Technological Hegemony

Chapter 460: Sparrow rocket

A red flame rose below the white rocket, and the entire launch platform roared like a beast. With the release of the giant caliper that grabbed the rocket, the rocket began to fly at a relatively slow speed. A few seconds later, twelve Star A1 vector engines Afterburner, push the rocket to accelerate.

The rocket did not stagnate until approaching the atmosphere, staying in the air for more than ten seconds, and then began to slowly descend. The vector nozzles were finely adjusted to ensure that the rocket landed in a straight attitude and finally returned to the launch in Gobi. Platform, stopped firmly on the alloy platform.

Boom ~

After the last roar was issued, the twelve A1 engines were all extinguished, and the entire world was quiet in an instant. Only the huge white rocket still pointed at the blue sky.

Long live!

Cheers rose, people came from all directions to celebrate this historic moment, and the sparrow-type recyclable launch vehicle developed by Xingchen Technology had a perfect test launch!

This scene was broadcast live to the world through Star Satellite TV and made a huge sensation.

Xingchen Technology's branch in Jiuquan has now become a sea of ​​joy. When Luo Jia, wearing a black T-shirt, appeared at the press conference, the scene immediately boiled.

"Excuse me, Mr. Luo, why was the rocket fired this time named the Sparrow? Does it have a special meaning?" A reporter from Agence France-Presse asked.

Luo Jia said with a smile: "There is no special meaning. This is the smallest rocket in our plan, so it is named Sparrow, and our largest rocket will be named Kunpeng class. From Sparrow to Kunpeng, simple. In other words, it means from small to large. "

After listening to Luo Jia's explanation, the reporters were dumbfounded because the Sparrow class had twelve A1 engines with a total thrust of 6,600 tons. Such a heavy carrier rocket turned out to be the smallest model in the Star Technology plan? This is too exaggerated, right?

The heavy launch vehicle in the eyes of others is the little sparrow of Xingchen Technology.

Luo Jia's push is not too light!

It's hard to imagine, what kind of existence of Kunpeng class?

Must be breaking through 10,000 tons of thrust?

"Excuse me, after mastering the technology of recyclable rockets, the next step is to start the road to the sea of ​​stars?" A Chinese reporter asked.

Luo Jia shook her head with a smile. "I'm afraid you think of the star sea is too simple. This road is our long-term direction. In addition to the rocket, we also need to design and manufacture two space stations, and send the space station module to space. Regroup in space. "

"Just building the space station will take a short time, so I am afraid that everyone will be disappointed. The road to the sea will not open quickly."

Luo Jia's eyes glanced at the audience. When reporters heard that after a short period of time, Xingchen Technology will not open the channel of the sea of ​​stars, Western reporters were obviously relieved, and Huaxia reporters were more disappointed.

"Does this mean that for a long time in the future, there will be no black technology coming out of Xingchen Technology?" A reporter asked.

Luo Jia smiled, "How come, in addition to our long-term goals, we also have medium-term and short-term goals, such as the life science and modern agriculture programs we are advancing, and we will also launch gene medical programs in the future. In the industrial field, we also The intention is to transform the existing aviation and railway systems to improve transportation efficiency. In short, there is still much to be done, and it will always be worth looking forward to in the future. "


"Xingchen Technology is great!"

Musk, who is far from North America, also watched the whole process of the test of the sparrow-class rocket and witnessed the successful launch and return of 6,600 tons. Musk couldn't help but admire it.

Those who know Musk know that this guy's biggest goal in this life is to colonize Mars.

Because there is no oxygen on Mars, he researched electric vehicles. In order to solve the problem of power generation on Mars, Musk did it. The pressure of Mars is low and the environment is harsh. Therefore, Hyperloop is needed to solve public transportation. From Earth to Mars, Falcon rocket is needed. Raptor engines are needed, Dragon spacecraft projects are needed, and in order to be able to access the Internet on Mars, a star chain plan is also needed.

Most people may not know that Musk actually has a younger brother named Kimball Musk. His company is called SquareRoot, which is engaged in soilless cultivation, and soilless cultivation technology is also a prerequisite for colonizing Mars. condition.

In short, Musk is not a dreamer. On the contrary, he is a real industrialist who does things down to earth. With his full promotion, rockets, star chains, and dragon ships are becoming reality step by step. .

It ’s just that Musk ’s idea is too advanced, so many people who do n’t know the truth think he is a daydreamer. This is probably the difference between ordinary people and geniuses. Geniuses realize dreams that ordinary people ca n’t understand, and ordinary people Think geniuses are crazy.

"Small in size and high in thrust, Star Technology's sparrow rocket will definitely be a weapon for exploring space in the future, but unfortunately, their goal is to build a space station. Such a worthless project, if they are willing to work for colonizing Mars, That would be great. "Musk muttered, walking back and forth in his office.

From Musk's point of view, the large space station is a project with little future. It costs a lot of money, but the value is not great. It is far better to work towards colonizing Mars. Humans do not need to stay in space to go to Mars to open up new worlds.

However, Musk does not know that the real intention of Xingchen Technology is not a space station, but to build a space elevator, to truly realize the freedom of movement from earth to synchronous orbit, and let humans ascend to space, as simple as traveling around the world.

At this time, the phone in the office suddenly rang. It was called directly from the White House. After witnessing Xingchen ’s liquid oxygen methane rocket technology ~ ~ The White House could not sit still, and ordered Musk to raise Raptor Engine power.

"Mr. President, please forgive me." Musk said calmly, "The star chain plan is a medium-intensity launch mission, and the weight of each communication satellite is only 2.26 tons, which does not need to be the same as China and Russia. Exaggerated thrust. "

"Furthermore, the fundamental reason why Xingchen Technology is able to produce a high-performance A1 engine lies in its absolute leadership in materials science. Instead of you ordering me to catch up with their technology, it is better to send a representative to negotiate with the Chinese people and urge them to let go. The technology blockade allows us to buy high-strength carbon fibers and graphene, which is a more realistic goal. "

what! ?

Ask Huaxia people to let go of the technology blockade?

The White House, who listened to Musk's words, was furious. As a beacon of civilization, North America went to China to ask for Huaxia.

"Excuse me, there is nothing I can do," Musk said frankly, regardless of the feelings of the President: "Without solving the problem of materials science, we cannot design advanced equipment similar to the A1 engine. In terms of materials science, we are far behind Now. "

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