Tang's dining table

Chapter 847 This is Emperor Li Zhi

Wu Mei has long been accustomed to complaints from Li Zhi, and she always encounters such complaints once or twice a month.

"Queen, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Queen, you didn't do this well and it's beneath the dignity of the royal family."

"Queen, don't do this again..."

Wu Mei raised her head and tried hard to recall the sunny boy she saw for the first time in Jinchangfang, and whether it was worth the effort to get a high-ranking royal woman to marry him.

Even though the young man had a nice smile, white teeth, and an attractive appearance with long hands and long legs, she still felt that Yun Chu at that time was not worth the royal expense for a high-ranking woman to recruit him.

Because, if you do that, it will simply lower the reputation of the royal woman.

The reputation of women from the Li family is not good. If such a nobody is married, the reputation will only get worse, and they will not have the capital to fight against the women of the fifth surname and Qi Wang.

Of course, if you marry now, there will be no problem. In fact, it is not too late. After ordering Yu Xiurong to commit suicide and killing several of Yu Xiurong's children, the time is right for the twenty-seven-year-old Yun Chu to become the groom's official again.

However, after doing this, it may not be able to win over Yunchu. It may turn this person into a terrible devil, and it may burn down Chang'an or Luoyang.

Until now, Yu Xiurong was the only eldest woman in Yunchu's family. Judging from the news from Baiqisi, they didn't even have a maid to serve in the couple's room, which showed that they were truly deeply attached to each other.

"It would be nice if Yun Chu's character wasn't so strong."

Wu Mei, who quickly figured things out, said to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi lay on the brocade with his belly in his arms and said: "This guy looks like a saint when it comes to matters between men and women, but he makes random comments about the sexual intercourse between our husband and wife in private. Tell me, how lustful is this guy?" Still not horny?"

Wu Mei thought for a while and said: "He once teased Pei Xingjian's concubine, he also teased Jin Yuru, and even kissed a brothel prostitute in public. Later, although he also went to the brothel to play, he was limited to Listening to music, watching dances, drinking wine, there was no chaos.

From a character point of view, the white jade is only slightly flawed.

As for us, would Your Majesty want to hear what others say about us as a couple? "

Li Zhi immediately shook his head and said, "I don't want to know."

Wu Mei snorted coldly and stopped talking. She didn't want Li Si to marry Yun Jin. She always felt that this was a big mistake. However, she couldn't find the mistake. Plus, from the current point of view, Li Si married Yun Jin. It was indeed the best way to give it to Yun Jin, so he had no choice but to let it go.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Now that Yanshi County has been settled, Zhengzhou should be the next step, right?

Whose turn is it this time? "

Wu Mei said: "Zhou Xing."

"What is it about this man that you admire so highly?"

Wu Mei said: "This person is well versed in the law and the methods of punishment and prison. Every prisoner he has dealt with has not bowed his head and confessed his crime.

The most important thing is that this man once served as an official in Wannian County for two years. Later, he was deposed by Yunchu because of his unkind behavior. "

"So, this person hates Yunchu deeply?"

Wu Mei shook her head and said: "No, on the contrary, this person praised Yun Chu very much. He only said that Yun Chu has the kindness of a woman and cannot become a great person!"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "If Yunchu had great intentions, he would have been my minister of household affairs or supervisor of the Shaofu eunuch. It would be his turn to be the supervisor of such people.

However, I just comforted those people in Zhengzhou, and I hope they can do things well so that my reputation will not be damaged.

When things in Zhengzhou are finished, kill him to vent their anger on the people of Zhengzhou. "

Wu Mei said: "He must be honest and upright in his actions. There is no excuse to kill him, so let's keep him. There are too many people to kill in this world, so keeping him is still useful.

However, Li Ji needs His Majesty to warn him, otherwise, if he and Li Si occupy Yanshi, they may not have the intention to continue marching into Zhengzhou. "

Li Zhi shook the equity list in his hand and said to Wu Mei: "This contract is not complete yet. It lacks a young eunuch. Send a young eunuch to tell Anding that each of the five of them can occupy 10%. If there is more, Break a taboo.”

Wu Mei took a breath and said, "An Ding doesn't have the temperament to keep silent about her losses. We already owe her something..."

Li Zhi interrupted Wu Mei and said directly: "I have arranged a good marriage for her. The second son of Ren Yaxiang, Ren Jun, is quite talented and famous, and he can be the prince consort."

Wu Mei gritted her teeth and said, "This is an open robbery."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "All good things come in a long way. As a royal princess, if you don't contribute to the royal family, you only want to sit back and enjoy the success in the Yun family. Where in the world can such a cheap thing come from?

Besides, if everything goes smoothly for her, her appetite will only get bigger and bigger, and she will be reduced to a situation where she can't satisfy her desires. That would be bad. "

Wu Mei let out a long sigh and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Li Zhi stood up, and the giant bear got up after him. After Li Zhi walked around the hall twice, Li Zhi said to Wu Mei: "Tomorrow, we will move to Bianzhou. There are more people and things waiting there. We'll handle it."

When Wu Mei left the apse, the sky in Zhengzhou was clear and cold. Although there was no wind, Wu Mei couldn't help but hug her mink fur tightly to her body. Gong'e, who was holding the heater, quickly came over, but Wu Mei drove her away irritably. Turn on the stove, and the smoke from the heater made her even more irritable.

She saw Prince Li Hong coming from a distance. She didn't want to meet Li Hong at this time, so she didn't wait and went to her palace surrounded by the eunuchs.

Seeing that his mother was avoiding him, Li Hong paused for a while and prepared to ask to see his father, but was turned away by Ruichun.

