Tang's dining table

Chapter 561 Differences in knowledge

Wen Wen looked at the agate gems that were readily available and said, "I know this is stupid, but I still want to ask you why no one has picked up these agates. Although this thing cannot be compared with white jade, it is still a rare and good thing."

Yunchu took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and then he explained to Wen Wen, Zhong Kui, Zhang Donghai and the other generals: "We stand here and see that the agates seem to be everywhere. In fact, the distance between each agate is It's quite far actually.

You all know the principle of running to death. If you pick up one agate stone, you will want to pick up the second one. When you devote all your body and mind to picking up those agates, you will deviate from the main road... …

Here, if you don’t drink water for two hours, you will be extremely thirsty. If you don’t drink water for four hours, you will be extremely thirsty, exhausted, dry mouth, sunken eye sockets, and restless.

If you don't drink water for more than eight hours, you will not only become manic but also experience visual and auditory hallucinations.

However, in the face of wealth, you will forget the warnings issued by your body and continue to look for gems with more brilliant colors. Moreover, the burden will become heavier and heavier. When you come back to your senses, you feel that something is wrong.

Your final fate will be like that dead camel, becoming a new road sign. If you don't believe it, you will know it if you go to pick up gems in the wilderness. Wherever there are human bones and remains, there are piles of gems. "

Wen Wen frowned and said, "What if you come here specifically to pick up gems?"

Yunchu sighed and said: "This involves the issue of supplies. This vast sea covers an area of ​​more than a thousand miles, and there are no supply points in the middle. How much supplies do you think you can bring to leave yourself enough time to pick up those gems? ?

Moreover, this kind of stone is as cheap as dirt in the Western Regions and is not valuable. What is valuable is the jewelry sent to Chang'an and Luoyang for processing. "

Wen Wen looked at the already restless team and said, "Is giving up like this for nothing? Even if you are willing, they are not willing. Forcibly ordering them to give up will cause riots in the army."

Yun Chu smiled and said to Zhang Donghai: "Set up camp on the spot. From now until sunrise tomorrow, any number of gems you can pick up will be your own.

We will no longer wait for those who have not returned to camp when the sun rises tomorrow.

Another point is that you can only carry the things you pick up on your own back. "

As soon as Yunchu's military order was sent out, the troops dispersed in a hurry, and the number of soldiers who could still adhere to the rules of the camp was less than ten or ten as before.

Afanti was the first to ride into the wilderness on a donkey. Behind him were a large group of bandits from the Tang Dynasty, snitches and rangers. Although some soldiers from the government also went there, they did not run far after all, and were only looking for gems nearby.

Not to mention them, even Wen Wenwen was a little bit ready to make a move, but found that Yun Chu and Zhong Kui were silent, so he had to work hard to suppress his restless heart.

He didn't like the value of those agates, but he liked the feeling of having wealth at his fingertips.

"Go if you like. What else do you have to be embarrassed about between us brothers? This kind of thing has a strong appeal to you, a young man who grew up in a high-walled compound. After doing it, you will no longer be interested. .”

Yunchu brought out a barbecue rack. The wind and sunshine on Haidao Road were so sunny that it was perfect for a barbecue.

A few experienced delinquents dragged over a live sheep, killed it and skinned it. Yun Chu used the red willow branches he brought to thread the meat. Although it tasted better if it was marinated, Yun Chu didn't have time to do these things. When it gets dark, the temperature here will drop sharply, and the wind will blow up. When the wind blows up the sand, everything you eat will taste like dust.

Because of his skillful technique and fast speed, when Yun Chu put the meat skewers on the charcoal fire to grill, the mutton was not cold yet, and some pieces of meat were still twitching slightly. In short, it was in one word - fresh.

Naha came to her brother early. This time when she came to the Western Region, she did not bring Da Fei with her. It was not that she didn’t like Da Fei’s maid, but Naha knew very well that Da Fei, the maid of the Hou Mansion, was even more delicate than her. , if you come to the Western Regions, you probably won’t survive.

Mrs. Cui is getting older, and Cui Yao is pregnant as she wished. She doesn't like finding other maids to follow Naha. Moreover, Naha knows what the Western Region is like, so bringing a maid here is harming her.

It would be better to do it alone.

Because of this, Xuanzang praised Naha as a true Buddhist woman that had not been seen in Buddhism for many years.

The first skewer of roasted lamb was ready, because the charcoal fire had just started to burn, and there was some carbon gas, so Naha handed the skewer of lamb to Brother Zhong Kui very filially.

When the second skewer was roasted, she smelled it and found that it still smelled of charcoal, so she handed it to Xiao Yuhua.

Xiao Yuhua grabbed a skewer of barbecued meat from her boss and didn't know how to eat it, so she looked at the busy Naha's back in a daze.

Upon seeing this, Liang Ying immediately ran to make arrangements for setting up camp.

When Zhang Donghai also ate, when the surface of the charcoal fire began to turn white, the mutton on the red willow branches began to sizzle with oil, and the color of the meat began to turn yellow instead of black, Naha began to feast.

At this time, Wen Wen still hadn't come back. Yun Chu saw this guy walking up a hillside with his family. Under the setting sun, the gems on that hillside were shining. Unfortunately, Wen Wen seemed invisible, and he missed a lot of good things. gem.

After Yunchu finished drinking and eating meat, he said to Zhang Donghai: "After the sun sets, blow the trumpet and tell everyone to return to camp."

Zhang Donghai sighed and said: "Being obsessed with money, I'm afraid not everyone will listen to orders at this time."

Yun Chu said: "They will make a good choice."

