Tang's dining table

Chapter 848 I’m not a cruel official

Zhou Xing has always believed that using punishment to get criminals to confess is a very despicable thing. Many times, he would rather preach to the criminals with reason and emotion than use simple and rough punishment to force the criminals to confess.

The reason why punishment exists is not to punish criminals, but to correct the gains and losses of the world and to correct the fallacies of people in the world.

Generally speaking, punishment is a good tool to educate criminals, correct criminals, make society clear, people self-disciplined, and improve their moral standards. It is an auxiliary method of the law, and together with the courts, prisons, and the army, it forms an important part of maintaining justice. A national tool of social law and discipline.

It is an upright act and an upright tool.

When people make mistakes, they must be corrected. Just like when children make mistakes, their parents will use whips to correct them. When adults make mistakes, they can use splints and other torture instruments as a matter of course.

Because he has a deep understanding of the law and punishment, Zhou Xing is still a person who does not like to use torture instruments. He believes that the reason why a person is a human being is that he should be able to understand people's affairs, reason, know right and wrong, and have a sense of honor. , and shame.

If you are wrong, you are wrong. As long as every adult confesses and sincerely changes his mind after committing a crime, it is not a big deal. After all, accepting punishment is also a part of life.

Li Yifu walked barefoot on the cold ground. The heavy twenty-pound Dajia on his neck made him unable to straighten his waist. The cold wind blew through his clothes full of holes, leaving him without any warmth.

This was not Zhou Xing deliberately torturing him. When leaving Luoyang, Yun Chu thought that Li Yifu was his teacher and specially sent him cotton clothes, cotton shoes, a lot of food, and even wine. It was Li Yifu who went crazy. , ruined his clothes, discarded his shoes, and made the delicious food so contaminated that he could no longer eat it.

At this time, Li Yifu's beard and hair were messy, and his eyes were sunken, like will-o'-the-wisps. He didn't know why he was still alive and could still walk step by step with his unconscious legs.

Zhou Xing followed Li Yifu. He took a step as Li Yifu took a step. However, he wore thick felt boots on his feet and a thick cotton-padded jacket. Outside the cotton-padded jacket, he also wore a wolf fur coat and more on his head. Wearing a military-style big hat with two cotton ears, he was walking on the cold plains, breathing heavily.

The joys and sorrows between people are not the same, just like the definition of cold between him and Li Yifu is also different.

After the officials escorting the prisoners shouted, the long queue immediately stopped. Li Yifu sat on the ground, raised his pus-filled feet high, and let out bursts of hissing sounds like a poisonous snake spitting messages. .

Zhou Xing took off a silver kettle from his waist, unscrewed the lid and poured out a cup of anti-virus medicine and brought it to Li Yifu's mouth. After watching Li Yifu drink it, he said casually: "Why refuse Yun's kindness? Otherwise, you Life doesn’t have to be so hard now.”

Li Yifu enjoyed the warmth brought by the strong wine in his throat, choked and said: "I thought I was going to die soon, so I felt that showing some integrity would not be in vain for decades of studying in a certain family.

Unexpectedly, instead of dying in Luoyang, he still had to suffer like this. "

Zhou Xing smiled and said: "What the Yun family gave you was your last bit of dignity. They had no ill intentions. I know this very well."

Li Yifu said with a smile: "I have been a big joke in my life. When I should be arrogant, I choose to retreat. When I should be humble, I forget about it. I have brought it upon myself to end up like this."

Zhou Xing smiled and said: "Very good. Only when people suffer, will they cherish the good times in the past and miss the ordinary years in the past. Now that you have such a self-consciousness, it is not too late."

Li Yifu put his feet on his knees like an old monk meditating, but in this way, it was his butt that suffered.

Although he was suffering physically, Li Yifu couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked: "Looking at the surrounding mountains and water, we should have passed Hulao Pass. Where is the goal, Zhengzhou or Bianzhou?"

Zhou Xing smiled and said: "Zhengzhou, Your Majesty thinks Zhengzhou is not good."

Li Yifu said: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Xingdao: "As a subject of the Tang Dynasty, they are disloyal to their emperor. They harbor resentment and are not grateful at all for the peaceful years your majesty has brought them."

Li Yifu said: "Those people are not good, and your Majesty wants those people to disappear?"

Zhou Xing smiled and said: "Of course they are those who are rich and unkind."

Li Yifu nodded and said: "That's true. As the first priority facing Shandong and Hebei, these two troubled places, their performance is indeed not good. They did not build a solid line of defense for Your Majesty. Instead, Shandong gradually fell into the trap. The aristocratic and scholarly families here are primarily responsible for Hebei's tendency to become more civilized."

Zhou Xing took off his gloves, shook them in his hand and said, "Sir, are you familiar with the local gentry in Zhengzhou?"

Li Yifu said: "In Luoyang, you used my story to deal with more than a hundred officials in one go. Why, are there people in Zhengzhou who you must get rid of?"

