li Tianhao was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed: "The little Taoist really has good eyesight. If the little Taoist can cure him, I, the Golden Blade Sect, owe a favor to the little Taoist. There will be a big reward in the future!"

Jiang Yuanchen glanced at Li Tianhao: "When did Pindao say that he could be cured? Not to mention that he would have to at least get his arm to reattach the severed limb, right? And it seems that there is a demonic aura lingering around his wound, and his face is pale with a trace of evil spirit. Green Qi. It is clear that the demon Qi has entered the body for a short time, so it is better to prepare for the funeral!" And what use is a generous reward from an acquired warrior to me? Of course, Jiang Yuanchen didn't say the last sentence, otherwise he would be asking for a beating.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you little Taoist priest! Believe it or not, your uncle will chop you with a knife!" Another bald man next to Li Tianhao threatened, and he was about to step forward and chop you with a knife.

"Wait a minute!" Li Tianhao stopped his subordinates and said to Jiang Yuanchen, "Please don't be offended, Taoist Priest. My brother is eager to save people, so please don't be offended, Taoist Priest! But is my Brother Wang's injury really hopeless?"

Jiang Yuanchen patted the Taoist robe and sat down on the ground: "It's not hopeless, but now the poor Taoist is more interested in the goblin that hurt him, and he also asked Brother Li to give him some advice. Anyway, if you stop his bleeding, he won't die for a while. The demonic energy won't penetrate deep into the bones so quickly." Just now, I thought they were not good people and didn't want to have contact with them. Now in order to obtain information, Big Brother was called immediately. It can only be said that Jiang Yuanchen's moral integrity was thrown away on the mountain when he went down.

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