125. we must find that hero

A terrorist attack that occurred simultaneously throughout Paris.

People who had become horribly distraught poured out into the streets.


“What the hell is this!”

“Hey heck, it’s a terror! terror! Some madmen are exploding bombs and shooting guns. Run away if you want to live!”

At that time, citizens pouring into the streets panic and run away with all their might.

Gyu-ha was walking calmly with a crepe he bought on the street in his hand.

well well

“Hmm… Terror… Normal shooting tomorrow will be difficult.”

A man who roughly blocks the blood from flowing to his head with his clothes and runs.

A woman holding on to a bloody arm and weeping, etc.

The streets of Paris, where romance flowed, were full of screams and fear, as if it had never happened.

“The Bataclan Theater has been taken over by terrorists!”

“oh my god! My friend said he was going to see a performance there.. so black”

Kyu-ha, who was trudging along, stopped.

“The Bataclan Theater…? Dragon of Death Metal?”

Kyuha tilted her head at the familiar word, then nodded.

“ah…! This is the place where Seongil said earlier that he was going to see some kind of performance.”

Kyu-ha, who didn’t want to care much because it had nothing to do with him, was worried.

“Hmm. Still, I know Seong-il, and if there was an accident, the filming would be hindered.”

Gyu-ha, thinking about what to do, turned around as if he had made up his mind.

“yes. We may have gotten out of here earlier, so let’s just go as far as there.”


Another roar was heard from somewhere.

Eating the crepe in her hand, Gyu-ha headed toward the Avenue Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

When Kyu-ha arrived at the Bataclan Theatre.

Hundreds of police personnel had already surrounded the theater.

In the distance, French citizens were stomping their feet and wiping away tears, and they seemed to be the hostage’s family.

“These bastards will be punished. Taking innocent citizens and holding them hostage! hehehe, what should we do with our Jordan?”

“Just listen to their demands!!! There are our sons and daughters in there. oh please Oh God.”

bang bang bang

“Kyaaagh! guess who else died Please, if you are a cop, do something!”

Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed that many of the people inside the Bataclan Theater had not managed to get out.

Judging that it was impossible to enter the interior through the normal route, Gyu-ha quietly disappeared on the spot.

Kyu-Ha enters the Bataclan Theater using stealth techniques.

In modern times, there could be no one who could discover the stealth technique of the special killing spree.

Kyuha hid herself on the second floor balcony and watched the situation.

On the floor, a corpse that had been shot in the chest and couldn’t close its eyes met Kyu-ha’s eyes.

“A lot of people have already died.”

The moment you think that there may be benign days among those dead.

I caught Yang Seong-il standing alone and trying to explain something to the terrorist.

In a brief moment, Kyuha collected data on the enemy.

“There are three in total. Armed with a K-2C rifle, one wearing a bomb vest… He’s going to die here.”

Kyu-ha worried because he knew that dealing with an enemy who was not afraid of death was the most difficult.

It was because it was self-evident that if we gave them even a little bit of space, they would explode the bombs they were wearing and self-destruct.

Kyu-ha’s eyes quickly scanned all over the Bataclang Theater.

Gyuha stared at the ceiling for a moment, nodded slightly, then disappeared again.

Once again, Gyu-ha uses stealth techniques to get as close to the terrorists as possible.

how much time has passed

Gyu-ha’s eyes lit up as one of the terrorists took a detonator out of his pocket.

The long awaited opportunity has arrived.

Gyuha threw the stone he was holding in his hand toward the sprinkler on the ceiling.

There were two reasons for setting off the sprinklers.

The first was to create an opening by embarrassing the terrorists,

The second was to minimize possible damage from bombs.



The terrorists were taken aback by the sudden burst of water from the ceiling.

Kyu-ha snatched the detonator from leader Mohamed’s hand at the fastest speed possible.

At the same time, he grabbed Mohammed from behind and hit the back of his neck, knocking him out.

It was so swift that Mohammed could not react.

It seemed easy on the surface to stun a person by striking the back of the neck, but it required considerable skill.

If the upper part of the neck was struck obliquely with strong force, the brain would shake back and forth, causing momentary loss of consciousness.

At the same time as knocking out Mohammed, Kyuha ran to Mostefa like a lightning bolt and stunned him as well.

It was like a well thought out scenario.



Just in time, the balcony door was broken and French counter-terrorism agents pushed into the building spraying stun grenades and smoke grenades. When it was judged that the safety of the hostages could no longer be guaranteed, the suppression operation was launched.

“move! move!”

“Kill terrorists as soon as they are seen!”

It was a very swift action, befitting a unit that specialized in anti-terrorism special training.

Samuel, the team leader of the French anti-terrorism unit, was shocked to see the scene.

“No, what is this?”

How many troubles and conflicts there were before deciding on the forced suppression operation.

It was because the word suppression by force was no different from saying that they would subdue the terrorists at the cost of civilians.

So, all the crew members set the day and entered the scene, but the situation unfolding in front of them was very different from what they expected.

For some reason, strong water streams were spraying from the ceiling in all directions, and the three terrorists were lying on the floor.

Dozens of citizens held hostage hugged each other and burst into tears of relief.

“The infiltrator checks whether the terrorist is alive or dead and removes the bomb first.”


The agents who approached the terrorist put their hands on Mohamed’s neck, nodded, and quickly removed the bomb vest.

“Bomb removal complete. These bastards are still breathing.”

“great! The infiltration team drags the terrorists away, and the rest of the team rescues the citizens first!”

I wondered why the terrorists were down, but the safety of the citizens was the first priority.

