Technological Hegemony

Chapter 541: Shangfei came down, Xingchen Technology was on top!

Xingchen Technology's Starship Engineering Corps is a top team. Now Luo Jia has decentralized the Starship Engineering Corps' technology and used the technology of starships to build air buses. In this case, all the chief executives of the three major automobile factories are given to Startled.

Boss Li and others were all born in cars. At most, they have seen high-speed electric sports cars. They have never seen a killer like this science fiction movie. They were stunned and scared even by the atmosphere. status.

What the **** is this?

who am I?

where am I?

What do i do

Did n’t you say you want to inspect the bus? What the **** is it to drop a bunch of flying saucers from the sky?

[UFO Discovery] magazines that have been in operation for 38 years have stopped publication. Why do a group of UFOs come out in reality?

Xingchen Technology This is going to heaven! If you use a flying saucer as a bus, you do n’t even have to install it, right?

Don't you know how to bully me? This is obviously a flying saucer! It's a flying saucer! Definitely a flying saucer! I dare to take a head guarantee!

Within a few moments, countless thoughts and countless grass horses rushed past the heads of the three chief executives. They could hardly believe their eyes and ears, as if they were dead.

Luo Jia reached out and made a pleased gesture, and said with a smile: "Below I take everyone to visit the internal space, branch line and short-distance air buses. Because the running time is relatively short, there are stations, just like us. I usually take a bus, and when a person stands still, he grabs the handrail. "

"In consideration of flight safety, we have modified the standing position. Each person has a semi-circular backrest that can quickly support the body, and then grab the armrest like me. You try, it is safe and shaking There will be both vibration and vibration, but all are controlled within a safe range. "

Luo Jia did a demonstration for everyone. The short-distance airbus is really like an ordinary bus. It is completely free from the words luxury, luxury, and high-end. The seats are plastic, and the armrests of the standing position are steel pipes. The only difference in the car is that both the seat and the stand have been modified to tightly wrap the person to prevent the body from being thrown away during the movement.

Only after entering the cockpit did the three executives finally discover the traces of high technology. The dashboard full of buttons is complicated and esoteric. The rudder is the same as the aircraft, using mechanical power-assisted levers, and there is also a huge display screen. It is a complex parameter that ordinary people cannot understand.

The driver has two people, a human driver and a general robot. The model is the Star Spirit. This is the configuration of short-distance buses. With the increase of sailing distance and time, the number of long-distance air bus members will also increase.

"Robots can never completely replace humans. In most tasks, robots are just human assistance to assist human pilots in handling problems. After all, in an emergency, humans can really respond faster than supercomputers."

"But in other fields, such as flight attendants, ground staff, most of them are still humans. After all, we promote robots. We don't want to lay off everyone, and we don't want lazy people. So we will do everything now and in the future. May, provide opportunities for everyone to study and work. "Luo Jia explained to the three executives.

The three executives nodded again and again, revealing a thoughtful look. Luo Jia's words seemed to have no meaning, reminding them not to forget their original intentions.

In fact, Luo Jia does not oppose capital. As an important part of society, the existence of capital is indispensable, but Luo Jia firmly opposes unconstrained capital.

People living in this world can understand that some truths are always good. The reason why the contradictions between the East and the West cannot be reconciled, except for the opposition between religion and ideology, and more importantly, the limited resources.

Taking South Korea and Neon as examples, the son of the prime minister is still the prime minister, and the son of the rich is still the rich. When some people occupy too much social resources, they will use the resources they have to artificially create a class monopoly and block the passage of the civilian class. Because resources are limited, when your son crosses a class, someone from the upper class will fall.

The more resources you have, the fewer others. Even if it ’s a big day, it ’s the same truth, cold and real.

Next, Luo Jia led the three chief executives to visit the Intercontinental and Global Airbus. These two models are obviously a lot more high-end, and the large aviation seats are excellently wrapped, which is equivalent to the business class of an aircraft. The butterfly structure makes the interior The space is very spacious, with a double-layer design, with people sitting on the upper floor and cargo on the lower floor.

"If there are no problems, we will start cooperation again. Xingchen Technology is responsible for intercontinental and global models, and you are responsible for producing branch and short-haul models."

"As for the rules, as before, we have the technology, the guidance team, and the vast majority of parts, and you have to accept the management of Xingchen Technology." Luo Jia said with a smile: "If you can accept these conditions, then Let our legal team meet as soon as possible to discuss contract details. "

Cooperation with Xingchen Technology is simple, because Luo Jia upholds the principle of making money for everyone and does not desperately squeeze partners. All the companies that have come together with the tough guys in these years have achieved considerable development.

