Tang's dining table

Chapter 77 Yunchu’s big plan

The old monkey squatted sadly on the low wall of the garden of the Yun family's inner house, chewing licorice out of boredom.

Mrs. Cui was holding a plate with some snacks and tea.

She stayed by the old monkey's side very patiently and said nothing, just not allowing the old monkey to get into Naha's boudoir.

Naha was crying in the room, grabbing a brush and writing big characters. Her beautiful clothes were covered with dots of ink, and of course, her face and hands were all covered.

The words she was writing now, Yunchu had to work hard to guess what she was writing.

However, the ten big words every day must be finished. If you can't finish them, you won't be able to follow the old monkey and play with the stick.

The old monkey spit out the licorice residue in his mouth, took the tea from Cui's plate and rinsed his mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Naha's calligraphy was taught by Lao Na. Can't he teach this girl?"

Ms. Cui said with a smile: "My husband is very talented and has a photographic memory. My wife is less talented. I can only use this kind of terrazzo technique to slowly cultivate my interest in writing and also kill my impatience." .

The young lady will definitely be the most outstanding woman in Chang'an in the future, so she must not relax at this moment. "

The old monkey sighed and said: "If it is a Tang Dynasty woman, Naha will naturally be like you said, she must be the best among women. It is a pity."

Ms. Cui shook her head and said: "My husband will definitely make the people of Chang'an forget that Naha's appearance is different from that of women from the Tang Dynasty. He will also make the little lady Yun Na marry a good man who is willing to marry her in the center of Chang'an City."

The old monkey squinted at Mrs. Cui and said, "You have full confidence in your husband."

Ms. Cui said with a smile: "Lang Jun has only settled in Chang'an for a month, and he already has more than 5,600 lackeys working for him. How can he be compared to ordinary people?"

The old monkey's head drooped, and after a moment he said: "I have to say that the husband of the You family is born to be an official."

Mrs. Cui placed the wooden plate on the low wall, brushed her gray hair which gradually gained some luster and said with emotion: "I am from the Cui family of Qinghe. I have seen many young heroes and so-called geniuses.

But even those so-called young heroes and geniuses are not even worthy of carrying shoes in front of my husband. "

The old monkey didn't seem to like others to praise Yun Chu, so he changed the subject and said, "What did Yun Chu do? Why can't he see his people so early in the morning?"

"Lang Jun discussed with Fang Zheng yesterday and planned to renovate the gate of Fang City and repair some gaps in the high wall of Fang City. I heard that this is to facilitate closed management, and at the same time, to prevent thieves from entering and exiting our Jin Dynasty at will. Changfang.”

"How did I hear that it was to collect money?"

Mrs. Cui smiled and said: "Mr. Lang said that Da Ci'en Temple is the place where His Majesty prays for Queen Wende. Such a holy place naturally needs to be admired by all people. In this way, it is in line with Queen Wende's wish to honor the mother of the world. .

However, too many people coming to Daci'en Temple has turned a solemn place into a noisy place. This is not out of respect for the late Queen Wende. Jinchangfang charges a small amount of money to isolate the majority of people who are just looking for novelties. It is a good thing that people who are not sincere worshipers of Buddha can restore the serenity of Daci'en Temple, and the fifty great virtues in the temple can also concentrate on their studies. "

The old monkey spat in disdain and said, "It's a pity that all that money went into your husband's pocket."

Ms. Cui said in shock: "How did it get into my husband's pocket? My husband hasn't paid attention to this money yet. He just collected the money... Oh, my husband said that he must take this money." For the people, for the people. The roads in Jinchangfang are dilapidated and need to be repaired. The sewage seepage pits in the square are filthy and should have been buried long ago. Instead, culverts will be used to drain future sewage into the main ditch. Well, dung trucks are not allowed to enter Jinchangfang anymore.

Fifteen wells will also be dug in the highlands of Jinchangfang, so that the people of Jinchangfang will no longer have to drink polluted dirty water in the low-lying areas.

Lang Jun also said that the water wells in the high places should be opened one by one, following the example of the Qiuci Karez well, allowing the water to flow out from the high places, and doing the water method to form the landscape of Jiangnan's clear water surrounding Jinchangfang in Chang'an.

Master Wukong, you must not guess the ambitions of my husband from the state of mind of ordinary people. "

The old monkey sighed and said: "What your husband is best at is using other people's money to do his own things. In addition, he is very capable of doing things. I think what you said will be realized in the near future.

It's just a pity for the people here. From now on, they will never have a day of leisure, and they can control the people like cattle and horses. If he can't become a high official in the future, it will be unforgivable. "

Even if she is as gentle as Mrs. Cui, she can't help but roll her eyes when the old monkey slanders her husband and says: "The husband drives the people to work and pays them wages, and it's a big price!"

The old monkey smiled slightly and did not argue with Cui. At this moment, Naha, with wrinkled clothes, disheveled hair, and ink all over her face, finally escaped from the house and jumped onto the low wall with one leap. , hugging the old monkey and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Sunhu Cao, who had received Yunchu's consistent money, looked at the tall and majestic Jinchangfang gate in the picture in front of him, and suddenly felt that the consistent copper coins he had just received had become hot, and had even turned into copper water, burning violently. his body.

