Tang's dining table

Chapter 283 Yunchu’s unforgettable court meeting

Even after accepting Yunchu's bribe, Liu Rengui refused to tell him the configuration of the secret gunpowder recipe they had developed.

I just wanted to tell Yun Chu that the big explosion in the imperial city was the real contributor to advancing gunpowder research.

Yun Chu believes this because the classic formula of gunpowder is a ratio of one, two, and three.

In work or research, such a ratio can easily be created accidentally.

Yun Chu even suspected that someone mixed the three materials in this ratio, or close to this ratio, and then encountered fire or static electricity, and then everything went bad.

In scientific research, chance is a factor that has led to many great studies, which sometimes makes people confused whether something was invented by humans or whether God is helping.

Just like the big corvee in the capital organized by Yun Chu and Liu Rengui, it could not go on after only six days.

Because the rainstorm is coming.

This rainstorm came extremely unexpectedly.

Before a cup of tea, the sky was still cloudless, but after a cup of tea, the sky was obscured by thick dark clouds.

A gust of cold wind blew over, and before people could enjoy the rare coolness, fork-shaped lightning bolts appeared one after another.

The originally spectacular crowd of tens of thousands of people working together suddenly dispersed. There were too many people and too few places to take shelter from the rain.

The stupid officials did not allow the people to hide under the big trees, so tens of thousands of strong men were completely chilled by the heavy rain.

The farmers looked at the dark sky and the heavy rain in front of them. In the morning, they were very grateful to these people for pouring water into their fields. Now they only hope that those people would not pour water into their fields.

As soon as the heavy rain started to fall, it seemed that it would never stop. So, the farmers left their shelter one by one, frantically opened up the ridges of their fields, and began to lift so many people up with all their efforts. The water is then released from the fields.

In the eyes of Yun Chu and Liu Rengui, this scene was as ironic as possible.

Only they knew that this time the corvee recruitment was launched for the city residents, it was not a simple corvée issue.

The two of them wanted to make corvee service a normal thing for city residents.

Now it's better, God has messed it up, and good intentions turned out to be bad. The next time they talk about conscripting people from the city to do corvee, someone will spit in their faces.

No matter how many benefits Yunchu and Liu Rengui had done for the people of Chang'an and Chang'an counties for thousands of years, at this moment, the two of them had a reputation of being a fool for the county magistrate, and the other was a fool for the county magistrate.

Moreover, the two of them will soon be attacked wildly by various censors and officials. After all, this time, Yun Chu and Liu Rengui have really offended the public, and those nobles and wealthy people who have the least exposure, They must be the most aggressive group of people who attacked the two of them.

These smart monkey-like people have already seen the unfriendly side of Yunchu and Liu Rengui towards them from this time's decree that all people should serve in corvee.

Wen Wen was almost laughing to death. The official in Yunchu rolled around and laughed wildly and told him that the Yushitai alone had received no less than two hundred memorials impeaching the two of them for their misdeeds.

These memorials came not only from the Yushitai, but also from many officials in the three provinces and six ministries. They analyzed from various angles the pain and harm caused to the people by the policies promulgated by Yunchu and Liu Rengui that were harmful to the people.

This time, all the examples they cited came from ordinary people, such as the fact that the only man in a certain family was drafted away, causing the blind old woman in the family to cry her eyes out.

For example, in so-and-so's house, the only person who could work was beaten to death, causing the mother-in-law to be hungry for several days.

The most outrageous thing is that there is also a memorial from Si Tianjian, which analyzes the past of Yunchu and Liu Rengui for the emperor from the perspective of the connection between heaven and man, and finally caused the punishment of heaven.

In short, this time, Yun Chu and Liu Rengui became broken drums, two broken drums that could be beaten by thousands of people.

No one paid attention to the original intention of Yunchu and Liu Rengui to implement this law. In the officialdom, no one paid attention to this. Everyone only looked at the results. Doing bad things with good intentions will be punished.

If bad intentions turn into good deeds, they will naturally be rewarded.

Fortunately, the officials who criticized and impeached both of them were low-ranking officials. The highest-ranking impeacher was a fifth-grade official, which was the same grade as Liu Rengui.

The big guys will not take action at this time because it is too embarrassing and shameless.

Yun Chu never imagined that when he entered the palace hall for the first time in his life, he would not come to receive praise or awards, but to receive criticism from a room full of people.

After entering the main hall, Yun Chu discovered that Tang Dynasty officials took off their shoes and sat on futons when going to court. Only when they needed to speak, they would stand up and walk to the middle to speak loudly.

On the left is a phalanx of generals, headed by Yinggong Li Ji, and on the right is a phalanx of civil servants, headed by Changsun Wuji.

One of the Censors at the Censorship Station, who was the first to appear, first talked about a lot of things that Yunchu and Liu Rengui had done wrong in their governance over the years.

Yun Chu held the Wat Ban and listened attentively. After he finished speaking, the sweat on Yun Chu's forehead started to drop, because he always felt that he had done a good job. How could he have thought that people would fail even when he first served as Wannian County Lieutenant? The story of killing many people with sticks was brought up.

