Tang's dining table

Chapter 134 The emperor seems to know everything

Yunchu picked up the bamboo on the ground, inserted it back into the soil, stepped on it with his feet, and then said to Li Zhi: "Wei Chen doesn't have much money in his hands now, and the money in Wannian County's coffers is of great use. Go to a small Jinchangfang.

The house in Jinchangfang was too dilapidated, which really affected the view. As a last resort, Weichen planted bamboos beside the canal, hoping to cover up the decay with elegance, so that it could be postponed for some time, allowing Weichen to raise some more money and food. Renovate all the dilapidated houses in Jinchangfang. "

Li Zhi looked at the densely packed residential houses on both sides of the street, shook his head and said, "The cost is not low."

Yunchu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, if the value of the house increases tenfold after building a new house, the people will naturally try their best to build the old house into a new one. The officials in the village only need to arrange the street layout. Design the appearance of the house, so that the minister can renovate all the houses in Jinchangfang without spending a penny from the court.

In this way, the people benefited and the court gained face. "

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "Since the court doesn't need to spend a penny, why do you still need to raise money and food?"

"Your Majesty, in such a beautiful city, there needs to be inns, restaurants, grain stores, tinkers and other things related to people's livelihood. I think these things should be built with funds from the village. Then, these The house is also owned by Lifang. As long as it is rented out, there will be a lot of income.

In this way, Lifang can employ people as workers, and your Majesty will have the current pure water source, clean ground, complete roads, and various landscapes within your sight. "

Li Zhi looked back at Wu Mei and said: "Li Yifu's memorial does not contain these things. It seems that he, a human cat, does not know everything."

Wu Mei smiled and said: "It's better to see it once with your own eyes than to hear it said a hundred times. Things in the world are like chess. Some people can see one move, and some can see three moves. I have heard that people with great wisdom can see a hundred steps away. There are even more people. You know life and death as soon as you enter the chess game. Your Majesty is surrounded by all the geniuses in the world. You should know that what I say is true."

Li Zhi glanced at Yun Chu and said without hesitation: "Is he worthy of being compared with those great talents?"

When Yun Chu heard this, he could only smile awkwardly with his white teeth.

The genius Li Zhi mentioned was either the deceased Li Jing, the still-living Li Ji, or his annoying uncle Changsun Wuji. Compared with these people, he really was nothing.

Even Wu Mei always looked at him nonchalantly, and the fat kid actually reached out to grab his clothes...

When Yunchu decorated Jinchangfang, he basically decorated it according to his own courtyard. Therefore, through the fan-shaped wall windows, you can see a tree of pear blossoms in full bloom, or a branch of red peach growing from the blue brick wall. Stretch out, just above your head, you can reach it with your hand.

As expected, Li Zhi was really clever. Taking advantage of his height, he naturally broke off the red peach blossom in full bloom and handed it to the eunuch Duan Hong to hold in a vase and present it to his mother.

The silk hanging down from the weeping willow brushes the water and beats constantly, making it look full of spirituality.

Li Zhi cut off a strand of willow silk with a knife and prepared to present it to his mother to express his grief for parting.

Yun Chu looked at the willow silk that had been cut by Li Zhi to the point where it looked like a dog gnawing, his face twitching slightly. He looked at the warrior in golden armor behind him who was as strong as a mountain, and he didn't dare to have any objection, because this warrior weighed at least three hundred kilograms. Bar?

Just when Li Zhi was about to catch the small fish in the rockery pond, Wu Mei coughed and said, "Your Majesty, do you know that this small pond also has allusions."

Li Zhi stopped, looked at Wu Mei and said, "What allusion?"

Wu Mei looked at Yun Chu and said, "It was the arrogance made by a certain young man when the construction of Jinchangfang was started."

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu, who was wearing a green official uniform and a black gauze on his head like a toad, and said calmly: "Tell me what you want?"

"The clothes of the people in Jinchangfang were in rags. When a young man saw a wealthy gold shop, he wanted to blackmail him into thousands of pieces of clothing. The shopkeeper thought he wanted too much, so the young man wrote a poem to satirize him. The full text is as follows: If you are full of complaints, you should be careful not to lose your heart. It is better to keep an eye on the scenery. Don’t forget that the Jinchang Canal is shallow and watching fish is better than Taohua River!"

When others listen to this poem, they will basically praise it as "a good poem". Li Zhi's point of observation was different from others. After listening to a beautiful woman reading a good poem, his attention was not on the poem at all, but on the copper coins.

"Did you get good clothes for the people? How many pieces did you get?"

Before Yun Chu, the person involved, could answer, Wu Mei covered her mouth and smiled and said: "I got it, six thousand pieces. They are all good and sturdy clothes, but there are three characters "Deshenglong" written big on the back."

After saying that, he and Li Zhi burst out laughing together, while Yun Chu had a black line on his face and couldn't find where the two of them were laughing.

"I...I have calculated that six thousand pieces of clothing and five hundred dollars were deceived by this scoundrel boy. He also earned wages from other people's clothing making...hahahaha..."

