Tang's dining table

Chapter 1029 Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements

Seeing the old young boss, Yun Chu smiled and said, "What, there's been a change?"

The boss got up from the ground and bowed his hands to Yunchu: "Can you please let me go?"

Yun Chu said: "Have I ever harmed you?"

The boss thought for a moment and said, "Why not? You have been thinking about my mother-in-law for more than ten years."

Yun Chu approached with a smile and said, "Haven't you been thinking about the first part of Pingkangfang for more than ten years?"

The boss said: "I'm just thinking about it."

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "Fuck you, you are allowed to miss Pingkangfang's first movie for more than ten years, but I am not allowed to miss your wife for more than ten years. Are you too overbearing?"

The boss said weakly: "This is different. I think the beauty in Pingkangfang can only think about it. You can take my wife away at any time you want."

"Did I kidnap your wife?"

"That's not true."

"That's fine, you just think about the beauty in Pingkangfang, and I can only think about your wife, the same thing."

"Actually, I know you don't like my wife, but you just like to come to my place to relax."

"Huh? Why are you so smart all of a sudden?"

The boss approached Yun Chu carefully, pointed at the little girl who was making pancakes, and said, "Is my daughter pretty?"

"What are you going to do?" Yun Chu looked at the approaching boss warily.

"If you like it, give me some money and take it away."

"What? Just give me some money and take it away? Are you stupid?"

"You are stupid. My little girl has been working as a maid in your house for a few years. Even after entering a big house and meeting noble people, she has learned the rules of the big house. In a few years, when she gets older and comes out with a reward, she can marry one. In a big, run-down household, if someone has money and someone comes in, she will be the mistress.”

Yun Chu couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He had no problem accepting other people's daughters into his house as maids. He didn't know why, but he felt a little ashamed when he looked at his boss's daughter, who was as fresh as a green onion and had grown up.

"Speak of your wife as your wife, and don't make fun of your children."

"No joke, I'll give you a hundred guan and take her away. If you really like my wife, add 5 guan and take her away too!"

Seeing what the boss said was categorical, Yunchu knew that this bastard was betting that he couldn't do such a thing. Even though the friendship between buying and selling cakes has lasted for more than ten years, the quality of his character can still be seen. .

So, Yun Chu took out a handful of golden melon seeds from his arms and put it in the boss's hand and said, "That's it."

The boss bravely held the golden melon seeds carefully in his arms and was about to say that every spit was a pit, but he found that Yun Chu had already run away with the bay red horse.

The boss pressed the golden melon seeds in his arms and said with some disappointment: "I knew you were here to pay back the money."

At this time, the young man had already made the mutton pancakes that Yun Chu wanted. When he wanted to give them to Yun Chu, no one was there, so he said to Aye, "Aye, where are the guests?"

The boss took the pancake from his son's hand, took a big bite and said, "The money has been paid, let's eat the pancake."

The girl in green clothes in the shop didn't know from beginning to end that he, Aye, had actually sold her.

After returning home, when Yun Chu talked about this matter, Yu Xiurong and the others almost died laughing.

This seems to be the first time that this man, who seems to be omnipotent, has been squeezed by others and has nothing to say, and finally runs away.

After Ms. Cui laughed, she said: "The mutton pancake sellers are taking advantage inside and outside. It would be strange if the Lord could take advantage of this matter."

Yunchu felt that one thing had been proved, the people of Chang'an had become smarter.

If just one incident is not enough to prove this point of view, then the overall economic cognition of the people of Chang'an is more than one dimension higher than that of the Tang people in other places.

Turning your back to the sky and looking for food from the land, or bidding farewell to your parents and joining the army, and becoming a marquis immediately. This is a common choice for people in Guanzhong. Now, more and more people are doing business.

Although there are more merchants, local management will inevitably become more difficult, because merchants at this time are basically in a primitive business environment of buying low and selling high. This way of buying and selling is actually speculation. Although it has certain benefits for the transfer of goods, it is not Because he did not participate in actual production, he was looked down upon by the court.

While people in Chang'an are accustomed to looking for opportunities to buy low and sell high, many opportunities that were not discovered or ignored before are now being discovered by Chang'an people.

They even followed their own example and left Chang'an to proactively look for business opportunities elsewhere.

Yun Chu has been waiting, waiting for the people of Chang'an to achieve the ultimate in the business of buying low and selling high, and then the era of actively creating business opportunities and actively producing business opportunities will come.

As long as the people of Chang'an learn these things, the city of Chang'an can prosper forever.

Ever since the Wu brothers came to the Wannian County Government Office, Yunchu didn't go to the County Government Office very much.

The reason why Yunchu didn't go to work was that there was a drought in Hedong Road this year. The queen ordered that all government offices should be diligent and frugal to serve the people. They were not allowed to eat or drink excessively. Officials were not allowed to wear brocade, let alone eat meat.

I heard that a fourth-grade official has been sued by someone for eating a chicken during a business trip, and is now suspended pending trial.