Naturally, there was also the case where two officials who were in debt were forced to death, and finally human skeleton specimens were made and exhibited.

Among them are the big mistakes made by his subordinates in the past few years when Yunchu was in power. Each one has its origin and source, and there are even witnesses and testimonies.

If all the blame for these crimes were placed on Yun Chu, even Yun Chu himself felt that even if he was dragged and quartered, it would not be considered an injustice to him.

Fortunately, this Shi Yushi had the last word.

"This officer made a lot of mistakes. However, he is an honest and honest official and is worthy of recognition for his fairness in doing things. If there are more mistakes than right, please His Majesty's Holy Judgment."

After finishing his words about impeaching Yunchu, the imperial censor in a big red robe returned to his futon and sat down solemnly, holding the wat board in his arms, and closed his eyes.

Originally, there were still censors who were ready to come out and continue to scold Yun Chu. After the censor in red robe scolded Yun Chu enough and finally praised Yun Chu, those people gave up and continued to criticize Yun Chu. original plan.

Shi Yun, the imperial censor, first met his father, Wen Ting.

After listening to Wen Ting's impeachment, even Li Ji, who seemed to be asleep, opened his eyes and glanced at Yun Chu.

Of course, there was also the weird look Changsun Wuji gave him.

Finally, Li Zhi spoke. As long as this guy spoke in the Golden Palace, his voice would be flat and without any fluctuation, just like the electronic sound that Yun Chu would hear in later generations.

He did not dismiss Yun Chu from his position, nor did he demote him, nor did he cut Yun Chu's five horses into pieces in a fit of rage and scolded him fiercely. However, the real punishment was a frivolous fine of half a year's salary and a fine of five hundred catties of copper.

Yun Chu quickly thanked him. For some reason, even though Yun Chu knew clearly that this was a political method, he was still extremely grateful for Li Zhi's punishment method. He even felt that the emperor really valued him very much, and he would have to repay him in a cruel way in the future. become.

However, as soon as the thought came up, he strangled it to death.

The matter about Yun Chu has now been settled. In the future, if the imperial censors want to impeach Yun Chu, they can only start from the mistakes he made after today. The previous mistakes have been written off by the emperor.

After Yun Chu, a low-level official, was dealt with, everyone had to face Liu Rengui, who was holding the wat board and looking at his nose and heart.

At this point, Yunchu knew why the officials of the Tang Dynasty were so afraid of the Yushi Yanguan.

I finally understood why Emperor Taizong was furious when he was attacked by a group of Wei Zheng's ministers, and why he needed to be comforted by Empress Changsun.

The censor and officials easily let Yun Chu go, but directed all their firepower at Liu Rengui.

If Yunchu's guilt was in their mouths, it was enough to cut him into pieces, then Liu Rengui was facing impeachment and accusations at this time. If Liu Rengui was not made into mincemeat and fed to dogs, it would be disrespectful to the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

There are as many as six crimes for deceiving the emperor.

Maybe it was because Liu Rengui had faced such scenes many times, and he still stood in the middle with his eyes and nose in mind. He should have the right to recite sutras in response to the accusations from the censors.

When those who were impeaching Liu Rengui were thirsty for impeachment, Liu Rengui actually hugged the wat board and saluted the emperor: "I know I was wrong."

Through a layer of beads, Yunchu couldn't see clearly Li Zhi's expression. It was probably that Li Zhi was also thinking about how to punish Liu Rengui.

Due to the fine, Liu Rengui's family was destitute, and if the salary was stopped, Liu Rengui would probably become the first fifth-grade official to starve to death because of the emperor's salary fine since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

A fine of copper was also a common outcome. As far as Yun Chu knew, the biggest sum of money in their family was actually a handful of bamboo chips for eating that Yun Chu had given to Liu Rengui some time ago.

The money he had saved in the past was sent back to his hometown to build a house by his wife. I heard that he could build a very large and nice hut.

As for demotion and downgrading, Li Zhi probably never even thought about it. He had finally promoted this person. The few things he had done recently were very in line with the emperor's wishes. Of course, he couldn't do it anymore.

I don't know what Li Zhi was thinking, but he finally said: "Liu Qing's mistake was blind obedience. Even if I want to punish him, I should punish the culprit severely!"

Just when Yun Chu was looking around for the culprit, he heard Li Zhi continue: "For Liu Qing's mistake, Wannian County Prime Minister Yun Chu will be punished and fined 500 kilograms of copper as a warning to others."

After listening to the emperor's order, Yun Chu suddenly felt as if someone had hit his head hard with an axe.

He didn't feel sorry for the little money, but he felt that he, who had always been blaming others and had become accustomed to it, would be put on a huge scapegoat for no reason today.

Moreover, just above the Tang Dynasty court, Li Zhi put the huge pot on his back without any hesitation.

What does "Liu Qing's mistakes should be punished by Wannian County Cheng Yunchu?"

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 2 pm on the 3rd. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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