In this way, the situation was quickly resolved, and the citizens who were held in the Bataclan Theater safely returned to their families.

Hotel lobby outside Paris.

The Song Table Pocha staff were uneasy, stamping their feet together.

PD Son Jun-Ik was also hanging around, biting his nails until they were tattered.

“Actor Song and Seong-il… there will be no problem, right?”

The main writer Park Yoon-hyang asked with an expression as if she would burst into tears at any moment.

“There will be no problem… I haven’t heard anything from you yet.”

“But why don’t you come like this! It’s time to come a long time ago, even if it’s already here.”

“Maybe it will take some time as the restrictions are tight all over Paris right now. Let’s wait a little bit.”

“Why is this happening all of a sudden… Even lightning in the dry sky is oily.”

Until yesterday, the song table bar team had a fun atmosphere hahahahahoho, but everyone’s hair turned white like a blank sheet of paper due to a truly unexpected terrorist incident.

“Haa… that’s right. What is this really about?”

At that time, a member of the camera crew pointed at the front door with his finger and shouted.

“uh!? Seong-il hyung!!”

Everyone turned their heads toward the entrance, no matter who was the first.

“Huh! Mr Kyuha! Seongil-ah!!! Why did you come now! You were worried!! Are you okay!? Are you not hurt anywhere?”

“Sungil hyung! it’s okay!? ah! So just play phone games with me at the dorm!”

The staff rushed over and surrounded the two in an instant.

PD Son Jun-ik sighed with tears in his eyes.

“Are you really okay, Kyuha? Seong-il, you’re not injured either, right? Man I… how worried I was. you Mr. Lee! Black. I heard that a bomb went off where you said you were going to see a performance, Mr. Lee… Anyway, I’ll see you later. black”

Yang Seong-il soothed PD Son Jun-ik, who burst into tears that he had endured.

“P.D. no, bro really sorry. I’ll just be stuck in my dorm. I installed it just to watch a performance, and it really came back to life.”

“No man. where is your fault Those bad terrorists did it wrong. Anyway, it was fine without any injuries. Kyuha is also very fortunate. Where was Kyuha-san?”

Yang Seong-il seemed startled at Son Jun-ik’s question, but Kyu-ha answered calmly.

“Fortunately, I was away from the site of the attack. The police told me to get out of here quickly, so on the way back to the dorm, I met Seong-il by chance and came in together.”

“ah! Yes. Anyway, thank you very much. While waiting, one minute felt like a year.”

If you think about it in detail, it was a contradictory answer, but Son Jun-ik, who was important to the fact that the two returned safely, did not pay much attention.

“The atmosphere is so bad right now because of the terror. Both of you must have been surprised, but let’s go back to the dorm today, get some rest, and schedule a return trip tomorrow as soon as possible. We will withdraw from filming.”

The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs quickly issued a travel warning to all of France, and PD Son Jun-ik also received many calls.

Anyway, the amount was drawn enough in Grenoble, so I decided to return home quickly.

In room 304 Kyuha’s dorm.

Feeling tired for the first time in a long time because he had a lot of work to do today, Kyuha finished taking a shower and went to bed early.

When I checked my cell phone, there were many contacts due to the Paris terrorism.

Responding to each one, he conveyed his comfort.

Knock Knock

“brother. It’s the holy day. I’m sorry I’m late, but can I come in for a minute?”


When Kyu-ha opened the door, Yang Seong-il entered with a cautious expression.

“You must be tired, but I’m sorry for being late. brother. I think I didn’t properly say thank you earlier.”

I went right in front of King Yeomra, but I wonder if he had time to think properly.

Yang-il came into the dorm and recalled what had happened to him.

Maybe it’s because of his original personality, but he still feels unrealistic, and he’s in good condition considering he’s been to the brink of death.

“Why did Gyuha-nim appear there? Could a normal person do that in that situation? Then, what kind of person is Song Gyu-hara?”

Yang Seong-il’s head became complicated.

“Eight! No matter how much I think about it, no answer comes out. Let’s just go find it.”

The fact that Gyu-ha Song is a benefactor who saved his life, no matter who he is, has not changed.

no. He was a righteous man who saved not only himself, but dozens of lives.

It was the right thing to do to properly thank them.

“Because I was not in a good mood, I couldn’t say hello properly. Thank you so much for saving me. Just as the kaleidoscope of life passed by, I thought that Yang Sung-il’s life would end here. I really didn’t know in my wildest dreams that my brother would appear right there.”

Kyuha smiled and said.

“done. I’m glad you’re alive until I’m gone. ah! And don’t tell anyone else that I saved you. You’ll think it’s strange.”

“Of course I think it’s strange! What kind of actor infiltrates the terrorist scene and subdues the three terrorists casually!”

“Your brother must have something to do with it. It’s a benefactor’s request, so of course I’ll keep quiet. Anyway, thank you again. You must be tired, so go to sleep. I will go in too.”

“yes. Seongil-ah. Hurry up and get some rest.”

next day.

The wounds inflicted on France by IS’ indiscriminate terror were so fatal that they could not be easily healed.

Terrorism occurred simultaneously in at least seven places, including the 1st, 10th, and 11th arrondissements of Paris, France, and all of them were bombed and shot.

The Bataclang theater, which suffered the most damage, also killed about 30 people due to bombs and gunfire planted by the terrorists in the early stages.

French President Volande declared a state of emergency and immediately enforced border closures.

A three-day mourning period was declared across France.

Around that time, strange rumors began to circulate in Paris.

“There is someone else who caught the Bataclan Theater terrorist. We must find that hero.”

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