However, from another perspective, the cooperation with Xingchen Technology is also complicated. Not many partners have been seen because of their incompetence or violated the management of Xingchen Technology. They were ruthlessly kicked out and eventually went bankrupt.

This is perhaps the price theory that Luo Jia believes in. Everything in the world has a price. Otherwise, why should Star Technology give its technology and components to its partners to use? After boarding the ship of Xingchen Technology, it is necessary to accept the arrangement and management of the captain.

"no problem!"

"Absolutely no problem!"

After seeing the power of airbus, Boss Li and Boss had already thrown their previous ideas out of Jiuxiaoyun and rushed to cooperate with Luo Jia.

What kind of airbus is Luo Jia? This is to subvert the current traffic pattern of the earth. If it is not on this express train, they will have time in the future to regret it.

As for accepting the management of Xingchen Technology, compared to bankruptcy liquidation, being managed is really nothing, at least there is still food to eat, after all, Luo Jia has always taken his own path and left others with nowhere else to go. .


"Sure enough, our airworthiness certificate application was rejected again."

"The reason they refused last time was that the charging and discharging modules were not fully verified. In China, we have high-power wireless charging equipment. Multiple charging modules work together to ensure that the battery pack is always fully charged."

"However, if our aircraft is sold abroad, most countries do not have high-power wireless charging equipment and can only use traditional line charging. Considering the backwardness of foreign infrastructure, we can only recognize that, in accordance with Western requirements, step by step Do charge and discharge safety verification, move battery packs to many countries, even backward Africa, and use local charging equipment for durability testing. "

"But after we finally completed the charge and discharge safety verification, they put forward new requirements and asked us to conduct a water permeability test for the motor. The test standard is several times higher than the internal combustion engine."

"I'm not convinced and questioned why we should do such a high standard of water permeability test. They said that everyone uses internal combustion engines, but you use electric motors, so you have to test to a higher standard."

"I'm even more angry, telling them, you can't develop high-efficiency ultrasonic motors lately, is it still our fault?"

"They said, who makes you different from others? Everyone uses an internal combustion engine, so you use batteries and motors, so you want to get an airworthiness certificate, the standard is higher than everyone ..."

In a small tavern mainly serving Hunan cuisine, Du Liangyu, chief engineer of COMAC, was already drunk for five or six minutes, with a flush on his face and a clear mood in his tone.

Sitting opposite him was Ma Chuncheng, the second leader of Xingchen Technology's electrical department. He focused on electromagnetic physics.

Ma Chuncheng and Du Liangyu are fellow alumni and alumni. They usually have more contacts. They can always have a meal every three to five. Personal contact can be quite good.

Today they were together again. However, everyone could see that Du Liangyu was very unhappy. He offered to drink one after the other. He had always had a bad drink. Two bottles of beer had started talking to himself.

Ma Chuncheng listened silently, and when Du Liangyu was seven or eight minutes drunk, he called on behalf of the driver, sent him home, and then dialed Luo Jia's phone.

"General Luo, it seems that the news is true. Old Du said personally that COMAC was rejected by the two major air traffic control agencies in North America and Europe and asked them to re-perform the water permeability test of the motor." Ma Chuncheng said in a deep voice.

"It's normal." Luo Jia said at the other end of the phone. "It's not only a big plane, but the road will be getting harder and harder. It's good to touch nails, but it will also cause bloodshed."

"Take finance, for example, the absolute commanding heights of the five hegemonies. However, you know, the world uses the North American financial settlement system. Once North America goes down, we will be excluded from the global settlement system. All foreign trade transactions All must be terminated. "

"This is too scary ~ ~ Although in addition to the North American settlement system, we also have some small financial channels, the proportion is really low and it will be difficult to use in a short time, so the situation is far more than everyone thinks Medium complexity. Be prepared for long-term difficulties. "

Ma Chuncheng frowned. "What should we do? Watch our big airplane project get stuck in the neck?"

Luo Jia smiled, "It is because of the difficulty that we have to overtake the curve, compete asymmetrically, and use electric aircraft to fight against Western fuel aircraft. The technical gap is too small, and it does not reflect our advantage at all. not enough."

"If you do n’t take commercial competition, you have to take it. Since you are taking a shot, you must be firm and accurate."

"There is only one solution at the moment, and that is to fly down, we are on top!"

"Don't care whether it's a large or a small plane. Lao Tzu has no interest in such backward products as planes. The sky in the future cannot be ruled by planes, and flying saucers are almost the same."

"Of course, we need to unify the outside world. Whoever asks, the project launched this time is a bus. Even if they say that it is a big deal, we don't admit that there is even a dime relationship between the gadget and the flying saucer."

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