Tang's dining table

Chapter 78 Relaxation

Mrs. Cui didn't understand where Yun Chu's confidence in saying this came from. Although her husband would occasionally come up with one or two wonderful sentences when he spoke on weekdays, they didn't go well with poetry and songs. side.

If you want to write good poems and songs, talent and knowledge are indispensable, and my husband probably has a lot of talent, but knowledge can only be obtained through long-term accumulation.

There are many people in the Cui family who are good at writing poems, but they are not as arrogant as Yunchu, who think that the creation of poems and songs is so easy.

Naha was so tired that she lay on the ground, still holding her stick in her hand.

The old monkey took the baseball bat and played with it in his hand. Finally, he held the baseball bat and said to Yun Chu: "This thing is very convenient. It is heavy at the front and light at the back. The force of force can be doubled when the head of the stick hits it. It's a good thing." .”

Yun Chu said: "This thing is best made of wood. I used to plan to get an iron one, but later I found that it was too heavy and difficult to control."

"Yes, wood has its advantages. In Chang'an, most of the time, you don't have to fight with others to the death. It's best to use this thing."

Mrs. Cui took Naha to take a bath, and Yunchu and the old monkey came to the atrium to drink tea and chat.

Somehow it came to Xuanzang.

Xuanzang has long since lost his divinity in their mouths. What the old monkey cares about is whether Xuanzang had an affair with the leader of the East Girl Kingdom, and whether he had an affair with the leader of the East Girl Kingdom, and whether he passed by the bathing place of those beautiful women in Tianzhu. peep……

Yun Chu was very interested in how many disciples Xuanzang had on his journey to the west. The old monkey was considered the disciple named Lei Gong Lian, and whether there was a disciple who looked like a pig or a monster.

"For a while, we had a black servant with a charcoal head among our entourage. However, although he was ugly and fat, he didn't look like a pig. As for those who looked like monsters, there are many people who look like monsters in the world. ”

After hearing what the old monkey said, Yunchu finally let go of his obsession. At least when Wu Chengen wrote "Journey to the West", the reason why that work has been circulated for many years was entirely due to his personal imagination.

While he was talking, Jiu Fei, the doorman, brought in many baskets from the front and placed them in front of Yun Chu.

Opening the cloth on the basket, there are all kinds of things inside, most of which are food.

Jujube cakes are the most common, but there are also steamed cakes with white flowers, and some are simply baskets of persimmon cakes. There are also items with socks, necklaces, and colorful thread embroidery. These things look like they belong to the residents themselves, and they are brought here to ask for them. Yun Chu is a happy person here.

Yun Chu ordered them all to accept them and return the baskets to others, but there was no return gift. He asked them to go back and wait for news. The recruitment of workers in Jinchangfang will soon be published, and everyone will have a chance.

The old monkey grabbed a handful of dried dates from a basket without washing them, just wiped them with his sleeve and ate them dry.

"There is no need for you to take these things from others. As far as I know, the first condition for being an official in the Tang Dynasty is to be honest and honest."

Yun Chu looked at the old monkey who was eating dates and said calmly: "The prerequisite for becoming an official is to be an official first.

After all, no one will cherish things that are easily obtained. People will only cherish those things that have been obtained through untold hardships.

Therefore, things must be collected. Firstly, it can calm their hearts. Secondly, it can make them learn to be grateful, such as being grateful to me for accepting their gifts.

You know that the reason why I have to work so hard to do these things is to make them people who can be used by me. "

The old monkey nodded and said: "No wonder Xuanzang once said that this world is just a big fighting arena. Tigers and lions are fighting in all directions and are invincible. Those elk, yellow sheep, and hares are pitiful. They die under the claws of ligers and tigers, and no one can pity them."

The initial purpose of Buddhism is to resolve these violence so that everyone in the battlefield can coexist peacefully.

Yunchu, you are the beast that is best at catching prey in this arena. "

Yunchu laughed and said, "Can Buddhism make tigers, lions, leopards, wolves and other beasts start eating grass for a living?"

The old monkey shook his head and said: "This is their way of survival and cannot be changed." "Since their diet has not been changed, how can Buddhism solve the problem of tigers eating elk?"

"So, the Buddha gave his meat to the tiger and took out his heart to the eagle..."

"According to your theory, the role of monks in the world is to die for the weak. So, why are you so upset when I get some money from Daci'en Temple?"

The old monkey looked at Yun Chu and said, ‘I think what you said is wrong. "

Yun Chu waved his hands and said: "You live in the world of Buddha. I have long jumped out of the Three Realms and am no longer in the Five Elements. I am ready to do something real. If possible, I really plan to build Chang'an into what the people in the Western Regions say. appearance."

The old monkey felt that Yunchu looked down on Buddha. Yunchu felt that the old monkey had become stupid since arriving in Chang'an. For some reason, the two began to beat each other with baseball bats.

