Technological Hegemony

Chapter 540: Don't lie to you, this is really a bus

Chapter 540 Don't Lie To You, This Is Really A Bus

Luo Jia went to Inner Mongolia. Star Technology was located in Bayannur's Starship Engineering Department. After talking with Dr. Mo Mobei, he officially established the UFO project in the atmosphere. Suspected air bus.

"Bus?" After receiving a call from Luo Jia, boss Li of the Geely Group asked, "Are you sure you want to build a bus? We always have a bus production line, and it sells well. I used yours." After the high-strength carbon fiber, customers are very satisfied with the safety performance. Word of mouth is already up. Is it necessary to develop new products? "

Luo Jia sold a key and said with a smile: "The bus I said is different from what you are making now. It is not the same anyway, and you will understand when you get here."

At the end of the phone, Mr. Li nodded again and again, "No problem, no problem, I have 100% confidence in you, rest assured, I will be on time in three days."

Luo Jiadao: "General Manager Lin of Huaxia Automobile and General Manager of BYD were also invited. I haven't seen you for a while. After I get to Inner Mongolia, I invite you to eat roast whole lamb."

Boss Li laughed: "That relationship is good, good meat needs to be accompanied by good wine. I recently collected a winery in France and brought you two cases of good wine to try."


After a few more days, Luo Jia has stayed in Inner Mongolia, and together with Bu Mobei, assembled the first batch of air buses in the company's history.

It is really assembly. Xingchen Technology now has a large industry and large-scale Huaxia industry and technology industry in the world. Xingchen Technology occupies half of China ’s technology industry, and the other half are their partners.

For Xingchen Technology, it is too simple to organize production. High, middle and low grade, all parts are available, and five-axis lathes are used for milling. Anyway, as long as Luo Jia orders, 800,000 engineers and scientists, millions of industries The workers launched together, and the explosive power was quite horrible, so there was no project impossible.

As soon as the appointed time came, the bosses of the three major automobile factories gathered in the small city of Inner Mongolia. Luo Jia prepared the roasted whole sheep and the famous Inner Mongolia wine to suffocate the donkey. Rolling up the sleeves and cutting the lamb with a knife, filling the mouth with cumin and pepper noodles, and eating one by one, it is also an interesting thing.

After drinking three rounds of meat and eating half a bowl of meat, boss Li and boss Wang couldn't help but surround Luo Jia and asked about the robot.

"Isn't this obvious?" Boss Wang raised his glasses and said, "The working efficiency of the robot is much higher than that of ordinary workers. If you can use a machine to replace people, it will not only increase efficiency and profit, but also the accuracy and quality of the product. Can improve a lot. "

"All industrial bosses understand that robots are a big killer in the industrial era, but you are too boring. It is not typical to put robots in the tourism and service industries and let millions of robots sweep the road. This is not typical. Overkill? "

"If you can give us robots, you don't have to do much, as long as you can replace half of our workers, then it will be developed, and profits will be at least doubled!"

Boss Wang was energetic, and Li also rubbed his hands and encouraged, "It's Luo Jia, a robot. How can it only be used for the service industry? If you are willing to put the robot to us, we can pay the employment fee. Double. "

Seeing Luo Jia still unmoved, Boss Wang said to General Manager Lin of Huaxia Automobile, "General Manager Lin, why don't you speak? Robots on the production line are also very good for you."

Lin Zhilin smiled and waved his hand. "Don't talk, you are talking about us. We are the national team. We want to make a profit, but we also have to take on social responsibilities. It is not our style to let the workers be laid off casually."

Hey ~

Luo Jia lamented how things in the world are so difficult. In the past, everyone said that state-owned enterprises were ill, leaders were vacant, and employees were waiting to die. They needed reform.

Now that capital is rampant and private enterprises are getting bigger and bigger, are employees benefiting? Still not, the money has been earned by the capital, but the employees are living harder and harder.

"The bastard!" Luo Jia frowned, muttering in his heart. "It is still true that the old people of the Marx and Engels are right. Capital is destined to seek profit as the greatest demand. It will always be a class enemy and will always stand on the opposite side of the people. Constrained, capital will dare to despise all laws and axioms on earth. "

After thinking about it, Luo Jia suddenly asked, "Do you know the PISA test?"


Boss Li and others shook their heads, expressing puzzlement.

Luo Jia said, "PISA is a large-scale test of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization. It aims at 15-year-old middle school students around the world to conduct assessments and assessments on science, mathematics, reading and other subjects. Authority is an important basis for us to judge the education level and student strength of various countries. "

"The last PISA test was in 2015. At that time, the average level of Chinese students was ranked 10th in the world. It can be said to be quite outstanding. However, by the time of the test in 2018, the results of Huaxia students were riding a dust and crushing countries around the world. , Top the world! "

"Especially in the two important subjects of mathematics and science, not only have Chinese middle school students completely shaken off the West, Singapore, which is ranked second, is also a Confucian culture like us. It has also been opened by a huge gap of more than 30 points. It is reading In terms of understanding, Chinese students are only leading by a small margin. "

"PISA is the most authoritative test on the planet, with more than 10,000 samples taken in China alone, spanning large urban elite middle schools and township ordinary middle schools."

"What does this grade show?"

"It shows that the young people in our country study hard, are full of interest in science, their achievements are horrible, and the future of the Chinese people is limitless!"

