Tang's dining table

Chapter 167 The Tuyuhun people who settled in Chang’an

Whether a country is good or not can be easily found out from its business activities.

For the Tuyuhun people, the yak is definitely more than just a livestock.

Yaks are more like family members to them. The Tuyuhun people will take yak milk, yak hair, and yak excrement, but they rarely kill yaks for meat. Many yaks die of natural old age or illness, and they do not survive until death. At this time, the Tyuhun people will not kill the yaks they regard as treasures for meat, or sell them.

As far as Yun Chu knew, this custom even extended into the 1950s in his country.

It wasn't until the 1960s that people began to eat whatever they wanted, which broke the myth that yaks usually died of natural causes.

Then, after people tasted the taste of yak, this thing began to be bred in large quantities on the northwest plateau, and eventually became a dish on the dining table.

Therefore, it is abnormal for the Tuyuhun people to sell yaks in such large quantities. In the past, there were also a small number of yaks for sale in Chang'an City, but those yaks arrived in Chang'an as consignments, with the spirit of dying when the goods arrived. Yaks are slaughtered for their meat.

Now, Yunchu can easily buy a hundred yaks, which shows that Tyuhun no longer has enough pasture to feed so many yaks.

Moreover, they must really need some supplies from the Tang Dynasty to support their king in continuing to fight against the Tubo people.

"How about you change to something else? I think what you need most now is not consumables like tea. Look, I have a very good iron pot here..."

"We need armor..."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Do you think I am the kind of person who can get armor? I do have a pair of armor at home, but it is worn by me, a soldier in the palace. Your request is really too much. .”

"Tang Dao, spearhead, arrowhead..."

"Stop, stop, can you tell me something I can do, such as an iron pot?"

A Tuyuhun businessman stood up and said with grief and anger: "The warriors of Tuyuhun have been fighting the Tubo people in Quling for six years. During these six years, although the warriors have tried their best, in front of the large number of Tubo people, We still lost a lot of pastures, a lot of shepherds, a lot of cattle and sheep.

Those of us who graze cattle and sheep on the Dafei River can no longer graze cattle and sheep safely. We can only sell our precious yaks and exchange them for weapons to fight the Tibetans to the death.

When we have nothing to eat, you want to sell us the iron pot and squeeze the last drop of blood out of the poor Tuguhun herdsmen. Young Li Chang, you have never seen those Tibetans with yellow mud on their faces. They will cruelly chop off your head and hold it in their hands to cheer. "

Yun Chu waved his hand and said: "I have done this kind of thing in the Western Regions. It is not fun at all. Blood will be splashed everywhere. We usually cut off the enemy's left ear and string it on a leather rope. This can save more people." Get some."

"Don't forget that behind Tuyuhun is the Tang Dynasty."

"You are right. When you and the Tibetans are both defeated, it will be our turn to go up and beat up the drowned dogs."

"How could you Tang people do this? We are a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty. Our king is the "King of Qinghai" conferred by "Tian Khan". Our Ketun is Princess Honghua of the Tang Dynasty. Our king's two sons are Ke Dun is also a princess of the Tang Dynasty, and we are a family."

"Okay, okay, it seems you won't let go if I don't come up with something good, right?

You see, Tuyuhun looks like it is going to be finished. I just happened to buy dozens of houses in Guangfufang, which are still small buildings. Now that you have sold all your sacred yaks, it can be seen that you also There is nothing good left to come up with.

Why don't you just buy a few houses from me, live in Chang'an, take your wife and children over, and live in Chang'an as well. Leave that land full of cow dung smell forever and live in Chang'an. "

Hearing what Yunchu said, three relatively wealthy Tuguhun businessmen left the hall and stood in the courtyard, chattering a lot in Tuguhun dialect. It was obvious that two of them were willing to stay in Chang'an and not go back. There was only one older man who seemed to be very stubborn and beat the two younger Tyuhun people with his hands.

Seeing that there was something going on, Yun Chu quickly ordered Mrs. Cui to take out the renderings of the Guangfufang construction that he had drawn and spread them on the table.

The renderings are the same as those produced by later generations of real estate developers. In this rendering, Guangfufang is a city that never sleeps with a large flow of people and bright lights. Even after the gate of the square is closed, there is still a constant flow of people on the inner street.

There are young people supporting old people for night walks, there are men holding children on their necks and blowing windmills with their mouths, and there are young couples swimming together hand in hand.

Anyway, in this rendering, everyone is smiling, everyone looks happy, the food in the big dining hall is extremely rich, and the guests in the big inn are listening to the singer singing.

