Tang's dining table

Chapter 1030 The

Political struggle is actually not that complicated and thrilling.

Just solve the problem when you encounter it. Whoever is strong has a high probability of continuing to be strong. Soldiers are in danger, and there are not many examples in history of defeating more with less.

After all, dogs will jump over the wall only when they are anxious.

Emperor Taizong's Xuanwumen Incident is one such example.

At that time, Emperor Gaozu had made it clear that the throne was established by the prince. Once the prince was established and became the emperor, Emperor Taizong would most likely run away all over the world. Maybe there is no way to escape, and everyone will end up dead.

Taizong first pretended to be poisoned by the prince and vomited blood, which won the sympathy of many people and convinced his unsteady subordinates that they needed to rebel.

Then there was Lao He who bribed the Palace Gate Bureau to help him open the Xuanwu Gate and take control of the palace. He then deceived the prince and Yuanji into coming out. Everyone swarmed up and started a battle in Longshouyuan. In the end, Emperor Taizong killed the prince and Yuanji. .

Yuchi Gong took a knife and forced Emperor Gaozu to change Taizong to be the crown prince. Then Empress Changsun put on her armor and entered Emperor Gaozu's harem. After a massacre, the palace was calmed down, and basically everything outside was also calmed down.

Generally speaking, Emperor Taizong's Xuanwumen Incident formed a local crushing force, and then used an overwhelming advantage in Chang'an to kill the two culprits, Prince Jiancheng and Qi Wang Yuanji, and won the final victory. .

What Yunchu designed for the prince Li Hong was not some local crushing power. He planned to design a grand scene for the prince. Even if the prince died, the ministers would support the prince's youngest son to ascend the throne.

In this way, Prince Li Hong needs to grasp the real imperial power in advance and perform the emperor's affairs with the dignity of the prince.

Of course, the best situation is that Li Hong successfully ascends the throne. Yunchu is not in the mood or has the energy to educate Li Hong's son from childhood to adulthood.

How can we make Li Hong's power greater than the queen's power?

In fact, there are only two ways, one is to let the prince work hard to develop and surpass the queen, and the other is to desperately weaken the queen's power and make her less powerful than the prince.

On these two points, Yun Chu is grasping.

The Chang'an Nancheng reconstruction project is a measure to weaken the queen's power. This is a variation formed by Yunchu after learning from Zheng Guoqu's strategy created by Koreans during the Warring States Period.

The Nancheng reconstruction project, like the Zhengguo Canal, is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. The only drawback is that it is too expensive.

The Zheng Guo Canal delayed the First Emperor's efforts to unify the six kingdoms for three years. However, after the Zheng Guo Canal was excavated, the Guanzhong Plain turned into the Miliang River, and this truly formed a situation of suppressing the six kingdoms with one corner.

The same as the Nancheng reconstruction project. As long as the queen uses her own money to complete the project, the people of Chang'an will have complicated feelings for the queen, which will further strengthen Wu Mei's position as queen. After all, she really did it. Learn the true story of Mu Yitianxia.

Of course, if the reconstruction project of Chang'an South City is not completed - the Queen's reputation will be regarded as a stinky street.

Yunchu had no intention of letting the queen gain any benefit from the Nancheng reconstruction project.

While the Wu brothers were concentrating on the project, Yunchu also started his upgrading project of Jinchangfang, East Market, West Market, and even Zhuque Street.

These four places are basically the four most prosperous places in Chang'an City. As long as Yunchu slightly upgrades and transforms these four places according to the concept of convenience for people and business, and then uses the advantages of the government to establish a service-oriented government here, In fact, the first choice for business in Chang'an City must still be these four places. As for the newly opened Nancheng... it is very likely that it will become a ghost town where only relocated households live.

A long time ago, many corners of the city were difficult to develop, so they brought in people from outside to develop them under extremely favorable conditions. When people from outside had developed enough, the government took the initiative to upgrade and renovate the main urban area and improve the center. Competitive advantages of urban areas.

This then led to a de facto trend of closing the door and beating the dog, leaving those who came from outside unable to wear their trousers, but the government almost lost a newly developed place in vain.

It increases the potential for subsequent development of your city.

Wu Mei's current Nancheng development project is just such a thing, a project that can increase the follow-up power of economic development in Chang'an.

In short, Yunchu will never destroy the Queen's Nancheng development and renovation project, and will fully support the Wu brothers in building this huge and beautiful ghost town.

Therefore, Yun Chu would never report Wu Sansi's violation of the rules by eating and drinking in the Wannian County canteen. If possible, the Wu brothers needed to be protected.

Compared with the Nancheng reconstruction project, the reconstruction of Jinchangfang, Zhuque Street, and the east and west cities in Yunchu cost very little money. Most of this reconstruction was to transform officials rather than to transform the landscape.

For example, overpasses have been built in several busy areas on Zhuque Street.

Originally, Zhuque Street was very long, a full ten miles long. Under normal circumstances, the shops on the left could only earn money from pedestrians on the left, and the shops on the right could only earn money from pedestrians on the right. With the overpass, pedestrians on the left and right could only earn money. Merchants on both sides can make money.

