Technological Hegemony

Chapter 469: The space race begins! 1 arrow ecstasy!

Mango Gobi, endless.

In the early hours of the morning, as the east turned white, the cold wind that blew up all night in the Gobi Desert finally converged, and the severe wind blew on Luo Jia's cheek, like a sharp knife, causing pain. At this time, it was only early September and autumn, waiting for winter. With the advent of Gobi, the climate will become even worse.

However, the people who have not slept all night have fallen into a state of extreme excitement. On the scene, Luo Jia, Enron and Li Moran can be seen, directors of major departments, young geniuses at Star University, and even the company's age. The largest scientist, Mr. Lu Chengfeng, who is nearly ninety years old, is also accompanied by his family here.

As for the representative of the national team's biggest card, it is a general. According to the truth, Star Technology is a private company, and the military should take the initiative to avoid suspicion. However, in the face of an extraordinary start like Genesis, where can the General stay calm, so he and Secretary Lu Junlin came to Jiuquan together.

All in all, at this moment's Star Technology Private Space Launch Center, all people who care about and participate in space programs are gathered, and everyone is looking forward to the moment of making history.

"It's really a blessing for us to have an enterprise like Xingchen Technology," said the general. "Otherwise, we don't know how many years it will take before we can get to this point."

Luo Jia shrugged. "Look at what your old man said. The matter of space, even without us, the national team will soon be the world's first."

The general asked with a smile: "You seem confident in the national team?"

"That is necessary." Luo Jia brain recalled and said, "Let me take a look at the history of the development of space projects around the world, and you will understand why I have confidence in our Chinese nation."

"On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launched the world's first manned spacecraft, the Oriental One. Immediately after May 5, North America was unwilling to fall behind, and the first manned spacecraft Mercury entered suborbit."

"People's manned spacecraft were all in space, and at that time, what were we doing?"

"In 1961, the national team replied to alleviate the difficult situation of the shortage of daily necessities. At that time, buying steamed buns required meal tickets, sports shoes and shoe tickets, oil tickets and cloth tickets, and sugar tickets. Anyway, They are poor and white, nothing, let alone space. At that time, we were all thinking about eating. We all dreamed of turning fat into fat, and then sprinkled with salt and pepper, it was a beautiful meal. "

Hey ~

Many people present have experienced that era. Luo Jia's words deeply touched them and sighed. Poverty is a disease. It is difficult for people who have not experienced hunger to understand what it is like. .

After a pause, Luo Jia's voice suddenly accelerated, and his intonation became more intense.

"In 1986, the main body of the Soviet space station Mir was lifted off, the salute space station 7 stopped manned flights, and the North American space shuttle Challenger exploded after being lifted off. Seven astronauts killed Xinghai."

"In the same year, China launched a practical communication broadcasting satellite. The satellite communication technology has just entered the practical phase from the experimental stage. Our distance from space is still very far away."

"The time passed, and in 1992, the US space shuttle Endeavour took off for the first time."

"In the same year, China formulated a three-step plan for manned spaceflight, which sounded the horn of the Jedi counterattack in the aerospace field!"

"In 1994, the first phase of the International Space Station construction plan began. In the same year, they rejected China's application to join the International Space Station construction. Our country tried to go to the road to space and suffered major setbacks. The astronauts were pained, determined to develop independently at all costs!"

"In 1996, the successful launch of the Mir space station, and the serious accident of the Long March III carrier rocket in our country also signed the Wassenaar Agreement in each country to restrict the export of high-tech products to our country. As a result, the aerospace industry was hit hard again, and it was almost a disaster. "

"However, the sky has eyes, and we have survived the major crisis in the aerospace field in the last century!"

"In 1999, the Mir station was retired."

"In the same year, China successfully launched the Shenzhou-1 unmanned spacecraft!"

"In 2003, the space shuttle Columbia crashed and NASA grounded all space shuttles."

"In the same year, China's first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V was successfully launched!"

"In 2005, the space shuttle Discovery's insulation material fell off during the lift-off, nasa again grounded all space shuttles, and the construction of the International Space Station was delayed again."

"In the same year, China's second manned spacecraft, Shenzhou VI, was launched successfully!"

"In 2011, the International Space Station was assembled. In the same year, the North American Congress passed a Wolf clause to ban nasa and aviation companies with a contractual relationship with nasa from cooperating with China. At this point, the western suppression of China's space industry has finally reached its peak.

"However, time will eventually prove everything. In 2016, the Russian Progress cargo ship failed to launch. Two months later, the North American Dragon cargo ship also failed to launch, and the International Space Station supply encountered serious problems."

"In the same year, the automatic docking of the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft and the Tiangong 2 was successful! At the end of the year, the core assembly of China's space station was completed! It made history in one fell swoop!"

"In 2017, North America was uncharacteristically and invited China to join the International Space Station."

"In the same year, the Tianzhou-1 cargo ship successfully docked!"

"On May 28, 2018, China officially launched the international cooperation of the Huaxia Space Station, and invited all countries in the world to actively participate in the use of the Huaxia Palace space station to carry out experiments inside and outside the cabin and so on."

"In the same year, according to the in-depth report of the German Photo News, the European Space Agency was organizing astronauts to quietly learn Chinese."