In short, if Yunchu really brings the world in the picture to the real world, then Guangfufang will be worthy of being a real paradise on earth.

When the three Tuyuhun businessmen came in again, their first attention was attracted by this picture.

The eyes of the two young Tuyuhun people who had been persuaded by the oldest Tuyuhun people suddenly lit up again after seeing the picture.

Yun Chu gave the old Tuguhun merchant some tea and said calmly: "Brother, he looks fifty years old, right?

There must be many people in this world who are sorry to you, and there are also many people who you want to repay, right? "

The old Tuguhun man closed his eyes, sighed sadly, and said nothing.

Yun Chu added: "When a person lives to the age of fifty, he should basically pay back what he owes to others and take back what others owe you.

This should be the best way to survive, so that when you close your eyes and die, you will have no regrets.

It's a pity that such a way of death is a luxury for many people. If you die, what will happen to the many people who depend on you for life?

Should they continue to be left to be killed by the ferocious Tubo people, or should they be left with a place where they can survive and continue to multiply. In this way, whenever they live a happy life, they will remember who created this for them. happiness, in this way, you can live forever in their hearts. "

The old Tuguhun merchant looked at the two selfless young Tuguhun merchants who were talking to Mr. Cui and said, "Can we live in peace in Chang'an?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Of course, as long as you buy a house in Guangfufang, your name can be written on the title deed of the house, and the house will belong to you. This is something that countless barbarians in the West Market They can all testify for you.”

The old Tuyuhun man shook his head and said: "Write my youngest son's name. I am going to return to Tuyuhun and fight to the death with the Tubo people."

Yunchu sighed and said: "What a hero of Tuyuhun. I even think that with Tuyuhun people like you, Tuyuhun will not perish.

What I'm wondering now is how on earth did you drive so many yaks from Dafeichuan to Chang'an. "

"We walked along the river. Although it was a bit difficult, it was safe. There were no people, no herdsmen, and no robbers."

"Big river? That big river outside Tongguan?"

"It's the big river. But after we got out of the canyon, we got on the road so that the Tibetans couldn't find us."

"It's not that the Tubo people can't find you, it's that the Tuyuhun officials and troops can't find you, right?"

The old Tyuhun people looked at the wonderful prospect that Cui had described, and the young Tyuhun people who were dizzy gritted their teeth and said, "I want ten big houses."

Yun Chu curled his lips and said, "One hundred cows can only buy a big house. You don't have that many cows."

The old Tyuhun man said calmly: "We have five hundred cows."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Okay, the five big houses are yours."

"I want to see the big house now."

"Okay, I'll take you to see it."

Half an hour later, four people on horseback arrived at Guangfufang. They did not see the big house, only a busy construction site.

"Where's the big house?"

"Under construction."


Yun Chu looked at the two young Tuguhun people who fell directly from heaven into hell, and felt that they knew nothing about the new thing in Chang'an - pre-sale houses.

Without further explanation, he directly dragged the boy selling Hu cakes out of the shop and said to one of the Tuyuhun people: "See if you like his house. If you like it, you can live in it tonight."

The young Tuguhun man looked at the dilapidated and low-rise house of the young man who sold biscuits. He shook his head and said, "I want a new one."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "If you want a new one, you have to wait half a year to build it, just what you think."

"You are a liar!"

Yunchu didn't expect these barbarians to accept death so much, so he led him to a house whose foundation had just been laid and said to him: "From today on, you will stay here. After half a year, when the house is built, you will Just move in, and the five big houses side by side will be yours."

"We want the land deed." The old Tuyuhun man finally came up with a more reliable idea.

Before Yun Chu built the house, he had already separated the original land deeds from Hu Cao in Wannian County and divided them into new land deeds. He asked Liu Yi to find the unnamed land deeds for the five houses. It was handed over to the Tuyuhun people, so they seemed to feel relieved.

The business was done, and Yun Chu got five hundred yaks. It was only when he saw the five hundred dying yaks in the mule and horse market that he realized why the three Tuyuhun people were so gullible and wanted the house in such a hurry. In this weather, all five hundred yaks will die of heat in no more than a month.

Liu Yi was asked to find hundreds of people from Jinchangfang, and quickly cut off all the hair on the yaks that were about to die from the heat, and then fed them well water. Only then did they seem to have some energy.

Seeing the naked yaks that were gradually starting to graze, Yunchu felt pleased that he should do more business with the Tyuhun people.

For a tribe that is going through a war, there should be many people willing to flee Tyuhun and settle in Chang'an, right?

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