Tang's dining table

Chapter 135 Do I want to repair the Quyuan Jingshe?

Wu Mei was also surprised that Li Hong was so clingy at first. This child was so good at giving birth that he could only calm down when she picked him up or when the nanny was feeding him. The rest of the time he was very difficult to deal with.

Unexpectedly, when she was in Yun Chu's arms, she didn't say a word and even played well with Yun Chu. This was hard for her to understand.

When the emperor and his entourage entered the Da Ci'en Temple, nothing happened to Yun Chu. He sat on Di Renjie's window sill, drank a large bowl of water, then pointed at Di Renjie's beautiful mustache and said: "For today, you specially grew it beard?"

Di Renjie also sat astride the window sill and drank some water and said: "This is my first meeting with His Majesty, so naturally I have to consider all possible situations.

You are only fourteen years old, so you can act dishonest and pretend to be ignorant. People from a family like me cannot imitate you. You must leave a reliable and stable impression to Your Majesty. Only in this way can you have a prosperous official career. "

"I thought you just wanted to work and not be an official."

"How is it possible? My father is the fifth son in the family. He has nothing to do with titles, lands or anything else. He just barely shares some money to survive.

Every time I go back to my hometown to pay homage to my ancestors, I feel very unconvinced when I see my father kneeling at the end. In our family, only my father relied on his own ability to become a minor official. The rest relied on their grandfather's relationship to become a minor official.

You see, I will definitely become a high-ranking official in the future, if for no other reason than to have those people kneel down to welcome me when I return to my hometown to worship my ancestors. "

"Do you really want to enforce the law in Liquanfang?"

"It has to be like this. It's a little more difficult to make rules now. Once I make the rules and make the rewards and punishments regulations, I can manage the residents according to these regulations in the future, so that they can live in a peaceful environment without any disputes."

"People's pursuit of a better life is endless. It is not about staying in one place and standing still. The legal system can only govern the people and the place for a while. When time passes and circumstances change, your laws will also need to be constantly revised."

"I'll fill in the gaps."

There is no way, Di Renjie, or the people of Tang Dynasty, are all very stubborn. Basically, they will not look back until they go all the way.

"What do you do next?"

"There is a fee at the Jinchangfang gate."

"Aren't you afraid that no one will enter your Jinchangfang again?"

"You're wrong. I need to screen out the guests now. Jinchangfang is just that big. I want to screen out all the idlers who come to Jinchangfang to hang out and watch the fun in Jinchangfang.

By freeing up more people and providing a better experience for those who are willing to pay to visit Jinchangfang, I estimate that the ticket revenue of Jinchangfang will more than triple.

As the people in Jinchangfang become more and more wealthy, the people who come in are also wealthy people. Eventually, Jinchangfang will be filled with rich people. By then, the land prices here will definitely soar. This is what I expect. income. "

Di Renjie remained silent, and finally sighed: "I'm really tired."

Yun Chu said: "It's very tiring in itself. We brought this on ourselves."

Di Renjie raised his head and looked at Yun Chu and said: "Why are you doing this? If it's just for promotion, I think you and I should have a better way. We should be the boss of the city, make some achievements, and then become famous. Obviously It’s the worst option.”

Yun Chu scratched his hair and said, "For what? It seems to be for the bullshit that the Tang Dynasty boasted in the Western Regions."

"Bragging? What do you mean?"

"It is a metaphor for overestimating one's abilities or speaking out loud and exaggerating."

"Okay, I understand, what are they bragging about in the Western Regions?"

Yun Chu took out a piece of licorice and put it in his mouth, chewing it while saying: "In this cowhide, this is how people describe Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

The Heavenly Khan of the Tang Dynasty lived in a tall palace made of gold, and held thunder and lightning in his hand. Even though he was thousands of miles away, the Heavenly Khan living in the golden palace could still kill people.

According to legend, the city of Chang'an is always bright because the sun hangs above the palace of Tian Khan.

The moon was decorated in the palace with the khan's khadun.

The most beautiful girls from all over the world dance under the moon. Their skin is as white as milk, their voices are as sweet as nightingales, and their eyes are as bright as stars. Everyone who sees these eyes will Deeply addicted, unaware of hunger, thirst, and even less aware that time is slowly passing by until it turns into a pile of withered bones...

It is also said that Chang'an is a city without cold. The land there is fertile, food will grow automatically from the land, fruit trees will bloom and bear fruit automatically, and bees will dedicate the honey they have worked hard to brew to the great Khan.

People can have enough food without working; without brewing, mellow ale will gush out from the ground; without grazing, cattle and sheep will thrive; without weaving, silkworms will automatically spin silk and make knots. Cocoon, made into silk.

It is also said that the people in the city called Chang'an have nothing to do but drink, eat, and have fun. They wake up from drunkenness every day and then fall asleep in drunkenness..."

Yun Chu chewed licorice, recited poetry and told Di Renjie this legend that had been circulating for a long time in the Western Regions.

Di Renjie was heard sweating profusely and breathing rapidly.

"Is there such a place in the world?"

"I feel it is."

"Have you seen it?"

"I have only seen this kind of city that is still on the road of struggle. Although it is still far away, the prototype is already there."

"You want to make Jinchangfang look like the legend?"

"No matter what, it can't be as embarrassing as it is now, right?"

