Technological Hegemony

Chapter 468: Bloodwash and L'Oreal Group suffer huge losses

"Teacher, this is the financial report last month."

When the time came to September, Shen Lang put a thick stack of forms on Luo Jia's desk, and Shen said, "After the final settlement, Star Washing has completed 140 sales in the first month of its establishment. 700 million U.S. dollars, but due to large-scale global marketing and advertising offensives, we invested more than 5.5 billion U.S. dollars in that month. In addition to taxes and costs, the net profit was less than 3 billion U.S. dollars. "

Shen Lang seemed to be disappointed to report to Luo Jia. After listening, Luo Jia showed a surprised expression. Net profit of 3 billion US dollars? This result is really amazing, after all, the first month of the establishment of Xinghua.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Luo Jia thought that in the first month, she would lose money completely. She didn't even want to make money. I do n’t know if she should praise Shen Lang for her powerful marketing methods, or whether she should express her madness to the beauty of female compatriots.

"According to our observation of the market prospects, waiting for the stars to wash on the right track, even if our most conservative estimate can bring the company a net profit of not less than 25 billion US dollars per month and a net profit of 300 billion US dollars for the year Left and right, "Shen Lang explained.

Such an exaggerated figure makes Luo Jia surprised and frightened. The net profit of 300 billion US dollars per year is still the most conservative estimate. If the financial director Lu Tao gets the news, he will cry with Shen Lang.

Lu Tao, the financial director, has been too difficult lately. The space program will not be profitable for five years. For the most part, he must throw money crazy. On average, at least one trillion US dollars of astronomical figures are destroyed every year.

Xingchen Technology is of course rich, but at the same time making money, Xingchen Technology is even more brutal. Scientists in the company, holding the highest salary in the world, enjoy the best treatment in the world, even the houses and objects are provided free of charge. These No need a lot of money for support.

Moreover, Xingchen Technology is the world's largest scientific research group. Ordinary people think of scientific research, maybe there are laboratories and rows of complicated equipment in their heads, but the managers who really run the scientific research group think of money, but the experimental equipment is very expensive. Is it good, from the hadron collider to the bottles and cans in the chemical laboratory, which is not money?

The so-called scientific research is actually a concentrated killing of intelligence and capital. How did North American technology hegemony come about?

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory alone burned $ 110 billion in 2018, and there are a dozen laboratories like this in North America, with hundreds of smaller secondary laboratories.

Behind will be beaten. Star Technology is a rising star in the global technology competition. Latecomers must have the consciousness of latecomers. They must spend more money and invest more scientific research power than their predecessors, so that they can catch up and even surpass Jedi. .

At present, the star technology booth is too large. The total number of engineers and researchers was 220,000 last year, but by September this year, it had exceeded 260,000. Coming here, Luo Jia had the ambition of setting up a Greater East Asian Alliance to counteract the Western forces, so she received all the bills, so the settlement and relocation fees paid to new employees this year would be an astonishing figure.

The stars are washing 300 billion yuan a year, and it is time to come, equivalent to 30% of the annual funding of the space program. Luo Jia really wants to praise the great women, they are the best! The road to the stars depends on them to raise money!

However, Luo Jia is also worried, because Xingchen Hua not only earns money from foreigners, but also compatriots. The price of Baique Ling blue and white porcelain bottles in China is as high as one thousand yuan. Although it is cheaper than abroad, it also breaks Xingchen Technology. The tradition of selling low prices throughout the country has benefited all of our compatriots.

"Teacher, you can't say that." After learning about Luo Jia's concerns, Shen Lang explained seriously: "Does Carmen Vortex Street Power Project be a big project that can last forever in history, do we benefit our compatriots?"

Luo Jia hesitated, Shen said: "Of course, now the domestic electricity price is once the lowest in the world, which is the lowest in the world, and we take the initiative to make profits. If we want to borrow technology to collect money, it should not be too easy, completely We can set the price of electricity at two cents, which is also the lowest in the world, but our profits will double several times. "

“The reason why we do n’t do this is because considering that electricity is a people ’s livelihood project, so that everyone is willing to turn on the air conditioner in the summer, there is no need to worry about electricity costs, and it can greatly improve the happiness of life. Therefore, our Carmen Vortex Street Power Generation Project , But in fact you have not made money by selling cosmetics. If this does not benefit your fellow citizens, what is it? "

Shen Lang nodded, "It's also based on life sciences and technology. If a person is sick, we help him to heal. It is his duty, and a person feels that he is not beautiful enough. I hope we can help her become more beautiful. The fees are charged, after all, helping everyone to be beautiful is an unnecessary added value, not our job. "

"Teacher, I know your love for your hometown, but now we have a goal, a super goal that is great enough to change the destiny of all human beings. In order to achieve this goal, we should do whatever we can, at any cost."

Luo Jia didn't say anything. Since the age of thirteen, Luo Jia has let Shen Lang read Machiavelli, and Shen Lang has not let Luo Jia down. On the fierce decision-making, the young Shen Lang is still in Luo Jiazhi. on.


In the sixth year of the establishment of Xingchen Science and Technology, it is destined not to be peaceful. In this age of justice, once the blue bird blue and white porcelain was launched, it caused a magnitude 18 global earthquake. At that time, Luo Jia launched the landmark Carmen Vortex Street Power Generation.

This is probably the gap between ideals and reality. Luo Jia certainly hopes that everyone can love science and believe in science. However, in real life, people are most concerned about pork prices and celebrity gossip.

"Fucking star technology, the blue-and-white porcelain bottle cream is so expensive. The old lady now can't even drink that cup of milk tea every afternoon."

