Tang's dining table

Chapter 282 New things, new horizons

When Yin Erhu came back again, before he could knock on the door, the door opened and Xiu Niang was guarding on the other side of the door.

"I'll ask you later before opening the door."

"No need to ask, I can hear your footsteps."

"I made delicious pork soup cakes, do you want to eat them?"

Yin Erhu said: "From now on, soup cakes will be called noodles."

Xiu Niang pinched the corner of her clothes and said, "Do you want to eat pork noodles?"

Yin Erhu said: "Eat, I have a big appetite, so pack more."

Soon, Xiu Niang brought out a bowl of noodles from the room. This time, there was a lot of pork in the bowl of noodles.

Yin Erhu took a bite, savored the taste and said to Xiu Niang: "Sprinkle some pepper next time, the soup will taste better."

Xiu Niang lowered her head and said, "There is no pepper."

Yin Erhu thought for a moment and said, "Then put some dogwood powder."

Xiu Niang nodded and lowered her head to eat her own small bowl of noodles.

Yin Erhu had eaten wontons and was not too hungry, so he picked out some noodles from the bowl and put them into Xiu Niang's bowl.

Xiu Niang glanced at him and said nothing, and the two of them quietly slurped noodles in the dilapidated courtyard.

Yunchu was also having dinner.

He also had saozi noodles, but the content in his bowl was much richer. There was no chili, so the cook added a lot of pepper to it, causing the bowl of noodles to lose its color.

"Don't go out recently. If you want to play, just play in Jinchangfang. The same goes for everyone else. If you can't go out, don't go out."

Yun Chu took a bite of noodles and warned his wife and girls. He was not worried about his wife. She couldn't go out with a big belly, but Naha, who had been running around Li Shen's house recently, was shameless.

"Why can't you run?"

"Because five hundred kilograms of gunpowder were lost in the gunpowder workshop affiliated to the Wuyan Institute. Now everyone is panicking. God knows where and how it will explode."

Yu Xiurong was stunned for a moment and said: "In this case, isn't Liu Rengui troubled by many disasters?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "It's none of Liu Rengui's business. After the gunpowder demonstration at the school military field, Liu Rengui quit his job in the gunpowder workshop and now he's back to be his magistrate of Chang'an County."

Yu Xiurong counted the days and lowered his voice and said, "Isn't that the day after Liu Rengui quit his job?"

Yun Chu put a chopstick into his mouth and ate the noodles, then said: "Since the advent of gunpowder, there has been no day to rest.

I have to admire Lao Liu, knowing that if he continues to take care of this matter, countless lives will definitely be taken out. Therefore, he retreated bravely and avoided a disaster. "

Yu Xiurong looked around and saw Naha beside her, who was immersed in eating, so she whispered: "Liu Rengui knows the formula of gunpowder, right?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "It's because he knows the formula that no one suspects him."

Yu Xiurong sighed and said: "Husband, these Chang'an officials are getting more and more boring. Husband, I will just become a minor official so that the family can be quieter."

Yun Chu nodded, feeling that what Yu Xiurong said was very reasonable.

As long as the old monkey returns to the Yun family, he will be in a state of hibernation, sleeping for at least ten of the twelve hours a day.

But it was strange that even though he was always sleeping, he actually knew clearly what Yun Chu had just learned.

"Five hundred catties of gunpowder were lost?"

When Yunchu came to the old monkey's room, he closed his eyes and suddenly started talking.

"Yes, now everyone wants to know where the five hundred kilograms of gunpowder went, and the person who wants to know where the gunpowder went the most is the emperor."

The old monkey said lazily: "Either the emperor himself shouted to catch the thief, or Changsun Wuji did it. There is no possibility of a third party."

Yun Chu said: "Is this necessary for the emperor?"

The old monkey opened his eyes slightly, looked at Yun Chu and said, "If it was really the emperor who took it away, then your majesty is not a simple person."

"What if Changsun Wuji took it away?"

The old monkey grunted: "Then, his death has come."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

When Yun Chu came over, he wanted to ask if the old monkey had taken the gunpowder from the Wuyan Institute. Since the old monkey said that it was either the emperor or Changsun Wuji who took it away, it proved that it was not the old monkey who did it.

After returning to the study, Yun Chu had been weighing the weight between himself and the five hundred kilograms of gunpowder.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that he was not worthy of others using five hundred kilograms of gunpowder to kill him, and his mood suddenly improved.

This mother-in-law, Yu Xiurong, probably thought so just now, so she said gently that the family did not need a big official, and a small official was enough to support the appearance.

Yunchu once again told Naha not to go to Li Shen recently. If the gunpowder was taken away by Li Zhi, she might use the gunpowder to test her brother when she was bored.

He has been in Datang for several years. According to his understanding, the Li family has some psychological problems.

She is especially keen on killing her own brothers and sisters, just like Wen Wen always wants to kill a few of her own family members, and then feel the complex emotions of sadness and happiness rippling through her body.