Hearing that Yunchu's tone was wrong, Zhang Donghai said: "There are too many rabble among us. Are you planning to tighten military discipline?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "No, we are not an army, we are just a caravan. Those who can keep up will leave, and those who cannot keep up will not wait. Anyway, it is all for making a fortune. If you die, you will die."

Zhang Donghai smiled at Yun Chu when he saw a few people working hard not far from Junhou leaving.

Yun Chu said: "You have also seen that everyone has their own way of survival. They even understand the importance of a group better than us."

Zhang Donghai smiled and said: "Following the lord, the general will gain new insights every time."

Yunchu laughed and said, "Since those people have started to greet their companions in their own way, you can go and blow the trumpet with confidence.

If there are still people who don't come back on time, they really deserve to die, and they can't blame us. "

On the Dahai Road, there are no clouds at all. The weather here is either full of yellow sand or sunny.

When the sun sets, the wind comes.

At the beginning, there was a breeze, which could only make Naha's veil slightly wrinkled. The moment Naha realized that her veil was starting to become restless, she quickly got into the long and narrow carriage that belonged to her alone. .

This carriage was given by Li Hong. Because he was in a hurry and did not have time to make a new carriage that met the requirements, Li Hong sawed open his originally wide carriage and ordered his generals to work overnight to make this carriage. A long and narrow sealed carriage.

With this carriage, Naha’s food, clothing, housing and transportation can all be taken care of in this carriage.

The reason why it needs to be such a long and narrow look is entirely to adapt to the bad road conditions here.

When the weather is good, the carriage is usually placed in Yunchu's tent. When the weather is bad, Yunchu can pitch the tent on the leeward side of the carriage to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

This was originally an extremely luxuriously decorated carriage. In the ten days since it left Yumen Pass, the gilding on the front of the carriage had been almost worn away by the wind and sand, leaving only some black gilding marks.

Suddenly, a low horn sound sounded on the vast land, and those who went to find gems in the distance began to walk back. During this period, there were some guys on horses, shouting and yelling crazily.

When a wall of khaki sand pushed over the ground, most of the people and horses had already returned to the camp.

After the sand wall swept across the camp, the world was enveloped in bursts of shrill howls of ghosts and wolves.

If you want to talk about a real man, you have to count Zhong Kui. This man is wearing iron armor and a hood that covers his face. On the waistband of the armor is a Mo Dao that is two feet long. He is seen holding this special Mo Dao. Standing against the wind, it looks like he is going to compete with the monsters and monsters hidden in the wind.

Yunchu didn't know that a person like Zhong Kui could do things that only a fool could do. After looking at Zhong Kui standing in the wind like a demon for a while, he shook his head and returned to his short cowhide tent.

The wind has picked up, and even the kings and princes have no spacious tents for the army to live in.

Wen Wen held a bowl of rice and stuck her head out to take a look at Zhong Kui, who was standing in the wind. She nodded and said to Yun Chu, "With him here, I feel much more at ease."

After saying this, he took a mouthful of rice and spit it out quickly. Yun Chu estimated that he had eaten almost half a mouthful of sand.

Gentle and regretful, she put down half the bowl of rice, rinsed her mouth with water from the kettle, and said to Yun Chu: "He is so arrogant. What should we do if he dies at the hands of a monster?"

Yun Chu threw his body on the soft floor and said lazily: "Do you think there are really monsters and monsters in this world?"

Wen Wen listened for a while, pointed to the outside of the tent and said: "The singing can be said to come back a thousand times, but it is too sad and the ghosts are outside."

Yun Chu asked: "Is it possible that the sound is caused by the wind blowing through those weird stone pillar caves?"

Wen Wenwen listened for a while and said: "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu all have five notes, it's not just the sound of wind."

Yun Chu asked again: "Is it possible that our ancestors imitated the sounds of nature when they created the music?"

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu with strange eyes and said, "You don't know?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said, "The sound of music is most consistent with nature."

Wen Wen laughed for a while and then said: "It seems that a fool like you doesn't know what the "three-point profit and loss method" is, right?"

Yunchu said nonchalantly: "Ask me for advice."

After another burst of hearty laughter, Wen Wen said: "You, who can only compile some words and show off your ingenuity, probably only know that the sound of China comes from Ling Lun, the favored minister of the Yellow Emperor, right?"

Yunchu said: "Isn't it?"

Wen Wen showed her eight big white teeth and said: "Of course not, the five tones are actually calculated using arithmetic.

"Everyone who listens to the war is like a swine and a hog is frightened. Anyone who listens to the feathers is like a crowing horse in the wild. Anyone who listens to a palace is like a cow crowing in the wild. Anyone who listens to a business is like a sheep straying from the flock. Anyone who listens to a horn is like a pheasant climbing a tree. Ming.

When the five tones are about to be played, the first one will be played three times, and the four will be opened to combine with nine and nine, and the first one of Huang Zhong and Xiao Su will be born to form a palace.

Three points are beneficial to one, which is a hundred and eight, which is a levy.

It is not without three points and its multiplication is sufficient, so that quotient arises.

There are three parts, and they return to their place, so they become feathers.

There are three points, and if the multiplication is removed, it is enough, so it becomes an angle.

Yun, have you ever understood? If you don’t understand and want to know, all you need is tonight..."

Before Wen Wen could finish her words, Naha poked her head out of the carriage and shouted at Wen Wen: "My brother will sleep with me tonight."

Wen Wenwen was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then burst into hysterical laughter, and then jumped around on the ground like a frog holding his belly.

Yun Chu pushed Naha's head back into the carriage and saw that Wen Wen was still laughing and had not regained his breath. Worried that he would die from laughing, he stepped on his toes with his foot. After Wen Wen made a squeak, he finally had the time to return his breath. .

Chapter two

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