Ning Naval District.

General Lu Wei is organizing a working meeting.

Because the instructions for the work arrangement meeting of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft held yesterday and today have been issued to the military regions.

As a military region that cooperates with the research institute to conduct research and development.

Of course, it is necessary for Lu Wei to emphasize the work arrangement with the research and development units and departments of the military region.

When the work arrangements of Jiang Chen, who had just been appointed deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, were announced.

The whole venue exploded like popcorn.

“Folks, am I blind or not?”

That work schedule is written incorrectly, right?

2000 days I think it’s pretty much the same! ”

“No, you’re not blind, he didn’t write it wrong, this new vice president’s schedule is like this, the comrade who just returned from Yanjing is still complaining to me!”


20 days??? Variable cycle adaptive engine ???

The new deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter is joking with us, right? ”

“WDNMD, this is not the right person, 20 days, the engine fan blade can not be developed out, but also directly developed a variable cycle adaptive engine, is this not a fantasy?”

“Helplessly, I have no culture, a sentence to listen to the world, a person wants to overcome so many technical barriers in such a short period of time, is this Nyima going to be a god?”

“It’s simply not possible! It’s all! ”

“But no, I can understand that the new official took office with three fires, but this is also too outrageous, this Nyima is simply three hundred thousand fires burned together, want to burn us to death…”

“The donkeys of the production team don’t dare to do this…”


Lu Wei looked at the whole venue and smiled helplessly.

To tell the truth, he was also shocked when he saw Jiang Chen’s work arrangements this morning…

Although he was like Feng Chang’an, he very much hoped that the sixth-generation fighter would take off early.

But two months is really outrageous.

It is really not that he does not believe in Jiang Chen, but that he really violates the law of scientific development and the process of historical development.

Lu Wei sighed and knocked on the table and smiled

“Peaceful and quiet!

No matter how the above decision is made, the research units of our Ning Naval District can cooperate with the work without shame.

Don’t gossip, as for the results, just leave it to time to verify…”

Lu Wei was holding the microphone while speaking.

Guard Xiao Wang rushed directly into the conference hall!

Under everyone’s doubtful eyes.

There was a meeting, how did Xiao Wang rush directly into the conference room?

Sweating profusely and gasping for breath, Xiao Wang handed the satellite phone to Lu Wei.

“General Lui!

406 Soong Director Phone.

Seven Star Top Secret! ”

Seven star top secret five words out of the moment.

The doubt in the eyes of all the people who were originally confused instantly turned into shock!

Dragon country confidentiality agreement, top secret information are all starred.

From one star to seven stars, each represents different levels of confidentiality.

And the seven stars are obviously the highest level of secrecy!

Lu Wei heard Xiao Wang’s words and quickly evacuated everyone in the venue, the seven-star top-secret information was not something that everyone present could listen to!

The moment the entire venue was emptied, Lu Wei pressed the answer button.

“Director Song, I am Lu Wei!”

Seven-star top secret means…??? ”

Song Guosheng took a deep breath, and a slightly trembling voice came into Lu Wei’s ears.

“General Lui.

Vice President Xiaojiang has overcome the technical barrier of the sixth-generation fighter variable cycle adaptive engine!

It is related to the national six-generation fighter strategy.

For the absolute security of the data.

Please arrange a special escort to Yanjing! ”

When Song Guosheng’s voice fell, Lu Wei was already stupid.

What’s the thing???

The technical barriers of variable-cycle adaptive engines have been overcome???

If he was not mistaken, the meeting on the work arrangement of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft was only held this morning.

It was just afternoon to return to Ninghai from Yanjing.

It’s not dark yet….

There are less than 3 hours in between….

Song Guosheng told him that the technical barrier of the variable cycle adaptive engine had been overcome?!!!

“Old Song, this joke is not funny, are you serious?”

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