As for the two cities in the east and west, the way to keep them prosperous is naturally to reduce taxes and tax exemptions. In addition, the so-called services are not worth mentioning in front of merchants. As long as they collect less taxes every month, they will be slapped in the face. They all think your service is good.

Jinchangfang is different. Here we only pay attention to a people-oriented approach.

Since Yun Chu stopped going to the Nancheng reconstruction project site, the place he visited the most every day was the Datang Wanguo Songde Tianshu construction site at the entrance to the imperial city. Watching the pillar getting taller every day, Yun Chu felt very pleased. .

Once the pillar is completed, it will be the second tallest building in Chang'an City.

Every time Yunchu went to this construction site, he would see King Naha sitting in the shed supervising the work.

At home, Naha is just a girl, sister-in-law, and aunt. On the construction site, she is the real King Naha, and she is a king who can command thousands of people to obey her orders.

But at the construction site, apart from Prince Aluohan of Persia, Yun Chu met the most people from the three places in Liaodong. Mao Poluo from Dongyi was responsible for making molds, Quan Xiancheng from Korea was responsible for transporting copper, and Mao Poluo from Korea was responsible for transporting copper. Fan Changgao Zuyou was responsible for carving.

Yun Chu touched Naha who was dozing and said, "Did you find these people?"

Naha looked in the direction of her brother's finger, shook her head and said, "No, they are all sent by the Ministry of Rites."

Yun Chu nodded, feeling a little worried.

The Three Kingdoms of Liaodong, except for Daxing City, are now ruled by the Queen.

The biggest reason why the Queen was able to control the Three Kingdoms of Liaodong was the surrender of the Silla people. The person who went between the Queen and the Silla people was Jin Yuru.

Among the three counties of Silla, Baekje, and Goryeo, Baekje and Goryeo have long been in disarray. Now, people in these two counties are trying to move to Liaodong.

Because, compared with Liaodong, the land in Baekje and Goryeo is too barren.

This is also the reason why Xue Rengui dared to implement the extermination policy against those tribes that rebelled at every turn in Yingzhou.

At this time, the largest population in the three counties of Liaodong was the Silla people.

Yunchu felt that with the temperament of the Silla people, the Tang Dynasty would probably have to launch an eastern expedition in a few years.

Today's Silla people should be following Gou Jian's example.

In recent years, Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla people have begun to appear in the court hall. The same is true in the army. Baekje people like Hei Te Changji have been promoted to the level of General Chungmu. , within ten years, among the Sixteen Guards of the Tang Dynasty, there will definitely be people from these three places serving as generals.

Yunchu was unable to change this situation, because the local generals of the Tang Dynasty were hiding collectively in the Lishan Villa, taking a bath in the hot springs and eating carrots.

The emperor would rather believe in the original Turks, the Hu people with ten surnames, and even the people of Goryeo, Baekje, and Silla, than the Tang people.

Yun Chu was very clear about the emperor's thoughts and actions. Most of the local military commanders were from generals and clans. In recent years, clans and wealthy families have been the emperor's target.

Anyone who has anything to do with aristocratic families or noble families is basically unlikely to be reused by the emperor.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see.

After Yunchu came down from the greenhouse where Naha was staying, and saw the usual Chang'an street scene, the worries in his heart basically dissipated.

The Wu brothers were so gentle in Wannian County that Di Renjie refused to come again, so Yun Chu went to the Chang'an County government office.

The gentle county government is located on the West Market, which is the largest market in Chang'an City. In the middle, there is the Longshou Canal flowing slowly through the West Market.

Longshou Canal can be used for boating, and there are restaurants on both sides.

Many drinkers would lie half-ly on a reed mat with a plate of apricots and a pot of wine beside them. They would drink a sip of wine and eat a sip of apricots. Within a short time, their teeth would be gone, and they would even begin to have trouble speaking and start drooling. .

This is why poor drunkards drink a small amount of wine but are willing to eat a lot of apricots. They want everyone to know that they are drunk.

Seeing these drunken people, Yun Chu regretted somewhat. The poem "About to Enter the Wine" should have appeared in the Western Market, not in a pink building.

Famous sayings such as "The emperor can't get on the boat, but claims that he is the Immortal of Wine" can attract many drunkards to come to the Western Market to consume expensive drinks, and can also further highlight the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty...

"Why are you here in West City? Don't you always dislike this place being dirty?"

Wen Wen put down the sheep's head meat bun in her hand and wiped the oil stains on her hands and asked.

"The East Market is full of nasty people now."

Gentle said: "Why are you such a nuisance? The Wu brothers are such good people. I heard that they are taking charge of the Nancheng reconstruction project very seriously this time. They just have to live on the construction site."

Yunchu sighed and said: "We are plotting against the Queen. The Queen's own power is growing faster than we can strip it away. I just found out at the construction site of the Tianshu Pillar of Songde Tianshu in the Tang Dynasty that the Queen is planning something. of using aliens.”

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and said: "Li Si's famous "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion" of the Qin Dynasty appeared in Chang'an. You are now in Chang'an and say that it is not good for the queen to use foreign officials. You have no position."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "The "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion" appeared in Xianyang, not Chang'an. You have to distinguish this clearly."

Many historical writers who have died of illness and death in recent years were goddamn masters of death. It’s terrible. Please adjust them.

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