Since neither his father nor his mother wanted to see him, then it was probably impossible to achieve his goal of returning to Houjun Yunchu.

"Moving to Bianzhou tomorrow?"

After listening to Ruichun's explanation that the emperor was moving to Bianzhou tomorrow and needed to rest early, Li Hong still felt a little surprised.

After hurriedly returning to his residence, he said to the half-asleep Xu Jingzong: "Master, father, emperor, and mother all refuse to see me. They also said that they will move to Bianzhou tomorrow. What's the reason?"

Xu Jingzong slowly opened his eyes, looked at Li Hong and said, "Then pack your bags and follow His Majesty's pace, don't fall behind."

Li Hongdao: "Yanshi County is in chaos, Li Jingxuan has gone, An Ding is causing trouble in Yanshi County, why am I the only one who is kept in the dark?

At this moment, not even a word came from Master? "

Xu Jingzong said: "That's because Your Majesty, the Queen, and even Yun Chu believe that the matters here have nothing to do with the Crown Prince. If the Crown Prince insists on getting involved, it will only do harm to the Crown Prince, but no good."

Li Hong stood up and walked around on the ground a few times and said, "I should at least know why."

Xu Jingzong sighed and said, "Yun Chu made it very clear in his last letter to the prince, but the prince didn't pay attention."

Li Hong quickly recalled the last letter from his master to him in his mind, and finally shook his head and said: "I don't understand."

Xu Jingzong said: "When the prince read this letter to me, there were two more words at the end."

Li Hong frowned and said, "The last two words are Shi Sui, it's just a common greeting."

Xu Jingzong asked again: "When did you ask to read the letter that Yun Chu wrote to you to me?"

Li Hongdao: "The last letter asked me to read it to the master."

Xu Jingzong said: "Shi Sui, also called Shun Song Shi Sui, you know the meaning. This is a commonly used hymn among ordinary people. The prince is the king and Yun Chu is the minister. Even if Yun Chu is the teacher and the prince is the student, it doesn't matter. No matter how the two identities are exchanged, it is impossible to use the praise of peers,"

Li Hongdao: "Shi Sui, Shi Sui, sometimes peaceful, sometimes smooth?"

Xu Jingzong added: "Yes, after removing the word "Shunsong", it means "temporary peace."

What Yun Chu couldn't say in the letter was all contained in these two words, which meant that the prince was fine and had no problems at the moment.

Yunchu knew that the prince was now traveling with him, surrounded by imperial troops, and lacked channels to know outside news. This was probably His Majesty's deliberate move, not wanting the prince to know too many things.

Yun Chu was worried that the prince was impatient, so he deliberately wrote two more words. If I were to judge based on the situation in Yanshi County and His Majesty's long-term stay in Zhengzhou, His Majesty was paying attention to Yanshi County.

Moreover, since the chaos in Yanshi County, attention has been paid to Li Jingxuan entering Yanshi County and moving to Bianzhou tomorrow, which illustrates the problem.

If...if...there was trouble in Zhengzhou after His Majesty left Zhengzhou, then it would be obvious that His Majesty took advantage of the opportunity of Mount Tai to rectify the layout of Shandong and Hebei.

If this is the case, he must be ruthless. The prince has always been known for his benevolence in the government and the public. If he talks about kindness to His Majesty at this time, it will arouse His Majesty's dissatisfaction. It is better to come clean without knowing anything.

Your Highness, there is no need to worry. When we arrive at Bianzhou, all the fog in front of us will dissipate. At that time, the best thing to do is for the prince to make arrangements based on the actual situation. "

Li Hong gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that I am becoming more and more stupid."

Xu Jingzong shook his head and said: "It's not the fault of the prince, but that Yun Chu had something to do in the past. He always told the prince clearly and clearly. Now it is the first time he uses metaphors. The prince is not used to it. This is why Yun Chu must ask the prince. The reason for reading the letter to me."

Li Hong suddenly realized: "This letter was delivered by the Forbidden Army."

Xu Jingzong shrank his old body into the warm quilt and said, "Prince, go to bed early. If Yun Chu does this, it means that the situation outside is very bad. Go to bed early and have a good morning."

Li Hong said angrily: "I am the crown prince."

Xu Jingzong reluctantly opened one eye and said: "Go to bed early. There are many things the Crown Prince can do when His Majesty is lazy. Once His Majesty opens his eyes, all the Crown Prince can do is sleep well."

Your Majesty today is like the sunshine at noon, which cannot be looked at directly. "

Li Hong sat slumped beside Xu Jingzong's brocade and said, "It's not peaceful to sleep alone."

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "The prince hasn't been close to the princess for a long time. This is not good. The royal family needs a prince who can give birth to a boy. This in itself is the basis for the prince's stable position."

Li Hong smiled when he heard this and said softly: "I already have a princess."

Xu Jingzong yawned and said: "Congratulations to the Crown Prince, there is now another Queen Li in the Western Region..."

Li Hong wanted to continue talking, but Xu Jingzong was already as quiet as a dream and started snoring.

Some time ago, I felt dizzy, my heart was pounding, I was sweating, I was always lethargic, and I was not energetic. Coupled with high blood sugar, I always thought that something was wrong with my body. When I thought of my colleagues who were slumped over the keyboard, I became very worried. Then, under the persuasion of my family, I entered the hospital and had a thorough examination of my whole body. I took twelve tubes of blood and checked all kinds of brain, heart, and blood vessels. Even the colonoscopy was damned. After doing it, I was just about to have a biopsy. The results showed that apart from high blood sugar, my heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, brain, and blood vessels were all healthy, and my eyesight was even above 1.0. Now I can rest assured, I can still A few years of service to the brothers and sisters.

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