"Sisters, how can you be so wronged? Instead of drinking milk tea, let your husband give up smoking. What are the benefits of smoking? The money saved for you to buy cosmetics, you are getting more beautiful, your husband I also have face. "

"Also, I'm not dressed to show those stinky men, this money should really be my husband's expense."

In the mall, two elder sisters lined up to share their experience of living at home. Although the income was not high, they were not soft when they bought cosmetics. After buying the three-piece blue and white porcelain set, they took out an extra one thousand yuan and bought a new one. Made of Baique Antelope Mask.

A total of five masks cost 1,000 yuan. If you use it daily, the minimum monthly consumption is 6,000 yuan. It is definitely a master of money without consultation. After Luo Jia's approval, Shen Lang also sacked out and accelerated the launch of new products. Speed, ready to allow female compatriots to generously contribute to the company's space program.

And the female compatriots live up to expectations, and with great enthusiasm, they have invested in the beauty business of burning money. Throughout China and the world, all women have snapped up like crazy, all sorts of strange news keep coming out, which is shocking. .

In an impoverished area in Africa, a mother forced her underage daughter to marry an 80-year-old man in order to raise money to buy a cream. A policewoman from a Southeast Asian country marked herself with a clear code, how long and how many bottles of cream can get love.

Anyway, for the sake of beauty, women are doing everything they can to make a bizarre comedy on the earth, refreshing everyone's three views again and again, of course, it is not difficult to see from this that the stars washed the success of this money-making machine.

Quite a few female compatriots are struggling to lose their homes and have to fund a great space program. This phenomenon surprises the stars of Xingchen Technology.

Women can stand up to half the sky. It's useless to say that, at critical moments, they have to pay, as long as they pay, straight men are willing to admit that they are half the sky, and most of them are fine.


Paris, L'Oreal Group headquarters.

For five consecutive years, L'Oreal has been ranked first in the list of employers most loved by employees in France. They not only provide high salaries to their employees, but also have up to 45 days of paid holidays. Even on weekdays, employees only need to Work thirty hours a week, including one hour of tea every afternoon.

However, the good days of the L'Oreal Group finally came to an abrupt end today. For the first time in three decades, L'Oreal's monthly statements showed huge losses with a loss of up to 6.2 billion euros. Such an exaggerated figure shocked the board of directors. A storm is brewing fast.

"What the **** is going on!" Roared director roared angrily, "Since the company was founded in 1907, it has been the largest cosmetics group on the planet, and in the past three decades, as we have successfully developed the huge potential Chinese market, financial The reports are all huge profits, and there has never been a loss! "

"Now it's a good deal, it's a mess! In just one month, you lost 6.2 billion euros !? According to this figure, it won't be long before our century-old store is closed! Explain, you must Explain to the board! "

General manager Tudor sorted out the collar of his shirt. Facing the doubts of the board of directors, he actually panicked, but still insisted and said calmly: "The main reason for the huge loss is because of us and Xingchen Chemical Group, Last month, there was a tragic global offensive. "

"Perhaps the directors did not notice that the ladies wearing cheongsam and promoting Baique Ling brand cosmetics are stationed outside our group's door, also in all malls and supermarkets, and in the most densely populated areas in every city in the world."

"This fierce offensive is the typical style of Xingchen Technology. As the industry leader, we can only sacrifice a more aggressive promotional and promotional offensive than them, and thus cause financial losses."

The directors nodded one after another, although everyone across the industry has heard the name of Star Technology. The barbarians of the Chinese people are very powerful, and even the strong North America is now actively resisting the Chinese invasion, which shows that they are fierce.

Since Xingchen Technology has begun to challenge L'Oreal's global cosmetics supremacy, L'Oreal must counterattack, for which it has spent some extra money and caused a financial deficit.

"So, after we invested huge marketing expenses, we have won the war with Xingchen Technology?"

"This month's loss is only temporary. From next month, everything will return to normal, right?"

"Those Chinese people still adore French goods, and they will still buy cosmetics from our L'Oreal Group frantically. Mr. Tudor, should this be the case?"

The directors have questioned one after another. In their opinion, this month's financial report has been a huge loss, so much money has been thrown down. How can I see that the effect is not, to defend the violent attack of the Eastern black hands, or to drive them back?

By this time, General Manager Tudor couldn't hold himself anymore. His sweat was sweating, his wrists twitched, and his right eyelid jumped wildly.

As a professional manager, he is very clear that the good times of lying in the west to make money are gone. Look at the employees of the L'Oreal Group. These French people can get dozens of times the salary of Chinese people. Enjoy amazing benefits and holidays because they are smarter than Chinese people, is it because French civilization is superior to Chinese people?

I'm afraid not.

It's just that they were fortunate to take the lead during the industrial revolution in the new century ~

"Mr. Tudor, you talk !?"

"What the **** is going on now?"

Facing the silent Tudor, the directors were aggressive.

A bitter smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, Tudor sighed weakly, and said in a low voice: "Three years ago, when Star Technology started the industrial software project, the software department of Dassault Group once thought that we could not use it. How long, those Chinese people who are trying to be independent will kneel and ask them to provide software, because with the strength of the Chinese people, it is impossible to bridge the gap of decades in a short time. "

The directors were silent, and they seemed to have heard about it. At that time, it should be the unique seed of the Commercial Aircraft Group, the China Aircraft project, that used Dassault Computational Fluid Dynamics software.

"What about now? Has Dassault's software department regained business?" Director Roland asked in a deep voice.

"Now?" Tudor shrugged. "Dassault has no software department."

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