"What is the Jedi Counterattack?"

"This is!"

"From the satellites in the West, we looked up hungry, and today we are one of the largest players in the space, from the West rejecting us to join the International Space Station, to the fact that they want to learn Chinese in order to take our ride, all this is time to give The most powerful answer! "

"You ask me why I have confidence in the national team?"

"To be honest, I am actually full of confidence in my own nation!" Luo Jia raised his right arm and shouted, "As the only civilization in the world that has continued from ancient times to the present and has never been interrupted, the Chinese nation, Niubi!"

After listening to Luo Jia's remarks, the crowd boiled unexpectedly. The nervousness waiting for the launch to begin also turned into infinite confidence, and the corners of many people were faintly wet.

"Luo Jia is just such a person. Inadvertently showing the temperament of a leader is enough to make the smartest scientist in the world willing to take the lead."

The general said with a bright light. He looked at Luo Jia with his arms raised and shouting, as if he had seen himself when he was young. He had a blood in his wisdom and lived so happily that he would walk in this world.

"Luo Jia likes to read history." General Secretary Lu Junlin said: "Sometimes I really doubt that he has a head in his head, even if he looks at history, he can still go backwards. It happened on a certain day, month, and day. I remember everything clearly. "

The general shook his head gently. "In my opinion, Luo Jia's most powerful ability is not to remember history, but to learn from history and try to avoid mistakes made by previous people. With a light grade, he has a complete and highly amazing worldview. "

"All the research projects of Xingchen Technology can be connected back and forth. Xingchen University guides the right direction for young people. These are the big picture. Luo Jia is not an upstart, but a true inheritor of Chinese civilization. He inherited the will of our ancestors. That person. "

Lu Junlin stunned suddenly. He never expected that the general's level of Luo Jia would be so high. The inheritor of the Chinese civilization would eventually inherit the will of the ancestor?

In fact, Lu Junlin and General still underestimated Luo Jia. He not only inherited the will of his ancestors, but also the heir of the golden dome.

Looking around, Lu Junlin saw representatives sent by other generals. Although they were inconvenient to attend, they clearly stated their position by sending close friends, indicating that Star Technology had an unshakable position in the eyes of the military.

"Report, wind stabilizes!"

"As we predicted, after the sun came out, humidity dropped rapidly and the emission environment became perfect!"

"The fourth inspection of the inspection team is over, and the launch procedure can be entered!"

"Fuel injection is complete and ready to fire!"

In the command center, various data keep coming, and everything shows that this morning is the best time to launch.

This launch center, originally a backup launch site for the Jiuquan Center of the national team, has now been bought by Star Technology and improved to become Luo Jia's private industry. In return, the national team, especially the military, will return from space. In the plan, gain secretly.

At 10:05 in the morning, Luo Jia walked to the front desk with everyone's expectation, with a usual smile on his face. On such a big occasion, Luo Jia did not wear a hooded sweater, but put on Business suit.

The straight-lined shirt outlines his near-perfect figure, which is slightly thinner, but with clear muscles. Luo Jia, the world's best diamond king, is still handsome, and it should cause the hormones of countless female audiences in front of the TV to burst.

"I pressed the button, but I didn't turn my bow again." Luo Jia said with a smile. "As far as I know, far across the Pacific Ocean, Florida, North America, Cape Canaveral, our An old friend Musk prepared a big surprise. "

"As long as our star is launched with a heavy load, Musk classmates will immediately return to color, his Super Falcon is ready to go, and the lift-off cabin is filled with high-precision communication satellites used to build the Star Chain program ~ www ~ Although the roads are different, we chose to build a large synchronous space station, and Mr. Musk decided to establish a global star union network, but no matter who succeeds Musk and me, it is a great progress for all humanity! Here On behalf of me, I wish Mr. Musk all the best! "

Facing countless cameras, Luo Jia performed extremely gracefully and publicly wished his opponents success.

But at this moment, Musk was flexing his muscles in his base, ready to fight Luo Jia. As long as Xingchen Technology launched the rocket, North America would immediately launch a larger one.

Even Russia and Europe are eager to move. Huaxia is lonely. The world does not want Huaxia to gain control of space. On this road to the sea of ​​stars, Huaxia is destined to fight the entire world alone.

"It is indeed Mr. Luo. There is no one in this manner."

"Musk, did you see that? Luo Jia wasn't afraid at all. Your little calculation, Luo always knew!"

"Ah !!! Luo Jia is so handsome! I really want to give him a little monkey!" A idiot girl shouted in the face of the live broadcast eyes.

With all the attention, Luo Jia paused, his smile gradually closed, and he became more serious.

"It's a pity." Luo Jia said, "Although Mr. Musk and I have cherished each other, his plan to colonize Mars is also my dream of this life, but we are all scientists. Although science has no national borders, scientists have their own country. We Starting today, fight for their hometowns! "

"After all, although the solar system is vast, it can only have one owner!"

Speaking of which, Luo Jia's arm suddenly raised, like a sharp knife, without hesitation.

Suddenly, the world's breathing stopped and even time was paused. With the eyes of countless people, Luo Jia's palm slammed heavily on the red button.

Slap ~

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