So, he said in a trembling voice: "Although this square gate is not as majestic as the palace city, it is almost equal to the lintel of the imperial city gate. Do you two still have the regulations of the Tang Dynasty in your eyes?"

At this time, Liu Yi could not wait to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. Although Yunchu had told him why he wanted to build such a magnificent gate when he came, he was still ashamed after listening to Sun Hucao's words.

After all, how can a group of craftsmen and traders living in a group be compared with the civil and military officials and nobles living in the imperial city.

Yun Chu curled his lips and said: "There is a royal temple dedicated to Queen Wende in Jinchangfang. In other words, Jinchangfang is the residence of Queen Wende. Dare I ask Sun Hucao, some people question the gate of Queen Wende's former residence. Have you passed?"

After hearing Yunchu's words, Sun Hucao was stunned. After a long while, he said quietly: "Where did you get so much money to build such a flashy and high lintel?"

Yunchu said with a smile: "If Da Ci'en Temple contributes a little, the people will donate a little, and a certain family wants to ask our Wannian County to contribute a little more, then the money to build this magnificent gate will be available."

When Sunhu Cao heard what Yunchu said, he fell into a daze again. As for Fangzheng Liu Yi, he wanted to stick his head in his crotch and never see anyone again.

When Yunchu saw that Sun Hucao was so shocked by what he said, he knew that what he had done had completely shattered Sun Hucao's outlook on life into powder.

Sun Hucao didn't understand, but Yunchu knew that this was a basic operation in his previous world.

"Damn it, if the street under my jurisdiction had a royal temple like the Great Ci'en Temple, I would have made that neighborhood the best in the world."

Cursing in his heart, Yun Chu also knew that this matter was not something that Sun Hu Cao could handle, so he said in the ears of Sun Hu Cao, who was still in a state of chaos: "How about we submit this matter to Magistrate Lu for a decision?"

Sunhu Cao wiped the sweat from his forehead. He vaguely felt that this should be a good thing, but he also felt that the matter was serious and he should report it to his superior.

He hurriedly sent Yun Chu and Liu Yi away, and went to see Magistrate Lu holding the drawings and documents that Yun Chu had brought.

Liu Yi followed Yun Chu out of Sunhu Cao's mansion, and immediately pulled Yun Chu's sleeve and said, "Mr. Lang, do you really want the villagers to pay for the construction of this gate?"

Yunchu looked at Liu Yida strangely: "I thought you would ask Wannian County if they would pay."

Liu Yi shook his head like a rattle and said hurriedly: "Wannian County will not pay for it. The villagers themselves are poor. How can there be any spare money to build a flashy gate?"

Yun Chu said as he walked: "I only said that the people donated, but I didn't say that the people of Jinchangfang donated."

Liu Yi said painfully: "Do we really have to collect money at the gate?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "There is no merit box in Da Ci'en Temple. It only accepts incense money donated by princes, ministers and wealthy families. Isn't the incense money donated by those from small families not money?

Da Ci'en Temple looks down on these small coins because they are impatient to accept them. However, the thoughts of small families are also their thoughts. There is no distinction between high and low in people's hearts. No matter how small the money is, it is dedicated to Queen Wende. A heart of filial piety. "

Liu Yi licked his dry lips and said, "Is it really okay?"

Yun Chu raised his hand, and the gray-haired Liu Yi quickly bent down so that Yun Chu could pat his shoulder.

Yun Chu's hand fell on Liu Yi's shoulder, and he said seriously: "I am your superior, just listen to me. The gate must be built, roads and houses must be repaired, wells must be dug, and water laws must be Open water channels and sewage culverts must be built. When spring comes, we will plant trees and flowers all over Jinchangfang...

I also want to knock down all the uninhabited shabby houses near the west wall of Daci'en Temple and build them into monasteries. Then they can be rented out to ladies from wealthy families who like to worship Buddha...

We have too few ways to get money. We cannot just rely on the three hundred guan from Da Ci'en Temple. If the abbot is not Master Xuanzang, who will give us money?

Okay, let me tell you this first... With your stupid brain, you can't understand what I'm talking about. "

When Yunchu returned home, Naha was waving the baseball bat loudly, hitting the old monkey with full force every time.

The old monkey either moves forward, or retreats, or bends down, or jumps away. No matter how Naha greets him, the baseball bat always passes by the old monkey.

Naha couldn't hit the old monkey, but the old monkey always found an opportunity to pinch Naha's nose or pull her ears.

Seeing that Naha was out of breath and sweating profusely, the little girl still refused to give up and swung the stick even more vigorously.

Ms. Cui, who was standing aside and watching, sighed and said to Yun Chu: "This child's future achievements in martial arts may be far greater than those written in writing."

Yun Chu said disdainfully: "When the time comes, I, as the elder brother, will write her some poems and songs suitable for girls. It will not be difficult for her to become famous in Chang'an!"

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