Tang's dining table

Chapter 560 Wilderness

That night, Yunchu's caravan was stationed at Sanleisha.

There are three paths to choose from.

On the left is Loulan Road, in the middle is Dahai Road, and on the right is Shaogan Road. Loulan Road naturally leads to Loulan, Dahai Road leads to Shanshan and Gaochang, and Shaogan Road leads directly to Hami.

For the army of the Tang Dynasty, they generally choose Shaogan Road where there are post stations and military cities, and Loulan Road where Bailongdui and Shaxi Well supply points are located.

Generally, we don’t choose the Haidao, which is the closest route in the middle.

"In order to rescue Kucha, Liang Jianfang led his troops into the sea channel. As a result, the place was blocked by the flood for nearly twenty days. In the end, the two cities of Kucha and Khotan suffered heavy casualties. Therefore, we suggested that we go A little bit, "

In front of Liang Ying, Wen Wen directly pointed out the mistakes Liang Jianfang made back then, and hoped that Liang Ying could learn a lesson and not make the same mistakes as Lao Liang.

Yunchu shook his head and said: "It's a long way from Yumenguan to Gaochang. It takes at least two thousand miles to take the short pole road. However, taking the sea road can save half the time and save a thousand miles. We have to ignore this factor. consider."

Wen Wen dropped the charcoal and looked at Yun Chu and said, "You grew up in the Western Region, and you know best what the Great Sea Road is like.

Although taking the sea channel can save half the time, you should not forget that entering the sea channel means entering no man's land.

When Pei Ju was walking along the Great Sea Road, he once said: This road is surrounded by sand and moraine, and lacks water and grass, making it difficult for people to walk. The surroundings are vast and it is impossible to memorize the road accurately. We can only use the bones of six animals and the dung of camels and horses as markers to know the way. If there is heavy snow, it will be impossible to walk, and it will be unfeasible due to the evil spirits.

"Book of Zhou Gaochang Biography": From Dunhuang to his country, there are many sandy moraine, and the road cannot be recorded accurately. The only way to verify it is with human and animal bones and camel and horse dung. There are also strange monsters, so business travelers often take Yiwu Road.

"Book of Sui Dynasty: Biography of Gaochang" says: There is a shortcut from the northwest of Dunhuang, which passes through sandy moraine for more than a thousand miles. It is unclear in all directions and there is no trail. Those who want to go there will find the bones of humans and animals. On the road, you may hear the sound of singing and suffering. Pedestrians look for it, which often leads to death and loss. It is also known as a ghost. Therefore, when merchants come and go, they often take Yiwu Road.

You have also read these books. I am a Tang Dynasty person who compiles history books not just for reading, but to prevent those of us who come after us from making the same mistakes again.

It is obviously more convenient to take Shaogang Road, which is Yiwu Road. "

Hearing this, Yun Chu smiled and said to Zhong Kui: "The roads recorded in the history books are rugged and difficult, and we can certainly overcome them. The problem is, the monsters here are very powerful. Are you afraid of these things?"

Zhong Kui, who was holding Xiao Yuhua's leg to check the injury, turned back to look at Yun Chu and said, "A certain family has longed to see a monster for many years but couldn't get it. How could they miss this opportunity today?"

Wen Wen said angrily: "You can't do whatever you want just because you are ugly. Monsters and demons will not shy away from you just because you are ugly."

Zhong Kui said angrily: "Many years of books have been read into the dog's belly. Confucius said, how can you serve ghosts if you cannot serve people?"

Only ghosts dare not show their appearance during the day, and disappear at night. They hear their voices but do not know their shapes. When talking about ghosts, most of them are just what others say, so how can they be taken seriously.

Wenwen looked at Yunchu and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Chu said calmly: "A certain family has been living with dead bodies in Qiuci for twenty days. From time to time, there is the sound of corpses cracking after fermentation and being inflated and overwhelmed. At this time, a certain family still needs to eat and sleep. There is no ghost intrusion. .

Presumably these ghosts are also people who bully the weak and fear the strong. A certain family has always been tough. If the ghosts come, they will be killed. "

Liang Ying and Xiao Yuhua looked at Yun Chu who was as calm as water with envy, secretly taking Yun Chu as an example and thinking that this is a man.

When Yun Chu saw Wen Wen no longer insisting on taking the Shaogang Road, he smiled and said, "That's it, it's settled. Tomorrow, the troops will launch across the sea."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "Okay, you are all heroes and heroes without any obstruction. We will take the sea channel now. However, you must understand that there are many thieves in the sea channel, so we must be careful when dealing with them."

Zhang Donghai, who has always been quiet, said: "Some people think that the reason why the monarch chose the Dahai Road may not be because there are many thieves there.

The goods we brought were too small, and we couldn't get much in exchange, and we couldn't plunder on a large scale, so naturally we had to rob them from thieves. Only in this way can we show that we are great masters. "

After all, he had played with Yun Chu in Liaodong, so he was very keen on understanding the coach's thoughts.

As the name suggests, Sanlei Sand is all sand. After Zhong Kui rode his war horse and stepped onto the thirsty Gobi from the soft sand, even the Shaolin Temple ascetic monks, whose minds were as stoic as the earth, sat cross-legged on the Gobi, facing Reciting scriptures for the vast sea they are about to cross, hoping that the Buddha can bless this team of people and safely cross this devil's land.

