This is really not that Lu Wei does not believe in Song Guosheng, it is really that Song Guosheng’s words are a bit too sensational…

Song Guosheng on the other end of the phone helplessly smiled bitterly:

“General Lui, I’m not kidding you…

At first, I didn’t believe that Vice President Xiaojiang could make the variable cycle adaptive engine land within 20 days….

However, as soon as we returned to the research institute, Vice President Xiaojiang began to tackle the technical problems without stopping.

And then as you heard.

Less than three hours….

The variable cycle adaptive engine has been conquered! ”

When Lu Wei heard Song Guosheng’s words, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.


No wonder this boy was so crazy from yesterday to this morning, the feelings really have that diamond!

One person, three hours.

Thirty years of scientific research in a country, or thirty years of bald eagles, this is a real cattle batch!

“Without saying anything, I immediately dispatched two arrow-20s to send materials to Yanjing!”

“If you can, as soon as possible, Vice President Xiaojiang wants to get the approval as soon as possible and then enter the production link!”


Lu Wei, who hung up the phone, sat in a chair.

The back that has always been straight can’t be straightened at this time….

It was the first time he had felt such admiration for a scientist.

At the same time, my back was full of cold sweat.

Fortunately, at that time, the old guy from Feng Chang’an flew the helicopter quickly, and if Vice President Xiaojiang was seduced by those high-tech enterprises in foreign countries…

How much they had to lose in the Dragon Kingdom!

Although Xiao Wang, who was standing next to Lu Wei, could not hear the contents of the satellite phone, he roughly guessed what this so-called seven-star top-secret information was…

Because between General Lu’s words, it is easy to judge that it is related to Jiang Chen, the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane who just took office this morning.

Coupled with General Shanglu’s shock and powerlessness…

Xiao Wang guessed that there is a good chance that everyone thinks that the variable cycle adaptive engine has been technically completed!

Thinking of this, Xiao Wang didn’t even feel much sense in breathing.

The gap between people….

It’s really too big.

He joined the army at the age of sixteen and is now twenty-one years old as a general’s guard.

It is already a coveted position for many people.

And Jiang Chen, who is the same age as himself.

Now he is the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter of the national key strategic project.

The most important thing is that the deputy chief designer is also counted.

People still really have real talent and practical learning.

Three hours….

The variable cycle adaptive engine that Bald Eagle threatens to conquer in 30 years was developed.

Heaven is so unfair!

But Xiao Wang was very happy.

Because Jiang Chen was like a gift and guidance from heaven to the Dragon Kingdom.

As long as Jiang Chen is there.

Maybe the sixth-generation fighter can really take off in two months!


Lü Wei looked at Xiao Wang’s stunned appearance and smiled

“Xiao Wang, you don’t have to be arrogant.

Although Vice President Xiaojiang is always a genius, you are not bad! ”

Lu Wei is a person.

At a glance, I could see why Xiao Wang was in a daze.

Xiao Wang also nodded, indicating that he had figured it out.

Lu Wei stopped the waist bar again.

He took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Wang.

“Xiao Wang, transfer me to the air base!”


Ninghai Naval District Air Base.

The base at sunset is exceptionally beautiful.

The one-day training of the Ninghai Air Force has also gradually come to an end.

Chen Shan and Chen He, two brothers who came out of the training ground, supported each other, both of them were air force recruits, and the high-intensity training was a bit unbearable for each other.

But they didn’t have the slightest resentment.

They want to become pilots who can act alone as soon as possible and become the people’s soldiers who protect the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

This is also the origin of their name.

The veteran who had just come out of the airport was teaching the two while talking about recent events.

“It’s been almost 10 years since our Arrow-20 came out, right?”

Although it is excellent in the fifth-generation fighter, it is still not suitable for long-range combat.

When do you think we’ll be able to fly a sixth-generation fighter? ”

“Dude, you don’t think the fighter is as fast as your phone is updating, do you?”

At present, many countries still have three generations of aircraft….

If you can drive a fifth-generation fighter to guard the mountains and rivers, you will secretly have fun! ”

“But isn’t it, it is said that the sixth-generation fighter on the Bald Eagle side will take 10 years to come out, how long do you think it will take for our Dragon Kingdom?”

“In fact, I have a gossip here, my friend at the institute said that there is a major breakthrough in the research and development department of the sixth-generation fighter.

It is said to be a huge breakthrough in stealth, and it seems that the deputy chief designer of the new sixth-generation fighter aircraft took office at today’s meeting, and even threatened to let the sixth-generation fighter take off within two months! ”

“Sleeper, really fake, two months?” How is this possible! ”

“Hey, I hope to fly the sixth-generation fighter plane sooner, but two months seems to be a bit of a fantasy?”

“As soon as we fly the plane, don’t worry about people building airplanes, just defend the country well, or train well!”

“Yes, rest, and then train tomorrow!”


The discussion of a group of pilots’ predecessors echoed in Chen Shan’s ears and Chen He’s ears.

The two looked longingly at the sunset in the sky.

What a sixth-generation fighter deputy chief designer!

There are such grand ambitions!

Not only did they not make fun of the vice president at all, but they believed in the new vice president, in their opinion.

What the Dragon Kingdom lacks now is to have talents who dare to break through the bamboo!

When the two were looking forward to the future and Jiang Chen, they received an order to assemble urgently.

“All pilots, assemble at the training ground within three minutes!”

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