Zhou Xing sighed and said: "In the past, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, was implicated in the witchcraft case involving no less than 400,000 people. He was the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty. After being ruined and disgraced, he only implicated a hundred officials. It really does not match his reputation."

Li Yifu laughed silently for a long time, then firmly placed his feet on the cold ground and said to Zhou Xing: "Can my case also implicate 400,000 people? If so, we might as well work together towards this goal."

Zhou Xing smiled happily, kindly put his gloves on Li Yifu's hand and said: "When the time comes, you will leave your name forever, and I will be able to reorganize the order of Zhengzhou, so as not to miss you and me in the history books. Eclipsed."

Li Yifu looked at the cotton gloves on his hands and sighed: "I am even more eager to get a pair of cotton shoes now."

Zhou Xing shook his head and said: "After you arrive in Zhengzhou, you will have to write beautiful reports with your hands. As for these feet, it doesn't matter whether you have them or not. After all, enduring hardship is also the punishment given to you by the law. Part of it, I have no right to change.”

Li Yifu said: "What are you practicing Han Fei's technique?"

Zhou Xing shook his head and said: "Different from Han Fei's legalist theory, a certain school prefers the clear-cut legislative methods of Lord Shang, and also practices the practical methods of Qin Prime Minister Li Si. Don't be afraid of the creation of this selfish person, there will inevitably be many loopholes in the process that allow the criminals to escape punishment.

A certain family's lifelong wish is to revise the laws of the Tang Dynasty in their lifetime, and give the Tang Dynasty a law that can be passed down for thousands of years. "

Li Yifu said: "Qin's laws are strict, which led to the death of Qin II."

Zhou Xing shook his head and said: "It's just because of people that things have been ruined, and people have died and the government has ceased. It's not people who have been entrusted to it. It's not the fault of Qin's law."

After that, he looked at the vast wilderness and said indifferently: "People always need to be afraid of something. If they are afraid in their hearts, they can act according to rules and regulations. Otherwise, if the weeds on the earth are allowed to grow wildly, eventually the weeds will grow. Farmland will be invaded, trees will spread over cities, and people will degenerate into beasts. At that time, the country will no longer be a country, and the people will no longer be human."

Li Yifu chuckled and said: "The flying birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the foxes and rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooked. This may be your only end in the future, there is no second possibility."

Zhou Xing smiled and took out a piece of naan bread from his arms and handed it to Li Yifu, patted him on the shoulder and said: "If the new law is implemented, it doesn't matter if a certain family is divided by five cows like Shang Jun."

Li Yifu took a bite of the dry naan bread, moistened it with saliva and swallowed it a little bit. He looked at Zhou Xing's back and shook his head and said, "How stupid."

After saying this, he looked at his unconscious feet and sighed again: "Are there really smart people in this world?"

Yun Chu carefully counted eleven chess pieces from the table and took them down. He looked at the remaining chess pieces and said to Wen Wen, "Li Si used too much force. The progress was only 30%, but the rice grain was used up more than half. This is not a good sign." .”

Wen Wenwen grabbed another handful of chess pieces from the side and piled them on the original pile of chess pieces and said: "When striving for perfection, you will naturally ignore the cost. Considering the foundation of eternity, it is appropriate to use more costs at this time."

Yun Chu frowned and took away the chess pieces added by Wen Wen and shook his head: "The faster and more economical it is, the better method will be passed down through the ages and the best path to build the foundation of eternity. Don't forget, people have bad natures." , Thousands of years of laying the foundation, how can it compare to the success achieved overnight.

Therefore, from the beginning, Li Si should strictly control costs. After weighing the cost and benefits, the surplus must be greater than the cost. Only in this way will someone follow the trend, and then form a big trend that will eventually sweep the world. "

Wen Wen frowned and said: "Aren't you afraid that if things continue like this, powerful forces will suddenly appear in the countryside? In this way, because these forces are bound by interests, their unity will even surpass the clan. Once the court governs, If you don’t do it well, I’m afraid there will be chaos in the late Sui Dynasty again.”

Yun Chu sneered and said: "How long will it take to overthrow a court that has poor governance and brought disaster to the whole country? Scholar-officials always fantasize about using nihilistic gods to limit imperial power. This is simply a big joke. If you don't believe it, , you go ask the present Majesty and Queen if they still have some respect for the gods.

Today's emperors and empresses, the only truth they know is power. "

"Give the sword and gun to Ruzi. I am afraid that not only will the sword and gun not be able to protect him, but it will become the way for Ruzi to die."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "There is no road in this world. The more people walking on it, the more it becomes a road. In the same way, a child holding a knife is indeed the way to die. When more children die, they will slow down. Slowly learn how to use a knife.

I have always believed that pie will not fall from the sky. If you want to get what you want, how can you get it without paying the price?

God helps those who help themselves! "

One more chapter

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