"Is Chang'an City a shame?"

"It's so shameful. Chang'an City is the largest city in the world, and it's a city that everyone wants to come to. If even the people in Chang'an City are emaciated and shabby, and have no sense of happiness at all, how can you expect more people in this world? Is it a good place?”

"You really want to do this?"

"We have to do this. I have boasted about this with many Uighurs in the Western Regions. If they come here and find that Chang'an is not that good, they will despise me."

After Yun Chu finished speaking, he spat out the licorice residue that had no sweet taste in his mouth, waved to Di Renjie and prepared to go home and have a good sleep.

When I got home, I discovered that Ms. Cui, Naha, and the maids Da Fei and Lynx Da Fei were missing. After asking Er Fei, I found out that they had gone to visit the Yu family in Xingdaofang. They had left before the emperor came. He said he would stay there all day and come back in the evening.

After Yunchu woke up, he learned that the emperor had left and people in Jinchangfang could come and go freely. Counting the time, the emperor stayed in Jinchangfang for a total of three hours.

The emperor had only been gone for less than an hour, and many people had sent gifts to Yunchu. Among them, the Lu family and the Liang family had sent the heaviest gifts.

Yunchu liked the gifts from Liang Jianfang's family the most, because whenever they gave gifts, they gave gold nuggets, and they were heavy and difficult to handle.

The gifts from Cheng Yaojin's family were superficial. The silks, jewelry, and books looked good, but after all they were not as substantial as the gold nuggets.

When the emperor came to Jinchangfang, Deshenglong Gold Store took the biggest advantage, especially the emperor and the beauty were made to laugh by the interaction between Yunchu and the old shopkeeper Deshenglong. This was the biggest benefit of Deshenglong.

It seems that Deshenglong suffered a big loss, but Yunchu cleverly took advantage of hundreds of thousands of dollars with a poem, portraying the image of a kind-hearted businessman who is honest, honest, and easily deceived to the core.

Therefore, the old shopkeeper came to Yun's house to meet Yunchu. Not only did he negotiate the sponsorship of summer clothes for the residents of Jinchangfang, he also presented Yunchu with a set of the highest-grade gold jewelry.

After seeing the shopkeeper off, Yunchu admired the gold ornaments. A pair of golden jade steps were carved from white jade into bamboo. There were holes in the bamboo leaves, and six small gold bells hung there. He shook them gently. It will make a rustling sound, which is not harsh and clearly distinguishable.

The peacock hairpin is a peacock hairpin with its tail open. It is different from the previous hairpin rings with long handles. The peacock with its tail open can hold the hair tightly, and the green gems on it are shining brightly. It is a good thing at first sight.

As for the arm bracelets and sleeve hooks, they look particularly grand, and the emphasis is on thickness. As for the jade bracelets, Yun Chu doesn't like them. He got a lot of good stones when he was in the Western Region. When Naha is older, he can give them to her. Went out to make jewelry.

As for the things in front of him, Yunchu planned to keep them as dowry when Naha got married.

Regarding Yun Chu's approach, Old Monkey also felt that it was very reasonable. After all, the most valuable person in the entire Yun family was Naha. As for the little girl with no father and mother that Yun Chu was interested in, Old Monkey thought that he would give it to her at will. Just a few dollars to spend.

From what the old monkey said, Yun Chu always felt that this guy wanted to give him a wife. Even if he didn't say it now, he would definitely do so in the future.

"Xuan Zang said you want to build a Quyuan Jingshe?

Which Buddha do you want to enshrine in this Zhuyuan Jingshe?

Also, if you don’t give the lonely elder enough money, how can you repair the Zhuyuan Jingshe?

Also, is this a grand ambition, or is it just casual talk?

Finally, where will you build the Quyuan Abode? "

Yun Chu was confused by the old monkey's barrage of questions. He didn't know when he said he would build a Zhuyuan Jingshe.

Can he afford to build a building made of gold and floor tiles?

Also, build a Zhuyuan Jingshe to worship Buddha?

Yun Chu's family has no intention of offering an offering to the Buddha. If he had to offer an offering to the Buddha, Yun Chu would rather offer Naha as a mascot.

There is so much gold, wouldn't it be nice to wrap it in gold foil all over Chang'an? Do you have to make the floor tiles?

Thinking of Chang'an, Yun Chu shivered violently, remembering his conversation with Di Renjie this morning...

He looked up at the sky and then in the direction of the Great Ci'en Temple. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Xuanzang was looking at him with a smile.

The old monkey also smiled, and Yun Chu's performance completely fell in his eyes.

"Why are you so ambitious when you have nothing to do, little monkey, look at the sky, then look at this land. You think there is no one around, but you don't know that there are hundreds of trillions of Buddhas staring at you right here in the sky and the earth."

"Ten trillion? There are so many Buddhas..."

"This is just the three thousand worlds of the Buddha Amitabha. In these three thousand worlds, there are countless Asamkhya Buddhas. Do you know how many Asamkhyas are?"

Yunchu shook his head blankly, and the old monkey sneered: "Ten thousand is billion, trillion is zhao, there are eight thousand words below one thousand, ten million, ten thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand, for one Asamkh. .”

Yun Chu looked around blankly. He suddenly felt that every space around him was filled with Buddhas.

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