The result of the fight was that Yun Chu received several sticks on his back and legs. He grimaced in pain. The old monkey was hit hard on the stomach by Yun Chu with a stick. He tried hard to maintain his appearance as a worldly expert. Ken bent down and called.

The next day, Yunchu asked some fat cooks at home to find various beans from the West Market and mix them with glutinous rice. The rice was added with dates, raisins, and preserved peaches and apricots. Each family begged for a handful of rice, dried fruits, and beans, and borrowed hundreds of large pots to cook porridge in an open space before dawn.

Because every family has produced ingredients, every family can come over to drink porridge. Yun Chu is going to announce the list of the first batch of people working in Jinchangfang while drinking porridge.

Eating together seems to be a very simple thing, but in the mountainous areas of southwest China, it is the simple method of banquet that completely breaks down the barriers between people.

Especially in difficult times, every baba feast is a feast that promotes collective good.

Everyone contributes a little, and everyone eats a little. This is the most original and simple justice.

The first batch of people recruited did not cause any backlash from people. Those who were recruited took it for granted, and those who were not recruited also took it for granted.

Because the first batch of people recruited by Yunchu were all craftsmen, including masons, stonemasons, carpenters, well diggers and strong young men.

It is these people who will dig wells, dig roads, build open channels and culverts, and pave all the roads in Jinchangfang with stone slabs or blue bricks in accordance with Yunchu's arrangements in this not-so-cold winter.

This is an extremely huge project, and it is estimated that it will not be completed until at least the beginning of spring. Fortunately, there are not many others in Jinchangfang, and basically every household has craftsmen.

Yun Chu took out his own design drawings, and these craftsmen themselves could carry out the construction according to Yun Chu's requirements.

Yunchu's whole family came out to eat porridge, including their little girl with blond hair and green eyes. Naha's skin improved quickly after she started taking a good bath. In addition, she was rubbed hard by Cui, and her whole body was rough. His skin has faded away, and he finally has the fair look of a Caucasian.

This aroused great curiosity among the residents. As a Chang'an native, it was not that Hu Ji had never seen her before, but she had never seen such a beautiful little Hu Ji from Yunchu's family.

Liu Yi drank three bowls of thick eight-treasure porridge, but was still not satisfied. When he was about to drink the fourth bowl, Yun Chu shouted and stopped him from drinking so much porridge.

Yun Chu drank a bowl and then stopped, taking Liu Yi to watch the residents in the alley eating porridge.

Every time he walked up to a key person, Liu Yi would introduce him in a low voice.

"Liu Sancai?"

"Exactly down there."

"I heard that you are also a good player in the future. This time you will build our own well. I don't think you will fool us all, right?"

"Don't dare. This time we will drill eleven wells, starting from the highest point in the south, and slowly descending according to the terrain. Then connect these eleven wells according to the water surface, so that the water in the wells gradually collects downwards, and finally A water outlet is formed at the southwest corner of Da Ci'en Temple. The lotus pond of Da Ci'en Temple is used to store water there. An animal head is hung in the northeast corner of the lotus pond to discharge water. The water flows into an open channel, bypasses sixteen alleys on Jinchangfang Third Street, and finally enters an underground channel. Connected to the Chang'an Keng River Canal."

After listening to what Liu Sancai said, Yun Chu nodded and said: "The cost you quoted is one hundred and three guan. On the day when the construction starts, I will give you 50 guan to purchase stone, bricks, wood and other materials. On the day when the eleven wells produce water, I will give you another thirty guans. When you and your people complete the above-mentioned projects and pass the inspection, I will pay the balance and give you an extra five guans as a reward."

Liu Sancai looked around and whispered: "Chief, it is not difficult for us to open eleven wells here. Chang'an is a place with abundant water veins. Plus we are close to Kunming Lake, so there is no shortage of water.

The problem is that we have opened eleven wells and open channels. The younger ones are worried that this will make the three cities of Xiuzheng, Xiuxian and Shengping, which are higher up than us, unable to drill wells. "

Yunchu sneered and said: "The water flows into the lotus pond of Daci'en Temple. It has nothing to do with us. Besides, they have the canals of Kunming Pond, and no one uses well water."

Liu Sancai responded repeatedly. When he saw Yun Chu leaving, he immediately lowered his head and drank the eight-treasure porridge. To be honest, such thick porridge could not be drunk more than once a year.

Although he was now very afraid of Yun Chu, he was extremely looking forward to this man's reward of five strings of gold.

This is the effect Yunchu wants. You don't have to be too close. If you are too close, you will make some excessive demands in the future because of the close relationship. If you agree, it will break the rules. If you don't agree, the friendship accumulated in the past will be destroyed. Turn into flowing water, maybe this person will become the one who hates you the most.

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