The two of them laughed endlessly until they couldn't stand up straight. However, the fat kid somehow got into Yun Chu's arms. After stopping the fat kid from picking his nostrils, he actually wanted to Without getting up, how did this fat child get into his arms?

Obviously behind Wu Mei were two wet nurses with bulging breasts, and behind Li Zhi stood a strong man who was taller than a giant bear. If this person was not suitable, Duan Hong stood with his waist hunched over on the left side of the emperor. , are all good candidates to hold the child, but the child just arrived in his arms.

When he reached the end of the street, Li Zhi was about to turn around and go back, but he was attracted by the white wall of the boss high up.

"What is that place?"

"Your Majesty, that's the humble room where the scholars live."

"A shabby house? A shabby house where one drink and one basket of food never change its happiness?"

The fat boy grabbed Yun Chu's ears, preventing him from answering the emperor's questions as the eunuch taught him. He could only tilt his head in confusion and replied: "Exactly, there are more than 500 scholars living here in the Imperial College now. .”

"Go and have a look." Li Zhi lifted his legs and left, leaving the officials of the Ministry of Rites behind him scratching their heads anxiously. He then went to look at the so-called shabby room. I was afraid that the time to pay homage to Queen Wende was about to pass.

Wu Mei was really a considerate and good woman. She moved to the emperor's side and whispered: "It's time to offer incense to the queen mother."

Li Zhi shook his head, pointed to his heart and said to Wu Mei: "The fragrance I gave to my mother has never been extinguished for a moment."

Wu Mei touched her eyes with a handkerchief and said, "Your Majesty is benevolent and filial."

Li Zhi laughed and said, "I have never forgotten my mother-in-law. It has nothing to do with benevolence and filial piety."

After hearing what Li Zhi said, even the heartless Yun Chu could not help but admire from the bottom of his heart at this time. It seems that only in missing his mother, Li Zhi really did his best as a son of man. obligation.

Di Renjie didn't know when he was sitting in front of the window studying hard. At this time, the scenery in his humble room was really wonderful.

The petals of a big pear tree are falling off, and when the breeze blows, they fall with the wind.

Some petals will fall to the ground, and some will be carried into the shabby room by the breeze and fall on Di Renjie, who is dressed in black.

Previously, Yunchu had issued a notice from the government, and no one else was allowed to leave the house.

Di Renjie did it, he didn't leave the house, he just opened the huge window of his house.

A little beard on his upper lip has just taken shape, making this bastard look not only mature, but also a little resolute.

Among the pear blossoms falling all over the sky, a red plum tree is blooming in the wind. Its proud and rugged appearance perfectly suits Di Renjie, who is studying hard in a cold window.

The emperor was naturally seduced by him and came to the window. He closed the book, revealing four large characters on the cover - "Tang Lu Shu Yi".

"Who are you?" After Li Zhi read "Inscription on a Humble Room", he looked down upon the words on the white wall and asked Di Renjie in a gentle tone.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the student is Di Renjie, the son of Shi Di Zhisun, the governor of Kui in the Tang Dynasty."

"Dizhisun?" Li Zhi muttered.

Immediately, a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Wai Lang, came forward and whispered: "Dizhixun, the governor of Kui, is from Taiyuan, Bingzhou. He is an official. His father Di Xiaoxu once served as Zuocheng, the minister of Zhenguan Dynasty, and was granted the title of Linying Nan." .

Di Zhisun is the fifth son of Di Xiaoxu. It is said that he is "dragon-like and phoenix-like" and has "beautiful expressions and hair." "

Li Zhi listened to the introduction from the official Wai Lang, and his expression softened when he looked at Di Renjie.

Pointing to the red plum blossoms and the "Inscription on the Humble Room" on the wall, he said, "Did you hand these all?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said: "The picture of red plum blossoms and proud snow is made by students, and the "Inscription on the Humble Room" was written by Chang Yunchu of Jinchangfang."

Li Zhi once again looked back at Yun Chu, who was being tortured by the fat kid, and said, "The pictures are good, the writing is good, and the words need to be worked harder."

Wu Mei added at this time: "The second person in Li Yifu's memorial is the one who plans to practice Legalist techniques in Liquanfang. This is the person."

When Li Zhi heard this, he immediately became interested and asked, "How does Liquanfang compare with Jinchangfang now?"

Di Renjie cupped his hands and said, "It's better."

"Why not?"

"Legalists strive to be domineering when governing the people. People are afraid of the law and obey the government's instructions. Although they can enforce orders and prohibitions so that the people dare not go beyond the law, some timeliness and calmness are lost."

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "This is inevitable. There are gains and losses. This is the way of administration. Continue, I want to see."

Di Renjie intervened and said, "Wei."

Li Zhi looked up at the rising sun and sighed: "Go to Ci'en Temple. Every time I come here, my heart will feel sad."

The wet nurse took the fat child from Yunchu's arms. The fat child immediately started crying. When the child entered Wu Mei's arms, the crying stopped immediately, but his big black eyes kept watching. Yun Chu seemed to be very reluctant to give up.

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