Everyone knew that this official was unjust, and there was a big discussion in the court in Luoyang about whether chicken was considered meat.

Naturally, the Wannian County Yamen cannot continue to boost the economy of Wannian County with big fish and meat.

I spend the whole day eating cabbage, tofu, carrots and lotus root.

When Yunchu didn't show up, the Wu brothers were very proud. They thought that Yunchu might have been dragged into the back hall by someone sent by the queen and slapped dozens or hundreds of times, and warned him not to interfere in the reconstruction project in the south of Chang'an City.

After being warned, Yun Chu must have been holding back a lot of anger in his heart. When the Wu brothers were in the Wannian County Yamen, they seemed extremely amiable. Except for the affairs of the Nancheng reconstruction project, they were not interested in any behavior of Wannian County. No comment.

After three days on the construction site, even people like the Wu brothers who did not understand construction had to admit that the foundation of the Chang'an Nancheng reconstruction project was extremely solid.

At least, more than a dozen master craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry have only discovered a few minor flaws so far, and these minor flaws were all found with a critical attitude.

There was no problem with the construction of the project. It was also very clear that the project payment was advanced by the merchants. So, on May 14th, the Wu brothers paid 20% of the project payment advanced by the merchants in accordance with the contract.

No one has found any traps in the ongoing renovation project. Yang Han, a master craftsman, even thinks that this is an extremely ordinary construction project. The merchants advance the money in advance and pay the money after passing the government acceptance. In Yang Han's view, this is A very good process.

Yang Han and his colleagues would not consider selling any of the buildings they built before. Therefore, when they presided over the Nancheng reconstruction project, they basically did not consider the issue of selling.

Not only that, they were even complacent about the fact that half of the advance payment for the house they had previously received from Yunchu fell into their hands.

Therefore, Yang Han and the Wu brothers gave the queen a memorial stating that the project was going well and the prospects were extremely promising, and she would definitely make a lot of money in the future.

If there were only memorials from the Wu brothers, Wu Mei would still be suspicious. Now that there are memorials from the masters of the Ministry of Industry signed by Yang Han, Wu Mei is relieved about this matter.

May 14th was the day when the renovation project party handed over the advance funds to the merchants. It was also the day when Yunchu and Wannian County Yamen officially withdrew from the renovation project.

From this day forward, Yunchu will no longer be responsible for the Nancheng reconstruction project.

With Yunchu gone, no one would be responsible for the advance payments made by the merchants. Therefore, the merchants began to look for the Wu brothers and began to ask for money and food to purchase materials for the project and to pay for labor in advance.

During lunch, a group of people led by the Wu brothers saw an extremely obvious look of gloating on the faces of the Wannian County officials.

Although the businessmen's request for money was a headache for them, this incident was the first trouble they encountered after snatching food from the tiger Yunchu, which made the Wu brothers breathe a sigh of relief.

Yun Chu, who said nothing and did nothing, was the scariest person.

Wu Chengsi took down a bowl of braised meatballs, a bowl of braised pork and a bowl of braised mutton from the dining cart pushed by the cook and placed them on his table. He also proudly told the cook that in front of the officials from Luoyang , everyone should have such a meal.

In this way, the meal in front of them was several grades higher than the big pot dishes eaten by Wannian County officials.

Only Yang Han said to Wu Chengsi with some concern: "It's so wasteful..."

Wu Sansi, who was eating meat, deliberately raised his voice and said: "The emperor never needs hungry soldiers, and the same is true for the queen. It's just a little money, we have plenty."

Lu Zhaolin, who was eating vermicelli, cabbage and tofu, whispered to Yang Jiong: "The east has been hit by a disaster. There hasn't been a drop of rain since the beginning of spring. The ground is so dry that even the seeds can't germinate. The queen has banned officials from eating meat. Why are they still so extravagant? "

Yang Jiong raised his head, looked at Wu Sansi, looked at the greasy food on their table, and said, "I am the nephew of the Queen, so the Queen's ban may not mean anything to them."

Shen Ru, who was sitting next to them, said with a smile: "Our food is not bad. Look, there is still oil residue in the cabbage, vermicelli and tofu."

Wu Sansi saw that the officials in Wannian County were looking at their meals, so he called the cook again.

"Your chef in Wannian County is said to be the best in Chang'an, but you don't have anything to offer?"

The cook who came out of Yun's family immediately laughed and said: "The officials are joking. As long as the kitchen in the back hall of Wannian County is what the officials want to eat, there is nothing we can't make."

Wu Sansi laughed loudly and said: "It seems that Yunchu has done a good job in Wannian County's kitchen. Let me bring you some fish first. I want big ones."

Seeing the cook blinking and refusing to leave, a gold coin popped out of Wu Sansi's hand. The cook grabbed the gold coin as fast as lightning, pushed the dining cart and ran to the back kitchen, shouting as she ran.

"For God's sake, quickly bring me all the six big carp in the fish pond. If you don't eat them, they will turn into sperm."

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