"We have the best and hardest young people in the world, but you capitals are thinking about making them unable to find a job in the future? I want to ask, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?"

Uh ~

Looking at the lively Lin general, Luo Jia didn't expect that Luo Jia was so aggressive that he showered the dogs scolded by Boss Li and Wang, both of whose faces were green, and they didn't hold back for a moment, and burst out laughing.


Boss Li and Wang went to the flight test base deep in the grassland with emotions. On the one hand, Luo Jia did not let them make more profits, and was unhappy. On the one hand, Luo Jia did not give face, and scolded the capitalist's greedy face. Unhappy.

"I see, this bus project doesn't work." While he was in the toilet, Mr. Wang waved and said to Mr. Li: "Although the size of our two is not as good as that of Huaxia Automobile, but after all, It is the national team, and the predecessor of China Auto, Changan Group, belongs to the military. Luo Jia and the military have good relations and they wear a pair of pants. "

"Luo Jia and Huaxia Motors will do this kind of unpleasant bus project. We can't be caught between them. Besides, we already have a bus project, so why not do more?"

"Let's wait and see what medicine is sold in Luo Jia's gourd." Boss Li thought for a while and said, "If there is nothing new, don't do it if you don't do it."

Although Boss Li is not as book-savvy as Boss Wang, he also thinks that producing buses is not an amazing thing. Recently, under the leadership of Luo Jia, Xingchen Technology has a clear tendency to transform and no longer seeks for profiteering. Lord, taking the Star Fund as an example, Luo Jia took half of the robot's employment fee to subsidize ordinary people and shocked the whole world. This is by no means what capital should do.

As for the Space Elevator and the Zero Space Station, these projects have already emptied the bottom of Xingchen Technology. At present, no profit prospects have been seen. Lu Tao, the financial director, is anxious from day to night. Although there are many projects that Xingchen makes money, they are all It will be used to fill the big hole in the space plan. After all, that is a trillion yuan of consumption every year.

In short, both boss Li and boss Wang feel that Luo Jia has changed. From assisting capital development to controlling capital development and protecting the interests of ordinary people, the relationship between them is no longer as close as in the past.

Now, the world is engaged in unprecedentedly heated discussions about Luo Jia's attributes. If he is not a capitalist, what is he?

"General Luo, this seems to be the flight test center. Are we in the wrong place?" Standing on the platform, looking at the thick ground reinforced by cement, General Manager Lin asked Luo Jia in confusion.

"Yes, the flight test center is right." Luo Jia said with a raised mouth. "Everyone should be calm and restless. There are several models of buses. I have already told them to prepare them. You can see the samples immediately. Questions, you can ask our R & D team later. "

The crowd nodded, but the confusion in their hearts remained the same. A few minutes later, a few black spots in the distance quickly moved from far to near, and at the same time there was a booming sound from the plane after breaking the sound barrier.

"Look, what's that?"

"It should be a military supersonic fighter."

"The plane in the middle is not small. Is it a cargo plane?"

Looking at their discussions full of interest, Luo Jia didn't say anything. As the distance quickly approached, everyone finally saw the shape of the group of aircraft and shouted in shock.

I saw that all these strange aircraft had no wings, and they were large or small. They were like a group of legendary flying saucers. The abdomen was flat and round. The largest ship in the middle had supersonic flight capabilities. The other small and medium models could not break through the sound barrier.

"Stopped, you see, they even hover in the air!" Boss Wang pointed out at the sky and shouted.

A thrilling scene happened. The four flying saucers hovered in the air, neither advancing nor retreating, as if the picture was fixed. The sound of the wind whispering in their ears showed that they could hover in the air because the jet engine exerted a reaction force on the ground.

All of them opened their mouths openly. In their shocking eyes, the four flying saucers landed slowly, protruding from the four corners of the flying saucers to stably support the ground, and the hydraulic system trembled, obviously with some damping effect.

"Come on, what are you still doing?"

Luo Jia waved with a smile and motioned to boss Li to follow them. Soon he came to the bottom of the largest flying saucer and patted the carbon fiber landing gear with his hands. "Several people, this is a new product developed by our company, Airbus car."

"Airbus currently has four models, namely the supersonic global class, the supersonic intercontinental class, the subsonic branch line class, and the subsonic short-haul class."

"Four models, corresponding to different uses, from global travel to regional short-distance, can achieve seamless coverage of the earth's surface."

"Airbus cannot replace high-speed rail and roads, but it can completely replace aviation, and make a powerful complement to rail and road traffic."

"Our goal of Xingchen Technology is very simple ~ ~ Since West does not allow us to enter the field of aircraft, then we will destroy the aircraft species! Like mammals replaced dinosaurs, give it a species extinction!

"That's probably the case. We'll talk about the details in a moment. Do you have any questions before you go to visit?"

Having said that, Luo Jia looked at the faces of several people, but only saw the expression of a dumb wooden chicken, and all of them were stupid.

"Mr. Luo, what were you talking about these big guys just now?" Boss Wang asked in a horrified voice.

"Bus." Luo Jia crooked her head. "This simple question, don't you see it? This car, this seat, and these safety armrests are obviously buses."

Boss Wang:% ¥¥% ……% ¥ #

Boss Li: %% ¥¥ ## @@

Mr. Lin: & ……% ¥ # @@ ¥%

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