Naha also performed a Buddhist dance while standing at the door of a wind-eroded castle that looked like a stage. Although it was still as uncoordinated as ever, it still attracted the welcome and respect of the entire army.

Naha couldn't dance well, and Yun Chu thought it was his fault. The child had walked with a straight line when he was a child. He thought it was a small thing and didn't correct it, because when Naha was learning to walk, it was Yun Chu who When training a marmot to make it fatter, the marmot will walk smoothly when it stands up.

However, Naha is so beautiful, and she has too many good clothes, especially long skirts that look very elegant. All she needs to do is cover her face with a white gauze and wear her beautiful clothes. Big clothes, the wind in the Gobi will automatically lift up her brightly colored dress, making her flutter like a fairy, making the ignorant bastards below mesmerized.

Liang Ying also liked Naha very much, but he deliberately turned his head away from Naha when she was dancing.

It's not that he didn't want to see it, but because before leaving, the prince avoided Yun Chu, called him to the East Palace, and deliberately asked him to protect Naha.

What he said was very clear. As long as Naha returned well, he would not hesitate to reward her. If Naha came back and Liang Ying did not, it would not matter. The Liang family would receive a sufficiently sincere reward.

If Naha didn't come back, Liang Ying came back... The prince didn't say the result at that time, but the look on his face looked like an evil ghost in hell to Liang Ying.

Liang Ying also believes that if such a situation occurs, his experience will definitely not be much better than going to hell.

That's the prince of the Tang Dynasty——

When Yunchu got along with the prince, the prince behaved like a child who knew nothing and looked harmless, which made everyone in Jinchangfang like him.

Leaving Jinchangfang... Liang Ying didn't know how to describe the prince. He only knew that someone humiliated the prince at the Changsun family gathering.

There are at least six families that have been exterminated by the emperor and empress personally. Even the Changsun family is currently very unstable.

Therefore, Liang Ying knew that if Li Hong wanted to destroy the Liang family, he would definitely be able to do it.

It is for this reason that no matter how beautiful Naha is, Liang Ying always treats Naha with the courtesy of a subordinate, and does not even dare to reveal the family-friendly friendship that she should have.

No one in the prince's family is open-minded. Just like his ancestor said, the royal family will fall out faster than a dog.

Xiao Yuhua watched with fascination. Although the injury on his face had not healed yet and his whole body was in excruciating pain every time he moved, he still stood upright and watched Naha dance, unable to let go...

So Liang Ying moved his body outward. He didn't want to get himself covered in blood just because he was so close to Xiao Yuhua when he returned to Chang'an.

Two days later, the army completely entered the sea channel.

Xuanzang, who once led an old monkey across the Great Sea Road, once said: "There are no birds above, no animals below, no water, no grass, no water, only shadows."

The old monkey said: A bottle, a bowl, a horse and two people, there is nothing else in the world. "

Yunchu knew that this might be one of the driest places on the planet. It was absolutely arid. It might even be the center of the land. No matter where the water vapor was, it couldn't come here. Even if there was rain in the sky, it couldn't wait for it to fall to the ground. , will be evaporated in mid-air.

However, there are no absolutes in this world.

Liang Jianfang, the unluckiest man in the world, encountered a terrible flood in the driest place in the world.

The floods rolled over the Gobi Desert, and the red flood flowed across the Gobi Desert, preventing the 18,000-strong army from moving forward.

As a result, the grand narrative that Liang Jianfang had concocted came to nothing, and he was finally punished for this matter.

The most famous thing on the sea road is not the wind-eroded castles, but the wind. Whenever a strong wind comes, the yellow sand covers the sky, and the strong wind swirls and screams, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, which is terrifying.

Due to thousands of years of wind erosion, the ground here has formed ravines of varying depths. The exposed stone layers have been carved by wind knives into strange shapes and various poses, just like the castles and sculptures in Marvel movies.

At this time, even Afanti, who loves to talk the most, closed his mouth tightly, because as long as he opened his mouth, the fine sand would get into his mouth.

The sand on the sea channel is really all-pervasive. After walking for a day, enough sand will accumulate in the butt cracks. Under the friction of the two buttocks, the skin will secrete some sweat. When the sand mixes with the sweat, it will pass through the buttocks. Twisting and rubbing will eventually result in the skin being torn open... the pain is unbearable. (The author personally experienced it in 1996)

There is no need to tell the direction when walking all the way. After enough people and livestock have died on the road, there will be very obvious road signs.

A dead camel lay quietly on the side of the road. Its meat had no time to rot and had turned into dried meat. The fur on the windward side had been rubbed away by the sand-carrying wind, revealing bones of varying thicknesses. The fur on his face was intact, but mostly buried by scattered sand.

Yun Chu licked his dry lips and threw out the long whip in his hand. The whip suddenly retracted, and a colorful agate fell on Yun Chu's hand.

Yun Chu handed the piece of Gobi agate to Wen Wen and said, "Don't be drowsy, pay attention, there are treasures everywhere here."

Wen Wen held this piece of warm agate, pulled off her scarf and looked forward. She saw that the undulating mountains were dotted with colorful stones such as blood red, blue, white, orange and so on. They shone in the sun like the remains of a witch. Pearls add a bit of mystery to the already weird Haidao.

Chapter One

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