They are all perverts.

Wu Mei's fat daughter Yu Nuer suddenly stood up on her fat legs yesterday and shouted two meaningless words "mom".

No one taught her to say these two words. This may be a natural instinct after birth.

In almost all languages, the names for mother are similar.

It's a pity that the mother of this little chubby child doesn't want to see her.

Yun Chu suspected that this might be because Wu Mei had a very strong sense of guilt about this child, which was why she was unwilling to see her, because as long as she saw this child, she would think of the vicious thoughts she had had.

Children who escape death are usually taken care of someday. Therefore, this child is actually very easy to feed. As long as she is given food and held, she will not cry or make trouble. Sometimes, Yun Chu even thinks that this child knows that she is A child abandoned by his mother.

Yunchu has been deliberately cultivating the relationship between Li Hong and Yu Nuer, so even if Li Hong likes to use girls as meat pads, he never stops him.

For a brother, a girl whom he watched grow up and a girl who he carried on his back were completely different emotions.

Yun Chu is very experienced in this regard.

Seeing his sister Naha rolling her eyes at him because she was banned from Jinchangfang, Yunchu raised his hand and wanted to slap her.

Seeing Naha shrinking back and hunching her shoulders in response to the slap, Yun Chu's heart softened. He touched her hair and said, "Play at home and if you are obedient, my brother will make you a cake later."

"I just asked Li Shen to make two jade plaques for me to keep for my nephew and niece. The old monkey said that if some jade stones are worn for a long time, they will develop spiritual wisdom and become a person's second soul. A life."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Just make a brand, don't let Li Shen cheat you of your good jade.

Although he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, after seeing a good jade, he has no humanity to deal with. "

"I won't be cheated." After Naha gave her brother a big eye roll again, she went to the old monkey to complain.

Every year in May and June, there will be a heavy rain in Chang'an. It's almost June, but the heavy rain still hasn't come.

The water in the river is much less than in previous years. Even the waterwheel that Yunchu set up on the artesian canal last year could not draw water.

At this time, all people can do is use overturning vehicles to draw water up from the low river.

Where there are not enough rollovers, people can only rely on people to carry water.

The farmland was severely overworked. In order to preserve the small farmland and cotton in Wannian County, Yunchu had to organize people from Wannian County to do corvee labor.

This time the people doing corvee work were city dwellers, not farmers.

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, people in the city actually had the obligation to perform corvee service, but it was not implemented for many, many years, so that the people in the city thought that they did not have to perform corvee service.

Now, Wannian County has issued a corvee order. Every household with a household registration in Wannian County must send a strong man out of the city to fetch water and save the seedlings that are about to be harvested and the cotton that is growing.

I thought it would be difficult to implement this decree because there were so many senior officials and nobles in the half of Chang'an City that Wannian County belonged to.

The housekeepers of many families can ignore Yunchu, a small local official. As for such things that make them suffer, most of them will not agree.

The result was beyond Yunchu's expectation.

Although it is indeed a bit bullying for Li Shen and his family to have only one strong man in such a large mansion, they are indeed following the laws of the Tang Dynasty. One strong man is born in each family, and he is not a bully.

The same is true for the rest of the big families and the noble families. A family with hundreds or even thousands of people, as long as the family is not divided, it is not a big deal for them to have a strong man.

Therefore, it is ordinary people who are really embarrassed by this policy.

Those with a large family can still send one person there, but those with a small family are pitiful. When the man leaves, the family's business and the way to make money will stop. For these families who stop talking, it is very difficult. Five days of corvée would be a difficult threshold to cross.

There was no way, even if Yun Chu didn't want the food in the field, he still had to keep the cotton no matter what.

As soon as the county government issued an order, all the people in Wannian County really burst into tears. The mother-in-law and the children dragged the men in the family and howled incessantly. It was really as if they were separated from each other.

The advantage of Wannian County is that there are many people. Therefore, when the river is full of people, the water in the newly built canal in Wannian County has never dried up.

After Wannian County did this, Chang'an County immediately followed suit, and the decree was issued equally smoothly.

Just when Yunchu was feeling gratified by the nobles of the Tang Dynasty and the common sense of the wealthy people, Liu Rengui stood on the edge of the river to check the water conditions: "Five hundred kilograms of gunpowder, who wouldn't be afraid?"

Yun Chu looked at Liu Rengui, who was so skinny that there was only a handful of bones left, and asked Liu Yi if he wanted to come over and handed him a large handful of bamboo chips, saying: "The food at your house basically doesn't have much oil and water. I want to eat fatter and stronger." , you also have to look at the big cafeteria.”

Liu Rengui now accepted the bribe from Yunchu without any resistance. He looked at the bamboo chips in his hand and said, "It's not enough. Your sister-in-law, nephew, and niece have been worrying about me these days, and they haven't eaten well. They are all thin." It’s very powerful, but it needs to be replenished.”

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 10 pm on the 2nd. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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